The Awakened

Chapter 14: Wall dong


Naoki Fujiwara's finger had already hooked the trigger, but Lu Yunze had already flashed in front of him, knocked out the gun in Naoki Fujiwara's hand, took out his gun casually, and pressed it against Naoki Fujiwara's forehead.

"Put down the people and let you leave, or die." Lu Yunze's expression was cold, if it wasn't for worrying that people on the street would see him and it would be difficult to explain after the murder, Lu Yunze would have killed them long ago!

Naoki Fujiwara glared at Lu Yunze, but did not speak.

Lu Yunze didn't talk nonsense with him, and gradually pulled the trigger with his fingers, and the bullet could be shot at any time.

Naoki Fujiwara was so scared that his forehead was sweating, so he waved his opponent's hand unwillingly, and the Japanese who was still carrying Xie Wan'er threw her to Lu Yunze.

As soon as Xie Wan'er's body touched Lu Yunze's chest, she immediately slid down. Lu Yunze hugged her subconsciously so that she would not lie on the ground.

Xie Wan'er finally let go of her hanging heart, and her strong eyelids went down.

Lu Yunze put down the pistol on Naoki Fujiwara's forehead, and Naoki Fujiwara glanced at him again, as if to remember his appearance, so that he could return to seek revenge.

Only two steps out of Fujiwara Naoki, he suddenly heard Lu Yunze say coldly behind him: "Don't trouble her anymore, Gu Xun's death has nothing to do with her."

Naoki Fujiwara paused and asked, "Who killed Gu Xun?"

"Then you will tell me why the Japanese look for Gu Xun?" Lu Yunze asked not to answer.

Naoki Fujiwara and Lu Yunze looked at each other, then turned and left with his men. Obviously, none of them would want to get answers from each other.

Lu Yunze looked down at Xie Wan'er who had fallen asleep in his arms, frowned, hugged her horizontally, and walked out of the alley.

Xie Wan'er woke up in the hospital. When she woke up, Lu Yunze had already left and only saw Shen Qiu sitting by the bed.

Shen Qiu had a new bandage on his arm, and there were still some blood stains on his clothes. It was obvious that he had just treated the wound.

"Captain Shen, did you save me?" Xie Wan'er asked suspiciously. But my heart does not approve of this answer. Although she didn't see the other side clearly, she probably saw it, not like Shen Qiu's figure.

"No." Shen Qiu shook his head, seeing Xie Wan'er get up, and quickly helped her with one hand.

"Then Captain Shen is in my ward?" Xie Wan'er asked puzzledly.

"I came to the hospital to see injuries, and I heard that Miss Xie was stunned, so I came to visit." Shen Qiu explained and asked: "Ms. Xie knows who wants to hurt you?"

Xie Wan'er carefully recalled what she had seen and heard in a daze, and then said: "They seem to be Japanese. They wanted to arrest me for Gu Xun's death."

Shen Qiu was surprised, how could the Japanese care about Gu Xun's death

"Are you sure they are Japanese?" Shen Qiu asked hurriedly.

"Not sure." Xie Wan'er shook her head, "I seem to hear someone say this, but maybe I was confused and misheard.

"Presumably Miss Xie doesn't know who saved her?" Shen Qiufu asked again.

"If I knew, I wouldn't ask Captain Shen." Xie Wan'er sighed slightly, "I also want to know who he is."

"I won't bother Miss Xie to rest." Shen Qiu got up and left.

Xie Wan'er leaned back on the bed, her mind was full of fuzzy figures...

When Lu Yunze returned to Tongbao Foreign Company, he saw the military reunification members put on guard on the periphery and stood in battle, paying attention to all passing pedestrians, for fear of another accident.

There are still uncleaned blood stains on the streets, and the cars full of bullet marks have not been taken away.

Seeing Lu Yunze coming over, the guard immediately said respectfully: "Vice seat."

"What happened?" Lu Yunze asked with a calm face.

"Secondary seat, your car was attacked as soon as it returned to the door. The driver and Wang Wen were shot dead on the spot." The guard replied.

"Have you caught the suspect?"

"No. All the killers escaped."

Lu Yunze looked at the car full of bullet marks. It was obvious that if he was in the car, he might have been killed by now!

The other party wanted to kill Lu Yunze so anxiously, there was no need to ask, he was still in a super high class.

Song Qingci received the news and hurried back as quickly as possible, and immediately called the leaders of various departments to have a meeting.

The atmosphere in the conference room was dignified, and Song Qingci was already annoyed and turned into anger, "This attack is a provocation to us, we must find the attacker in the shortest time. Now you talk about it, what have you found?"

"Although the situation in Shanghai is chaotic, there are not many people who can launch an attack with such powerful firepower. Furthermore, our actions are secretive, and most people don't know this stronghold. It stands to reason that everyone who knows this location knows our identity and dare to provoke the boss. There are not many people." Guo Hexiang was the first to express his opinion, but no one doubted it.

Others also expressed their opinions. The military command is a secret agency that has offended many people. Huang Jinrong, Du Yuesheng, and the people in the special high class are all likely to take action.

"This shooting incident was clearly directed at the sub-seat. I wonder if the sub-seat can be suspicious?" Shen Qiu suddenly asked Lu Yunze.

Lu Yunze calmly looked at Shen Qiu and said, "I don’t think it’s necessarily. I’ve just arrived in Shanghai, and I haven’t been in contact with people. It’s impossible to have enemies come to my door so soon. Maybe the other party just happened to attack my vehicle just to embarrass the military. ."

Just as Shen Qiu wanted to refute, he saw Song Qingci wave his hand and said to Lu Yunze: "Since Yunze thinks so, are there any targets of suspicion?"

"Guo Zuo, I know that a killer organization was wiped out a while ago. I suspect it was the remnants of this organization." Lu Yunze took the opportunity to say, "I want to check the information of this organization in order to verify it."

Song Qingci looked at Lu Yunze, but did not answer, as if thinking about it.

"I don't think so." Shen Qiu suddenly interjected, "Perhaps it is a Japanese?"

Song Qingci turned his head to look at Shen Qiu and asked, "Oh? Where did Captain Shen start?"

"Seat, I saw the attacked reporter Xie Wan'er in the hospital today." As soon as Shen Qiu's words were uttered, everyone looked at him in confusion. I don't understand why he mentioned a reporter at such an important time. But obviously there must be a reason.

Shen Qiu looked at Lu Yunze with a calm expression and continued: "This Miss Xie Wan'er was attacked by the Japanese today."

Lu Yunze's expression was still not wavering, but he put on a good listener posture.

"Is the vice seat not worried at all?" Shen Qiu smiled slightly, "Is she the fiancée of the vice seat?"

There was an uproar in the conference room, but Lu Yunze remained calm.

"Our people were attacked in the street in front of the secret stronghold. I don't think it is suitable to talk about private affairs at such a time." Lu Yunze's retort was not high, but his words were strong.

"Captain Shen, get back to business." Song Qingci reminded.

"According to the reporter from Xie Wan'er, the Japanese attacked her because of Captain Gu's death. I have to suspect that Captain Gu's death was related to the Special High School. Moreover, when the deputy seat arrived in Shanghai, there was a riot in the station. A member of the special high school has died. It is enough to prove that the special high school has been focusing on us." Shen Qiu looked at Song Qingci, "The seat, so I believe that compared with a base that has been wiped out by us, the special high school’s The suspicion is even greater."

"It makes sense. I agree with Captain Shen's view." Song Qingci looked at Lu Yunze and asked democratically, "Yunze, what do you think?"

Lu Yunze knew that his purpose of recalling the base information failed again. However, he was also even more sure that there was definitely some hidden secret in the base being suppressed. If not, how could Song Qingci and Shen Qiu obstruct his investigation in every possible way

"Captain Shen's analysis makes sense." Lu Yunze agreed with the tunnel.

"Yunze, since you have been involved in several incidents, you should proceed to investigate. I hope you can give me a satisfactory result." Song Qingci ordered.

"Yes. Bureau seat." Lu Yunze led the command calmly.

After knowing it was over, Lu Yunze returned to the office and could finally calm down and think about this series of things.

He was not surprised that Song Qingci refused to give him information about the base. It was just handed over to him directly to show that there was nothing to check.

Since he couldn't explore the base for a while, he might as well start with Gu Xun's death. Since the people in the special high school can hold Xie Wan'er because of Gu Xun's death, what about the others in the cafe

Thinking of this, Lu Yunze immediately called Mai Yali in.

Mai Yali soon appeared at his desk, "Vice seat."

"Go and check immediately. On the day Captain Gu was poisoned, all the people at Jasmine Café were still there." Lu Yunze immediately ordered.

"Yes. Vice seat." Mai Yali took the order to leave. The results came out in only half a day. The waiter who served Gu Xun's coffee in the Jasmine Café disappeared that day. The waiter was in Shanghai alone. If Mai Yali hadn't sent someone to find him, I'm afraid he would not have been found.

"Are you going to find it?" Mai Yali asked for instructions.

Lu Yunze pondered slightly, and said, "Send someone to find it. You have to see people when you live, and you have to see the dead when you die."

"Okay." Mai Yali nodded, and after talking about business, she smiled charmingly and invited: "It's also time for get off work, so why don't I go to the conservatory for the vice seat? The new home must be popular so that it is not easy to provoke evil. Things."

Lu Yunze looked at Mai Yali, who was smiling charmingly, and wondered whether she said these words casually, or meant something

"No need." Lu Yunze said indifferently: "I have something to do at night."

Mai Yali didn't seem to feel Lu Yunze's indifference, and then asked, "Go visit the future father-in-law?"

"No." Lu Yunze didn't hide it from her.

"The vice seat is so indifferent, I guess Xiaojiao's wife is too much to bear, right?" Mai Yali pretended to sigh and mourn herself, "that is, me, no matter what the vice seat is, I am sincere."

Lu Yunze stood up, approached Zhao Liya, and pressed her against the cabinet behind him.

"A piece of sincerity is not spoken by the mouth." Lu Yunze's lips pressed against her ear, "Why is Miss Mai eager to behave?"

Mai Yali curled her lips with a smile on her eyebrows, raised her arms around Lu Yunze's neck, and breathed a scent on his cheeks.

"When I behave like this, the vice chair doesn't care about me. If I don't behave, the vice chair will never remember the agreement between us."