The Awakened

Chapter 1: Mystery Six


In Shanghai in 1937, there was a frightening name-No.6. Some people say that he is a running dog of the special high school, others say that he is the killer of the military command, and some even say that he is the sharp blade of the Communist Party Central Teko. Number 6 is more like a legend, no one has seen it, because everyone who has seen him is dead!

In front of the western-style house on Xinzha Road, No. 6 with sunglasses knocked on the door. For a moment, a dull male voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

"The director asked me to take Zhou Youquan away." No.6 said calmly.

"Why are you here to take someone at this time?" the man in the door mumbled suspiciously.

The door opened, and the man in charge of the guard looked at Number Six suspiciously, and asked, "Why haven't I seen you? Is there a warrant?"

"Yes." No.6 said, put his hand into his arms, took out a piece of paper from his arms without any haste, and handed it over.

The man took it, not waiting to see the contents of the paper clearly, No. 6's wrist flicked, the dagger fell into his hand, raised his hand to throw it out, the dagger was already submerged in the man's heart in the blink of an eye. The man's pupils dilated slightly, before he could call for help, he had fallen on No.6's body.

No. 6 put down his corpse with an indifferent expression, and the blood stained his clothes made him frown unhappily, before striding into the room, as if into a no-man's land.

The guard in the room was lying on the recliner, shaking his fan, and did not raise his head when he heard the footsteps, and asked lazily: "Lao San, who is here?"

No. 6 didn't seem to hear his question, and walked towards him steadily step by step.

The man did not hear the answer, and when he turned his head lazily to look around, the number six was already close at hand. He was so startled that he turned over from the chair, and while touching the gun at his waist, he shouted angrily: "Who are you?"

No. 6's answer was simple and neat, with a fierce look in his eyes, his hand raised the knife, and the shiny knife instantly pierced the man's throat.

The man's eyes widened before he could close his eyes, he had fallen back into the recliner behind him, and was completely asleep forever.

The movement of the outbuilding alarmed the people inside. Two military uniformed agents in suits rushed out of the room with their pistols. They just raised their guns and aimed them at the number six that was facing away from them. When they pulled the trigger with their fingers, six The number had already flew neatly, avoiding the bullets of the two men, and firing two shots at the same time. The bullets accurately fell into the eyebrows of the two military agents.

Wow —

Accompanied by the sound of the two falling, the sound of tables and chairs suddenly falling to the ground came from inside. No. 6 frowned slightly, and entered the room with his pistol. He glanced briefly. There was no one in the room, the window was open, and a fallen chair under the window was the source of the sound just now. It was obvious that someone had escaped from the window in such a setting.

Number 6 came to the window to look at it vigilantly, then turned around and said coldly, "Come out."

His voice fell, and there was no response in the room, only the wind blowing in from the window passed by and brought Buman up on the bed.

"Not coming out yet?" No.6's voice was as cold as winter now.

Zhou Youquan under the bed shrank and bumped into the bed, but he held a trace of luck in his heart, thinking that No. 6 was cheating him.

No. 6 squinted at the slightly moving position of the bed board, but the pistol moved down slightly and pulled the trigger.

The bullet carried the wind, pierced the duvet on the bed, and shot at Zhou Quanyou's feet, frightening him to sit on the ground, moving his body like an escape, hitting the bedboard, and leaking feathers flying all over the sky.

Zhou Quanyou was so frightened that he urinated his pants, limp under the bed.

"If you don't come out again, just die under the bed!" No.6 looked calmly at the big bed in the room, and his calm expression made him like a judge in hell.

"I'll come out, don't shoot." The dusty Zhou Youquan crawled out of the bed in a panic, looked at Number Six in fear, and begged: "Don't kill me, I don't know anything."

His begging didn't even make No. 6 blink. The muzzle of No. 6 was raised and aimed at Zhou Youquan's head.

"Zhou Youquan?" No. 6 asked with certainty.

"I'm not Zhou Youquan." Zhou Youquan shook his head in a panic, and tremblingly said: "I am Japanese, my name is Yamaguchi Daoyi."

On the 6th, he took a photo from his arms and saw that the person on it was exactly the same as Zhou Youquan, and threw the photo at Zhou Youquan.

When Zhou Youquan saw himself in the photo and opened his eyes in horror, No. 6 pulled the trigger and a bullet hit Zhou Youquan's forehead, and the photo fell on Zhou Youquan's body. Zhou Youquan was dead. He pretended to run away from the window, but because the dust on the window frame did not have any scratches, he let No. 6 know that he did not escape.

No.6 glanced at the blood stains on his body, frowned, took off his clothes, and threw them on the ground casually, walked out of the house calmly, put on sunglasses and left. It looked like a gentleman, calmly and indifferently, as if nothing had happened just now.

The dissection room of St. Mary’s Hospital was brightly lit, but it was gloomy, and the air was full of blood and formalin.

The deputy captain of the military operation team, Shen Qiu, looked at Shao Yang, who was wearing a white coat and glasses, fiddled with the corpse with a sullen face.

Shao Yang threw a warhead into the tray next to him, took off his gloves, and said: "Several of the dead were killed in one shot. The wounds on the three of the dead were caused by the US-made 0.45 caliber M1911 pistol. Zhou Youquan’s wounds were bruised. The skin around the bullet hole was burnt with gunpowder particles, and it was shot at close range. The wounds on the bodies of the two stabbed deceased were opened. The left wound was sharp, the right wound was blunt, and the skin on the right wound formed tooth damage. It can be determined that the killer's knife is a single-edged sharp weapon with small teeth on the shoulder, and the weapon and shooting habits used by the killer are in line with the legendary No. 6 killer."

"Are you sure it's the hand under No. 6?" Shen Qiu asked suspiciously.

"With my professional level, it can be concluded that the methods used to kill these deceased were the same as the previous cases of suspected murder on the 6th. As for whether the 6th was done, that is Captain Shen's business." Shao Yang smiled, quite a bit. Interestingly: "The wealthy people in Shanghai should be panicking now. How many high-class people have been killed in the last six months?"

Shenqiu's face was gloomy, and he showed obvious dissatisfaction with Shaoyang's cool words, which shows the seriousness of this matter.

"Is it revenge?" Shen Qiu pondered slightly, and continued: "According to our investigation, No. 6 is a member of a mysterious organization that has been extremely active recently. Zhou Youquan reported to us that this organization had murdered his parents and tried to threaten him. Hand over the huge wealth to the mysterious organization. We also found the secret base based on the address provided by Zhou Youquan. We only took their nest yesterday. They came out so soon to assassinate, and they almost didn't put the police station in their eyes."

Shen Qiu couldn't help being annoyed. The madness of this organization not only made the upper-class people panic, but the government was even more troublesome.

"Captain Shen, this is your internal secret. I am a doctor and I don't need to know it." Shao Yang took off his white coat, as if he had no interest in what Shen Qiu said, "Knowing too many secrets is not a good thing. "

Shen Qiu said coldly: "Dr. Shao knows how to protect himself. Don't worry, we will soon hold a press conference to announce this to the public to reassure people. Dr. Shao will not be killed because he knows the secrets. "

Shao Yang shrugged indifferently and made a please gesture to Shen Qiu. Shen Qiu didn't move, still staring at the round birthmark on the chest of the dissected corpse, thinking deeply. Obviously, he still has things to figure out and needs Shao Yang to help him.

Seeing that he was still, Shao Yang smiled slightly and looked at the corpse behind him, "Captain Shen has been busy all morning, haven't you eaten yet? Would you like me to cut a piece of meat and go back to Captain Shen to add vegetables?"

Shen Qiu only felt vomiting in his stomach and looked at Shao Yang angrily.

"Don't bother Dr. Shao." Shen Qiu turned and left with a black face.

Shao Yang, who was smiling, looked at the corpse behind him again, but his face sank.

Outside the autopsy room, a dozen reporters waited anxiously at the door. Seeing Shen Qiu coming out, they swarmed up and asked excitedly about the deceased.

"Captain Shen, this is not the first case of a high-level person being killed? What is the military going to do?"

"Captain Shen, what is the purpose of the other party? Is it to rob the rich and help the poor? Have these people lost their money?"

"Captain Shen, the public has the right to know, can you tell us about it?"

Shen Qiu waved his hand at everyone, beckoning them not to ask any more questions, and then said: "Everyone, the police will hold a press conference soon to explain this to everyone. Before that, I can't disclose it."

Shen Qiu's four men stopped the reporters, and the guard Shen Qiu left. Most of the reporters chased up, but only two reporters did not move. The male photographer looked at the female reporter next to him, and asked incomprehensibly: "Wan'er, are you not going to interview Captain Shen?"

"Zhao Wei, are you stupid? Shen Qiu always said that he wouldn't say it, so he wouldn't say it. Do you think which girl is playing with you? You just asked after asking?" Xie Wan'er talked and looked at the closed door of the autopsy room.

"It seems that our trip is here for nothing." Zhao Wei put down the camera and said to Xie Wan'er with a smile: "Wan'er, shall we have a runaway? This time we will have a Western meal and watch a movie. The time is just right. ."

Xie Wan'er didn't seem to hear Zhao Wei's enthusiastic words, she looked anxiously waiting.

"Wan'er, what are you doing?" Zhao Wei followed her gaze and saw no one, only the closed door. He couldn't help looking at Xie Wan'er suspiciously, and asked a little dissatisfied: "Wan'er, why are you waiting for your lover like this?"

Zhao Wei's eyes lit up, as if he had figured out something, and immediately asked: "Last time you told me that you had someone you like, didn't the person you like work in it?"

"When did I tell you that I have someone I like?" Xie Wan'er asked casually.

"It was the last time I wrote you a love letter." Zhao Wei remembered clearly.

Xie Wan'er was taken aback, turned her head and smiled at Zhao Wei: "Yes. He works inside. He is the best surgeon, but the genius doctor that we all Shanghai dignitaries demand."

"The genius doctor?" Zhao Wei was puzzled. He reached out and wiped the forehead of Wan'er. "Wan'er, are you sick? This is the military anatomy room. When did the genius doctor cut people into pieces?"

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