The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 33: hot spring encounter


It was night, in the worst courtyard of Taibai Academy, the girl rolled her hands, and there seemed to be a transparent airflow around her, covering her whole body in it.

Yuan Ming's arrogant voice was full of surprises: "Woman, I didn't expect you to be a manipulative warrior!"

"Manipulating warrior?" Helian Weiwei raised her brows. In her memory, warriors are divided into stages, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. The higher the stage, the darker the color of martial qi.

This is the first time she has heard of manipulative fighters.

Yuan Ming looked at her, with the corners of his mouth half-curved: "According to ordinary people, the elements and colors of martial qi determine the level of a warrior's ability. The lighter the color, the worse the aptitude. But!" He paused, his lips There was an evil smile in between: "The manipulative warrior is the only special case in the world! Not only is it not included in the five elements, it doesn't even have any color when it emits martial energy, but it can manipulate gold, wood, water, fire The five elements of earth, movement and intangibility, are the warriors with the strongest attack power!"

"Sounds good." Helian Weiwei lazily put a strawberry in her mouth, and brought the wooden basin over casually.

Seeing her so calm, Yuan Ming couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth. Does this woman know what the talent in her body means? What a waste of money!

It's not that Helian Weiwei doesn't care at all, it's just that her whole body is sticky and panicked, and she wants to take a bath. In order to avoid seeing anything she shouldn't see again, she knocked on the door before entering the hot spring pool, and went to the hot spring pool. Looking around, he thought that everyone should be busy cultivating martial qi now, and no one would come to practice martial qi, so he untied his clothes and stepped into the clear water pool. Up to her neck, Helian Weiwei remained motionless, as if she was asleep, her silky black hair was scattered on her porcelain-white back, looking very attractive.

At this moment, a cold air suddenly approached.


Helian Weiwei suddenly opened her eyes, put her hands on the side of the pool for a while, and instantly jumped into the air with her strength, jumping out of the barrel. A long cotton and white gown placed by the pool flew up into the air, and Helian Weiwei rolled over, and her hands and feet got into the clothes in an instant. The left hand stretched out from the sleeve, just enough to tie up the last belt of the shirt intact, the whole movement was smooth, swift and agile, and the water droplets on the hair were gradually everywhere.

At this time, a shadow gradually appeared in the mist.

That person was cold and aloof, yet independent, pure and untainted by a trace of dust.

Holding an ancient scroll in his hand, he stood on the edge of the pool, condescending, his left shoulder was lined with black dark lines, and the finely carved shoulder line was so beautiful that even the heavens and the earth were disfigured...

Who else could it be if it wasn't Baili Jiajue.

When Helian Weiwei saw it was him, she took the things and planned to leave.

Unexpectedly, for a while, Baili Jiajue pressed her whole body against the stone wall the moment she stretched out her hand...

In an instant, the man's orchid-like breath was inhaled into her nostrils. It was not rich and dusty, not the orchid fragrance in the bathroom. The fragrance was long, heavy and simple...

He put his arms on her sides, and the night hair was like a fine brocade brushing coolly on her face, covering the light that was not bright at all.

"What are you doing?" Helian Weiwei didn't expect him to make such a move, Liu raised her eyebrows slightly, hasn't the conflict between her and him been resolved

Baili Jiajue looked at her, his eyes slid inch by inch from her wet long hair to her neck, collarbone, and then her eyes sank.

"I said that I would give you some other services." The man's voice was deep, and his deep eyes could easily make people fall in. The slightly hot breath sprayed on her slender, scorching hot and seductive, bringing a slight itch: "Since you paid me the silver, of course I have to keep my word, otherwise how can I be worthy of your twenty taels." His voice was clear, but his evil smile was bewitching,

Hearing this, Helian Weiwei was taken aback for a moment, and quickly pressed Baili Jiajue's wrist, then gently pushed him away, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "That day was just an accident, I should pay you the money , you don’t need to do unnecessary things, just keep a proper distance.”

Hearing the words "keep your distance", Baili Jiajue suddenly laughed, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, and there was a cold light in his amber pupils.

Helian Weiwei didn't look at him again, turned around and walked out of the bamboo house, so as not to spread any bad rumors.

It doesn't matter to her, she just doesn't like to hurt others.

After all, reputation was still valued in ancient times. These people spent so much energy and money in hospital, one reason is to become famous here, and the other reason is to make friends with high-ranking people.

How many girls among them are here to fly up the branches and become phoenixes, who is close relatives, who cannot be offended, and who must be flattered, everyone knows in their hearts.

Therefore, she had a premonition that Helian Jiaoer's group would not let her go so easily...

The night outside the window was getting darker and darker, as if it couldn't melt the splashed ink.

Baili Jiajue was still standing in the bamboo house, his eyes were floating and sinking, as if ice was brewing.

He casually rested his free hand on the stone wall just now. It was obviously a lazy gesture, but when he did it, it interpreted the extreme danger...

When Nangong Lie came in, what he saw was this scene, and he shook his head evilly: "Chi Chi... This is the first time that a woman can not be seduced by you? It seems that our kitten is not very yearning for His Highness. ah."

Baili Jiajue's slender index finger slid across the wrench in his hand, and he glanced at him, with a kind of alienation in his elegance, inaccessible and fascinating.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Nangong Lie simply made a big list, and continued: "No wonder people say that the young lady of the Helian family is so devoted to the eldest son of the Murong family. I think that might be the case, or else Nor will she…”

Before he finished speaking, he was startled by Baili Jiajue's eyes!

That pair of bewitching eyes stared at him coldly, and he approached him step by step. He looked like a poisonous snake, and he couldn't allow anyone to say anything more.

Accompanied by the sound of "pacha", Baili Jiajue's young and vigorous figure slowly walked out of the bamboo house, completely becoming a creature of the night.

Nangong Lie froze on the spot, looking at the shattered fingers on the ground, with his mouth open, he didn't move.

He... was angry just now