The Assassin’s Apprentice

Chapter 114: Fellow countrymen meet fellow countrymen


"Uncle Zhao, don't worry, when this big competition is over, I will definitely ask my father to give that thing to Uncle Zhao. This time, I will be the one who got Uncle Zhao involved."

As soon as he walked out of the lobby of the Tongcheng Hotel, the young man in white stepped forward and said respectfully to Zhao Xun.

"Let's talk about this later."

Zhao Xun walked forward slowly, but his eyes were farther away, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Zhang Mansion, in Zhang Nan's study,

"Brother Meng Yu, you should also be from Earth, right?"

Zhang Nan asked a little cautiously, if outsiders saw the mighty Duke Zhang Nan make such an expression, I don't know how surprised they would be.

For Zhang Nan's question, Meng Yu was not too surprised. From the appearance of the same city, such a guess had already appeared in his mind.

"I am from Guiyang, Guizhou, and I am a student of Guizhou University."

Meng Yu didn't hide it either. No matter what the reason was, if Zhang Nan wanted to harm them, with Zhang Nan's power, there was no need to play tricks with him.

Zhang Nan laughed out loud when he heard the words, and hugged Meng Yu quickly.

"Haha, I'm from Shijiazhuang, Hebei, and I finally met a 'folk'."

Being hugged by a fat man like this is really not a comfortable thing for Meng Yu.

If it wasn't for the fact that Sun Cheng and the others had already been arranged to live in the Sun's residence, and Lin Zhanxin had gone to heal his wounds, so they were not in the study, otherwise, seeing this scene, they would probably have psychological shadows.

After a while, Zhang Nan let go of Meng Yu, and then said with some embarrassment: "Haha, I'm so excited, don't take offense, brother Meng Yu, don't worry, my orientation is normal, and I already have a beautiful wife in thirteen rooms."

Speaking later, Zhang Nan once again restored the image of that profiteer.

However, it can be seen from his tearful face that his heart is not so calm, and Meng Yu also understands this feeling very well. A few months ago, if it weren't for Aunt Mei's concern, he wouldn't have Know if you can adapt here.

The joy of meeting an old friend in a foreign land is not only shared by Zhang Nan, Meng Yu is equally excited, but he doesn't like to express it.

"Have you found a way to go back?"

Meng Yu asked cautiously with a fluke mentality. Although he has adapted to this world, there are still people on earth that he can't let go. He has a reason to go back.

I am the only son of my parents, and my parents must be very sad when I disappear for so long

Looking at Meng Yu's appearance, Zhang Nan wiped away the tears on his face indiscriminately, then said with a smile,

"Brother, when I first came here, I, like you, hoped to return to Earth as soon as possible. Compared with Earth, there is no running water, no shower gel, and even the food is so unpalatable. I don't know how I lived at that time. down."

Zhang Nan looked at Meng Yu with memories in his eyes.

"So at that time, I was desperately looking for the way back. I thought I had a weird dream, so I didn't believe in everything in this world. I thought everyone in this world was a liar."

"until… "

"It wasn't until my mother was killed by them that I realized that I still felt heartbroken and hesitant. Looking at my mother's eyes full of love, I realized that no matter whether this is a dream or not, cherishing what I have is the most important thing. important."

"So since then, I have never deliberately searched for the way back. Instead, I did what a son of a hereditary marquis should do. I fought with my brothers and my father's concubines, just to be able to live. Come down, just to avenge your mother."

"It was also at that time that I founded the same city group. Haha, I didn't expect that some common sense of business on the earth would be a stroke of genius here. Therefore, my same city was like a sapling with sufficient nutrients. Under their shadow, I desperately absorbed it. Sunshine, thrive."

"When they discovered the threat, I already had enough strength. At that time, even my father had to be afraid of me, so I slowly tortured those people to death. Then, there was today's me."

"Now, I don't want to go back anymore. It's actually quite good to be here. Here, there are people I love and people who love me. That's enough."

A few more tears appeared on Zhang Nan's face again.

"Brother Zhang, don't be immersed in hatred. As you said, we should cherish what we have now, instead of being blinded by hatred."

Meng Yu sighed silently in his heart. Originally, he thought that he was already pitiful enough, but he didn't expect Zhang Nan, who was incomparably beautiful, to look back on the past too.

Also, whose life path does not flow out of the mud

"Haha, brother Meng Yu, don't worry, I'm fine now, I don't have to worry about eating and drinking, what else do I want to do, and most importantly, there are thirteen beautiful beauties who love me. I'm a god and I won't change it."

"I'll introduce my sisters-in-law to you later."

Zhang Nan said with a smile.

Seeing Zhang Nan's appearance, Meng Yu couldn't help rolling his eyes, it seemed that his worries were unnecessary.

"Haha, thank you, Meng Yu. It's been a long time since I've told anyone about this. Now that I say it, I feel much better."

Zhang Nan looked at Meng Yu and spoke seriously.

Patting Zhang Nan on the shoulder, Meng Yu didn't say much. In fact, he could fully understand this feeling. At this time, he didn't have that strange feeling about Zhang Nan, as if he was an old friend he had known for many years. generally.

"Brother Meng Yu came to Molin City to participate in the national competition, right? I wonder what plans Brother Meng Yu has after the competition?"

Zhang Nan also returned to normal, and went back to that somewhat extravagant chair again.

"I originally wanted to find a quiet place to live my life quietly, but everyone told me that true freedom cannot be obtained by escaping. Only when the world can no longer restrain you can you be truly free. .So, I should go to other places on this continent to see, and then make myself stronger."

Meng Yu sighed, people are alive, there are really too many involuntary things, if one day, you can live according to your own wishes, how wonderful it would be!

If there is such a place in this world, that place should be heaven!

"What they said is right. Only when you have the strength to control your own destiny can you gain real freedom. Escape cannot solve the problem. I am a living example."

Zhang Nan stood up and patted Meng Yu's shoulder, saying with deep emotion.

"If you have no other plans, you can do it with me after the big competition. I can't guarantee anything else. However, in the Morin Empire, even the king would not dare to touch you casually. If you want to do business, I can hand over part of the business in the same city to you, even if you want to start your own business, it’s okay, I can use the financial resources of the same city to support you, but at my level, money doesn’t really have much effect on me.”

"If you want to practice, you can live in Zhang's residence. Without my order, no one will dare to disturb you."

Zhang Nan swore to Meng Yu that with his current power, he did have the confidence to say this.

Meng Yu smiled wryly and shook his head,

"If possible, of course I would like to practice quietly, but I'm afraid it won't be that simple, because my identity is also not simple."

"Although Aunt Mei has never told me who I am, nor who our enemy is, Aunt Mei has always regarded herself as a slave, and with her cultivation, she can only hide in a remote town. Then, my identity, and the identity of my enemy, I'm afraid, it's not easy, even if you are now, I'm afraid you can't protect me well."

"Even, I may bring you danger."

"Aunt Mei is that intermediate swordsman?" Zhang Nan asked with a frown.

"In this case, it is indeed a little troublesome."

"But don't worry, my power is stronger than you imagined. Believe me, in the Morin Empire, no one dares to touch you."

Zhang Nan patted his chest, looking as if the sky was falling and a tall man was supporting it, with a grand and sacred expression on his face.