The Antelope and Night Wolf

Chapter 4


Wei Shi came back from the cafeteria and simply flipped through the records. He and Liu Likou were the husband and wife of the system, and the news of the other's murder was naturally sent to him.

[Private chat] Mo Yi: You just married this guy, you're such a restless master.

[Private chat] Di Shi: I don't know, I wasn't there just now.

[Private chat] Mo Yi: You go to the forum.

Wei Shi took a look at the forum, and someone posted a screenshot of Liu Likou swearing. On the surface, it looked like "there are pictures and the truth", but there is no cause and effect, and it is likely to be taken out of context.

[Private chat] Di Shi: I just cut off a sentence, it doesn't mean anything.

[Private chat] Mo Yi: That said, but a girl with such a high-profile personality (or a man?) really doesn't match your own style, and it's easy to pick up on your comments. I really don't understand how you got married. want.

[Private chat] Di Shi: If you don't understand, don't think about it.

[Private chat] Mo Yi: What should I do now? Want to avenge the murder of your wife

Weiss thought about it.

[Private chat] Di Shi: No, let's do this first.

Ling Yang, who was unaware, ran over and asked.

[Private Chat] Little Antelope: Have you brought my apprentice to level up! ! !

[Private Chat] Di Shi: How can I bring a leveling person who is not online

[Private chat] Duiker: Oh. (?ω?)

[Private Chat] Little Antelope: Let's go everyday! (.⌒?⌒).

Wei Shi didn't see Liulikou for two days in a row, but he saw these three words again, but it was in Tang Xiuwen's appreciation class on Friday.

"I have finished marking your homework."

Wei Shi took the document bag from Tang Xiuwen's hand and took a look at it. The blank space was filled with red letters, and the handwriting was as beautiful as his blackboard.

"I can see that you like this book very much, and some of the ideas are very novel."

"To be exact, this is one of my favorites, and I have read it many times. I heard the teacher mention it a few times in the class before, so I wanted to take this opportunity to express my opinion. In some places, the class may have made an axe."

"No, there is no standard answer for literature. "Liu Likou" is also one of my favorite modern literatures. Welcome to discuss."

"Did you read the magazine teacher last time?"

"The characters are very well created, and the plot is very suspenseful, but I don't know who the real murderer is?"

"what do you think?"

"I'm not good at reasoning."

"Then let's wait for the ending to be revealed," Wei Shi sold out, "a good writer can't spoil things."

"Then you don't need to give me the magazine," Tang Xiuwen said before leaving, "I will buy it myself."

[Guild] (Liu Likou) is online.

[Guild] Lan Xiang: Oh, little Kou'er long time no see.

[Guild] Liulikou: How long has it been? It's only two days! (??ˇ?ˇ?)

[Guild] Lan Xiang: You've risen too slowly, you haven't even moved your level, hurry up and bring you to fight.

[Guild] Liulikou: Well, people don't like fighting (??_?.)

[Guild] Lan Xiang: It's okay to take you to the book, but the point is that you have to advance quickly. Find Di Shida to take you, rise fast, forget about your master, don't count on him.

[Guild] Liu Suiyun: Master leads the door, and of course the promotion depends on my husband! (? ? ?)

[Guild] Liuli buckle: what

[Private Chat] Emperor Shi: Upgrade

[Private Chat]Liu Likou: No rise, we won't rise/Goodbye

[Private chat] Liulikou: Just kidding?? (?▽?) I want to dig grass in the cloud, I'll talk about it later.

[Private chat] Di Shi: Well, you can do whatever you want.

Wei Shi just looked up and found that the Liuli button was online. Before that, he had been burying his head in reading the comments Tang Xiuwen wrote to him. Unexpectedly, this teacher, who seems to be difficult to get close to, is so serious in responding to students' homework. Looking at the agreement he wrote by himself, the originally distant distance was suddenly shortened.

He carefully read Tang Xiuwen's comments from beginning to end twice, and he regretted not leaving more blanks on the side of the manuscript. Makes you feel unfulfilled.

At this time, his mood was not on the game at all, and he also asked Liulikou politely.

Tang Xiuwen was also puzzled. He just agreed to a fake marriage contract, as if he had offended nearly half of the people here. No matter where he went, there were people who were looking for and provoke him. Those who didn't have malice should also watch on him, as if he had done something heinous. thing.

Although not everyone can afford to spend RMB to buy a curse like Guanyu, and there are not many people who are directly popular with Liulikou, but it is not uncommon to grab monsters and sarcasm. Especially when people found out that these two people were also engaged in their own activities after marriage, no matter how they provoked Emperor Shi, they would not deduct for Liuli, and all kinds of behaviors became more reckless.

At first, after listening to my brother's words, I wanted to contact more people through the Internet, but most of the people I met were boring people, and Tang Xiuwen, who was not good at developing friendships with people, let alone a few friends. .

During this period, apart from Ling Yang chatting with him, only Xiao Bracelet came to care about him from time to time.

[Private Chat] Small bracelet: Xiaoliu Li ( T﹏T )

[Private chat] Liuli buckle: quasi-play.

[Private Chat] Little Bracelet: Do you want to go next? ( T﹏T )

[Private chat] Liulikou: What is there to cry about in the next book

[Private chat] Little Bracelet: Hee hee, are you worried that you won't go, wait for me to find a team!

The small bracelet was lucky, with a large and a small one, and two pits were vacated in the team. After he joined the team, he immediately reserved another position.

[Team] Little Bracelet: I have a friend coming.

[Team] Taiyi: Speed.

[Private Chat] Little Bracelet: Click me to join the group.

[Team] (Liu Likou) joined the team.

[Team] Taiyi: Is this your friend

[Team] Little Bracelet: Yes!

[Team] Taiyi: Haha.

[Team] (Liu Likou) was removed from the team.

[Team] Little Bracelet: ? ?

[Team] Taiyi: I'm here for you to return it yourself

[Team] Little Bracelet: What's the matter!

[Team] Taiyi: He has scolded the girls in my gang, so I would be polite if I didn't make a fortune.

[Team] Little Bracelet: Is that the forum one? What do you see in just one sentence

[Team] Taiyi: Don't whitewash it. If you have the ability, find his great god husband and great god master to bring him, whether it is Liulikou or his friend, I am not welcome here.

[Team] (small bracelet) was removed from the team.

[Private Chat] Little Bracelet: Hastily, get angry!

[Private chat] Liulikou: You were also kicked

[Private chat] Little Bracelet: He is in the same gang as the person who hacked you on the forum last time.

[Private Chat] Liulikou: What forum is blacking me, why don't I know

[Private chat] Little Bracelet: As far as you say that people are sick, the one ╥﹏╥ has no head or tail, and it is taken out of context at first glance.

[Private chat] Liulikou: Oh, that person... But I'm not wrong.

[Private chat] Little Bracelet: People nowadays have no brains to follow suit, and what others say is what they say.

[Private chat] Liulikou: There are too many just passers-by, and the parties have no right to speak.

[Private chat] Little Bracelet: But the problem is that now everyone is incited to target you, and there are many people who misunderstand you.

[Private chat] Liulikou: What other people's opinions are none of my business.

[Private chat] Little Bracelet: Why don't you create a new account, I will take you, and it will be higher than your current level in two days.

[Private chat] Liulikou: I did nothing wrong, why should I delete the account and rebuild it? Should I commit suicide to apologize for the charges imposed by others

[Private chat] Little Bracelet: I don't believe that Emperor Shida doesn't know about it. I'm going to turn a black on his passers-by. ヽ(#`Д?)

[Private chat] Liulikou: It has nothing to do with him, don't make any associations.

[Private chat] Little Bracelet: Okay, let's go set up a varsity by ourselves!

[Private chat] Liulikou: I don't need it anymore, it's not easy to make people with me.

[Private Chat]Little Bracelet: Little Liuli~~(┳◇┳)

[Private chat] Liulikou: You don't need to call me in the future, so as not to hinder your progress.

[Private Chat] Little Bracelet: How come!

[Private chat] Liulikou: I'm serious, didn't you say that I have a bad reputation now? Being with me only affects you too.

[Private Chat] Little Bracelet: I'm so mad! you wait for me! When I'm at full level, I'll take you and see who dares to kick someone!


[Private Chat] Little Antelope: Brother, come quickly!

[Private Chat] Liulikou: What's the matter, Master? (⊙o⊙)

[Private Chat] Little Antelope: My teacher's biggest enemy is blowing fireworks here in the main city, come and help me light up the wax!

[Private Chat] Liuli Button: Leave it to me! ( ̄︶ ̄)ψ

Tang Xiuwen flew to Ling Yang's side, and the other party traded him ten sets of waxes. As long as he clicked the right button, a candle would be left in place. A lot of wax has been lit on the ground, and the originally romantic scene was literally changed into a memorial ceremony.

[Current]FOX: Duiker, are you courting death

[Current] Duiker: Wasn't you the one who did the waxing at the last time you came to the lunatic asylum wedding? I just use the way of the people to treat the body of the other person. I don't want to accept that you beat me

This is the main city, and it is heavily guarded. As long as someone becomes popular, they will be attacked by elite guards. Of course, the other party does not dare.

[Current] Little Antelope: Don't worry about the apprentice, let's put it on~~~

[Current]Liu Likou: Yes! Master~~~

The two of them posed faster together, and in an instant, the number of candles on the ground exceeded the number of fireworks.

[Currently] FOX: You two wait, see you in the wild and kill once in the future, if you have the ability, you have been guarding that trumpet!

[Current] Liulikou: Oh oh oh~~~ I'm so scared~~~~~~

[Current] Little Antelope: Hmph, my apprentice is scared, afraid of you!

Weishi's friend happened to pass by here.

[Private chat] Mo Yi: Your family is having trouble with his unlucky master again.

[Private chat] Di Shi: Let them go.

[Private chat] Strangeness: / support the forehead


Wei Shi hadn't logged in on the trumpet account for a while, and the trumpet account had nothing to do that day, so he simply opened both accounts.

The mail icon in the upper right corner is lit. He opened the mailbox and saw that it was a bounced letter from Liulikou. The things he sent to the other party were all lying quietly in the attachment, the same as many.

He also knows a little about Liulikou's recent high-profile behavior, and it is not uncommon for descriptions such as "running domineering in Daishan under the banner of the great god's wife". Friends were puzzled by his mate selection criteria, and he didn't know how he agreed to the unreliable proposal of the most unreliable person in the first place. Maybe the other party is just a child who happened to read the book cover, so he took this name. Everyone in adolescence deliberately made some hypocrisy that they didn't understand to show the stage of maturity.

But what surprised him was that Liulikou did not use his identity to ask him for any favors, and even every time he offered to level up, he always found various reasons to refuse. Alienation, over time will no longer meet the wall.

The things he gave to Liulikou from his trumpet were worthless, and it was only in line with the character of the other party that he accepted them all and then returned a cute thank you letter, but Liulikou chose to return the letter.

Liulikou was online at the moment, and Wei added his friend with a trumpet.

Tang Xiuwen single-played level 25, and the system prompted Brahma to add him as a friend. He also has an impression of this person. After the next copy, he sent him something, but he returned it.

[System] [Brahma] invites you to join the team.

Tang Xiuwen nodded and refused.

[Private chat] Liulikou: What are you doing

[Private Chat] Brahma: Why did the email I sent you get returned

[Private chat] Liulikou: Oh yes, thank you, but I don't need it.

[Private chat] Brahma: All of them can be used by mages of your level, why can't they be used

Tang Xiuwen was speechless, why is this person so persistent, isn't his attitude cold enough? He didn't even brush the emoji!

[Private chat] Liuli buckle: I don't want to use it, I don't want to take it, I don't want to accept it! is this OK? o( ̄へ ̄o)

The icon of the mail flashed, and Brahma actually sent the things back, this time with a lot more.

[Private chat] Brahma: I'm not a mage, and I can't use these things. If you don't need them, sell them.

[Private chat] Liulikou: Why don't you sell it yourself

[Private chat] Brahma: No shortage of money.

[Private Chat] Liulikou: Do I look like I'm short of money o( ̄へ ̄o#)

[Private chat] Brahma: Like.

[Private Chat]Liu Likou:… o( ̄へ ̄o#)

[System] (Brahma) invites you to join the team.

[Private chat] Liulikou: What are you doing!

[Private Chat] Brahma: You are already 35, why are you still playing level 25? Not much experience.

[Private chat] Liulikou: It's none of your business, I'm happy! ╮(~▽~)╭

[Private chat] Brahma: Have you ever changed your account

[Private chat] Liulikou: No

[Private chat] Brahma: I always feel that the style of painting has changed a lot before and after.

[Private Chat]Liu Likou: Really? I didn't know you well before. ( ̄^ ̄)

[Private Chat] Brahma: You only use emoji for people you don't know well, right

Tang Xiuwen's typing hand stopped.

[System] (Brahma) invites you to join the team.

[Private chat] Brahma: Stop typing, let's do the task together.

[Team] (Liu Likou) joined the team.

[Team] Liulikou: (?_?) Why are you so persistent

[Team] Brahma: This is my advantage.

[Team] Liulikou: Form a team with me, and the consequences will be at your own risk. (-`Д?-)ノ

[Team] Brahma: I'm just curious about what will happen, Feiyuanxiashan.

Tang Xiuwen didn't know how many times he had come to Yuanxia Mountain, but this time there was a soldier who was seven levels younger than him.

[Team] Brahma: Have you finished the task here

[Team] Liulikou: Why didn't you ask me before I flew over? o( ̄へ ̄o#)

[Team] Brahma: Because I haven't done it yet. You wait for me to upgrade a few levels first, otherwise I won't be able to hold the 35 blame.

Wei Shi came up and grabbed the monsters in an area.

[Team] Brahma: Group.

Tang Xiuwen had never tried this kind of attack, and it took a few times to master the rhythm. After the two people cooperate with each other proficiently, the speed of clearing monsters increases rapidly, much faster than fighting alone.

With a little understanding of the game, Tang Xiuwen found that Brahma's operation is really good, and at the same time pulling a group of monsters will not make himself OT. Occasionally, one or two fish slip through the net, and when Brahma is only riding a bloody skin, he can also carry the kite with ease, waiting for Tang Xiuwen to set it off. After playing for so long, Tang Xiuwen experienced the joy of multiplayer cooperation in online games for the first time.

Without treatment, every time Jing dropped a wave, the two of them sat down and returned to the blood and back to the blue.

[Team] Brahma: Do you also think Liu Li is schizophrenic and not possessed by a monster

Tang Xiuwen was stunned, why did this sentence suddenly appear? As the protagonist of the novel "Guo Guokou", Liu Li has been exaggerating from beginning to end that she is possessed by monsters, so she has different behaviors than usual, and the novel is also classified into the category of miracles.

It's just that the academic world has always been divided into two factions. One faction supports the theory of demons, and the other party believes that the protagonist is an hallucination caused by schizophrenia from beginning to end, and the so-called demons do not exist at all.

[Team] Liulikou: Yes, but I prefer that she actively created another personality, so true that she deceived herself, rather than suffering from schizophrenia.

Wei Shi on the other side of the Internet was also taken aback when he saw it. He just wanted to test whether the other party had actually read the book, or whether it was intentional, but he didn't expect that Liu Likou's point of view coincided with the review that Tang Xiuwen wrote to him. It's hard to find sympathizers.

[Team] Brahma: Why do you think so? Liu Li himself has a cold personality, but his second personality is very detached. How can there be such a big difference in subjective

[Team] Liulikou: There is no one who is really cold at all. The so-called coldness is all because of a flawed personality, and it is just used to cover up the coldness.

[Team] Brahma: What a coincidence.

[Team] Liulikou: What a coincidence

[Team] Brahma: I know someone whose views are almost exactly the same as yours.

[Team] Liulikou: Really? Looking forward to discussing with him.

[Team] Brahma: But he shouldn't touch the game.

[Team] Liulikou: That's a pity.

[Team] Brahma: In addition, I found that you can't use emoji when you are serious.

[Team] Liulikou: Oh... I'm sorry. ( ̄ I  ̄)

[Battle] (Watching the Rain) is crazy.

[Battle] (Liu Likou) has died.

[Team] Brahma:

[Current] Guan Yu: Oh, long time no see, why are you still in your thirties

[Current]Liu Likou: Yo, I haven't seen you for a long time, why hasn't your illness been cured? ⊙0⊙

[Current]Guanyu: Where is your husband? Why haven't you seen him take you

[Current] Liulikou: My husband is a doctor, and there are too many patients to be busy. o( ̄へ ̄o)

Wei Shi was amused by Liulikou for the first time, probably because he knew that the three words in the other's mouth were referring to him, and it was funny to substitute it.

[Current] Guan Yu: Is it disgusting for a shemale to say such things

[Current] Liulikou: If you want to take nepotism, I can also add a number for you ()

[Currently] Guan Yu: You are a cheap talker. If you have the ability, you are still offline, otherwise I will sit here today and not leave.

[Current] Liulikou: Only salted fish waste a lot of life on meaningless things. o( ̄へ ̄o)

[Current] Guan Yu: You can fight salted fish.

Tang Xiuwen sighed, it seems that he can't practice at this level again today.

[Team] Liulikou: I'm offline, don't waste time with her, you can play by yourself.

[Team] Brahma: Wait a minute.

Wei Shi went to Liu Likou's body and resurrected him with a scroll he bought from the mall.

[Team] Liulikou: Don't revive, you have to lie down when you get up, waste of props.

[Current] Guan Yu: Oh, there is an adulterer here.

[Current] Guan Yu: Does your husband know that you are stealing a man here

[Currently] Brahma: Get up.

[Current] Liuli buckle: can't afford it~~~~~~

[Current] Guan Yu: He can't afford it, right? Then you lie down together.

[Battle] (Watching the Rain) is crazy.

[Battle] (Brahma) has died.

[Currently] Liulikou: are terminally ill, and my husband can't save you.

[Current] Brahma: Did Liulikou offend you? To kill a trumpet, the murderous value is 180, twice the red name, three times in prison.

[Currently] Guan Yu: Is it not pleasing to the eye to see him? It's not pleasing to the eye to see the people around him, that's how it is! money! appoint! sex!

[Currently] Brahma: Red Name will lose equipment when he dies.

[Current] Guan Yu: It's like you can kill me.

[Team] Liulikou: Can't you let me go offline quietly? Don't rush to lie down! (#`?)

[Current] Guan Yu: I found that the two of you lying down are quite close. Let me take a screenshot for your green hat husband to see.

Wei Shi switched the window, and the ends of the earth were teleported to Liu Likou.

[Currently] Di Shi: Don't bother you anymore.

[Battle] (Emperor Shah) became mad.

[War Gate] (Watching the Rain) has died.

[Currently] Emperor Shi: Get up.

The scroll effect of Brahma's resurrection of Liulikou just now was still there, Tang Xiuwen didn't ask anything, he got up first, and Brahma next to him went offline, and Guanyu was the only corpse left on the ground.

[Current] Guanyu: ?

[Current] Guan Yu: Don't you ignore him

[Currently] Di Shi: Is practicing trumpet with my wife hindering you

[Current] Guan Yu: Was that your trumpet just now? ?

Wei Shi picked up the equipment that Guan Yu was killed because of his red name, and the attributes were not bad.

[Current]Guanyu: Are you a god still picking up my equipment? ?

[Currently] Emperor Shi: The doctor also asks for money for the doctor's visit. I will accept the registration fee first, and pay separately for the treatment.

[Currently] Emperor Shi: Goodbye, salted fish.

Emperor Shi summoned a double mount, a limited-edition lion in the game's internal test, golden and majestic.

[Currently] Di Shi: My wife comes up.

Tang Xiuwen accepted the other party's invitation to ride with him, and did not forget to say goodbye to the people on the ground.

[Current]Liu Li Button: Salted Fish(-o⌒) ☆~Bye?Bye

Guan Yu gritted her teeth but had nothing to do. There was a lunatic asylum behind Di Shi, and no one dared to rashly incite the gang to fight. She could only watch them go away, but what she couldn't see was the secret private chat between the two at this time.

[Private chat] Liulikou: Are you actually the same person as Brahma

[Private chat] Emperor Shi: I didn't want to hide it, but I didn't find a chance to say it.

[Private chat] Liulikou: Then how did you manage to have two numbers online at the same time

[Private chat] Emperor Shi: There is a thing called double opening.

Tang Xiuwen thought that Brahma was Weishi, and brought the acting lines into reality, but he felt ashamed.

[Private chat] Liulikou: Well, I won't hold you back, but I have a request.

[Private chat] Emperor Shi: Say.

[Private chat] Liulikou: I was teasing her just now, and you must be too. I'm not used to that kind of name, so I won't call it again in the future.

The lion's pace stopped for a moment.

[Private chat] Emperor Shi: I understand.

[Private chat] Emperor Shi: But the specific situation.

[Private chat] Liuli buckle: specific analysis. I understand this too, in all fairness your acting is pretty good.

[Private chat] Emperor Shi: each other.

Tang Xiuwen found that Wei Shi was carrying him to a stop at the door of the 35 instance.

[Private chat] Liulikou: What are you doing here

[Private chat] Emperor Shi: Change a set of equipment first, and I will take you to upgrade it from next week.

[Private chat] Liuli buckle: (?_?)

[Private chat] Di Shi: Don't habitually refuse, this is a good quid pro quo. Your master is very noisy, and I don't want him to disturb me.

[Private chat] Liulikou: It was I who taught Wu Fang and caused you trouble. (???_???)

[Private chat] Emperor Shi: I have evening classes on Tuesday and Friday and can't come, so don't wait for me.

[Private chat] Liulikou: I also have evening classes on Friday. (???_???)

Weiss was silent.

[Private chat] Di Shi: Are you from TV University

[Private chat] Liulikou: Why do you say that

[Private chat] Di Shi: You said that you are in Hushuo, but it is far from the university town, and you have to have evening classes. There is only one university that has not moved into the university town, and it is located in the western suburbs far away from the university town. .

Tang Xiuwen slid the mouse wheel meaninglessly. Now it's easy to lie along with his words, but there is no doubt that there will be more and more flaws in the future. He has read Wei Shi's mystery novels, his thinking is meticulous and his logic is clear, but any loopholes in his words may be caught.

After thinking for a moment, Tang Xiuwen came up with the best solution based on Wei Shi's character.

[Private chat] Liulikou: Let's add one more to the exchange.

[Private chat] Emperor Shi: What

[Private chat] Liulikou: Don't ask each other three dimensions.

Wei Shi read these seven words over and over again. This person's self-protection awareness is too strong, and even the appearance of people he doesn't know well is very different from his nature. It is strange for such a person to worship the antelope as a teacher and promise to marry a person he does not know.

[Private chat] Di Shi: I'll add more to you. Even if I don't say it now, you'll bring it up in the future.

[Private chat] Liulikou: Oh

[Private Chat] Emperor Shi: Does not accept any gifts.

[Private chat] Liulikou: You see through me! ()


[Private Chat] (Liu Likou) is online.

[Private Chat] Little Bracelet: Little Liuli! ! !

[Private chat] Liulikou: What happened to you

[Private Chat] Little Bracelet: You are famous again!

[Private Chat] Liulikou: Am I not famous enough before

[Private Chat] Little Bracelet: Someone broadcasted the full record of Doctor Di and Nurse Kou on the forum yesterday!

[Private chat] Liulikou: ... what a mess.

[Private chat] Small bracelet: It turns out that Brahma is the trumpet of Emperor Shida! I've turned black again!

[Private chat] Liulikou: A person with a weak position.

[Private Chat] Little Bracelet: Yesterday's reversal was so handsome! Let's see what they have to say!

[Private Chat]Liu Likou: It is estimated that the two of them scolded together╮(—▽— )╭

[Private chat] Little Bracelet: Hee hee, no one dares to provoke a lunatic asylum except for the Lan Alliance.

[Private chat] Liulikou: I used to be in a lunatic asylum, and people mess with me every day.

[Private Chat] Little Bracelet: That's different! Now you have been named, a veritable lady of the great god! Oh~~ so rippling I will call you Liuli SAMA in the future!

[Private chat] Liulikou: Mrs. Dashen is referred to as doctor, do you also want to see a doctor

[Private chat] Xiao Bangzi: I really want to go to a lunatic asylum, but your income standards are so strict. TAT

[Private chat] Liulikou: It's according to the severity of the condition, the teacher is not serious enough, keep trying.

[Private Chat] Little Bracelet: Doctor! Can you give me this honor to bring you this book! ! !

[Private chat] Liulikou: Sorry, I have an appointment! ╮(—▽— )╭

[Private chat] Little Bracelet: Oops, why did I forget, it must be about Emperor Shi! Don't bother you! (≧ω≦)

[System] (Emperor) invites you to join the team.

[Team] (Liu Likou) joined the team.

[Team] Emperor Shi: Go.


half year later.

[Guild] Little Antelope: Disciple Brother~~~~~~

[Guild] Liuli Button: Wet! ! ! !

[Guild] Little Antelope: After the RAID, let's go to the mountain together! ╰(*?︶`*)╯

[Guild] Liulikou: Uh, this one~~~(︶﹏︺)

[Guild] Emperor Shi: We have to issue an edict.

[Guild] Little Antelope: Did you make a mistake! Conjoined babies, you! Occupy my apprentice every day! !

[Guild] Liulikou: I'm sorry, Master. ( >﹏