The Awakened

Chapter 15: Fuxing Club


Lu Yunze's expression was slightly stiff, he slowly straightened up, and after looking at each other for a moment, he walked back to the desk and sat down.

"You go out first." Lu Yunze said coldly.

Mai Yali smiled charmingly, turned and walked out of the office.

Lu Yunze looked at the back of her leaving, he was not sure whether what she said was true or false. But whether it's a temptation, it's true. The longer he sits here and the more people he contacts, the more likely he is to be exposed. Now he has only two choices, either to leave as soon as possible, or to find out the details of Lu Yunze.

The extra-high class assassinated twice in a row, one shot was more ruthless than the other, and he vowed not to stop not killing Lu Yunze. This may be the root of Lu Yunze's details.

"Please help me deliver it to my uncle, Chengji grain shop in the public concession. My uncle's name is..." He couldn't help but see the scene of Lu Yunze before his death. Why didn't Zhen Lu Yunze ask himself to notify the army to take revenge for him when he was dying, and he didn't need to notify his family himself, but handed the pen to the uncle of Chengji Food Shop? This is very unreasonable. He is here to take office, and the last thing he cares most about is a pen

Lu Yunze took out his pen and checked it over and over again, but found nothing unusual. He then opened the pen and examined each part carefully. Finally, in the cap of the pen, a small note appeared. He carefully clipped the note out and opened it. The words on the note shocked him greatly.

The above wrote: "The killer organization is suspected to be built by the Japanese, and the authenticity of the base destroyed by military reunification remains to be verified."

There really is a problem with the destroyed base. Who on earth was Lu Yunze ordered to investigate this matter? Is it the Nanjing government, or is there someone else

No, it's not the Nanjing government. If he came by the order of the Nanjing government, there is no need to send this news out.

Although it was impossible to fix Lu Yunze's identity for a while, the Japanese wanted to kill Lu Yunze madly again, it must be because of this secret in his hands.

Lu Yunze sat stiffly in the chair, his expression indifferent, but there was a storm in his heart. He actually grew up in a Japanese base. Why did the Japanese raise their Chinese children and become killers? Is it just to make them kill each other? However, compared to foreigners, isn't it that your own countrymen are less prone to trouble

Furthermore, looking at the tensions on the base from all sides, it is obvious that this is not just a killer organization. Moreover, his connector Gu Xun is also a member of the military command. The inexhaustible relationship here shows that this base is not as simple as the killer organization on the surface.

The night gradually struck, and in the dark office, Lu Yunze also plunged into darkness. Can't see the road ahead, can't see what I look like...

Shao Yang checked Xie Wan'er again and confirmed that she was okay before agreeing to discharge her from the hospital.

When Xie Wan'er walked out of the hospital, it was already dark. She can notify the driver at home to pick her up, but she is afraid that her parents will know about her attack today, and she simply intends to leave alone.

It is rare for Shaoyang to leave work early this morning, and he was standing at the entrance of the hospital waiting for Wen Xiaoyu. The two agreed to go to the old restaurant that they often go to together.

When Shao Yang saw Xie Wan'er go out, he looked around and did not step out of the hospital.

Xie Wan'er was accustomed to being careless, but she was not unsuspecting danger. Especially when it gets dark at the moment. If those Japanese people came to catch her again, she couldn't guarantee that she would still be so lucky that someone would come to rescue her.

Shao Yang couldn't help but find it interesting when she saw that she wanted to leave and retracted in fear. The little girl who is not afraid of fear this day also has a heart of fear.

"Why? Afraid?" Shao Yang's voice suddenly sounded.

Xie Wan'er looked at Shao Yang and said unconvincedly: "I'm on guard. I'm not afraid. Xie Wan'er has always been afraid of power and danger."

To show that she was really not afraid, Xie Wan'er took a big step out of the hospital and walked into the night.

Shao Yang stood still watching, shaking his head helplessly and laughing. At this time, the well-dressed Wen Xiaoyu walked over happily. When she saw Shao Yang's figure, she deliberately arranged her clothes.

"Brother Shao, I can go." Wen Xiaoyu said happily.

Although she and Shao Yang work together in the hospital and live under the same roof, they have few opportunities to eat together. Because Shaoyang is too busy. It is rare to be free today, and said to accompany her to the old restaurant. She was overjoyed, so she dressed up carefully before coming late.

"Xiaoyu, I have something wrong, I can't accompany you to dinner." Shao Yang briefly explained, without even looking at the well-dressed Xiaoyu, he hurriedly chased Xie Wan'er's back.

Wen Xiaoyu stood there at a loss, looked down at the new clothes on her body, and smiled sadly.

Xie Wan'er was standing at the intersection observing the enemy's situation when she was suddenly slapped on her shoulder. She screamed in fright, turned her head and didn't look at anyone, and punched her with her fist.

The fist hadn't landed on the opponent's chest, and he had already been grasped powerfully by the opponent.

"It's me. Wan'er." Shao Yang said helplessly.

"I was scared to death." Xie Wan'er breathed a sigh of relief. "Is Dr. Shao okay?"

"I just dropped in. Let's take you back." Shao Yang heard it.

Xie Wan'er was relieved and hurriedly agreed with joy.

This is the first time the two have been together for a long time on matters other than interviews. Xie Wan'er was excited when she talked about her dreams. The daring to pursue the spirit of women in the new era fits well with Shaoyang, a person who has returned from overseas.

The two talked about the attack on Xie Wan'er today, and Xie Wan'er couldn't help but ask: "Doctor Shao, really no one saw the person who saved me?"

After hearing this, Shao Yang shook his head after a moment of silence.

In fact, he saw that the person who sent her to the hospital was Lu Yunze.

Xie Wan'er couldn't help being disappointed when she heard the words, "I have asked a few people, and no one has seen him. It seems that I can't find my savior."

Shao Yang stopped at the door of Xie Wan'er's house and said: "Since he doesn't want to leave his name, he doesn't want you to return it. It's better to keep it in your heart and return it to the society if you look hard."

"You are right." Xie Wan'er nodded in agreement, and the servant had already opened the door: "Doctor Shao, thank you for sending me today."

Xie Wan'er waved to Shaoyang happily, turned around and entered the house.

As soon as Xie Wan'er entered the mansion, Xie Bainian was sitting in the living room waiting for her, in the posture of setting up a private court.

"Which one I asked you to invite?" Xie Bainian asked.

"He has work to be busy and can't come." Xie Wan'er replied feebly. She was really tired of tossing that day.

Xie Bainian's face sank, and he reprimanded: "He has something to do? I think you have something to do. Look at you. What time is this before I go home."

"Dad, don't wonder if your own daughter is okay whenever something happens? If it weren't because I went to the hospital for an interview and met him, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to see anyone." Xie Wan'er looked at her father Xie Bainian in frustration.

"Who is the man who just sent you back?" Xie Bainian asked sternly.

Xie Wan'er turned to look at Sister Chen who opened the door for herself, knowing that she had reported to Xie Bainian. Sister Chen was seen hurriedly lowering her head.

"It's Dr. Shao." Xie Wan'er told the truth.

"Naughty! How can you be with a man so late?" Xie Bainian was annoyed, "If the Lu family knew about it, why would you want you?"

"I was with Dr. Shao so late because of..." Xie Wan'er swallowed when she reached her throat, "Dad, maybe Lu Yunze doesn't want to complete the marriage contract at all, it's your wishful thinking."

"Impossible. The children of the Lu family will never be bad." Xie Bainian didn't want to believe that there was a problem with Lu Yunze's conduct, so that the children from a loyal family would not be bad.

"I can't find him anyway." Xie Waner simply didn't argue with her father. "I went to Songhu Garrison Command to look for him today, but Songhu Garrison Command has no inspection department at all, and no one knows Lu Yunze. Think about it again. Let me invite him to an old man, and I must be able to find talent."

"How can you not find anyone?" Xie Bainian asked suspiciously.

"I am also wondering why Detective Ouyang Qian said that Shen Qiu is not a policeman, Ouyang Qian also said that the police station did not come to the deputy chief, and Shen Qiu said that Lu Yunze was his boss or deputy chief." Xie Wan'er was affected by this inexplicably complicated relationship. I was confused, "Oh! I can't figure it out anyway."

When Xie Bainian heard the words, a smile suddenly appeared on his face and said, "I see."

"Do you know what?" Xie Wan'er couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Don't ask too much. Knowing too much is no good."

"If you don't ask, don't ask, the big deal is I will find out for myself." Xie Wan'er whispered.

"Master, you should tell Wan'er. You know the character of this girl, let her find out for herself, she must cause trouble." Mother Xie said worriedly.

Xie Bainian glanced at Xie Wan'er and said, "I'll tell you! lest you don't know anything and offend others again."

Xie Wan'er hurriedly ran behind her father, helped his father rub his shoulders, and said kindly: "Dad, I'll rub your shoulders for you."

"You girl!" Xie Bainian shook his head helplessly, and continued: "Big Brother Lu said that Yunze works in the Songhu Police Headquarters Inspection Office. I guess it should be correct. It's just that the inspection office is either not established. Either it is a secret department. On the surface, Shen Qiu is the captain of the police station, but in fact, his true identity is a member of the military command."

"Military control?" Xie Wan'er had never heard of this organization. "I only know that the Chinese National Renaissance Agency has a secret service."

"The Military Command and the Chinese National Renaissance Society are actually an organization. In the 20th year of the Republic of China, some students of the Whampoa Military Academy established the Renaissance Society, which was mainly composed of soldiers. At that time, it was also called the Lanyi Society. In the 21st year of the Republic of China, it was reviving again. The core organization Lixing Agency has been set up within the agency. There is a special agency specializing in espionage activities. Mr. Dai Li is the person in charge."

"Dad, what you are talking about is the secret service of the Fuxing Club. Could it be that the secret service of the Fuxing Club is the military commander."

"I heard that in the 21st year of the Republic of China, the chairman appointed Mr. Dai Li as the head of the Special Service Department of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government, that is, Juntong. Although the Fuxingshe Special Service and Juntong are two names, the person in charge is Dai Li. Sir, it can be said that there are only two brands for one team."