The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 5: The beam is knotted


Ghost Palace

Helian Weiwei raised her brows slightly, this person is no stranger to her memory, he is the most special existence in Zhanlong Empire, as early as ten years ago, he broke through the tenth level of martial arts and became the number one martial art in the world The genius, the famous third prince of the current dynasty, should have a bright future and be able to win the world, but then the palace caught fire and let him lose all his martial energy.

That day happened to be the Ghost Festival in the seventh month of the lunar calendar, so the title of Ghost Palace has been passed down...

He didn't easily take a step out of his palace, his whereabouts became a mystery, and he was as lazy as a devil.

People are eager to get close to him, because those who have been guided by him will always break through their martial spirit in a short period of time and thus advance.

However, deep down in their hearts, they are afraid of this man and dare not approach him...



The sound of unhurried footsteps gradually approached steadily and regularly.

Helian Weiwei could clearly see that Helian Mei shivered violently.

Looking up again, a slender man appeared at the end of the river bank, with a silver face and a jade-like temperament. Even if he didn't say a word, he could feel the quietness and nobility that was higher than everyone else.

The clothes on him were complicated in style and exquisite in workmanship. It seemed that every part had reached the extreme of elegance. The wide sleeves hung down one after another, bringing out a breeze as he walked.

When he approached, he stopped slowly. The bright red material contrasted sharply with the white neck, and the pair of phoenix eyes under the mask seemed cold and glaring, as if to make all the gorgeous colors disappear. press down.

Perhaps, it's not just those eyes.

The breath of abstinence exuding from his whole body was hard to ignore.

Since he came, everything around him suddenly faded away and ceased to exist!

"I don't know His Highness is coming, so I'm really disappointed." Helian Guangyao couldn't bear to take a step forward, bowed his head and cupped his hands.

The ladies of the noble family standing on one side also bowed to salute, their eyes looked at Baili Jiajue from time to time, their eyes were full of shyness.

Helian Guangyao didn't know how long he had been here, and he didn't know how much he had heard about what happened just now, so he just wanted to speak again: "Your Highness..."

"How does the outer shirt of this hall look?" Baili Jiajue ignored Helian Guangyao, glanced at the crowd leisurely, and opened his mouth lightly...

There was a kind of empty coldness in his voice, and it was as low as a fine musical instrument, but even so, it couldn't hide the danger that radiated from him from time to time.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but they couldn't figure out the intention of this person's words.

There was a moment of stagnation in the air.

Helian Guangyao had no choice but to stand up and make a rescue: "Your Highness, you like to be quiet, there are many people here, how about we go to the study?"

Baili Jiajue gracefully fiddled with the silver knife in his hand: "This hall is asking how about the outer shirt? Lord Helian must be too old to hear clearly."

Everyone froze in place.

"How?" The silver knife pointed at Helian Mei who was still crying.

He Lianmei trembled all over, and suddenly knelt down on the ground in fright, stammering: "Three... three... Your Highness, please forgive me..."

But Baili Jiajue didn't even look at her, even Helian Jiaoer, who was passing by the fish and wild goose, was always cool and indifferent, just when everyone thought he was about to leave...

Baili Jiajue suddenly stopped in front of Helian Weiwei!

He stood in the sun, raised his head and flat eyes, dark pupils, arrogant and arrogant, directly reflected in Helian Weiwei's eyes: "What do you think?"

"Miss..." Aunt Mei tugged Helian Weiwei's sleeve worriedly, for fear that she would offend this difficult man on impulse.

Helian Weiwei didn't care about it at all, and smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth: "That's right, it's quite warm when you put it on."

"Really?" Baili Jiajue asked her casually, pinched Helian Weiwei's chin without warning, looked at her dark little face, and there was a dangerous evil in his voice: " You're good too."

Everyone was in an uproar, especially Helian Jiao'er who was standing by the side, she was holding her hands tightly, her eyes were full of vicious jealousy!

Helian Weiwei raised her eyebrows. In all fairness, the man in front of her exudes an elegance that women are obsessed with, no matter in his movements or posture.

But the only problem is... the object of his bewitchment is her!

Helian Weiwei didn't take a step back, nor did she show the slightest bit of timidity, she just smiled lightly, her clear eyes approached Baili Jiajue, and she glanced at him from top to bottom, as if she was looking at some merchandise.

Then, imitating the man's movements, she pinched his chin in a more sinister posture than the other, and lazily replied: "You look a little worse."

Damn it, this silver mask is hard and cold in the hand, it's not fun at all, this man still wears it all day, either he looks too ugly, or he has a cleanliness.

Helian Weiwei was slandering in her heart, but her delicate face didn't change at all, she had a dandyish arrogance that couldn't be blown away by eight winds!

Mei Gu had just recovered from Baili Jiajue's unexpected behavior just now, when she heard her own lady's unique provocation, she couldn't help feeling annoyed, what time is it now, and the lady was still joking, did she know her Who is this man standing in front of him!

Baili Jiajue looked at Helian Weiwei, his narrow eyes narrowed slowly...

Immediately, the water mist that diffused from the lake seemed to have completely spread into his eyes, and the black ice cold swept over the sky and covered the sky, oppressing everyone's nerves!

In the dark, countless entourage were sweating coldly, trembling with fear, not even daring to breathe.

Because they were not sure what kind of fury the master would have next, whether it would kill this Helian Weiwei, or simply stain the entire Huguo Mansion with blood!

The former can still be considered, after all, back then there was a beautiful woman who desperately wanted to climb onto the master's couch, but he sent her directly to the military camp with a wave of her hand.

the latter…

Master, calm down, this is the Huguo Mansion after all, the site of Old Man Helian back then!

If the emperor knows that you have taken over the Huguo Mansion, he will kill us!