The Antelope and Night Wolf

Chapter 1


"Then let's take this class here. Students who didn't turn in their appreciation homework last week should make up for it now."

Following Tang Xiuwen's words, the classmates in the classroom began to pack their books and leave one after another, and a few people came over with flash drives to make up their homework.

"It was only raised last night, right?" Tang Xiuwen ignored the others and only focused on one of them, "Student Ling Yang."

Ling Yang, who was named, was embarrassed: "Teacher, you just need to know, why say it."

"Teacher, this is mine." Another classmate interrupted their pairing and handed over the file bag in his hand.

"Wow," Ling Yang hurriedly took the opportunity to change the subject, "Monitor, you're handing in so late, doesn't it conform to your usual style?"

Tang Xiuwen was also a little surprised, but it wasn't because the other party handed in the manuscript late, but the others were all electronic manuscripts. Only Wei Shi handed in the paper manuscripts. the thickness of the paper.

"Because the school library didn't have the book I wanted, it took a while to find the materials, so it was late." Wei Shi explained.

Wei Shi was a well-known top student in the department, and he was also late for his assignments. Ling Yang would be accustomed to being playful and procrastinating. Wei Shi must be trying to keep improving, so Tang Xiuwen didn't say anything.

After the last classmate finished copying the homework, Tang Xiuwen packed up all the things and left to cook, and met Teacher Liu from the college outside the staff cafeteria. Teacher Liu is an enthusiastic woman in her forties. She worked as a counselor in her freshman year. Because Tang Xiuwen was young and alone, she usually took good care of him.

"Xiao Tang is out of class."

Tang Xiuwen nodded politely: "Sister Liu."

"Tonight our school and the foreign language college have a gathering of young teachers, you must remember to attend."

Tang Xiuwen didn't plan to attend at all: "I have an evening class."

"That's it, that's a pity." Mr. Liu regretted, "You should find opportunities to get in touch with other colleagues, don't always be alone, you will get bored."

Tang Xiuwen dealt with it flawlessly: "Thank you for your concern, I will."


After the last evening class, Tang Xiuwen returned to his dormitory alone. While waiting for the laptop to turn on, Tang Xiuwen took Wei Shi's homework to see it.

Contrary to his expectations, he originally thought that the document bag contained a printed manuscript, but he did not expect it to be a full nine-page handwritten manuscript. No one would hand in homework like this these days, let alone write such a manuscript. many. Nowadays, people type more, and there are not many people who can write well. Wei Shi's words are like flowing clouds and flowing water, and the first impression can give people a good impression.

The content of this assignment is the appreciation of literary works. Students choose their own topics. Wei Shi chose a relatively controversial modern novel "Liu Likou". Coincidentally, Tang Xiuwen also liked this book very much. He had quoted it in class several times. Seeing that Wei Shi was criticizing this book, he read it carefully.

By the time he had finished flipping through the nine pages, a full 40 minutes had passed, and the login screen on the laptop had already been replaced by a screen saver. However, Tang Xiuwen did not go on to check other people's homework, but picked up a red pen on the table and carefully wrote a review in the blank space of Wei Shi's hand. His writing is agile and elegant, which is a different style than Wei Shi. The two fonts are arranged together, which is indescribably pleasing to the eye.

When the last line was filled, Tang Xiuwen stopped writing. Some of Wei Shi's views coincided with his, but some were slightly different. Tang Xiuwen did not go to correction, but wrote down his thoughts in a discussion tone, not like a teacher preaching to students, but like a pair of like-minded people communicating freely.

After completing the annotation, he read it again from the beginning to the end, and slightly revised a few of them. If other students could be as diligent as Weishi, he wouldn't mind having in-depth exchanges with them.

Tang Xiuwen put Wei Shi's homework aside, and then opened the folder where the students copied the homework. Ling Yang's name was in a prominent place. Tang Xiuwen, who couldn't remember the names of some of his classmates, clicked on him first. 's documentation.

But after opening it, Tang Xiuwen frowned slightly, what is this

Just when he was inexplicable, a sudden knock on the door interrupted his thinking. There were not many people who would come to knock on the door. Tang Xiuwen got up and opened the door in confusion. He saw Ling Yang running out of breath with one hand on the door frame, sweat on his forehead.

"Old... teacher... I... homework... "

"Let's take a rest." Tang Xiuwen interrupted him.

Ling Yang took a few deep breaths and finally came over: "Teacher, I took the wrong flash drive in the afternoon, and the homework was staggered."

Tang Xiuwen actually guessed a few points the moment he appeared: "I thought your homework was ingenious."

Ling Yang was a little embarrassed: "You have seen it all, let me change it, brother Xiuwen?"

"Don't be too close." Tang Xiuwen let him go. He knew Ling Yang a long time ago because of his younger brother. The other party was one of the few people who had been to his dormitory. Brother Xiuwen was also the name that continued at that time, "Come in."

Ling Yang connected the newly brought flash drive to the laptop, and copied the homework into it again. His previous wrong document was still open, with pictures and text on it. He wrote more than ten pages, like doing homework. Also be careful.

"What is this?" Tang Xiuwen asked him.

"It's a game guide written for a magazine. Several of us studied it together. I concluded it."

"gaming strategy?"

""Soul Dan OL", an online game, teacher, do you play games?"

"Children only play games."

"No way!" Ling Yang exclaimed strangely, "Our gang even has uncles in their forties. Look, this is it." He pointed to a strong man on the screen and motioned for Tang Xiuwen to see.

"It's so ugly to wear." Tang Xiuwen commented.

"That's because he's ugly, look at me, am I handsome enough?"

Tang Xiuwen looked at it carefully. The figure in the picture was wearing a light green robe and holding a long weapon, probably a staff, with a golden light on the top.

"Oh, that's right." Ling Yang pointed to the game character beside him, "This is a tiger, this is a little white dragon, you've seen it before, do you think the little white dragon is dressed up?"

"Aren't they in military school and have time to play games?"

"Occasionally." Ling Yang rolled his eyes, "Brother Xiuwen, do you want to come and play together, I'll take you?"

"No need," Tang Xiuwen refused expressionlessly, "you should concentrate on your studies, don't delay until the last minute to hand in your homework every time."

"That's because I was chasing this strategy before. We have a contract with the magazine to submit a column every month, and the deadline will be tomorrow."

Tang Xiuwen was not interested in this: "Have you copied your homework? You won't be wrong this time, right?"

"No, no, I dragged it directly in the afternoon, without even looking at the file name, not this time."

Ling Yang pulled out the flash drive and got up to say goodbye: "I'm back in the dormitory, but if Xiuwen wants to play games, he must come to me! I live in Daishan, Hushuo District, and my name is Little Antelope."

"Not interested, let's go."

Tang Xiuwen chased people ruthlessly, and Ling Yang didn't mind if he knew him well, so he ran away with a smile, and Tang Xiuwen was the only one left in the dormitory.

After closing Ling Yang's document, Tang Xiuwen began to check other people's homework. Some people wrote carefully, while others clearly dealt with it, but no matter what, Tang Xiuwen no longer had the urge to discuss together. The neat square characters did not show any emotion of the typist, and the homework that Tang Xiuwen was very close to and wanted to discuss further was only done by Wei Shi alone.

Because Wei Shi had aroused his interest, Tang Xiuwen spent a few days reviewing "Liu Li Button" again. Every time he reads, he deeply feels the depth of the author's character-building skills, and it is absolutely impossible for him to do it. Is it really as Mr. Liu said that his isolation from contact with people limits his grasp and imagination of the characters

But he is unwilling and not good at communicating with people. Except for his younger brother, he rarely chats with anyone for more than five minutes.

Thinking of his younger brother, he dialed Tang Xiuwu's number, but the other party was not on guard, and the call was quickly connected.

"Hey, brother," Tang Xiuwu's always energetic voice came from the loudspeaker, "Class is over?"

"Well, you're not on duty?"

"Tonight at night."

"Why is it night post again," Tang Xiuwen said in a displeased tone, "Why do you always queue at night?"

"You think too much, brother," Tang Xiuwu explained quickly, "in order, everyone is the same, you think it's always me because you only pay attention to me."

Tang Xiuwen was not comforted: "The guard class is still too hard, do you want to find a way to find someone to replace it?"

"Don't say no. If you want to transfer, you can only be transferred to the cooking class. I don't want to wash vegetables and raise pigs. Besides, it doesn't matter to us. It's good now. I like the guard class and can carry guns."

When Tang Xiuwen heard him say this, he could only give up: "Then take a good rest and don't be too tired."

"Don't worry, brother." Tang Xiuwu shifted the topic away from himself, "Tomorrow is the weekend, what are your plans?"

"Stay in the dormitory and read."

Tang Xiuwu expected such an answer: "Don't be bored alone all day, it's not good."

"Are you educating me in reverse?"

"I'm doing it for your own good too. I think it's necessary for you, brother, to make some friends. The newspaper said that you will be autistic after a long time."

This is the second time that Tang Xiuwen has heard such words in just a few days. It is still from his younger brother's mouth, and the weight is much higher than that of Teacher Liu.

"I know, I'll try my best."

The two chatted for a while before hanging up. Just as Tang Xiuwen picked up the book and planned to continue reading, his brother's words rang in his ears.

Making friends with someone like Ling Yang who is familiar with him seemed like a piece of cake, but it was easier said than done for him. After a few thoughts, he remembered the online game that Ling Yang mentioned a few days ago.

He had long forgotten the name Ling Yang said at that time, but fortunately, the strategy document that Ling Yang miscommunicated had not been deleted. Tang Xiuwen quickly extracted the keyword "Soul Dan OL" from it, and Baidu went to the official website.

Soul Dan OL's user end is not small, and the campus fiber is not so powerful, so that after the user end is installed, another twelve hours have passed. Tang Xiuwen, who knew nothing about online games, followed the official guidelines to register an account, applied for trial points, and finally entered the selection interface.

Since you are playing games to experience life, choose an image that is completely different from yourself. With this idea in mind, Tang Xiuwen created a female character. He hesitated when entering his name. Wei Shi's homework happened to be at hand, and he subconsciously typed on the keyboard - Liuli Button.


[Current]Little Bracelet: Beauty, are you a newcomer

[Current]Little Bracelet: Beauty, is anyone wearing it

[Current] Little Bracelet: Beauty, let's level up together

Tang Xiuwen took a lot of time to get used to the interface of the online game. After a long time after turning off the newbie help, he realized that the person who was jumping around in front of him was talking to him.

Although he came to play the game because of his brother's words, when others took the initiative to communicate with him, his cold personality prevailed. No matter how warmly the other party invited him, Tang Xiuwen had no idea of talking to him.

Xiao Bangzi saw this girl named Liulikou run past him and run in the direction where the novice directed the NPC, and followed behind while brushing the lasagna teary expression.

[Current] Little Bracelet: The beauty is so cold. T_T

[Current]Little Bracelet: Beauties take care of me. It's boring to do tasks alone. Would you like to form a team to fight monsters

He didn't know that his words had already entered Tang Xiuwen's automatic masking system, and he was still there talking for himself. Tang Xiuwen didn't know anything about the game, and it took all his energy to understand the content of the novice task. , there is no time to take into account the chat box.

When Tang Xiuwen noticed again this person who was desperately trying to gain a sense of existence, it was already after he had risen to level five.

[Current] Liuli buckle:

[Current] Little Bracelet: 555 Beauty, you finally noticed me.

The little bracelet jumped while talking, and the whole person was like a big flea.

[Current]Liu Likou: What's the matter

[Current] Little Bracelet: Please form a team to do the task together!

[Current]Liu Likou: I am male.

[Current]Bracelet: 囧

The world suddenly became a lot quieter. Tang Xiuwen spent a lot of time in the novice village. By the time he came to the main city, the number of people in the server had gradually increased, and the people who were doing business and brushing books were all one after another. After brushing up the world, there are also a large number of PVP parties, who plant flags in the square outside the city to discuss.

As soon as Tang Xiuwen posted it on the map, he saw a striking name speaking.

[Current]Little Antelope: Hahahaha~~ Let’s give and give~

[Current] Passerby A: I'm going, I won't fight the nature priest again, I'm just a little strong who can't be beaten to death, I'm about to suffocate a kidney stone.

There are addictive additions next to it:

[Current] Passerby B: You are not bad. Last time he fought with another priest. After half an hour, the two of them were still full of blood, and the passers-by were almost falling asleep.

[Current] Little Antelope: {Passerby B}, do you want to have a game

[Current] Passerby B: I suddenly remembered that I have something to do, so let's go first! /goodbye

(Note: /+ Operation is the command for the operation of the character in the game.)

[Current] Little Antelope: Ah, it's so boring, no one is playing with me.

[Map] Little Antelope: Looking for an opponent to set up the flag and learn from each other~~Invincible and lonely~~

Tang Xiuwen ran to Ling Yang, right-clicked on his avatar, and wanted to add friends, but because he was familiar with the operation, he made a mistake and clicked to discuss. A banner fell from the sky and lay in front of the two.

When Ling Yang saw the pop-up dialog box, he reflexively accepted it, but when the countdown was running, he realized that it was a trumpet who asked him to discuss, which was very funny.

[Current] Duiker: Level 10 also comes to PK, the spirit is commendable XD

After he finished speaking, the countdown was over, the name on the top of the duiker's head turned red, Tang Xiuwen tried to click, and the mouse had turned into the shape of a weapon.

[Current]Little Antelope: Come on, come on, hit me~~

Ling Yang danced around the fledgling little mage while brushing, with no intention of making a move.

Tang Xiuwen tried to use the knowledge he had learned in Novice Village to cast magic on Ling Yang, but it ended in failure every time. At this time, he didn't know that the mage's single-target spells could only attack the frontal target, and every time Ling Yang was about to finish his chant, he would cunningly go around to his back, forcing the spell to end.

Ling Yang teased the little mage for a while, and found that he seemed to be really a novice. He couldn't keep his face when reading the article, so he stopped to type.

[Current] Little Antelope: So you're a newcomer, I thought someone's trumpet was coming over to make fun of me.


Just as Tang Xiuwen wanted to show his identity, he saw Ling Yang say again:

[Current] Little Antelope: I happen to have a task that I haven't done yet, so I'll accept you as my apprentice.

Tang Xiuwen thought about it again and again, and deleted the words he had already typed. Just after the deletion, the other party's invitation to accept apprentices was also sent.

He clicked the agreement, and several system messages appeared in the dialog box, including not only his, but also the achievement report of the duiker.

[System]Congratulations on becoming a mentor and apprentice with {Little Antelope}, please open the mentoring panel to view.

[System] {Liu Likou} completed the achievement {Join the Teacher's Gate}

[System] {Little Antelope} completed the achievement {beginner teacher}

Someone spoke on the map immediately"

[Currently] Passerby C: Halo, how long has it been since the little antelope reached full level, yet they can actually jump this achievement.

[Current] Passerby: Don't you know? The duiker never accepts apprentices.

[Current] Little Antelope: Hahaha, I also have apprentices~~

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand with the power of the forest, and a green wooden hammer fell from the sky and knocked on the head of Liuli. The tenth-level loli, who was still in the state of learning, knelt on the spot.

[Current] Little Antelope: The thank you ceremony is waived, please get up quickly~~

[Current]Glass Buckle:…

Tang Xiuwen suddenly had the urge to pawn him at the end of the term.

At this moment, there were a few more people on the screen, all of which Tang Xiuwen had "seen" in Ling Yang's game guide, and the unscrupulous master he had just worshipped happily introduced them when he saw them.

[Current] Little Antelope: Look, my new apprentice girl, cute or not

[Currently] Bai Shaotang: Can you still accept apprentices? Stop hurting people. This girl, I suggest that you terminate the relationship with him as soon as possible, and don't waste your time.

[Current] Little Antelope: Stinky Xiaobai, why can't I accept apprentices

[Current] Bai Shaotang: We brought you your own leveling up, I don't believe you can lead someone to level up instead.

[Current] Little Antelope: What can't you do, go, apprentice, I'll take you to level up for the master!

[Current] Bengal Tigers: Didn't you say you were going to play Wuya today? The event is only open for an hour, so if you don't go now, you won't be able to catch up.

[Current]Little Antelope: Ahhhh! !

[Current] Duiker: I forgot! 555555

[Current] Duiker: Disciple brother T_________T

Although Tang Xiuwen didn't fully understand it, he also understood a general idea. He didn't like to be troublesome to others, and he would even take the initiative to reject other people's kindness. Of course, he didn't care about it.

[Current]Liu Likou: Nothing.

[Current] Little Antelope: You practice by yourself for an hour first, and I will come to show you in an hour!

[Currently] Bai Shaotang: You don't know where you are going in an hour.

[Current]Little Antelope: Get up! apprentice wait for me~~~

Tang Xiuwen didn't answer any further, a few people walked away, and their conversations were left on the map.

[Current] Little Antelope: Can't we brush enough

[Currently] Bai Shaotang: We need a samurai to call Emperor Shi.

Tang Xiuwen manipulated the Liuli button to turn around, and before he ran a few steps, he was stopped by someone who turned back.

[Current] Bengals: Trade.

[Current] Liuli buckle:

Tang Xiuwen looked at the transaction panel on the screen in confusion. There was some money and a backpack on it.

[Current] Bengal Tiger: Don't mind that Yangyang has never brought an apprentice, you can use the money and bag first.

Tang Xiuwen has been to the compound, and he has an impression of this person. He is often with Ling Yang, and he looks more reliable than Ling Yang.

[Current]Liu Likou: No need, thank you.

Tang Xiuwen closed the trading panel, but unexpectedly the other party asked for a transaction earlier.

[Current] Liulikou: I don't need money.

[Current] Bengal Tiger: Keep the bag, it is very troublesome if the beginner bag is not enough.

If the other party insisted so, Tang Xiuwen could not refuse any more.

[Current]Bengka Tiger: Go, you can call me if you have anything.

Tang Xiuwen didn't know whether he was Ling Yang's apprentice or his apprentice. Mostly, every scumbag master has a reliable base friend by his side, so that they can maintain the balance of IQ.

[Current]Liu Likou: Goodbye.

Don't miss the Bengal tiger, Tang Xiuwen started to do the task upgrades by himself. He was a smart person. He probably figured out the operation of the game in less than a morning, and the character also rose to level 20.

At the 20th level, the journey of opening the door of the first instance of Soul Dan OL, after receiving an elite mission that was clearly named and needed to be completed in a team, Tang Xiuwen bravely broke in alone, within three minutes came out dead.

[Current]Little Bracelet: Oh, you are rising very fast!

Unexpectedly, I saw the little bracelet here again. He is already level 24 and is waiting boredly at the door of the dungeon.

[Current]Little Bracelet: You also come to brush this book? Do you have a large to take you? Please rub!

[Current] Liuli buckle: No.

[Current] Small bracelet: 囧~~ You dare to go in alone without a large size.

Tang Xiuwen wanted to give up the mission, but he didn't want to leave the plot behind, so Ling Yang, who had accepted him and didn't care, came over at this moment.

[Private Chat] Little Antelope: Apprentice! You are all 20! So fast!

If he revealed his identity now, Ling Yang would definitely fly over to take him as soon as possible, but after the initial concealment, it was a bit embarrassing to say that at this time.

[Private Chat] Little Antelope: I have an appointment for dinner at noon! Come back to play with you in the afternoon!

Seeing this sentence, Tang Xiuwen's last thoughts were also dispelled, and it was better to rely on himself if he counted on Ling Yang. Just when he was about to leave, he received a team invitation from Xiao Bangzi.

[Current] Small Bracelet: I can't wait for the big one to bring the small one, let's form a self-improvement team.

After all, Tang Xiuwen had never been in contact with a dungeon before, so Tang Xiuwen was still curious, and this time he did not reject the opponent's team. After the two were formed, the small bracelet began to brush the team information on the map and the world.

[Map] Small Bracelet: Xiaolingxia Self-improvement Team, +++ from 2=3

There were still quite a lot of people online on the weekend, and two groups came in quickly, 2=3 became 4-1, but the last person didn’t show up.

The girl who joined earlier was a little impatient, and wanted to withdraw.

[Team] Qingfeng Mingyue: I've been waiting for a dungeon for so long, why don't I wait for my brother to come and take us.

Another person is obviously a couple with her, even the name is a couple.

[Team] Yueming Fengqing: Whatever, I can do it.

[Team] Little Bracelet: Don't worry, it's already 4=1, just wait, maybe someone will come soon.

His prediction was accurate, and there was one more person in the team, level 28, the highest level in the team.

[Team] Little Bracelet: Oh, everyone is here! Enter this!

Tang Xiuwen entered the book again. The new teammate was T, and Qingfeng Mingyue was the healer. He followed behind, and it wasn't difficult to see which T pulled him to fight.

After the first boss was over, everyone was less nervous and started chatting.

[Team] Qingfengmingyue: Are you all playing for the first time

[Team] Little Bracelet: My size is 47! But the profession is too rubbish, so I deleted the account and retrained.

[Team] Breeze and Bright Moon: What is your occupation

[Team] Small Bracelet: Mage.

[Team]Liu Likou:…

Tang Xiuwen left six points silently.

At this time, the MT, who has been in charge of pulling strange things, spoke up.

[Team] Brahma: There are no rubbish professions, only people who can't play.

This sentence is actually quite sharp, but maybe the little bracelet is born with an easy-going temper, but instead praises the other party.

[Team] Little Bracelet: T must not be a novice, it seems that you are very skilled at pulling monsters.

Wei Shi just couldn't get used to someone who didn't do well by himself, so he trampled the entire profession to death, but the other party didn't argue, so he gave up.

Qingfeng Mingyue is a talkative person, and Xiao Bracelet is even more talkative. Once the two of them start chatting, the chat will never end. Mingyue Fengqing can also participate in their topics from time to time. These are all new or half-new. If there is something unclear about the game, Wei Shi occasionally helps to answer a few words. In this way, Liulikou seems to be very silent. , the whole process only sent the ellipsis once.

Wei Shi noticed that person's name as soon as he joined the team. This mage girl didn't say a word. Although the operation was inexperienced, she did not make a big mistake. She followed the end of the team from beginning to end, unlike the others who sometimes Will run around to attract monsters, so he has to be distracted to save.

[Team] Brahma: Mage is also a rookie

It took a while for Tang Xiuwen to realize that he was asking himself.

[Team] Liulikou: Hmm.

[Team] Brahma: You can go to DOT first and then read the article, the output will be higher.

Tang Xiuwen didn't know what DOT was, so he cut it out and checked it before replying.

[Team] Liulikou: Good.

[Team] Brahma: If you don't understand, you can ask me directly without Baidu.

[Team]Liu Likou:…

[Team] Little Bracelet: Huh? How did you know he went to Baidu, I thought he was stuck.

[Team] Brahma: She didn't get stuck in the whole process, so it wouldn't be so coincidental that I would get stuck as soon as I spoke.

During the whole process, I noticed that he was not stuck. This person was either too careful or too boring. Tang Xiuwen defined it like this.

[Team] Little Bracelet: So it is! But it's not her, it's him.

[Team] Qingfengmingyue: Is Liulikou a man

[Team] Little Bracelet: Yes, I made a mistake in the morning too. T__T

[Team] Qingfengmingyue: Today's boys are becoming more and more savvy, and this name is more like a girl than me.

[Team] Little Bracelet: Pfft~~~~~~

Weiss couldn't take it anymore.

[Team] Brahma: Liulikou is the name of a book. Although it is not one of the four famous novels, it is a relatively well-known novel in modern times. If you haven’t read it, you should have heard of it. You should read more when you play games.

The corners of Tang Xiuwen's mouth raised slightly in front of the screen. This sharp-spoken Brahma is rare and interesting. Being able to contact different types of people through the game is also a reward.

The girl who was implied to be ignorant stopped talking, and the little bracelet was also embarrassed, but Brahma exuded an aura of "I'm obviously not on the same level as you guys", and the two of them did not become angry when they were mocked by such people.

Five people successfully killed all four bosses all the way, without losing one, it is rare for the self-improvement team to be like this. The dungeon has been completed here, and there is only one hidden boss that can be summoned.

[Team] Little Bracelet: Hidden

[Team] Breeze and Bright Moon: Did you drop anything

[Team] Small Bracelet: Drop blue accessories.

At their level, the blue outfit was quite tempting, so the three agreed to fight, Tang Xiuwen didn't care, but Brahma did not agree.

[Team] Brahma: We might not be able to beat this hidden boss with our strength.

[Team] Breeze and Bright Moon: How come? Played well all the way.

[Team] Brahma: If the output is not enough, the boss will go berserk if you can't kill it within the specified time, and the treatment will not be able to increase by then.

Qingfengmingyue doesn't quite believe it.

[Team] Breeze and Bright Moon: How do you know if you don't try it? What do you say, husband

[Team] Yueming Fengqing: I will listen to you.

[Team] Little Bracelet: Uh, let's play around and see, if you are lucky, maybe it will pass

Whiskey asked the opinion of the only one who remained silent.

[Team] Brahma: Master, how about you

Tang Xiuwen was a little surprised.

[Team] Liulikou: I'm free.

[Team] Brahma: Well then, if you hit a frenzy, then withdraw, you don't need to force it.

He summoned the boss with the props, and pulled him back to the crowd with ease. The output that other people should output, and the blood that should be added to the blood, Tang Xiuwen also followed what the other party said before, first go to DOT and then read the article, DEBUFF one If it is broken, it will be repaired. In terms of operation, several people can't pick out the problem.

The helplessness is that the hard power is not enough. When the BOSS hits the rage, the HP of the BOSS is still 10%, and the two cuts kill the T. When Brahma shouts to run, everyone can't run away. According to the order of the hatred list, one by one He fell down, and the wreckage lay on the ground.

[Team] Little Bracelet: Hey, it's a pity, it's just a little bit.

[Team] Yueming Fengqing: If the average level is 25, it should be able to pass.

The lowest level in the team was Tang Xiuwen's mage. Yueming Fengqing's words were not unreasonable, and he was indeed at the bottom in terms of output.

[Team] Brahma: The Master has played very well, and there is nothing to do if the hard conditions are not up to standard.

[Team] Little Bracelet: Why is it so difficult for a new post-dungeon boss! T__T

Qingfeng Mingyue, who had not spoken for a long time, only sent a team chat at this time.

[Team] Qingfeng Mingyue: My brother is here, I asked him to help us pass this boss.

[Team] Little Bracelet: Huh? But the line is full.

[Team] Qingfengmingyue: Then only whoever is wronged can retreat.

Tang Xiuwen thought that the person who was persuaded to quit would be Brahma, who had ridiculed her before, but he didn't expect that the other party would directly target him when he opened his mouth.

[Team] Qingfeng Mingyue: Mage, can you make a pit? If no one lets you, everyone won't be able to fight, I'm sorry.

Tang Xiuwen didn't really care. Just as he was about to leave the team, he saw Brahma speak:

[Team] Brahma: I don't need it, I'll retire.

[Team] {Brahma} left the team.

[Team] Breeze and Bright Moon: Ah.

The copy of Brahma was quickly reported, and Tang Xiuwen felt that it was boring to stay, so he simply retired.

After Wei Shi finished reading the map, he realized that there was still a person standing beside him. It was Liu Likou, who had been silent just now.

[Current] Brahma: You were kicked

Tang Xiuwen chose Brahma, and the opponent's target was also him.

[Current] Liuli buckle: I returned it myself.

[Current] Brahma: Why not fight

[Current]Liu Li Button: No need.

A full-level tuba with gorgeous equipment ran past them and entered the dungeon. This was probably the brother Qingfeng Mingyue spoke of.

Wei Shi hesitated for a moment. He hadn't dropped anything that the mages used just now, and the equipment of the Liuli buckle had not improved at all. He had never been used to helping others, but because of the special name, he began to hesitate whether to double-size a large one to bring it with him. He brushes again.

[Current] Brahma: Do you still brush

[Current] Liuli buckle: what to brush

[Current] Brahma: Copy.

[Current] Liulikou: Isn't it already finished

[Current] Brahma: The dungeon can be reset, but you didn't show your equipment just now, I can find a big one to bring us.

Tang Xiuwen's first reaction to everyone's offer of help was to refuse.

[Currently] Liulikou: No need, it's enough to finish my task.

There are many types of players. The quest party hates repeatedly brushing the same dungeon, and those who rely on dungeons to upgrade are generally too lazy to run quests. Liulikou probably belongs to the former, and Wei Shi himself does not insist on it anymore.

And what completely made him dispel this idea was the life-threatening spell of the duiker.

[Private chat] Little Antelope: Hurry up and open the tuba, the Lanmeng people are here to challenge again!

Just finished speaking and sent another one:

[Private Chat] Little Antelope: Why are you on the same map as my apprentice

[Private chat] Brahma: Your apprentice

[Private chat] Little antelope: Liuli buckle.

[Private chat] Brahma: Liulikou is your apprentice? When did you accept an apprentice

[Private chat] Duiker: This morning! do you know

[Private chat] Brahma: I just downloaded the book together.

[Private Chat] Little Antelope: What a coincidence: 3

[Private Chat] Little Antelope: Shit, I'm caught on fire! Come on!

Wei Shi ended the conversation with the antelope, and then saw that there was no shadow of Liulikou around him. He followed slowly at the end just now, but he was running quite fast now. He had some medicines and food suitable for beginners in his bag. Didn't even get to give it out.

Forget it, he would never forget the name anyway, Wei Shi pressed ESC to bring up the menu and chose to log in again.

Tang Xiuwen didn't leave too far before he received a private chat from Xiao Bangzi.

[Private Chat] Little Bracelet: Ahhh! Out of the Mage's jewelry! ! !

Tang Xiuwen didn't feel much, but the little bracelet was very distressed.

[Private Chat] Small Bracelet: The attributes are superb! It would be great if you didn't quit the team!

[Private chat] Small bracelet: No one in the team needed it, so it was taken apart by the big one. T__T

[Private Chat] Little Bracelet: Damn it! Why not my stuff!

[Private Chat] Little Bracelet: What are you doing @@

Tang Xiuwen didn't understand why he kept looking for words after knowing his gender, but it was a bit cruel for him to not say a word after so many sentences.

[Private Chat]Liu Likou: Hand in the task.

[Private chat] Little Bracelet: Hey, I still think it's a pity that you didn't find that accessory, the drop rate is very low.

[Private chat] Liuli buckle: It doesn't matter.

[Private chat] Little Bracelet: You speak so concisely! In fact, if you drive a female account and sell a few cute people along the way, no one will tell you even if the output is low!

[Private chat] Little Bracelet: It is because your sense of existence is too low that you will be persuaded to quit in the end!

[Private Chat] Little Bracelet: You will turn the online game into a stand-alone!

Tang Xiuwen's words stopped Tang Xiuwen. He unknowingly shaped Liulikou into another dimension of himself, completely forgetting his original intention to download the user terminal.

[Private chat] Liuli buckle: cute

[Private Chat] Little Bracelet: Like this? n(*≧▽≦*)n

[Private chat] Liulikou: How to fight this

[Private Chat] Small Bracelet: Sogou Pinyin! ke'ai!

[Private chat]Liu Li buckle: n(*≧▽≦*)n

[Private chat] Small bracelet: ! ! ! The whole personality is different!

[Private Chat] Liulikou: Really? n(*≧▽≦*)n

[Private Chat] Little Bracelet: Really, really! (.⊙o⊙.)

[Private chat] Liulikou: Oh! n(*≧▽≦*)n

[Private chat] Little Bracelet: Even the feeling of saying oh is different! ~(≧▽≦)/~

[Private chat] Liulikou: Your expression is so good.

[Private Chat] Little Bracelet: You can search for facial expressions online! There are so many! ○(∩_∩)○

[Private chat] Liuli buckle: OK

[Private chat]Liu Li buckle: n(*≧▽≦*)n

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