The Awakened

Chapter 10: Audit Office


When Lu Yunze went to Song Qingci's office, Shen Qiu was still there. When he saw him coming, Song Qingci immediately smiled and said to him, "Yunze is back? Sit down."

Shen Qiu greeted respectfully: "Vice seat."

"Yeah." Lu Yunze responded and took a seat.

"How is it? Is there any discovery of Gu Xun's case?" Song Qingci asked with concern.

"Not yet." Lu Yunze replied calmly, and then asked again: "Seat, can I meet Captain Gu's coroner?"

"Captain Gu's autopsy report, Dr. Shao has already given it to him. But what does the deputy seat think is not exhaustive?" Shen Qiu asked.

"Not really. Dr. Shao was also responsible for the six bodies in the previous station shooting? I want to ask him if the two cases are related." Lu Yunze replied calmly.

Song Qingci was silent for a moment, and said with a smile: "Shen Qiu has always been in charge of this case." He said and looked at Shen Qiu, "You take Yunze to the hospital."

"Yes, bureau seat." Shen Qiu took the order.

Xie Wan'er was forced to find Lu Yunze. Xie Bainian strictly ordered her to invite Lu Yunze to eat at home at night. If Lu Yunze doesn't come, Xie Wan'er will stop working. From now on, I can only stay at home honestly and wait for the marriage. Xie Wan'er is a woman in the new era, not the character of a husband and a child, let her not work, it is no different from killing her. For work, for freedom, I can only come helplessly.

Xie Wan'er stood at the door of the Songhu Garrison Headquarters, and the book associations on both sides of the door "the revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still have to work hard." Facing the wall with a gate height of about 8 meters and a width of about 15 meters, I wrote "The Song of the Chinese Kuomintang". This is the location of the highest military authority in Shanghai. It can be said that the people working here are superior to others. Even the guards at the gate have their heads raised higher than other places.

The guard saw Xie Wan'er approaching, stopped her, and asked, "Miss, you can't enter here, what can you do?"

Xie Wan'er didn't care either, it would be better not to let in. She replied casually: "Hello, I want to find Lu Yunze."

"Lu Yunze." The guard thought for a while, but still didn't remember who Lu Yunze was, then turned around and asked, "Do you know who Lu Yunze is?"

The others shook their heads, never heard the name.

"Miss, which department is the person you are looking for? What rank?" the guard asked tirelessly.

Xie Wan'er thought for a while and said, "He should be a lieutenant colonel in the Inspection Division of the Garrison Command."

When the soldier heard the inspection department, he was happy and said, "Little girl, you have been deceived! Our garrison headquarters has the Military Supplies Department, the General Affairs Department, the Military Law Department, the Interrogation Department, and the Adjutant Office, but there is no inspection department.

Xie Wan'er was taken aback for a moment, and then there was a trace of ecstasy in her eyes. It’s great that the Garrison Command does not have an inspection department!

It seems that Lu Yunze is talking nonsense. It is estimated that even the identity of the lieutenant colonel is also a lie. It is very likely that he is looking for an excuse to marry him and covet her family's property. It seems that the Lu family is probably not as good as they said. If she catches the little tail and exposes his true colors, she will not have done a great job to the Xie family, and she won't have to marry this kind of person.

Since she couldn't find Lu Yunze, Xie Wan'er didn't plan to continue searching, and went directly to St. Mary's Hospital.

At this time, Lu Yunze was accompanied by Shen Qiu and others to St. Mary's Hospital.

Lu Yunze heard Shen Qiu say that Shaoyang is the best coroner in Shanghai, and he knows how to start with No.6. Lu Yunze would like to know Shaoyang and how much he knows about him.

If Shao Yang can't tell how he is, if he can tell, then this person can't stay, he must die to ensure his safety.

Shao Yang was inspecting the hospitalized patients in the ward. He saw Shen Qiu bringing someone over and after examining the last patient, he handed the case to Wen Xiaoyu and walked out of the ward.

Shao Yang glanced at Lu Yunze next to Shen Qiu. He was tall in spirit and straight. Even if he stood silently, he couldn't ignore his powerful aura.

Lu Yunze guessed that the person in front of him was Shaoyang. This person looked gentle, no different from an ordinary doctor. But he knows that it will never be that simple to make the military look upon.

The eyes of the two collided in the air, and then separated quickly, as if no one had noticed anyone.

"Captain Shen, the number of times you come to my report is too frequent. Otherwise, go back and report to your leaders, and you will move to the hospital to work. Shao Yang lamented.

"Who makes it impossible to find a second forensic doctor as capable as Dr. Shao in Shanghai? If Dr. Shao feels that it is very difficult to treat patients while also taking care of forensic work, I can apply to the boss and let Shao The doctor only works for us, and it can also relieve some of Dr. Shao's burden." Shen Qiu said sensibly.

"Stop! Captain Shen is Captain Shen, and he just pierced his weakness with one mouth. You know I'm most afraid of meeting officials. I'm still comfortable in the hospital." Shao Yang stopped joking with Shen Qiu and turned to the topic, asking: "Did Captain Shen come here to ask about the results of the autopsy?"

"That's right." Shen Qiu nodded, then introduced Lu Yunze: "Doctor Shao, this is my boss, Deputy Director Lu. This time I came to accompany Deputy Director Lu to understand the results of the autopsy."

Lu Yunze slightly curled the corners of his lips and proactively stretched out his hand, "I have heard of Dr. Lu's name for a long time.

"Don't dare to be. I have to ask Deputy Director Lu for more attention in the future." Shao Yang shook Lu Yunze's hand.

The two men looked at each other and smiled politely, and both hands were loosened, which was regarded as a face-to-face encounter.

Before Shao Yang brought Lu Yunze, Shen Qiu and others to the morgue, before letting them look at the corpse, he specially reminded that the corpse was seriously damaged by the fire and might be disgusting.

Shao Yang pulled out the drawers of a few corpses, and a burnt smell came out first. Two military spies saw the deceased, and then smelled the smell. At that time, they covered their mouths and ran to the side to vomit.

Shen Qiu was covering his nose and mouth, turning his head not to look at the corpse, it was disgusting!

Lu Yunze's expression did not change at all. He looked at the seven corpses from Gu Xun to the Japanese spy in turn, and asked calmly, "What was the result of the post-mortem?"

"Six people were killed by two kinds of pistols. Four members of the special high school who were burned were killed by American M1911 pistols. The other two were killed by German Mauser army pistols." Shao Yang came to one. In front of the corpse, pointing to the wound and said: "This is the man killed by the Mauser with a pistol. He was shot in the abdomen and hit the kidney..."

Lu Yunze pondered slightly and asked Shao Yang: "Dr. Shao, can you tell from the wound of the deceased who did it? Has the previous method of dealing with the case coincided with the wound of the deceased?"

Shao Yang looked at Lu Yunze strangely, and said, "You can't see any usual methods from the wounds of the deceased."

Lu Yunze's gaze swept across the corpses, and finally fell on Gu Xun's pale face, and asked, "What about Captain Gu?"

"Poisoning." Shao Yang replied affirmatively, "There are no superficial wounds, and the time and location of the poisoning cannot be determined. I have detailed all these in the autopsy report."

Lu Yunze stared at Shao Yang, who was calm and composed, and did not respond after hearing everything he had said.

Shao Yang met his gaze and asked calmly, "Does Deputy Director Lu have any questions?"

Lu Yunze nodded and replied: "There are some."

Shen Qiu couldn't stand the smell in the room, especially the attitude of Shaoyang and Lu Yunze. Seeing the two of them, they talked here for an hour without leaving. Shen Qiu interrupted Shao Yang and said, "Vice-seat, Dr. Shao, the corpse has also been seen, shall we go out to talk?"

"Yeah." Lu Yunze nodded.

Shen Qiu got the order and walked out of the morgue in relief.

Lu Yunze walked two steps towards the door, and suddenly stopped, and Shao Yang beside him also stopped.

"I saw that Dr. Shao's autopsy report stated that Captain Gu was pufferfish poison. Therefore, it is impossible to tell the time of the poisoning." Lu Yunze groaned slightly, as if casually sighed: "If Captain Gu is ****** A type of poison can lock him out of the poison in the Jasmine Café."

The expression on Shao Yang's face was slightly stiff, and he turned to natural in an instant, and said, "If that's the case, it will be convenient for you to investigate!"

Lu Yunze curled his lips slightly, nodded as if in agreement, and walked out of the morgue again.

After a few people left the morgue, Shen Qiu still felt cold. The cold that penetrates into the pores in the morgue is really not something ordinary people can take lightly. Most people are fine, and no one is willing to make do with it here.

Shen Qiu was really wrong to think so. As soon as a few people left the morgue, with a touch of small figures, they looked over here.

Seeing that Shao Yang and Shen Qiu were both here, Xie Wan'er walked over excitedly and asked, "Doctor Shao, Captain Shen is here! Great, I happen to have something to ask you two."

"I'm afraid I can't help Miss Xie." Shen Qiu immediately sealed the door.

"Then can I go in and take a look?" Xie Wan'er pointed to the morgue behind her, and when she asked tentatively, Lu Yunze happened to walk out of the morgue.

Xie Wan'er couldn't help but froze, exclaiming: "Why are you here?"

Shen Qiu was not surprised, he knew that Lu Yunze had met Xie Wan'er. But Shao Yang was slightly surprised. The new deputy director Lu has already met Xie Wan'er. It is not difficult to guess that he seems to be more concerned about Gu Xun's case than those of the six Japanese spies.

"Ms. Xie is really the most enthusiastic reporter I have ever met. She just reported a big news, and now she is interested in the hospital morgue again." Lu Yunze said silently. When I heard Xie Wan'er's ears, she felt as though she was mocking her no matter what.

Xie Wan'er showed a disgusting reaction, repelling Lu Yunze in her heart, but on the surface she still smiled flatteringly, and said: "I heard that six corpses were sent here. What are they all about? Why were they killed?"

Lu Yunze didn't seem to have heard her question, and had no reaction at all.

Xie Wan'er had to turn her head to ask for help from Shao Yang, and smiled at him.

Shen Qiu was afraid that Shao Yang would say more, and said quickly: "We are still investigating. Miss Xie waits for us to announce the latest news."