The Awakened

Chapter 16: An invitation from a fiancee


"You mean that Lu Yunze is a special agent of the military command? But he is a member of the military command. Just say it directly. He also said that the inspection department is responsible. Isn't this a lie?"

The military reunification is a secret to ordinary people, but it is not a secret to Xie Bainian, a very wealthy man with a special status in Shanghai. After all, people like Xie Bainian have inextricable connections with the government, and it is not surprising to know some secrets.

Xie Bainian continued: "It doesn't matter what I said to you before, but what I will tell you next is that you must never tell other people, you know?"

"I got it." Xie Wan'er's curiosity was hooked up, "Dad, just say it."

"Military control is divided into two parts: open and secret units. The secret unit does not open activities. When the military control personnel of the open unit are active outside, they will not claim to be the military control bureau. The open units of the military control bureau include the special inspection department of the military commission and various garrison areas. The Inspection Office of the General Command and the Garrison Command, the Water and Land Transportation Unified Inspection Office, the Anti-Smuggling Agency, the Freight Bureau, the Police Detective Brigade, and the Ordnance Department Security Inspection Office. Military personnel of these units can only report to the outside world to their own department. Ze said to the outside world that he was a member of the inspection department."

"But there is no inspection and punishment of this department? Lu Yunze is useless to say to the outside world."

Xie Bainian pondered slightly and said, "Since Yunze said it was an inspection office, it seems that the government is planning to set up an inspection office. It is very likely that Yunze is the one who prepared the inspection office."

"Is the military system dangerous?" Xie Wan'er asked pointedly.

Xie Bainian did not notice her careful thoughts, and replied: "It is definitely dangerous to do intelligence work, but their rights are also great, equivalent to the former Jinyiwei. Especially Mr. Dai Li, he is the chairman's confidant general, military commander. It is the eyes and ears of the chairman, who have different status."

"Since the work of the military command is so dangerous, if Lu Yunze died as soon as I passed the door, then I won't be a widow?" Xie Wan'er looked at her father pitifully, "Dad, how can you bear it?"

"Naughty! How can anyone curse her husband to death without clearing the door?" Xie Bainian couldn't help reprimanding his daughter.

"Master, what the daughter said is not unreasonable." Mother Xie said from the side.

When Xie Wan'er heard that the life-saver had come, she hurriedly went to her mother and said obediently, "I still care about my daughter as a mother."

Mother Xie patted her daughter on the arm and said to Xie Bainian: "Let’s invite him to have a meal at home and find out if his job is dangerous. It’s really impossible. Let him do business for you, so that you won’t be waner. After marrying him, he was worried all day long."

Xie Wan'er was stunned. Didn't her dear mother want to refuse her marriage

Xie Bainian nodded when he heard that it made sense, and said to Xie Wan'er: "You will go to Tongbao Foreign Company to find Yunze tomorrow. I'm sure you can see him."

"Dad -" Xie Wan'er just wanted to refuse, she heard Xie Bainian threaten: "Do you still want to continue working in the newspaper?"

"All right, I'll go. I will definitely invite him, even if he is tied up, he can be tied up." Xie Wan'er said angrily, "I'm sleepy, I went upstairs to sleep."

"I haven't eaten dinner yet?" Xie's mother quickly reminded.

"Stop eating." Xie Wan'er replied and hurriedly ran upstairs.

Mother Xie looked worriedly at Xie Wan'er's leaving figure, and said to Xie Bainian: "It's fine if you send someone to invite, why bother with your daughter in person?"

"I also want them to have a chance to meet each other so that they can see each other more easily." Xie Bainian sighed with a frown, "Or the girl Wan'er is stubborn and forced her to marry Yunze, and maybe something happened. , I tied her up a long time ago and married her nephew Lu Xian!"

Xie's mother laughed, "You also know that your girl's temper is as bullish as you?"

Xie Bainian looked up at the stairs where there was no daughter, and told the maid at home: "Go and cook a bowl of Miss's favorite glutinous rice balls and serve it up."

"Yes. Master." The servant took the order and retreated.

Mother Xie looked at Xie Bainian and shook her head helplessly and laughed. Obviously caring about the daughter, but always arguing the relationship between father and daughter, the tempers of the father and daughter really match up.

The military command collected the bullets of the attackers and analyzed that the two machine guns were both German-made MP35, and the bullets used 9×19mm Ruger pistol bullets. The output of this type of weapon is not high. Germany has only produced less than two thousand at present. Such a small output can flow to China, which is enough to show that the identity of the attacker is extraordinary.

Lu Yunze handed the report to Song Qingci with his personal analysis report. He believed that U.S.-made weapons are commonly used by members of the special high school, not German weapons. The most likely attackers are the remnants of the mysterious base, and only they will desperately die. Assault.

Song Qingci's answer is very simple. You think it is the work of the remnants of the mysterious base, but it is all speculation. What I want is evidence. Why are those people killing you? How do they know your identity? If you want revenge, wouldn't it be better to kill me or Shen Qiu? And Shen Qiu in the car is not the focus of the opponent to kill at all. Therefore, we must find the murderer, and must not let the real attackers read jokes, and do not look narrowly at the mysterious organization.

Song Qingci once again refused Lu Yunze's desire to start the investigation base, which further confirmed his previous guess. Song Qingci has something to do with the elimination of fake bases. That's why he was so afraid of someone contacting the base's information, for fear that things would be revealed.

Obviously, in Song Qingci's place, if he didn't need to steal and rob, he wouldn't even want to get the information of the base. At present, he has no idea where the files are hidden, so he is not suitable for such extreme methods.

Just before Lu Yunze walked back to the office, Mai Yali came to report: "Vice seat, Shao Yang wants to see you. Said that the six corpses have been newly discovered."

Lu Yunze was secretly shocked. Four of the six people were murdered. What new discovery did Shaoyang have

"Invite him to my office." Lu Yunze said calmly.

"Yes." Mai Yali took the order to leave, and soon led Shao Yang to Lu Yunze's office.

"Sit down, Dr. Shao." Lu Yunze asked when Shao Yang had taken his seat, "Dr. Shao has any new discoveries?"

"Director Lu, after an autopsy, I found that the four burned corpses contained northeastern rice in their stomachs, and the food in their stomachs was the same as that of the other two members of the super high school who were killed. I am sure they are a group of people. It’s an extra-high class person."

"Oh? You can be sure that they are all people in the super high class?" Lu Yunze looked at Shao Yang and his eyes were full of doubts. Lu Yunze knew better than anyone about whether these people were in the super high class. But Shaoyang's reasoning was somewhat arbitrary.

Shaoyang looked at Lu Yunze’s expression and continued: “Those people’s stomachs are northeast rice. The northeast rice tastes good, but the price is high. It is impossible for ordinary killer organizations to enjoy such expensive rice together.”

"Something makes sense." Lu Yunze nodded, "This is just a reasonable guess, and it cannot be used as evidence of our handling of the case."

"Maybe you can find any clues from where they bought rice?" Shao Yang suggested.

Lu Yunze can't help but feel a little strange. Shao Yang is a well-known doctor, but haven't he heard that he is interested in solving cases? This obviously superfluous reaction makes people suspicious.

When in doubt, silence is probably the best way.

Seeing that Lu Yunze didn't speak, Shao Yang continued: "I know a few grain shops that sell rice from Northeast China. Maybe Director Lu can check it out."

Mipu is Mipu again. Lu Yunze was not sure whether Shao Yang's eventful reminder was a coincidence or whether he was related to the rice shop mentioned in Lu Yunze's pen. If he is swindling him now, he obviously can't say more.

"Thank you Dr. Shao for your reminder. Dr. Shao has anything else to do?" Lu Yunze put on a posture to see off the guests.

"I won't bother the vice seat much."

Shaoyang smiled gently and left wittyly, always looking harmless to humans and animals.

When Shao Yang left, he happened to meet Xie Wan'er at the door who was ordered to find Lu Yunze.

Shaoyang said warmly: "Miss Xie."

"Doctor Shao." Xie Wan'er was a little surprised to meet Shao Yang here.

"Why are you here?" The two asked at the same time, and then they smiled heartily.

"I'm here to report on the new progress of the autopsy."

"I'm here to find Deputy Director Lu for an interview."

The two men said their reasons in unison again, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Wan'er, I don't know if I am honored to invite you to dinner?" Shao Yang asked.

"I should ask Dr. Shao. Thank you Dr. Shao for taking me home last night." Xie Wan'er smiled embarrassedly. "If Dr. Shao didn't send me yesterday, I would still be very scared."

"It's the morning, when will your interview end?" Shao Yang asked.

"Soon, it's okay for me to interview at another time." Xie Wan'er thought that the later I saw Lu Yunze, the better.

Shao Yang looked at the table below and said, "It would be bad if you delay your work! Otherwise, we will have lunch at the Jack Western Restaurant."

Xie Wan'er nodded reluctantly, still very embarrassed to meet Lu Yunze.

Lu Yunze heard that Xie Wan'er had come to see him, subconsciously repelling, this woman was like an intruder. Break into his world and bring him a strange appearance. Let him find that people can still get along so entangled. Such involvement made him feel scared and simply avoided it.

When Xie Wan'er saw Lu Yunze, Lu Yunze was holding her hat, as if about to go out.

"What can I do? I want to go out. You'd better make a long story short." Lu Yunze said coldly, unceremoniously, and meant to keep a distance from Xie Wan'er.

Every time Xie Wan'er sees Lu Yunze, she feels angry when she looks at him, and said in an angry manner: "My dad wants you to eat at home."

"I'm not free." Lu Yunze put on his hat and prepared to go out.

"Okay. Since you don't want to go to my house so much, we don't necessarily have to invite distinguished guests." Xie Wan'er smiled indifferently and continued: "It's just that Uncle Lu has to explain it to him. I will send a telegram to his old man now. Said his son plans to break off diplomatic relations with our Xie family."