The Assassin’s Apprentice

Chapter 109: The beginning of Meng Yu's change


"Uncle Zhao, you are here!"

Following the sound of going downstairs, a group of three people came down, and the young man in white hurried forward to salute.

"Well, nephew Luo Xian has grown so tall, haha, that old guy Luo Zhanhao is really lucky."

Among the three of them, the rich and capable old man dressed in fine clothes said with a hearty smile, it seems that he has a very unusual relationship with this young man in white.

There are two people behind the old man in Chinese clothes, a bearded old man and a strong man. It seems that the bearded old man should be a housekeeper or something, and that man is a bodyguard.

"Shen Gui, why are you still standing there, these people defied the city guard's law enforcement and even injured the city guard's members, let's kill them on the spot."

Looking at the middle-aged man who was still standing aside, Zhao Xun, that is, the old man in fine clothes, was very dissatisfied, very dissatisfied with Shen Gui's eyesight.

"Master Zhao, I still have some urgent matters, so I will take my leave first, and I will leave the affairs here to Commander Luo to handle."

As soon as the words fell, Shen Gui rushed out of the lobby of the Tongcheng Hotel with full firepower, without leaving the crowd behind.

At that moment just now, he had already thought clearly, and he was watching the development of the situation outside. If Meng Yu's side won, he would seek refuge with Meng Yu's side, and if Zhao Xun won, then he would flee to the end of the world. This is better than dying without knowing why.

Looking at Shen Gui's performance, Zhao Xun was also a little puzzled, with himself backing him up, what was he afraid of

He cast his eyes on Meng Yu and his party with some doubts, but he couldn't see anything unusual about this group of "hillies". When he saw Mu Qing, he suddenly realized that this Shen Gui was afraid. Offend Mu Qing.

Zhao Xun thought he could see through everything.

"Niece Mu Qing, I know you must have nothing to do with this group of people. Come quickly to Uncle, otherwise those gangsters will hurt you, and I will not be able to explain to your father."

Zhao Xun said to Mu Qing with a smile on his face.

"Meng Yu and the others are my friends, not murderers. If Uncle Zhao wants to do something, it's best to include me in the group."

Seeing the old man walking down the stairs, Mu Qing's expression also changed, but she still gritted her teeth and said that she knew the old man's methods very well, so she couldn't walk away.

"Hehe, little niece Mu Qing is really getting more and more mischievous. How can she be friends with murderers? If your father knows, he will probably be more like killing these desperadoes than me. If that's the case, I will help your father." gone."

As he spoke, Zhao Xun turned his head slightly, and glanced at the strong man beside him.

"Zhao Si, don't hurt Mu Qing's niece, kill everyone else, don't delay my tea with Xiao Luo."

Since there is nothing unusual, let's kill it.

Hearing this, the strong man behind him disappeared from behind Zhao Si.


There was a loud noise, and the entire Tongcheng Hotel shook a few times. Fortunately, both of them are intermediate sword masters, and their grasp of power is extraordinary. Aunt Mei doesn't want to affect Meng Yu and others, and Zhao Si still has to protect the master , so the strength of both of them is restrained, otherwise the aftermath alone would be enough to destroy everything in this place.

Then two figures appeared.

It was Zhao Si and Aunt Mei. It turned out that at that moment, the two had already touched each other.

As a result, it goes without saying that Zhao Si flew upside down, the corners of his mouth were scarlet, and Aunt Mei stood in front of Meng Yu and the others as if nothing had happened.

Looking at Zhao Si who was flying upside down and vomiting blood, Zhao Xun didn't react for a while.

Zhao Si is an intermediate swordsman! And he was an intermediate sword master who killed an intermediate sword master!

Didn't I get it wrong

By the way, the middle-level swordsman on the opposite side was hiding, and made a sneak attack the moment Zhao Si made a move, so that's the result, well, it must be like this.

Zhao Xun comforted himself in his heart, but Zhao Si looked at Aunt Mei solemnly.

"Do you think you can keep you with an intermediate swordsman?"

Following Zhao Xun's words, another bearded old man behind him stretched out his hand. There was no sound of chanting a magic spell, but violent magic fluctuations appeared in the hall.

"Great Sorcerer! Turns out to be a Great Sorcerer?"

Exclamations came from the mouths of Sun Ninghai and the others. As great magicians, they naturally knew more about magicians. Experts would know if there were any magicians as soon as they made a move, so when the bearded old man made a move, they knew that the other party must be a big magician. Sorcerer.

"Dark Walker, Ji Yue? Didn't he die ten years ago? How did he appear here?"

Suddenly, Gu Xincheng seemed to recognize the identity of the bearded magician, and exclaimed.

"Dark Walker, a rare dark magician in the mainland, participated in the national competition fifteen years ago, and finally led his own team in the mainland competition. The Morin Empire achieved the third best result, and he was already a great magician at that time. But after that battle, he disappeared, and no one knew his whereabouts. Some people said that someone was jealous of his talent and assassinated He, some people say that he retreated into cultivation."

"However, five years later, he appeared again, but this time he did not bring glory to the empire in the name of the 'Dark Walker' genius, but slaughtered 384 people in a marquis's mansion, and no one knew The reason is that everyone who knew it was killed by it. There are also countless masters in the Marquis's mansion, and there are even two or three masters at the level of a great magician, but at that time, Ji Yue was just a magician It's just a soldier, no one knows how he did it."

"However, because of this, he became the public enemy of the Molin Empire, and was jointly hunted down by the Molin Empire and the Magicians Association. It is said that he died tragically in Luoshui City in the end, and no one heard about him after that. Unexpectedly He actually appeared here, and even became the guard of this old man in Chinese clothes."

Under Gu Xincheng's exclamation, Sun Ninghai also remembered this dusty history. The reason why they recognized Ji Yue was because they participated in the same national competition as Ji Yue, and they were even eliminated in the end. , was defeated by the team led by Ji Yue.

With such a powerful great mage and an intermediate swordsman, I am afraid that even Aunt Mei is no match, and even if Aunt Mei can fight well, such a big movement will definitely attract other masters from the imperial capital. Wing is also doomed.

"Wait," Lin Zhanxin and Gu Shaoze's voices sounded almost at the same time, and then they looked at each other, Lin Zhanxin finally retreated.

"If I disclose my identity, this crisis will be solved naturally. However, if I disclose my identity, then I will be taken away immediately. At that time, I may never have the opportunity to meet Meng Yu."

Thinking of this, Lin Zhan stepped back and stood beside Meng Yu, praying silently in his heart, "Gu Shaoze just settle this matter."

When Zhao Xun saw someone standing up, he also waved his hand, signaling the bearded old man to stop his magic. People who can be protected by an intermediate sword master are not ordinary people, but he doesn't know what the intermediate sword master is protecting people only.

Now that Gu Shaoze stood up, he naturally thought that that person was Gu Shaoze, so he was still going to listen to what the other party wanted to say first.

"I injured people, so if you want to arrest them, please arrest me, and if you want to kill them, please kill me. They are just people watching the show, there is no need to implicate them."

Looking directly at Zhao Xun, Gu Shaoze said loudly.

After hearing Gu Shaoze's words, everyone knew that he had ulterior motives when he went up to beat someone just now.

Zhao Xun also squinted his eyes when he heard the words, he was not sure whether the person in front of him wanted to sacrifice himself to save his companions, or he was self-confident and confident, but there is no such person in the imperial capital

He also looked at the white-clothed boy at the side, and even he hesitated for a moment. After all, although he and Luo Feng's father were life-and-death friends, he rushed over immediately after receiving the news , but for Luo Feng to offend a person who has a middle-level swordsman guard, it is still not worth it.

"I know that Uncle Zhao loves that thing very much. If Uncle Zhao can help me with this, I will persuade my father to let him give that thing to Uncle Zhao. I wonder what Uncle Zhao thinks?"

When Luo Feng saw Zhao Xun's appearance, how could he not know what he was thinking? Originally, these things were done by the young man in red, Luo Cheng, and he was just happy to teach those who dared to rob him. It's really nothing, but what he cares about is face.

He didn't expect things to turn out like this in the end, which made him feel a little regretful, but at this time it was already difficult to get off the ground. If this was the case, he would lose all his prestige in the five-member team. In the future, the Luo family will also be grateful to him and officially return to him.

So in the end, he still spoke out and offered chips. Although the gain was not worth the loss, it was not for nothing.

"Oh? Nephew Luo Feng is really generous with that thing."

Zhao Xun narrowed his eyes and said in a little surprise.

"Uncle Zhao has helped my nephew so much, it's only right for my nephew to thank you a little bit, so you don't have to be polite, Uncle Zhao."

Luo Feng also looked at Zhao Xun with a smile, and the two did not answer Gu Shaoze's words, but their deal seemed to be the best answer.

However, Luo Feng seems to have overestimated the value of "that thing" in Zhao Xun's heart, or underestimated the value of the identities of Meng Yu and the others in Zhao Xun's heart. Even if he made a condition, Zhao Xun was still hesitant. Looking at Aunt May.

In fact, Gu Shaoze's words had the greatest impact on Meng Yu. All along, he has never got rid of his poor nature in his previous life. melted.

Even in this world, he is no longer that young man living at the bottom of the society, but that innate habit of thinking has been imprisoning him, but just now, he suddenly had some enlightenment.

In fact, it's not just the effect of Gu Shaoze's words. In the past few months, his rich experience has already laid the foundation for this change, and Gu Shaoze's words are just the last accumulation in the accumulation, and finally ushered in an explosion. .