The Awakened

Chapter 101: Sacrifice number five


There was an open space in front of the instructor’s dormitory, about seventy meters away. It was brightly lit. The two instructors watched the surroundings vigilantly. Even if they knew someone had attacked the base, they still did not leave.

No. 5 and No. 2 hid behind the house and looked at the instructor’s dormitory. Number Two rushed out first, shouting: "Instructor, we are in a hurry, and ask for support."

"Baga, let them stick to it." The instructor didn't move at all.

"Instructor, the attacking enemy has already occupied the playground. If they don't support it, they will soon break through the line of defense." No. 2 looked anxious.

The instructor noticed that No. 2 was approaching, and shouted: "Don't approach, you go to support it immediately."

Seeing that they refused to leave on the 2nd, they turned around and pretended to leave, took out their pistols, turned around suddenly, and fired at the two instructors.

The instructors are also elites, and their vigilance has long been the highest. At the same time that they opened fire on the second, two of them also fired back, and three of them fell at the same time. No. 2’s eyes are filled with liberating happiness. Even if he is dead, he no longer has to face his past self...

No. 5 did not expect that No. 2 would sacrifice, and his years of life and death experience made him not sad for a long time. When passing by the second body, he just glanced at it and rushed into the dormitory.

Lu Yunze, Shao Yang and others fought fiercely with the instructors and guards of the base. Most of the foreign instructors on the base have already left, leaving only a few Chinese and Japanese instructors. Otherwise, the instructors and guards of the base cannot be eliminated by the security company alone.

The killers who remained in the base rushed over, the instructors and guards of the base breathed a sigh of relief, and finally there were reinforcements! The killers rushed to the defensive line, mixed between the instructors and the guards. When they opened fire on the guard company, they suddenly violent and fired at the people around them.

After a series of gunshots, there was no more gunshots on the base's line of defense.

"No. 6, I'm No. 8, we eliminated the damn instructors and guards, and No. 5 went to the secret warehouse!"

Lu Yunze heard the voice of the eighth, poked his head out, saw the eighth, and motioned to Shao Yang and others not to move, he went over and took a look.

Li Qiang refused to let Lu Yunze go alone, and let a class of people accompany Lu Yunze.

Lu Yunze saw that the instructor and guards of the base were dead. Knowing that they really abandoned the dark and turned to the light, the united guards rushed towards the instructor's dormitory.

On the 5th, seeing that the door to the underground was open, he adjusted his expression, ran in quickly, and shouted: "The chief instructor has an order to immediately destroy all the materials in the warehouse.

There is a bunker at the door of the secret warehouse. The door of the bunker is opened from the inside out. The people inside are locked, and the outside cannot be opened at all. If you want to break through, the machine gun inside lets people know what is called a rain of bullets every minute.

Usually there are four instructors guarding here. Now the base is about to be closed and the personnel are busy packing things. There are only two instructors in the bunker.

When the two heard the call of number five, they were taken aback at first. Subconsciously intends to open the door of the bunker and enter the warehouse to destroy the materials. But they immediately woke up, the chief instructor didn't trust the students at all, how could the number five come instead of the other instructors.

"Stop! Don't come here." The two shouted and raised their machine guns.

"The chief instructor asked you to quickly destroy the data, and I will help you guard." No.5 calmly said.

"Stop! You can shoot if you don't stop!" The instructor pulled the bolt and pointed the muzzle at No. 5.

No. 5 stopped immediately, dissatisfied: "You don't believe that I am fine, I will leave now, and you can talk to the chief instructor yourself!"

The two instructors saw No. 5 turning to leave and shouted: "Wait, what else did the chief instructor say?"

"If the chief instructor tells the No. 5 signal, it proves that it is indeed the chief instructor's order." The two instructors discussed in a low voice.

No. 5 did not turn around, took out two grenade from his pocket, unplugged the safety plug, and knocked at each other.

The instructor heard the sound of metal tapping and asked angrily: "What is it?"

Number 5 silently counted for two seconds, then suddenly turned around, slammed the grenade to the shooting hole, and shouted: "Give you the secret order of the chief instructor."

The two instructors looked at the flying object. When they saw clearly that it was a grenade, their eyes widened and subconsciously pulled the trigger of the machine gun.

Number 5 threw a grenade and dodged aside, but he was too close to the bunker, the bullets shot fast, and his size was large. The machine gun bullet hit the left side of his stomach and flew a large piece of meat away.


The grenade exploded and the two instructors inside were killed.

Number Five was lying on the ground with three bullets in her body. If it weren't for hiding fast, this would have been beaten into a sieve.

There was a sound of footsteps in the passage, and No.5 slowly got up and leaned against the wall, thinking that Lu Yunze had brought people in!

"Destroy all information, ensure the safety of the Dragon Slaying Plan, and be loyal to the Emperor."

The chief instructor’s voice fell into No. 5’s ears. He had just destroyed all the materials in the office and brought people to destroy the secret warehouse materials.

Number Five got up with difficulty and went to open the bunker door, but the bunker door was locked from the inside and couldn't be opened at all. No. 5 sat down against the warehouse door, with the gun in his hand aimed at the passage.

The two instructors had just entered the passage and saw the injured No. 5. Before they could react, No. 5 had already fired first. The two instructors collapsed. The chief instructor behind did not expect that the secret warehouse was already occupied. He shouted: "Give me all, you must destroy all the materials in the warehouse."

The last five instructors in the base rushed down at the same time regardless of life and death. No. 5 fired at the instructors. The instructors were knocked down one by one. The chief instructor hid behind several people and opened fire on No. 5's body.

Lu Yunze led people to the instructor's dormitory, heard fierce gunfire from below, led people to rush down. When he saw the chief instructor fire on the number five, his eyes were red, and he raised his hand and hit the chief instructor in the back of the head.

Others also opened fire at the same time, sending all the breathing instructors to hell.

Lu Yunze ran to No. 5, and he was shot a few more times. He looked at the warehouse and couldn't say a word.

Shao Yang retrieved the key from the chief instructor and opened the secret warehouse, which contained the files of all the personnel trained on the base.

Lu Yunze saw the desire in No.5's eyes and said, "Wait for me."

He ran into the warehouse, found the file of No.5, and ran back to No.5.

No. 5 has fallen into a state of confusion, if it weren't for the belief in his heart, he would have sacrificed a long time ago.

Lu Yunze opened the file and said, "Your father is a big grain merchant in Shanghai, Fan Yu, they are all alive."

"I'm afraid... I have no chance... Go see them... You... For me... Go and see... They..." Number Five said hard and weak.

"You hold on to me, and you live to see them." Lu Yunze squeezed No.5's shoulders, trying to make him sober.

"In the next life... Do it again... Brother..." A smile appeared on Number Five's face, and she slowly lost her breath. Fortunately, his parents are alive and they cannot be killed by himself, so he is finally relieved!

"Well, in the next life, we must still be brothers." Tears burst into Lu Yunze's eyes, "Don't worry, your parents are my parents, and I will take care of them for you."

Lu Yunze closed the file and tears fell. The file records that the parents of No. 5 have been killed, and even his brothers and sisters have been killed. He said that, just because he was afraid that No.5 would be uneasy.

When the killers saw the files inside, many people screamed desperately. Their life experience and the murder of their parents made them hate the Japanese.

Lu Yunze clenched his fists tightly, and his hatred for the Japanese became deeper.

Shao Yang saw Lu Yunze's file, walked over to him, and then walked aside.

Li Qiang had read Lu Yunze's files before and was shocked. He was actually the son of General Liang Hu, and Liang Zhenning was a damn Japanese.

Lu Yunze's hand holding the file was trembling. Liang Hu was his father, and he was close at hand with his father. After a catastrophe, his family is still alive.

Li Qiang waited for Lu Yunze to finish reading the file, and said, "You and I will go back to the commander."

"It's not working for the time being. I will not go to him until I completely stop the Japanese's plan to kill the dragon." Lu Yunze's eyes were firm. Now they have the archives, but many people on the archives haven't set things right.

The Communist Party and the Kuomintang have started cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and the two parties simultaneously arrested them based on their archives, and followed their path to capture many traitors who were instigating rebellion.

Al-Qaeda’s killers left the base, and based on their hatred of Japan, they established an anti-Japanese gang in Shanghai, dedicated to destroying Japanese militarists and various traitors, and active in battlefields and concessions.

Although the situation of the Chinese war is still not good, there are no internal troubles. The Chinese army is still fighting in Shanghai to resist Japanese aggression.

The Battle of Songhu entered November. Although the Chinese army retreated repeatedly, they still controlled Shanghai and completely shattered the Japanese ambition to destroy China in three months.

Japan transferred the 6th, 18th, and 114th Divisions from North China and the country, the Kunizaki Detachment, the 2nd Independence Mountain Artillery Regiment, the 6th Field Heavy Artillery Brigade, and the 1st and 2nd Reserve Infantry Regiment totaling approximately 120,000 troops to form the No. The 10th Army, with Lieutenant General Yanagawa Heisuke as the commander, is preparing to carry out landing operations to open up the situation. At the same time, the 16th Division of the Nakajima Division in North China was transferred to the Shanghai dispatch army sequence, and the Japanese army on the Songhu frontline increased to 270,000. Including the army's 9 divisions and 2 brigades, the Navy's 3rd and 4th fleet main force and air force.

At dawn on November 5th, the newly formed Japanese 10th Army, under the command of Yanagawa Heida, was escorted by a fleet at Caojing Town, Quangong Pavilion, Jinsiniang Bridge near Jinshanwei in Hangzhou Bay, and suddenly landed, outflanking the Chinese defense line in Songhu. Behind the South.

Zhang Fakui immediately ordered Liang Hu to lead the 67th Army and the Guo Rudong Division of the 43rd Army to defend Songjiang for three days.

On the evening of November 6, Liang Hu led the 67th army to Songjiang. At that time, the 43 army led by Guo Rudong had only five or six hundred people left, and the weapons were in shattered condition.