The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 90: Acrobat 7


"Xinxing, I've been thinking about it all night, why don't we call the police."

The next day, when Gu Xinxing was about to go to the open space not far from Jiang Liu's house to practice exercises, one of her companions suddenly stopped her.

"That's right, let's call the police and ask the police to find out, or if the other party is really a pervert who abuses children, will he hurt us?"

That companion's words were unanimously approved by everyone.

Gu Xinxing thought for a while, put down the camera and agreed.

Because the nearest public security station is far from Shi'ao Village, and the mountain road is steep, even though this is a mountain road that has been briefly repaired, the police still drive the car very carefully, so about an hour after calling the police, the police Just arrived in a hurry.

Gu Xinxing, who had been waiting for a long time, was a little impatient at this moment, and felt that according to the speed of the police here, they might not be able to help those poor children at all.

It's just that since the police came, she patiently told the police what she saw yesterday, and asked them to rescue the child and punish the scumbag.


"Why are the police here?"

"Is it the little girl who called the police? Why doesn't she listen to persuasion so much, she's making trouble for people."

"that is!"

The villagers heard the noise and came out of the house, looking at a few young people in police uniforms, as well as Gu Xinxing and others who were following the police, with dissatisfaction on their faces.

Of course they had guessed that these police officers were brought by Gu Xinxing and others for what happened yesterday.

And Gu Xinxing also heard those gossip, she felt a little wronged, and she became even more angry because of these words.

"Comrade police, look, it's that person!"

When Gu Xinxing brought the police over, Xiao Binbin and others had already started to practice basic skills, because the most painful and arduous bone-setting process had passed when she waited for the police to arrive for more than an hour.

In the ears of the police, she described to them what she saw yesterday, and pointed to Jiang Liu, indicating to the police that this was the child abuse she reported.

"What about your village chief?"

The middle-aged policeman at the head asked the villagers on the edge that this kind of closed small village is different from other places. To handle the case, you still have to find an authoritative elder to control the market, especially when they are here to deal with a child abuse case. It is necessary to collect more testimony, and the village chief needs to mediate from it, so that they can understand the situation.

"I'm here!"

Gu Xinxing brought the police over, and someone had already run to inform the village chief, so after the middle-aged police officer spoke up, the old village chief came over with a cane.

"Village chief, where do you see any vacant rooms, I'll find someone to ask some questions."

The policeman asked the village chief.

"Just the Jiang family, his house is big, and the question you asked is also about him."

The old village chief pointed to the second floor of the small pile not far away. The police saw that Jiang Liu had no objection, so they followed.

Jiang Liu and the old village chief followed the police in, then the old village chief came out and called the three children in, followed by the parents of these children, one went in and the other came out, while Gu Xinxing and others who reported the case were waiting outside the house .

"How about Xinxing, can you hear what they said?"

The girl who filed the police asked Gu Xinxing, who was stepping on her feet and looking into the house through the window.

"can not hear."

Gu Xinxing shook his head.

She saw two policemen sitting on chairs, Jiang Liu sitting opposite the policemen. At first, the policemen were still serious, but not knowing what he and the village chief were arguing about, the expressions of the two policemen were visibly relaxed.

Gu Xinxing bit her lip, intuition that her wish seemed to be in vain.

The conversation went on for nearly half an hour. After seeing the two police officers stand up, Gu Xinxing even shook hands with the pedophile, which really made her feel sick.

After thinking for a while, Gu Xinxing took out the camera and took a picture of this scene.

When the police came out, she acted like she didn't see anything and didn't do anything.


"Little girl, we all understand clearly, these are all misunderstandings."

The older policeman said with a smile, "What you saw yesterday was a child practicing qigong. This little brother came here when he was young. Maybe you outsiders don't understand the economic conditions here. Many people can't even feed their children. It’s a good thing to be able to learn a skill, you suffer a little bit when you’re young, and you can live a better life when you grow up.”

He had just learned about the situation with the village chief, the children themselves, and their elders, and there was no coercive nature of coercion.

And he also learned about Jiang Liu and his ancestors' contribution to the local area from the village chief.

For example, building a mountain road, for example, providing briquettes to the elderly in the village over 60 years old or with particularly difficult conditions in winter.

According to the village chief, Jiangliu has already approved a piece of land to build a special acrobatics school, which will accommodate children from difficult families who are unwilling to study, so that the children can develop skills, which is very important for many local families. is a good thing.

"How can this be considered a bit of hardship? He broke the bones of those children. Children of this age don't study hard, but learn these skills of suffering. Don't their parents feel distressed?"

Gu Xinxing couldn't understand it very much. If it was just the leg pressing and other basic skills in dancing, she could understand it, but she could take off the bones of a person and go back straight. She really couldn't imagine that in today's society, there are still people who need it. learn this skill.

"Now the country implements nine-year compulsory education. These children learn this from him and don't go to school. Is this also legal?"

Gu Xinxing thought that it would not cost much to go to school. Now that nine-year compulsory education is popularized, there is no need for much tuition at all. She has inquired before that there is an elementary school at the foot of the mountain, and it also provides loving meals at noon. Affordable.

I am afraid that the parents of these children just want to squeeze the last value from their children, and have not considered them at all.


Two policemen, you look at me, and I look at you.

The nine-year compulsory education is good, and the schools at the foot of the mountain only charge a few dozen yuan per year for tuition and miscellaneous fees, but in this impoverished county, there are too many children who cannot finish their studies because of various problems.

Some are to take care of the younger brothers and sisters at home, and some are because the road to school is difficult. Not every village is as lucky as Shi'ao Village, and a generous Jiang Sanchun has rebuilt the mountain road.

In this area, because the road to school is difficult, there are many accidents among students.

The state has been increasing capital investment and support for poverty-stricken areas, but this does not happen overnight. Now this little girl takes it for granted that children should study, study with peace of mind, and grow up happily and healthily. The two policemen were too naive to see.

Could it be that just because the country once had the goal of achieving a well-off society in an all-round way for 20 years, did she really think that all families in China were well-off families

In poor areas, there are still many helpless.

The two policemen are locals, and they have read a lot of sad stories caused by lack of money.

"These children are not yet 14 years old. What that man did is to abuse children. You should arrest him."

Gu Xinxing saw that the policeman did not speak, thinking that the policeman was speechless by her question, and immediately asked aggressively. According to laws and regulations, Jiang Liu's behavior should have violated the law and should be punished by the law.

"Why can't you tell me that little girl, you are willing to do it yourself, and your family agrees, you need to be an outsider who is yelling at you, you don't understand anything, and you still bring the police, get fucked, I Don't want your stinky money, you all leave Shi'ao Village for me."

The elderly village chief was so angry that he explained it to the little girl so many times, but she insisted that the child should study.

Who will pay for the study? Who will take care of the families of the children? Emotionally, she is standing and talking without back pain, but as long as she has a little ability, can the elders not hurt the child? Why do so many young people here never return? Not too noisy.

After all, Jiang Liu is willing to come back and help everyone. If she gets chills, who can these old people rely on.

It’s not like there are no children in the village, but the teachers in the school under the mountain are really poor, and often they can’t continue their studies after they reach junior high school. 's coolie.

Occasionally a few can be admitted to university, but how many in a hundred children.

It is hard to follow Jiang Liu to learn art, but to enjoy the happiness in the future, the people in the village have their own measures.

The old village head tremblingly stretched out his hand and took money into his pocket. He hadn't saved the food expenses that Gu Xinxing and others gave him, and he didn't count the food expenses yesterday, and put the money directly into the hands of Gu Xinxing and others.

"That's right, don't stay with us if you don't like it. We're poor, so we have to suffer and suffer, so don't get your eyes dirty."

The other old people in the village followed, and the few young people left even made moves to chase people away.

With two policemen guarding, Gu Xinxing and the others hurriedly packed up and left in a police car.

At the foot of the mountain, the police persuaded them a few more words, but now Gu Xinxing was already on the cusp of a bullshit.

She has never suffered such grievances since she grew up, she can't believe it anymore, and she can't seek justice.


"The police have obviously been bought by the man. This kind of impoverished county is all ventilated from top to bottom. The clan forces are more rampant than the official, and the police dare not help us at all."

Gu Xinxing showed a few friends the photo she took during the day. That photo was the photo she took of Jiang Liu shaking hands with the police through the window.

"It's said that poor mountains and bad waters make troublesome people. Look at these people today, they smashed us out with good manners, and almost didn't even let us take anything. I think we should leave this business alone. They are happy to watch their children suffer. We It's not a relative, not a relationship, so what do you do to manage people's families?"

One of the men in the team said unhappily that it was the first time he had been kicked out.

"How can we ignore it? Children are innocent. At their age, they should study hard. Their parents are irresponsible for money, so we made this a big issue and made them have to be responsible."

Gu Xinxing said firmly.

The few children who followed Jiang Liu to practice Kung Fu were only seven or eight years old. Children of this age did not understand anything. If they said they were voluntary, they were probably forced by their parents. Not a masochist.

She felt that the standard of living here, although not good, was far from the point where she needed to expose her children to such crimes.

Yesterday they ate at the village chief's house, dry rice mixed with sweet potatoes, four dishes, two meat dishes, and soup stewed by half an old hen. Gu Xinxing felt that the standard of living in the village was at least more than adequate.

How did she know that this meal was arranged by the village chief with the thirty yuan each of them gave each of them a day, otherwise, who would be willing to kill the old hen that lay eggs at home

However, it was this meal that gave Gu Xinxing the illusion that the locals had good food, which made it even more unbearable for her to have children learning this outrageous feudal dross acrobatics under this standard of living.


The next day, Gu Xinxing secretly ran up to the mountain with a pack of white rabbit toffee, hiding from his friends, and stopped one of Jiang Liu's apprentices while the adults in the village were not paying attention.

"Come here, little one, and my sister will give you candy."

Gu Xinxing waved at Xu Quanjun, she recognized that this was the child who cried badly that day.

"You are the bad guy who called the police to arrest my master."

Xu Quanjun also recognized Gu Xinxing.

"These are all misunderstandings, don't you think the police didn't arrest your master?"

Gu Xinxing smiled at Xu Quanjun, then took out a handful of white rabbit toffee and put it in her hand.

Xu Quanjun had also eaten White Rabbit toffee. He knew that this candy was very expensive and had to go to the largest supermarket in the county to buy it. Master often bought it in the town, so Master's house didn't often have it.

Xu Quanjun swallowed and walked over to take the candy.

"Your name is Xu Quanjun, what kind of kung fu did you practice?"

Gu Xinxing was afraid that the child had been taught by adults and would not tell the truth, so she did not ask her own questions directly, but chose the method of persuasion.

"Bone-shrinking skills, my master is amazing. He has toured all over the country and made a lot of money."

Xu Quanjun ate a piece of candy, then hid the rest and prepared to eat slowly.

"Bone Shrinking Technique, it's amazing to hear the name!"

Bone shrinkage? Isn't this something only in martial arts

This made Gu Xinxing feel that Jiang Liu was an uneasy liar.

"Does it hurt to practice this exercise?"

Gu Xinxing asked again.

"It hurts, it hurts to death, but I'm used to it now. When I first started practicing a year ago, I cried for several days, and my throat was hoarse."

Xu Quanjun told the truth and did not realize what was wrong with this answer.

"A year ago, at what age did you start practicing?"

Gu Xinxing asked.

"Eight years old, my senior brother and junior junior started practicing at the age of six, I am too old."

Xu Quanjun said with some pity.

"Practice is so painful, you never thought about not practicing and going to school well?"

When Gu Xinxing heard that there was still a child at the age of six, she started practicing this terrifying kung fu, and her liver hurt with anger.

"I don't have money at home. Everyone said that if I learn my skills from the master, I will be able to make money in the future. If I don't tell you, I have to go to practice."

Xu Quanjun became impatient, he licked his lips, waved his hand and rushed towards the master's house.

With a poor family background and the brainwashing temptation of the surrounding people, Gu Xinxing connected the process of children learning art under the temptation of unscrupulous elders and masters.

She glanced at the mobile phone that had not stopped shooting, and once again quietly left the village as she had come.