The Analects of Righteous Father’s Collapse

Chapter 94: Acrobat 11


The reporters at the scene forgot to press the shutter button, and the audience watching the live broadcast was even more depressed.

Isn't Xiao Guohui a good father? Why does Zhang Yanhong treat her husband like this in public, or is there something they don't know about this matter

"My daughter-in-law has been ill for too long, she is afraid she is confused."

Xiao Guohui's reaction was quick, he quickly wiped off the dirt on his face, then hugged Zhang Yanhong beside him tightly, hehe smiled and wanted to take her away.

"Have you forgotten your two daughters, they will arrive in Guangnan soon. You know what my woman in Guangnan does."

He threatened in Zhang Yanhong's ear, but in the eyes of those who couldn't hear him, he looked like a good husband who comforted his wife with a distressed face.

[is that so?]

[How do you feel weird...]

[That's right, Zhang Yanhong's expression seems to hate this husband, Xiao Guohui seems to be lying]

Although Xiao Guohui concealed it well, Zhang Yanhong's expression could not deceive people, and the people watching this farce still saw the clue.

There was a faint feeling in their hearts that they seemed to be slapped in the face.

"You let me go!"

Zhang Yanfen was struggling, but she was a weak woman, how could she struggle to break free from the imprisonment of a young and strong man like Xiao Guohui. Fortunately, two young men rushed over and rescued Zhang Yanfen from Xiao Guohui's hands.

These two young people came here after hearing the news. They originally planned to beat Jiang Liu to vent their anger. Now they have realized that there seems to be a hidden meaning behind this incident. Rather than venting their anger, they want to know the truth of the matter. .

"The man you see is a scum. He is a beast who can even harm his own daughter."

Zhang Yanfen panted, then pointed at Xu Quanjun's mother Chang Hong and Wang Gouzi's parents, whose eyes were dodging.

"Do you think these guys are also good people? Wrong, they are all scumbags. They don't even raise their own children. If it wasn't for this man, they wanted to use this news to ask for money from Jiang Liu. Come out, do you think they will come back? Will they act like good parents and good mothers in front of your eyes?"

Zhang Yanfen regretted her previous act of forgiving Xiao Guohui, but she still looked at this man highly. For the sake of money, he was not even a human being. He directly became a dog, or he was even worse than a dog. Rice, feed it and drink some water, it also knows how to be grateful.

[what happened? Listening to this woman, it seems that these people abandoned their children before, and now they are back for extortion.]

[It seems like this, but Jiang Liu is not a good person, is it a dog bites a dog?]

[emmmmm, according to the development trend of this matter, I have begun to doubt whether Jiang Liu is a good person.]

Viewers watching the live broadcast were puzzled, and they realized that things didn't seem to be what they thought.

"Zhang Yanfen, what are you talking about, who doesn't raise children anymore?"

Wang Fen's eyes flickered. He and his daughter-in-law took one hand of their son, and then defended, "I'm not working outside to earn money for my child."

So many reporters are watching. If this matter is confirmed, I am afraid that their reputations will be ruined, and their jobs may not be able to be preserved.

"I bother!"

Zhang Yanfen still wanted to spit on Wang Fen's face again, but she said too much and her mouth was dry.

"You pat yourself on the chest and ask, did you raise your son, if it wasn't for Jiang Liu who fed him a lot every day, and deliberately made an excuse to cook more food for him to bring home to your mother, I'm afraid your son Both your hunchbacked mother and your mother starved to death. In the cold weather, Jiang Liu also brought briquettes to your mother. Aunt Wang, if you still have any conscience, you should stand up and say something to Jiang Liu. , is Jiang Liu being kind to you?"

Aside from Zhang Yanfen's distress for her son's learning of bone shrinking, she remembers and is grateful for Jiang Liu's help this year.

And even if it was distressed because her son learned the bone-shrinking technique, Zhang Yanfen knew that Jiang Liu could not be blamed for this. After all, he did not have to teach her son, but it was her son Binbin who had to learn.

The hunchbacked old woman who was made Aunt Wang by Zhang Yanfen saw the camera swept towards her, stiff and did not speak.

She looked at her son's hopeful eyes and lowered her head cowardly.

Just when everyone thought she was going to refute Zhang Yanfen, the silent old woman raised her head, lowered her head again, and focused several times.

She has admitted the authenticity of Zhang Yanfen's words!

Those well-meaning people who followed were confused. They were different from reporters, purely for the sake of clicks and sales. They really wanted to do good things, thinking that a few children were mistreated and wanted to help them.

Before they came, they defined Jiang Liu as a cruel and cruel man who had learned some crooked acrobatics, but now Zhang Yanfen's words seemed to describe a different Jiang Liu for them.

"But no matter what, he doesn't have to force the children to learn any bone-shrinking skills. If he really is good for the children, why doesn't he donate money to let the children go to school?"

Gu Xinxing stood up, she looked at Zhang Yanfen stubbornly, does a little kindness mean that children should sacrifice their happiness and health

She didn't think it should be like this.

"You are also a mother. Are you willing to watch your children suffer? If your family is really in trouble, you can ask the society for help. Now there are so many kindhearted people, there will be many people willing to help you."

To say that Gu Xinxing is bad, it is obviously not. She is a kind-hearted girl who has not experienced too much wind and rain. She feels that her starting point is good. She feels that there are 10,000 solutions in front of difficulties. Skill is obviously the least desirable of the ten thousand methods in her mind, and should be banned.

"You're the girl who made such a big news?"

Zhang Yanfen couldn't hold it anymore, her voice was a little empty, but she still held on.

"I don't know if I should scold you, because you ruined our good days."

Zhang Yanfen's first sentence made Gu Xinxing blushed, she wanted to refute, but was stopped by Zhang Yanfen.

"Do you know how hungry you are when you only drink one bowl of soup with wild vegetables and few grains of rice for three meals a day?"

"You know that you can't afford to see a doctor. You walk to the edge of the cliff several times and want to jump off, but the pain comes back when you hear the child's cries?"

"Do you know the embarrassment of a woman who almost couldn't feed her two daughters because she had no milk, and wished to feed them with blood?"

"Do you know a mother who knows how painful and tiring her son's learning is, but still has to cooperate with his sadness that he pretends to think his learning is easy?"

Every time Zhang Yanfen asked a question, she staggered forward.

What she asked was something that most of the people present had never experienced before. Those in front of the live broadcast camera might not even know that there were still a group of people who couldn't eat in the corner of China.

Gu Xinxing was forced to back up again and again by her.

"You don't know anything, you are an educated college student, you are kind and naive, your parents should be able to earn money, how can you understand the sadness of us people, can I not love my children? I can't wait to dig my heart out to them."

Zhang Yanfen's breathing is getting faster and faster, "As long as life goes well, can I let my son learn this, but it's not just because life is hard, we want to live, we also want to live well!"

Zhang Yanfen's words were almost roared out by her.

Her life is really hard. If she hadn't had a sensible son, she wouldn't even know what to expect in such a life.

But they were living very hard, and a group of people who had never suffered or suffered any sins pointed them high above and asked them in a very relaxed tone why they lived so hard.

This pointer is not necessarily malicious, but it is so harsh to the ears of those who are struggling for life.

If you can, who doesn't want a high bed and soft pillows, and who doesn't want to wear fine clothes and jade food.

If possible, Zhang Yanfen also hopes that her children can sit in the classroom without any worries, and have soft cakes and smooth milk every day. Her son does not need to be young with calluses, and her daughter does not need to be young. Start doing housework.

No one is born to like to suffer and suffer, but life forces them to be like this.

Zhang Yanfen was panting violently, and the villagers who were wiping tears because of her words quickly supported her and told her to stop talking.

Zhang Yanfen still wanted to fight with those people, but at this moment, Jiang Liu, who had been standing outside the crowd, took the initiative to stand up.

He walked through the crowd, and those present recognized him as Jiang Liu, the protagonist of a video that has been reposted tens of thousands of times online.

The media reporters who were originally in a low mood suddenly cheered up, and their long guns and short guns were aimed at Jiang Liu, and the interview drafts that they had thought about had already been brewed to their lips.

"You are obviously capable, so why don't you help them in a better way? You were also guilty of practicing qigong when you were a child. Why do you want those children to suffer the same?"

Gu Xinxing, who was a little shaken by Zhang Yanfen's repeated questioning before, saw Jiang Liu appear, rushed in front of the reporter, looked at him stubbornly and asked.

In fact, this question is also a question that many netizens are confused about.

According to the information revealed by the live broadcast now, Jiang Liu is not the bad guy they imagined. He seems to have helped many people in the village who are living in difficulties, but since he has the ability, why not sponsor the children to study, the children are promising, Will definitely repay him.

As for that kind of feudal legacy of acrobatics, there is absolutely no need for inheritance.

"Do you know what the acrobatics I learned in the past was called?"

Jiang Liu did not answer this question directly, but asked back while looking at the camera.

[Juggling under the overpass?]


The reporters present and the netizens who watched the live broadcast thought of terms one after another.

"Xiajiu Liu, a long time ago, we jugglers, opera singers, matchmakers, tailors, pedicurists... were called Xia Jiu Liu."

Jiang Liu said in a deep voice: "The reputation is not good. Back then, when we were in our business, we had to find marriage and marriage in the circle. The children born were also made fun of, because those children were destined to learn these things."

"But why should we learn?"

Jiang Liu asked again, this time he didn't wait for everyone to answer, and continued to speak.

"We learn acrobatics, like those who sing opera, we are all classified as performers. This profession is hard, and it is the ability to learn at an early age. In winter, we practice Sanjiu, and summer practice Sanfu. This kung fu I learned is even more difficult. As you can see, when you are a child, you need to train the joints and muscles of the whole body. Pressing the legs and stretching the tendons is the most basic kung fu. Develop parts that can move freely.”

Jiang Liu's remarks admitted the authenticity of the video. He did remove the child's bones as in the video.

"Since you know how difficult it is, why do you force those children to learn it? It doesn't matter if this kind of kung fu is lost."

Gu Xinxing asked, this was the point she was most dissatisfied with Jiang Liu.

Jiang Liu ignored her and continued talking.

"Learning this practice is hard. Not only will you suffer when you learn it, but when you get older, there will be a lot of sequelae. For example, I am not tall and thin. Because of my childhood practice, I also suffer from rheumatism. It hurts when it rains."

Jiang Liu criticized the disadvantages of this kung fu on his own, which made everyone who was listening puzzled.

Shouldn't he make a quibble at this time, such as talking more about how much money he can make by practicing this kung fu, and how good a life he can live by practicing this kung fu.

Jiang Liu played his cards completely out of common sense.

"As I said earlier, learning this trade has a bad reputation and suffers, but from ancient times to the present, there are still few people who are inferior? How many people from my great-grandfather's generation want to learn this skill, but most of these stunts are They are all passed down to men and not women, and even less to outsiders. That is a skill that is not taught no matter how much money is paid to apprentice. I have already said that, why are people still willing to learn this skill even today? According to this small According to the girl, this skill is so annoying, so just let it go to waste, and no one will learn it from now on, but why did the ancients prefer to be called a low-ranking class to learn these things, and why do people still know that it suffers If you want to learn this stuff, because you are poor, because you can't live a good life, because you learn this, it will make people feel that life has a head start!"

"Do I like this thing? Of course I don't, because I suffered a lot for it when I was a child, and I got sick because of it when I was older, and I don't have children. It has been broken down in my generation, but I know that as long as there are still poor people, as long as there are still people who can’t even eat, even if I don’t teach bone-shrinking skills here, there will still be professors surnamed Jiang and Hai. , The broken bone method, as long as the poor are still needed, this kind of kung fu that is handed down from the older generation, grinding people, and suffering will not be broken."

The thin and small man stood in the center of the crowd. His voice was not loud, but he spoke to everyone's heart.

Even some people who questioned him were silent because of his remarks.

"Many people may want to say that studying can change their lives, but the teachers here are weak, and many children can't continue to study after finishing junior high school. Most of them repeat the life of their parents after graduating from junior high school. A small number of people go out and go out, and among them, there are very few people who can make a difference. No one dares to bet that they are the one who jumped into the dragon gate. Compared with the uncertain future of study, the benefits of learning my kung fu are visible to the naked eye. Big houses, small trucks, meat for every meal, fish for every meal, this is a normal day for many of you, but for these kids, it's the best life, why do they Can’t choose to be a little bit tired now, but can be a little more relaxed in the future? Or do you have to let the children live a life that you think is good to be considered a happy life?”

This question made everyone, including Gu Xinxing, speechless.

"I have lived here since I was a child. The villagers know how I practiced when I was a child. Before accepting my apprenticeship, I signed several contracts, all of which were drawn by the elders of the three children. Even now, I still It's that sentence, if you want to learn, you can go home at any time if you don't want to."

Jiang Liu glanced at Xu Quanjun, who was standing beside his parents with a guilty conscience, and Wang Gouzi, who was still ignorant, and then looked at everyone.

"I didn't think about passing on this skill from generation to generation. Maybe one day, it will be cut off in one of my generation, which is also a good thing, because it means that there are no longer people who need it at that time. There are no more poor people."

These words are loud.

After speaking, Jiang Liu waved to the crowd, Xiao Tongtong and Xiao Shanshan happily ran over, one jumped into Jiang Liu's arms and the other into the mother's arms.

Following these two girls are two policemen who are about to be hacked on the Internet these days.

These days, they have lived a miserable life of being slandered and maliciously fabricated all kinds of jokes. Fortunately, the leaders are sensible and know that this is a trouble caused by an ignorant little girl, and they have not really been fired.

"Let's also clarify a few points. At that time, we received a call from the police, but after knowing the truth of the matter, we did not choose to arrest an innocent person. As for the photo of shaking hands with the person involved, it was because we From the village chief's mouth, I learned that the mountain road you are going up the mountain was repaired by Jiang Liu's father, and Jiang Liu has been paying money to repair it over the years."

"Also, it was so cold last winter. It was Jiang Liu who paid for briquettes to help the lonely old people on the mountain get through the cold winter. At that time, these people didn't know where they were."

The young policeman was also angry. When he said these words, he pointed at Wang Fen, Xiao Guohui and others.

Don't they play good fathers and sons, then when their parents and children need them the most, which Gada are they nesting in

"Little girl, it's a good thing to have a good heart, but you have to use your brains to do things in the future. Not everyone is so idle and will deceive you and hurt you. If you could have listened to what we advised you, instead of just listening to what you want to hear. , there will be no trouble now."

Before the little policeman was finished, he read Gu Xinxing sarcastically again.

If it weren't for the fact that this little girl did something, she raised a lot of money for people in need in the village, and her starting point was not to make trouble, but to do the kindness in her heart. , he has long sued the other party for defamation.

I just hope that after this lesson, she will use her brain before doing good things in the future.

"Hey, Xiao Guohui, what are you running for!"

When he saw the police and his two daughters who were supposed to be sitting on the long-distance bus to Guangnan, Xiao Guohui realized that something was wrong and planned to sneak away when no one was paying attention to him, but he was still being kept. The middle-aged policeman who was staring at him saw it, ran over quickly and pressed him under him, clasped his hands behind him, and put shackles on him.

"I suspect you are related to a child abduction case, please come with us."

Having said that, the young policeman also stepped forward and, together with the older policeman, escorted Xiao Guohui to the police car.

"You let me go, what kind of kidnapping is I taking my own daughter!"

"Hurry up and let me go, help!"

Xiao Guohui shouted loudly, and the reporter, who was still immersed in the amount of information revealed by those words just now, came back to his senses. Facing such a completely reversed turn, he picked up the camera and snapped a shot.

In any case, you have to bring some material back, this Xiao Guohui seems to be a good subject.