The Antelope and Night Wolf

Chapter 5


Tang Xiuwen's May Day plan is the same as usual, reading books and preparing for lessons, and now there is one more game to play. Wei Shi left for a while, so he practiced tailoring and waited until there was a knock on the door.

"Brother!" A cheerful young man stood outside the door and shouted excitedly as soon as he saw him.

"Xiu Wu? You're on vacation? Why didn't you tell me earlier."

"I want to give my brother a surprise." Tang Xiuwu stepped into the door and gave him a hug.

"Okay, no matter how old you are, you are taller than me."

"Hehe." Tang Xiuwu put down a large bag, which was estimated to be eight or nine kilograms.

"What are you carrying so heavy?"

"The jerky and canned food sent by the troops, the chief gave a lot of fruit during the festival. I just passed by the supermarket and bought some rice and oil, otherwise, you will be troublesome if you go upstairs."

"How many times I've said these things, you can just keep them and eat them. It's so tiring to carry them all the way."

"What is this weight? You underestimate our soldiers."

"And I haven't cooked by myself for a long time. It's very convenient to eat in the cafeteria." The teachers' dormitory in Yanda University has a simple kitchen, but Tang Xiuwen doesn't use it most of the time.

"But compared to the cafeteria, I still prefer to eat what you cook."

"You can't come back twice a year, can I still make it for you?" Tang Xiuwen picked up the key, "You go in and take a break, I'll go downstairs to buy some food."

"I'll go too!"

"You stay honest!"

Tang Xiuwu, who was forcibly left in the dormitory, was also restless. He looked around, and was finally attracted by the screen on the laptop.

He would occasionally go to Internet cafes with his comrades during his limited rest days, and naturally he knew what online games were, but in his impression, his brother would never be interested in such things.

The game his comrade played was a mindless upgrade stream. It was just killing, hacking, and picking up equipment. He played it twice, but he was really not interested, so he gave up.

At the beginning of the year, there was an incident. A friend from a guild called his comrade-in-arms got a sword worth 20,000 yuan, and was "borrowed" by another netizen who was very close to him to play for two days, and then disappeared.

This person was very angry, and he just found out about the other party's resident Internet cafe through various means. Tang Xiuwu was also pulled by his comrades to support others. On one side is a dead house that has not seen the sun all the year round, and on the other side is a well-trained soldier. As you can imagine, the other party just returned the things without any use of their hands.

Tang Xiuwu was deeply impressed by what that person said when he invited them to dinner afterwards. No matter how good the relationship was on the Internet, he couldn't believe it. Countless people turned their faces over a piece of superb equipment. It was also because of this incident that Tang Xiuwu had a bad impression on people on the Internet.

[Team] Di Shi: Alright, let's go.

[Team] Liulikou: Who are you? ? ?

Wei Shi stared at Liu Likou's words in confusion, not understanding what happened.

[Team] Emperor Shi: Not me

[Team] Liulikou: I ask who you are! ! !

Listening to this tone really doesn't look like hacking, but it's definitely not Liu Likou himself.

[Team] Di Shi: What are you from Liulikou? You can see the title of my relationship with him.

Tang Xiuwu was fine if he didn't look at it, but when he saw it, he exploded with anger. Not only did his brother marry someone in the game, but he was also the woman's side.

[Team] Liulikou: When did you meet him? Why get married

[Team] Di Shi: You haven't answered my question yet.

[Team] Liulikou: Why should I answer your question! Are you a liar!

[Team] Di Shi: It's hard to explain to you, where is the Liuli button

Tang Xiuwen only remembered that the user terminal was not closed, and hurried back, and was surprised to find that Tang Xiuwu was already sitting at the desk with an angry expression, tapping his hands on the keyboard incessantly.

Tang Xiuwu didn't hear the sound of his brother coming back. A hand suddenly reached out and pressed the switch, and the screen in front of him went black.

"What are you doing?" Tang Xiuwen seemed a little displeased to ask.

"I also want to ask brother, what are you doing? Who is that person named Di Shi?"

Tang Xiuwen didn't expect his reaction to be so big: "It's just friends who play games together, what are you excited about?"

"Is it your real friend?"

Tang Xiuwen certainly couldn't admit that the other party was his student: "Ordinary netizens."

"Will ordinary netizens get married?"

"It's not the kind of relationship you think. We just play more together, and we can do more tasks when we get married."

"Brother, let me tell you, online relationships are unreliable."

Tang Xiuwen was speechless: "I don't want to develop any relationship with people, we are really just playing games."

"And there are a lot of scammers online."

"I have nothing to deceive," Tang Xiuwen said in turn. "Besides, you said you wanted me to have more contact with people, so I went to play games."

"I just want my brother to have more contact with people in real life! Not on the messy internet!"

"You seem to be very hostile to the Internet. Did something happen?"

Tang Xiuwu told Tang Xiuwen what happened at the beginning of the year seriously, and at the end he emphasized: "No one on the Internet can be trusted, no matter if he is lying to you now. You don't even know what kind of person the other party is, so you can do it casually. So... does he know you're a man?"

His younger brother was stubborn when he was young, and sometimes even Tang Xiuwen couldn't convince him: "Then tell me, what do you want from me

"Don't have any dealings with him anymore. You don't even know that the other party is round and flat, and even if your parents are still there, you won't agree."

Tang Xiuwen didn't want the two brothers to argue about other people's affairs: "Whatever you want."

He turned around and walked to the kitchen: "I'll cook first, and I'll talk at night, okay?"


Wei Shi waited for a day on the line, but the news that Liu Likou asked for a divorce.

[Private chat] Liulikou: Did you quarrel with my brother this morning

[Private chat] Di Shi: Is it your brother who called you in the morning

[Private chat] Liulikou: Why did you quarrel with him

[Private chat] Di Shi: When he came up, he questioned my identity, but I didn't argue with him.

[Private chat] Liulikou: Forget it, that doesn't matter.

[Private chat] Liulikou: I ask for a divorce.

[Private Chat] Emperor Shi: Why

[Private chat] Liulikou: Didn't I say it before, I'm just helping you, and you can get a divorce at any time.

[Private chat] Di Shi: You've been talking about this for so long? Then you have to have a reason.

[Private chat] Liulikou: My brother does not agree, this is a sufficient reason.

[Private chat] Di Shi: Just because of this? Sorry, I can't accept it.

[Private chat] Liulikou: You agreed when you got married, do you want to go back on it

[Private chat] Di Shi: I regret it. At that time, we met by chance and didn't know each other. We got married just to help me block the peach blossoms and bring you to upgrade.

[Private chat] Di Shi: But it's been so long, we've been almost together since we went online for more than half a year. I always thought that the relationship between you and me was an unbroken couple, but you want to divorce me because of your brother's words

Tang Xiuwen was secretly surprised. In fact, he said these words online mainly to show Tang Xiuwu, and Wei Shi will explain it later. But what he didn't expect was that the other party actually moved his heart towards him. No matter how they were also a teacher-student relationship, how could they cross that boundary.

Wei Shi's confession, on the contrary, strengthened Tang Xiuwen's determination to sever the relationship.

[Private chat] Liulikou: That's what you think has nothing to do with me. I just treat you as a good friend in the game. I hope you don't make trouble so that everyone can't even be a base friend. (..??_??..)

[Private chat] Di Shi: I don't want to be your friend at all.

[Private chat] Liulikou: Whatever you want, I have made up my mind anyway. I'll give you one night to think about it, and I'll go online at this time tomorrow. If you still don't agree, I can only cut the scissors unilaterally.

[Private chat] Liuli buckle: ex-husband wave~~~(づ?__?)づ

Tang Xiuwen hurriedly went offline, turned off the laptop, stabilized his emotions, and turned around to explain to Tang Xiuwu as if nothing had happened: "Are you satisfied this time? I don't know if you are my brother or my father."

Tang Xiuwu hesitated several times: "Brother, you are quite different from reality online."

"Didn't you say that there are many scammers online? It's a coincidence that I'm the kind of scammer you call me."

"I believe my brother won't lie."

"Just kidding. I'm tired of playing this game, and I'll delete it tomorrow night."

Tang Xiuwu was finally satisfied: "What's the difference between playing games in the dormitory and reading in the dormitory? I hope my brother can go out for a walk, so that we can contact people."

"Got it! Father Tang."

[Announcement] (Emperor Shi) and (Liu Likou) are bound together, their love is stronger than gold, and they will never be separated again in this life and this world.

There was an uproar on the World Channel.

[World] Passerby A: Di Shida and Liulikou are more in love than Jin Jian? So what were they doing before? ==

[World] Passerby B: I also thought that love was stronger than Jin Jian at the earliest...

[World]Bracelet: Liuli SAMA! ! ! 555 I'm so excited, I don't know what to say~~~~~

[World]Tonight He Xi: Although I don't want to say it, but you can make do with it and leave.

[World] Guan Yu: Cut, boring, and not newly married.

[World] Mo Yi: Congratulations to brother and sister-in-law! XD

[World] Lan Xiang: Congratulations to Emperor Shi Xiaokouer! It's not fun not to invite brothers to watch the ceremony!

[World] Liu Suiyun: It's a pity that I didn't kill Xiao Kou'er, it broke my oath to kill all the monsters in the world.

[World]Three Bags of Rice: You are not the only one who regrets it, and I have never done anything.

[World] Bai Shaotang: All the above are 2B.

[World] Su Qi'er: Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations! The gang will send a pair of white horses as a congratulatory gift!

[World] Bengal Tiger: Is there really no wedding

[World] FOX: As long as it is a wedding in a lunatic asylum, our Lanmeng will use the Bloodbath Moon Temple as a congratulatory gift.

[World] Bai Shaotang: (FOX), come and let you come and go.

[Private Chat] Duiker: Mist Grass! Why didn't you inform me, this master, of such a big thing!

[Private Chat] Little Antelope: Disciple brother! ! ! !

[System] (Liu Likou) is offline.


In the evening, Tang Xiuwen went online as scheduled, but he was overwhelmed by a bunch of congratulatory offline conversations.

[Private Chat] Liulikou: What's the matter? What happened

He picked one of them and went back.

[Private Chat] Little Bracelet: Huh? How did you get married this morning

[Private Chat]Liu Likou: Married? with whom

[Private chat] Small bracelet: =〇=Liu Li SAMA, have you lost your memory

[Private chat] Little Bracelet: You have a relationship with Emperor Shida, better than Jin Jian! (*///▽///*)

Tang Xiuwen immediately clicked on the character information, and the four words of "Pingshui marriage", which he was used to, became "Qing Bi Jin Jian".

[Private Chat] Liulikou: I wasn't online at all this morning!

[Private Chat] Little Bracelet: No way! ! !

[Private Chat] Little Bracelet: All the players on the server saw it, did we see a ghost? ? !

[Private chat] Liulikou: I know, it was Emperor Shi Shuangkai who did it.

[Private Chat] Little Bracelet: Why! ! ! Even if I wanted to surprise you, it would be too strange!

[Private chat] Liulikou: I'll talk to him.

[Private chat] Liuli buckle: Come out.

[Private chat] Di Shi: I've been waiting for you for a day,

[Private chat] Liulikou: You opened my account and made a private relationship than Jin Jian

[Private chat] Di Shi: In order to prevent you from cutting the scissors, I can only do this.

[Private Chat] Liulikou: Who gave you the rights? I trust you to give you an account.

[Private Chat] Di Shi: You trust me so you want to divorce me

[Private chat] Di Shi: Kou'er, I'm serious about you. I promise not to ask the three dimensions in the future, and I will not conflict with your brother, but I don't want to separate so vaguely.

The word "serious" in the chat box was shocking. Tang Xiuwen thought that a rational person like Wei Shi would not be serious about someone who is illusory on the Internet, and he would not talk about online dating in a flash.

The more the other party emphasizes his sincerity, the more Tang Xiuwen will have to end the relationship quickly.

[Private chat] Liulikou: We agreed to get married, and we didn't ask each other for three dimensions. Isn't it just to prevent such a thing from happening today

[Private chat] Liulikou: I have never had the idea of developing a super-friendship relationship with any netizens. Even if I am with you, I am just like my master, Xiao Bangzi, and other people in the lunatic asylum. They are just playing games together!

[Private chat] Liulikou: I thought I could divorce you peacefully, but your self-assertion is so disappointing to me!

[World] Liuli buckle: asking for rent (cutting the love and breaking the six desires bottle, sinking the hairpin, laboring, swallowing, and flying small scissors)! The knife owner has a price secret!

The Daishan Singles' Day event produced the only small scissors that can cut off the relationship between love and Jinjian. The owner of the scissors claims not to sell them, but if someone wants to get a divorce, they can rent them from him, just pay a deposit and a large amount of rent. Can.

[World]Passerby A: Am I blind? Liu Likou is renting small scissors

[World] Passerby B: In the morning, he is more affectionate than Jin Jian, who asks for rent small scissors at night. He really is not a high-profile and uncomfortable person.

[World]Little Bracelet: What's the matter with you, Liuli SAMA! ! ! Don't be impulsive! !

[World] Guanyu: Hahahaha, good! Help circle (Taiyi), someone wants to rent scissors, you quickly lend him.

[World] Taiyi: Nani

[Private Chat] Liulikou: Are the scissors yours? Come to Shiwen Lake, you can open the price, whatever you want!

[Private Chat]Taiyi:…

Taiyi flew to Shiwen Lake, but the transaction request sent by Tang Xiuwen was like a rock sinking into the sea.

[Private chat] Liuli buckle: ?

[Private chat] Liulikou: What are you doing

Because the other party did not respond to the transaction request for too long, it was automatically cancelled, so Tang Xiuwen sent another one, but this time it reminded the other party that he was trading with someone else.

[Private chat] Liulikou: Who are you dealing with? ? ? I want to rent!

It took half an hour to receive a reply.

[Private chat] Taiyi: Sorry, the small scissors have been sold.

[Private chat] Liulikou: sold? ? Don't you sell it? ?

[Private chat] Taiyi: It's because the price you offered to your husband is too good, I really can't refuse.

[Private chat] Taiyi: I'm sorry, dear, if you want scissors, I'll go to your husband. ╮(╯▽╰)╭

[World] Taiyi: Statement (cutting the love, breaking the six desire bottles, sinking the hairpin, laboring and swallowing the small scissors) From now on, after the owner has changed hands, please don't ask me to rent it again.

[World] Watching Rain: Halo!

Tang Xiuwen switched the private chat target back to Emperor Shi.

[Private Chat] Liulikou: Where are the scissors!

[Private chat] Emperor Shi: (cutting the love thread, breaking the six-desire bottle, sinking the hairpin, laboring the swallow and dividing the small scissors) What do you mean

[Private chat] Liuli button: You can cut it yourself, otherwise you can give it to me.

[Private chat] Emperor Shi: Although I spent all my net worth to buy it, I don't mind destroying it.

Wei Shi made up his mind not to give it, and Tang Xiuwen rarely trembled with anger.

[Private chat] Liulikou: Emperor Shi... You are so good...

[World] Liulikou: I have come to Daishan for more than half a year. I have met many friends and made many enemies.

[World]Liu Likou: No matter if you know each other or have enemies, you will never meet again in the future.

[World] Liuli Button: My Liuli Button will be in the heart of the lake from today and will never be online!

Wei Shi wanted to log in to the other party's account to block it, but it was too late. Liuli buckle jumped into the shimmering Shiwen Lake without looking back, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

All that was left for him was a system prompt:

[System] Your ball (Liu Likou) is offline.


Wei Shi was very rarely absent from the literature appreciation class every Friday. Tang Xiuwen glanced around the classroom and knew that someone was not coming to class.

Tang Xiuwen, who was still angry, opened the roster and prepared to avenge his personal revenge: "The roll call will begin, and five points will be deducted from the final grade of the students who did not arrive."

Ling Yang, who was sitting in the back row, was agitated, secretly screaming in his heart that it was not good, the monitor never skipped class, how could he catch up with the teacher to call him by chance


"Teacher," Ling Yang raised his hand boldly, "the monitor is sick, let me ask for leave for him."

"What about the leave of absence?"

"… No."

"No leave slip is considered truancy. Next"

Ling Yang lowered his hair crucially and texted: Squad leader! Teacher Tang has called! Come on!

"Do you want to be deducted points for the classmates who are playing with their mobile phones in the back?" Tang Xiuwen's stern voice frightened Ling Yang so that he hurriedly stuffed the mobile phone behind him.

"I have recorded the list of absenteeism, and those who arrive from now on will be invalid. Other students, listen to the class carefully."

On weekdays, Tang Xiuwen, who was full of freezing temperatures, sank his face, and the temperature around him dropped a few degrees. The classmates all felt that Teacher Tang was abnormal today. He sat upright in class and didn't even dare to let out the air.

After finally making it to the end of get out of class, everyone dispersed in a hurry. Ling Yang, who was running slowly, was stopped by Tang Xiuwen.

"Student Ling Yang."

"Xiu... ah no, Teacher Tang."

Tang Xiuwen stepped off the podium: "Is it true that you said your monitor is sick?"

"this… "

"to be frank."

Ling Yang hesitated: "No."

"Then why didn't he come to class?"

"He's had something unpleasant recently, so he's a little, a little depressed, staying in the bedroom and reluctant to go out."

Tang Xiuwen snorted, picked up the textbook and walked out: "Go back and tell him that if you don't come to the next class, ten points will be deducted at the end of the term."

Ling Yang followed behind and wiped his sweat: "I must come, I must come."


Back in the office, the head of the department was waiting for him here.

"Xiao Tang, there is something I want to discuss with you."

"Director, you said."

"Mr. Liu from our college was not feeling well a while ago, and the result of going to the hospital for examination was not very good."

"Sister Liu? What's wrong?"

"It's not a big problem, it just needs an operation. But Mr. Liu is very dedicated and insists on going to the hospital after the end of the semester."

"Won't it make any difference?"

"Fortunately, after the operation, you will have to rest for at least half a year. Now there are no free counselors in the academy. Teacher Liu asked you to help her."

Tang Xiuwen hurriedly declined: "Counselor? I can't do this."

"The job of a counselor is not as difficult as you think. It just manages the daily study and life of the students. You are young and you don't have many class hours, so I can't think of a more suitable person than you. Teacher Liu takes good care of you. , you can take her with her for half a year and come back when she recovers."

Tang Xiuwen knew that this time he could not help but refuse: "I'll try my best. Which class is Sister Liu taking?"

"The sophomore next year will be in the third class of the Chinese Department. You can contact the monitor of their class if you have anything, the one who won the first-class scholarship from the college, Wei Shi, you should know him."

Tang Xiuwen, who was forced to take over the job of acting counselor, sat alone in front of the laptop and hesitated for a long time before opening the QQ account he had applied for for Liulikou.

Sure enough, as he expected, as soon as he logged in, the prompt sound kept ringing.

Duiker: Disciple brother! ! ! !

Duiker: Where have you been, disciple brother? (TДT)

Little Antelope: Brother disciple, hurry up and answer, why did you leave without saying a word~~~~~~~

Similar news has been posted by Lingyang, and the last one was posted this afternoon.

Duiker: My disciple brother didn't come today? (TДT) I miss you for the teacher! (TДT)

Tang Xiuwen sighed and started typing.

Liulikou: Xiaokouer also misses Master! (TДT)

Almost back there in seconds...

Little Antelope: Brother, you are online! ! !

Liulikou: Hmm... I just use QQ, I don't plan to play games. (.﹏.)

Duiker: Did something happen? I know I haven't fulfilled my responsibilities as a master, but can you tell me

Tang Xiuwen described Wei Shi's behavior in a few words.

Liulikou: That's it. (.﹏.)

Duiker: But I don't understand! I also thought that you and Di Shi already had that kind of relationship!

Liulikou: No ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ My relationship with him was the same as we agreed at the beginning. It was because Master, you said that he wanted someone to help stop the peach blossoms and pretended to be together.

Duiker: Halo! Then the two of you acted so well!

Liulikou: In short, it is impossible for me to go online. QQ also blocked him. Don't mention him to me again in the future! o(︶︹︺)o

Little Antelope: But do you know that I can't see him looking up or down? As long as he sees me these two days, he will chase after you and ask about your whereabouts! !

Liulikou: Master said that if you don't know, you can get it? ( ..??.?? ..)

Duiker: You don't know how persistent he is! I can't escape at all!

Liulikou: Master is so witty, it must be possible! ()

Little Antelope: You go online and make it clear to him! !

Liulikou: I really won't be online, Master, I have deleted the client.

Duiker: Halo...

Duiker: So ruthless, ruthless, and unreasonable.

Liulikou: I'm right.

Duiker: So ruthless, ruthless, and unreasonable.

Glass buckle: ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Little Antelope: But I miss you so much! (╥╯^╰╥)

Liulikou: I am so reluctant to part with Master, it was Emperor Shi who caused the separation of our master and apprentice! (╥╯^╰╥)

Duiker: Obviously you are ruthless and unreasonable.

Liulikou: I won't go back anyway, I'm annoyed when I see that title! ╮(╯^╰)╭

Little Antelope: What do you think of as a teacher? T^T

Liulikou: You can find me on QQ, but Master has to promise not to betray me! Otherwise, I will not be on QQ!

Duiker: The apprentice dares to threaten the master!

Liulikou: But if Master changes servers in the future, I can go with Master~~~~~

Little Antelope: Why should I switch servers when it's so good!

Liulikou: The world is impermanent, who made it? ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Duiker: Hey, I thought you could break the curse.

Liulikou: What curse

Little Antelope: The ending of every pair of life and death in "Soul Dan OL" is that the rivers and lakes disappear!

Liulikou: Hehehe, I can only wait for you to break this curse~~~~~~~~~

Tang Xiuwen turned off QQ, claiming to have deleted the game icon that had been there all along. The icon of the game lay alone on the desktop. Liulikou was born from here half a year ago. The original purpose was to experience another life. Now her life has come to an end, and the past half a year should also come to an end.

Tang Xiuwen and Wei Shi will always be a relationship between teachers and classmates, and after the other party graduates in the future, the two will no longer have an intersection.


Since the day Liuli buckled into the lake, Emperor Shi has been watching the lakeside Siwen fishing every night, never leaving him. At first, some people who were gloating about misfortune were gradually moved by his infatuation and helped to summon Liulikou to return.

But Tang Xiuwen, who had made up his mind, was determined not to allow the situation to continue to develop in an uncontrolled direction. He ruthlessly refused Ling Yang's repeated requests, and even turned a blind eye to the high-rise buildings in the forum.

Two months later, the first PK competition of "Soul Dan OL" was held in Hushuo. The 3V3 seed team was absent from the final, and Lanmeng won without a fight.

From May to July of this year, Liu Likou and Xiao Antelope's master and apprentice disappeared one after another, becoming a mystery in the Daishan server.


Wei Shi has been walking on the campus of Yancheng University. In the past three months, he has traveled to the northwest and followed Professor Liang of Jin University to do a project of translation of historical books, which has made a lot of money. As soon as he returned to Yanda University, he hurried to the teachers' dormitory without waiting for a rest.

Tang Xiuwen highly recommended it to his postgraduate supervisor during the summer vacation, and won a position for Wei Shi in the other party's project team, half for the public and half for the private. I hope that Wei Shi can use this time to forget about Liulikou. thing. Now he received a call and was waiting for Wei Shi in the dormitory.

We haven't seen each other for a few months. Wei Shi has cut his hair short and looks much more energetic than before. In his hand was a large bag, which contained the things that Professor Liang entrusted him to bring to Tang Xiuwen.

"The professor asked you to carry so many things." Tang Xiuwen took the things from the other party's hands, but he didn't mean to invite him to come in and sit.

"There are side dishes prepared by Mrs. Liang herself. She said that you like it when you read it."

There are not many people like Mrs. Liang who always keep an eye on him. Tang Xiuwen was a little moved, and his attitude towards Wei Shi softened.

"As soon as I came back, I rushed over in such a hurry, and I didn't take a break. These things are not afraid of being damaged."

"If you put it in the dormitory, it will be eaten by your classmates, so take it for insurance."

"It's really hard for you. How are you doing on the subject?"

Wei Shi was sincerely grateful: "Very good. Professor Liang's knowledge and talent are admirable. I have learned a lot with him, and I also thank the teacher for giving me this opportunity."

"He also complimented me on you. It seems that the two of you are very compatible."

"He wants me to go to his graduate school, and I will seriously consider it."

Tang Xiuwen nodded in appreciation.

"By the way," Wei Shi took out a flash drive from his bag, "I've missed a lot of classes during this time. Can I copy your courseware back to self-study?"

"Okay." Tang Xiuwen didn't think much, let Wei Shi come in, "In the courseware folder under the D slot of my computer, copy it yourself, and I'll pour water for you."

"Don't bother, teacher."

Despite what Wei Shi said, Tang Xiuwen still went to the kitchen. His laptop was on the desk, and there were a lot of books on the side. buckle".

Wei Shi was not surprised, since this collection is also one of Tang Xiuwen's favorite novels, it is normal to see it here. He touched the mouse, the desktop replaced the screen saver, and a familiar icon burst into his sight.

When Tang Xiuwen came out with the water glass, the courseware was already being copied, and the progress bar was flashing rapidly, but Wei Shi, who was sitting in front of the computer, sat motionless with a strange expression.

"Drink water." Tang Xiuwen put down the water glass, feeling as if he had neglected something.

Weiss didn't reach for it. "Teacher, I have a question."

Tang Xiuwen hummed lightly.

Wei Shi turned his head and looked straight into his eyes: "Do you also play games?"

Tang Xiuwen groaned in his heart, and it took a lot of effort to maintain the calm expression on the surface: "What did you say?"

Wei Shi clicked the mouse, and the folder was minimized, revealing the icon of "Soul Light OL" on the desktop.

"I didn't expect you to have a client for this game on your computer."

"Oh, are you referring to this?" Tang Xiuwen repeatedly emphasized self-compassion. "It's a student pretending to be. He sometimes comes to play on weekends. I don't know what it is. I'm not interested in this kind of kid's play."

"But you're not the kind of teacher who invites classmates to the dormitory on weekends."

"It depends on what kind of student it is."

Wei Shi insisted: "It's not easy for a student to get along with Teacher Tang. I'm a little curious."

Tang Xiuwen showed no flaws: "It's okay to tell you, it's Ling Yang in your class. I knew him when he was in high school, and now the relationship is a little closer than ordinary teachers and students.

"So that's the case." From Wei Shi's expression, it was impossible to tell whether he believed it or not.

"However, playing games will affect learning after all. You are the monitor. I hope you can persuade him to play less games and go to self-study at night. If you miss class for this reason, you should not."

"Understood." After copying the courseware, Wei Shi pulled out the flash drive, "I will remind him."

After sending Wei Shi out, Tang Xiuwen closed the door when his back disappeared around the corner. A few minutes later, the person who had already left quietly appeared at the end of the stairs, his eyes stayed on Tang Xiuwen's house number, and he did not leave for a long time.


Ling Yang has been restless for many days, and of course it may be related to the return of Wei Shi, who was assigned to the west. He waited anxiously for a few days, but what he was waiting for was the astonishing fact that Teacher Tang was Xiao Kou'er.

After digesting this news for a few days, he still couldn't connect the noble and glamorous Tang Xiuwen with the little Kou'er in the game.

[Private chat] Bell: You instigate! You instigate! You instigate!

[Private chat] Xianggong, please be gentle: What are you instigating, Liger? ヽ(?)

[Private chat] Bell: ... Don't use emoji, okay? Please!

[Private chat] Xianggong, please gently: Oh. What does Master want me to say

[Private chat] Bell: Does your pig slaughter already know!

[Private chat] Xianggong, please be gentle: Who knows? ╮(╯▽╰)╭

[Private chat] Bell: Don't act like it's none of your business! ! !

[Private chat] Xianggong, please be gentle: He hasn't moved recently, maybe he doesn't believe my words.

[Private Chat] Bell: It's not that simple! You have no idea what kind of person he is!

[Private chat] Xianggong, please be gentle: Of course I know, I have been with him longer than you, okay?

[Private chat] Bell: Yes, yes. (??_??)

[Private chat] Bell: That's why it's worse, isn't it! ! (╯#-dish-)╯~~╧═╧

[Private chat] Xianggong, please be gentle: calm down~~~ Even if the sky falls...

[Private Chat]Bell: (☆▽☆)

[Private chat] Xianggong, please be gentle: And Master, you are fighting for me, aren't you

[Private chat] Bell: I'll go! (ノ=Д=)ノ┻┻


Weishi has been searching for a day in the historical snapshot of 3715. Liulikou was not worthless as the apprentice of the duiker, and even inherited the tradition of the teacher's school that he was unwilling to level up. If the two of them changed servers, the most convenient way Wei Shi could think of was to buy an account. And 3715 is the largest virtual item trading center outside the official uniform, where nearly 80% of account transactions are completed.

He narrowed his search to all priests who had successfully traded in Linshan clothing between May and September. Emperor Tian paid off, there were two transactions that were close in time, and the transaction records that matched the name and occupation came into his sight.

Di Shi: Is the seller there

Jump off the building sale: dear! what do you need

Di Sha: (picture) Is this priest yours

Jumping off the building: You said, "Xiang Gong, please be gentle"? It's a pity it sold out a few months ago.

Di Shi: Can you tell me the buyer's contact information

Jump sale: Sorry! We are professional sellers and strictly keep customer's information confidential!

Jump off the building sale: But if you like this name, we also have a couple account here!

Emperor Shi: Couple number

Jump sale: This is it (picture). The name is a pair with the priest, the profession is an archer, the equipment is fully equipped, and the transfer is complete!

Di Shi: How much

Jump off the building sale: Hey, let me tell you the truth, the name of this couple's number was named by the power trainer in the studio. Because the name is too brainless, it has been hung up for a long time and no one cares about it. It wasn't until a few months ago that someone bought the female number, and the male number has not been sold until now.

Jump off the building: I don't want to keep it anymore. The price was 500 before. If you really want it, take 400 and don't need a knife!

[System] (Niangzi, Spring Night is too short) is online.

After Wei Shi went online, he subconsciously pressed 0, and he was a little surprised to find that he had also added a friend to this account. Eighteen positive reviews.

The name of the other party is bright. Based on his understanding of that person, with such a name, the personality displayed must be more brainless than Liulikou. The best way is to wait quietly for the fish to take the bait instead of taking the initiative to attack.

Tang Xiuwen really didn't make him wait too long.

[Private chat] Xiang Gong, please be gentle: Hey~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[Private chat] Xianggong, please be gentle: interleukin WHO~~~~~~~~~~~~

[Private chat] Xianggong, please be gentle: Instigate! o(?^')o

Wei Shi deliberately pretended that he didn't understand anything, and it took a long time before he clicked the other party's name to reply.

[Private chat] Niangzi, the spring night is too short:? ? what is this

[Private chat] Niangzi, Chunxiao is too short: Wow, someone is talking to me (*@o@*) Where can I not see it (⊙_⊙)

[Private chat] Xianggong, please be gentle: (?_?)

[System] Your friend (xianggong, please be gentle) wants to use the friend locator to come here, do you agree

Wei Shi clicked to agree, and a priest with an unfamiliar, smart and familiar image slowly refreshed in front of him.

Tang Xiuwen ran two laps around the archer they met for the first time.

[Currently] Xianggong, please be gentle: Be honest, who are you

[Currently] Niangzi, the Spring Night is too short:! ! (╯﹏╰)b I just learned this number, do you know me

[Current] Xianggong, please be gentle: illiterate! Won't you read our names

[Current]Niangzi, Spring Night is too short: Wow, really alas! What a coincidence!

[Currently] Xianggong, please be gentle: white thick. (?_?)

[Currently] Niangzi, the spring night is short: what does white thick mean

[Currently] Xianggong, please be gentle: It is to describe a person like you. (?_?)

[Current]Niangzi, Spring Night is too short: Hey, will you? I'm pretty thick, but I'm not white, but how do you know

[Currently] Xianggong, please be gentle: ( ̄Work ̄lll)

[Currently] Niangzi, the spring night is so short: Why is it so lively here, guns are being fired everywhere.

[Current] Xianggong, please be gentle: You are lucky, you have caught up with the big day, my master is getting married today! (≧▽≦)

[Current] Niangzi, the Spring Night is too short: Marriage (°-°) How can I still get married in the game? (°-°)

[Current] Xianggong, please be gentle: to be precise, remarriage, he just left yesterday!

[Currently] Madam, the Spring Night is too short: Madam, you see that we are so well matched, it's a match made in heaven and earth.

[Current] Xianggong, please be gentle: Do you want to get married too? (?_?)

[Currently] Niangzi, the spring night is too short: think! (?﹃?)

[Currently] Xianggong, please be gentle: Although you look stupid. (?_?)

[Current]Niangzi, Spring Night is too short: 555555

[Currently] Xianggong, please be gentle: But it is better to be stupid than to be wise. Let's go get married~~~~~~

[Currently] Xianggong, please be gentle: follow me to fly to the old temple, I can't let my master take the limelight alone! !

Wei Shi in the dark couldn't help but smile.

[Current]Niangzi, Spring Night is too short: Well, let's get married.

"Kind of your sister! Tang Xiuwen was holding a pair of tweezers with an iodine ball on it. He heard these words when he was applying medicine to Wei, and poked the bruise on his back.


"I know it hurts now? Why wasn't I afraid of pain when I chose my brother's Sanda class at the beginning of the school year?" Tang Xiuwen said angrily. The longer they got along, the more casual he behaved in front of Wei Shi, and from time to time the side belonging to Liu Likou burst out, and he was not at all forgiving when he spoke.

Wei Shi often wondered, if Tang Xiuwen didn't have those bad experiences when he was young, didn't deliberately hide his emotions, closed himself, and grew up happily like an ordinary child, would it be a real-life version of Liulikou.

"Your brother transferred from the army to work as a part-time coach at Yanda University, isn't it just to monitor me? I might as well be more active, and I also think it is necessary to exercise physical fitness."

"Take the initiative to exercise, I think you are taking the initiative to be beaten. You get injured every class, and he is using you to practice your hands, right? I don't believe he dares to do this to other students."

"This proves that our relationship is extraordinary... ahhh!" Tang Xiuwen punched his wound, and Wei Shi gasped.

"How many times do you have to play your bitter plan? Don't think I'll feel bad." Tang Xiuwen took the tweezers and cotton balls, and Wei Shi put his shirt back on without even buttoning it, so he hurriedly grabbed his arm.

"I was talking about getting married..."

"Didn't I answer you?"

"I'm leaving right now, let Di Shi and Liu Likou remarry while I'm still there."

"No." Tang Xiuwen rebuffed, "You are so powerful, you can get married alone, and you don't need me at all."

"I'm serious. We've been married three times, once by agreement, once by a double, and once when you don't even know who I am, and now I hope to officially marry you once."

"Are you too embarrassed to talk about the past?"

"I lied to you, but you lied to me once, and I only got a marriage contract, but you got my feelings. In the final analysis, I lost more."

Tang Xiuwen's gaze drifted to one side: "How do I know that a rational person like you would believe in online dating."

"If you don't agree, I have no choice but to give up the opportunity to go to Jin University for graduate studies, accept the school's recommendation, and stay in Yan University to continue pursuing you."

"Are you crazy?" Tang Xiuwen raised his voice, "Let's leave Professor Liang and want to talk to Professor Zou? Haven't you slept enough in his class?"

Wei Shi pretended to be helpless: "There's no way, whoever lets this go will take three years, and my people haven't stamped it out yet. I'm not confident enough to even say that I have a long-distance relationship in the northwest."

"Is it a stamp to get married in the game? Virtual ceremonies are meaningless at all."

Wei Shi stared at him: "Because whether it's Tang Xiuwen, Liulikou, or even believe me please be gentle, I want all of them. I'm just so greedy."

Seeing that Tang Xiuwen's expression was a little loose, Wei Shi took advantage of the situation and pulled him to his side: "Kou'er."

"Call me teacher."


Tang Xiuwen turned his head aside: "Do whatever you want."

"You agree?" Wei Shi was happy, "I'll go online and let me know."

[Speaker] Emperor Shi: At eight o'clock tomorrow evening, we will officially hold a wedding ceremony with (Liu Likou) at Shiwen Lake. Welcome to watch the ceremony.

The World Channel immediately became a pot of porridge.

[World]Little Bracelet: Is this true? 5555 Lifetime series! T__T

[World] Watching Rain: Live long and see more. (?_?)

[World] Bai Shaotang: Hey, it's so slow, our children have all given birth to a litter.

[World] Full of Flowers: Crap! (ノ=Д=)ノ┻┻

[World] Uncle He: Is it Xiao Kou'er? Congratulations!

[World]Luo Mingfeng: Hehe :)

[World] Duiker: Ahhh! ! what! ! !

[World] Bell: Come here too! ! what! !

[World] Night Wolf: Sorry, it has been dragged away.

[Battle] (Tang Guard) is crazy.

Di Shi was forcibly attacked by the player, he wanted to fight back, but after seeing the opponent's name, he abandoned the mouse and waited for death with peace of mind.

[Battle] (Emperor) has died.

[Current]Guardian Tang: Has the access control time passed yet

[Current]Tang Huwei: Besides, did you ask me for my consent to get married

[Current] Emperor Shi: ==!

Kuang Kuang's knock on the door sounded, and Tang Xiuwu rushed in with a gust of wind.

"It's past this point, why are you still here? We're going to have additional training in the next class, right?"

Wei Shi was speechless. When it comes to public revenge, these two brothers are better at each other than the other.

He quit the game and politely greeted Tang Xiuwu.

"I'm going back to coach right now."

Turning around, he found that Tang Xiuwen pressed his fist to his mouth and seemed to be snickering.

"Kou'er, I'll go first."

"Teacher! It's rude!" Tang Xiuwu followed fiercely and escorted Wei Shi out of the gate.


Tang Xiuwen's dormitory finally calmed down. He sat down where Wei Shi had just sat before, and found that the book "Liu Li Button" on his right seemed to have been touched, with a label on it.

Turning over the marked page, someone used a red pen to draw a paragraph of dialogue left by the hero to the heroine in the book:

- Make a marriage contract with you, and live up to your love. After three years, if you come to marry as promised, remember to remember.

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