The Awakened

Chapter 29: Post-traumatic sequelae


Lu Yunze clasped Mai Yali's wrist and approached her flattering cheeks without swaying.

"It doesn't matter if I believe it or not. The important thing is that I won't let her betrayed because the person who betrayed me is a woman." Lu Yunze let go of her hand and walked to the office door.

He pulled the doorknob with his hand, and suddenly heard Mai Yali behind him said: "It doesn't matter whether the vice seat trusts me, the important thing is that the vice seat must believe what I just said is true."

Lu Yunze turned to look at her, she rarely looked at him seriously.

He hesitated slightly, turned and opened the door, and left the office.

His instinct told him that what Mai Yali said just now didn't seem to be false. But he will never judge a person by intuition.

She can come and tell him that Guo Hexiang has gone to Nanjing. No matter what her purpose is, it is enough to prove that this matter is aimed at him. It seems that I have to leave the identity of Lu Yunze as soon as possible.

Lu Yunze left Tongbao Foreign Company, and just walked to the door, Shen Qiu rushed up from behind and asked, "Vice seat, is there an arrangement for the evening? If there is no arrangement, I will invite you to drink."

"There is an arrangement!" Lu Yunze looked at the environment on the street when he answered. The assassinations are too frequent, and you will be killed if you are not careful.

"Vice seat, it's too unsafe now, I will let a few brothers protect you." Shen Qiu suggested.

"No need." Lu Yunze said as he walked quickly into a rickshaw and left, heading to the orphanage. He had an appointment with Xie Wan'er, and today he is going to visit the two girls and brothers.

On the other side, Xie Wan'er had arrived at the orphanage with a large bag of things. When the things were distributed to the children, she only saw the stone bouncing among the children, but she did not see the girl. After searching for it, she saw that the girl was hiding in the corner alone, with her hands on her knees, sitting in the corner.

Xie Wan'er found the teacher at the orphanage, only to realize that the girl's condition was not good. After entering the orphanage, the girl would otherwise avoid the crowd. Otherwise, if you see that the stone is a little dangerous, you will attack frantically. And often these dangers in the eyes of the girl are just the mutual play between the stones and the children when they play.

The girl was also aware that there was a problem with her behavior, so she avoided the crowd as much as possible.

The sky, which was already overcast, suddenly began to flash and thunder. The girl squatting in the corner couldn't help but shrank, shrinking more and more towards the foot of the wall.

Not waiting for Xie Wan'er to think about it, the heavy rain is already pouring down.

Xie Wan'er hurriedly ran to pull the girl, but the girl cried, trying to get rid of Xie Wan'er's pull.

"Girl, hurry up, it's raining." Xie Wan'er pulled hard a few more times. She couldn't pull the girl who used brute force at all. Instead, she was tossed to the ground.

Xie Wan'er couldn't move her, so she could only get up and hug her, using her body to shield her from the wind and rain.

Dou Da's rain drops swiftly, and Xie Wan'er was soon soaked, and the cold permeated her skin and penetrated into her bones.

When she was shivering in the cold, an umbrella was propped over her head to block out the cold and merciless rain.

She was overjoyed and thought it was Lu Yunze here. When I looked up, I saw Shaoyang's gentle face.

With the help of Shao Yang, Xie Wan'er managed to bring the girl back to the room.

Xie Wan'er took a lot of effort, changed her clothes for the girl, and coaxed her to sleep before she could go to see Shaoyang.

Xie Wan'er took a towel to Shao Yang before she could ask, "Doctor Shao, why are you here?"

"I usually come to do physical examinations for the children in the orphanage on a regular basis. I came here today because I heard that the girl's condition is not very good." Shao Yang took the towel, wiped the water on his face, and replied.

"What's wrong with the girl?" Xie Wan'er asked worriedly.

"When I was studying abroad, there was a tutor who specialized in psychological trauma. The girl and Shishi saw the death of their parents with their own eyes, which may have caused serious psychological trauma to them. This trauma has a great impact on children and may cause They constantly have nightmares, are highly vigilant, unwilling to communicate with others, and are irritable. In the worst case, they may also have aggressive behavior, self-harm or suicide." Shao Yang explained gravely.

"The Japanese are really hateful." Xie Wan'er gritted her teeth with hatred when she remembered the tragic death of the girl's parents that day.

"Poor child, the Japanese will not be expelled from China Land for a day, and there will be many poor children every day." Shao Yang's tone was angry.

Xie Wan'er clenched her fist and said loudly: "We need to awaken more Chinese and unite to fight against Japan. Let the corrupt national government know that blindly retreating can only encourage the Japanese's wolf ambition and drive the Japanese out of China."

Shao Yang looked at the girl in front of her very seriously. She was obviously embarrassed by the heavy rain, but she was very holy because of her righteousness at the moment. This kind of her made him stare stunned.

Xie Wan'er was a little overwhelmed by the look, and at this moment, the teacher from the orphanage walked in.

"Doctor Shao, Miss Xie, I will cook some ginger soup for you to avoid catching a cold."

The teacher at the orphanage put down the soup bowl and walked out of the room.

In order to hide her embarrassment, Xie Wan'er hurriedly walked over to serve the ginger soup.

"I'm a bit cold, drink soup first." Xie Wan'er said with an awkward smile.

"Eh! It's hot!" Shao Yang couldn't remind her, Xie Wan'er's hand had touched the soup bowl, and it was so hot that she withdrew her hand immediately.

Shao Yang walked a few steps quickly and took Xie Wan'er's burned hand. He was relieved to see that it was only reddish, and said, "Fortunately, there is no burn."

Xie Wan'er looked at his worried face with confusion.

She used to admire Shaoyang very much. He is almost the hero of her maiden dream world. However, now approaching this dreamy man, Lu Yunze suddenly flashed in her mind.

"It seems that I'm not here at the right time." Lu Yunze's cold voice suddenly sounded.

Xie Wan'er was taken aback, almost thinking it was her own hallucination. Immediately reacted, looking for the sound. When he saw Lu Yunze's gloomy face, he subconsciously withdrew the hand held by Shao Yang and smiled flatteringly.

"Well, Doctor Shao is here to see the girl." Xie Wan'er couldn't help explaining, wishing to bite her tongue. Why do you explain to him.

Shao Yang's face wasn't red or white, and said: "Unexpectedly, Deputy Director Lu is so caring that he would come to places like the orphanage."

"My fiancee is here. Is it strange that I'm here?" Lu Yunze smiled coldly and retorted: "It's Dr. Shao, since he is here to see the girl, he should stay with the patient and pay more attention to the patient's condition.

Xie Wan'er stared at Lu Yunze complainingly, this person had to be so rude to others.

"Then I won't disturb Director Lu." Shao Yang smiled gently at the embarrassed Xie Wan'er, and walked towards the door. As he passed by Lu Yunze, he paused and whispered in his ear: " When the play comes to an end sooner or later, don’t get too deep into the play."

Lu Yunze turned his head and stared at the smiling Shao Yang coldly, meaning that he would kill Shao Yang in the next instant.

Xie Wan'er naturally misunderstood Lu Yunze's reaction and hurried to the middle of the two.

"Lu Yunze, don't know good people."

Lu Yunze was taken aback and looked at Xie Wan'er. She realized that she had said something wrong. She quickly turned to Shao Yang and said, "Doctor Shao, you can go first."

Shao Yang glanced at her, saw her expression embarrassed, and turned away unbearably after all.

Watching Shao Yang leave, Xie Wan'er looked at Lu Yunze dissatisfied.

"Why do you always treat others fiercely?" Xie Wan'er couldn't help sighing, and muttered in a low voice: "You are obviously not a bad person, but you have to be fierce."

Lu Yunze was stunned, her words made waves in his heart. If she knew his true identity, would she still think so

"Why are you with Shaoyang again?"

Shao Yang knew his identity, and he had to suspect that Shao Yang approached Xie Wan'er for a purpose.

Xie Wan'er was a little surprised when asked, she blurted out: "Don't tell me, you are jealous!"

Lu Yunze's expression froze, and he subconsciously denied: "What nonsense?"

"It's not the best to be jealous. Anyway, we're going to dissolve the marriage sooner or later." Xie Wan'er said dissatisfiedly: "Don't always look at everyone like a bad person. Dr. Shao is here to see the girl."

"What's wrong with the girl?" Lu Yunze asked, twisting his eyebrows. Could it be that he really misunderstood Shaoyang

"Post-traumatic sequelae." Xie Wan'er thought of the girl's symptoms, and was a little angry. "If it weren't for the Japanese beast behavior, the girl would not be like this."

Xie Wan'er's words made Lu Yunze silent for a while. Let Xie Wan'er mistakenly think that he had heard her and stopped being hostile to Shaoyang.

"Although Dr. Shao is not a soldier like you, he also has a patriotic heart. He helps the poor and cares for the country and the people. He is a good man."

Lu Yunze had a gloomy face and did not reply.

"What's the matter?" Xie Wan'er asked puzzledly.

Xie Wan'er just got caught in the rain, and the temperature in the room was not high right now, so she shrank and sneezed.

Lu Yunze returned to his senses, took off his clothes and draped them on her shoulders.

Xie Wan'er was stunned by his rare gentle behavior and looked at him blankly. He looked back at her, the two eyes facing each other, his gaze, which had never been turbulent, was tender.

The gentleness in his eyes made Xie Wan'er feel flustered, and the gentleness that rose suddenly burned her cheeks.

She always felt that she should say something to hide her panic.

"Lu Yunze, I know that although you don't like to talk, you hate the Japanese as much as we do. You will definitely catch the number six to prevent him from harming others, right?" Her eyes were full of trust.

Lu Yunze's body stiffened, and he blurted out, "You hate No. 6 so much? Are you sure he must be a heinous person?"

"I don't hate the Sixth, I just want to drive the Japanese out of our country. And those who help the abuser like the Sixth, who harm their own compatriots, don't you think it is as hateful as the Japanese?" Xie Wan'er was excited. They can kill the girl’s family today, and they can kill our family tomorrow, so we can’t be silent.”