The Awakened

Chapter 30: Mid-rate


"If Lu Yunze..." Lu Yunze stopped talking, paused, and then asked grimly: "If I was killed by the Japanese, would you want to avenge me?"

"Yes." Xie Wan'er nodded vigorously, extremely serious. She thought that he would die, and there was even some pain in her heart.

Lu Yunze raised his hand and pinned a strand of hair around her cheeks behind her ears. But what Shao Yang said when he left again sounded in his ears, “When the play will end sooner or later, don’t get too deep into the play.”

"I'll look at the stones." Lu Yunze said coldly, and walked out quickly under Xie Wan'er's surprised eyes.

Xie Wan'er couldn't help feeling depressed, what did she say

She wanted to question him angrily, but the suit fell off her body when she moved. She could only hold back her footsteps and squat down to pick up the suit on the ground. There is still body temperature remaining on the suit, but the owner has turned his face and left.

When Lu Yunze found the stone, the stone was playing with other children in the activity room. Seeing him coming, put down the toy in his hand and ran over happily.

"Big brother, you came to see me." The stone hugged his thigh and asked happily.

The closeness of this child made Lu Yunze a little uncomfortable. He pulled out the thigh he was holding and squatted down.

"Stone, I want to ask you something." Lu Yunze whispered.

"Big brother still have questions to ask me?" Shitou asked ignorantly. In his eyes, Lu Yunze's image is tall and omnipotent, so why would there be questions she doesn't know

Lu Yunze nodded earnestly and asked, "Have any strange things happened near your home?"

"Strange things?" Stone thought carefully, and suddenly said, "Does it count as if there are monsters?"

"Forget it! What monsters are there?" Lu Yunze deliberately guided the stone.

"I heard my dad say that people in a village not far away were all taken by monsters to eat." The stone lowered and said mysteriously.

"All the people in a village were eaten?" Lu Yunze was surprised, "Did anyone see them being eaten?"

"No." Shishi shook his head and said, "But one day I got lost nearby. When my dad went to find me, we heard a lot of ping-pong and booming sounds. My dad said it was raining. There was a thunder. But there was clearly no thunder."

Lu Yunze thought in his heart that the sound of ping-pong-pong should be gunshots and thunder-like rumblings. Could it be a grenade

If the gunfire was the day the fake base was wiped out, what about the villagers who disappeared? Is it necessarily related to this matter

"Stone, you promise me, don't tell anyone about this matter." Lu Yunze quickly ordered.

"Yeah." Shishi nodded, and then asked: "Can't you tell Sister Wan'er too?"

"No." Lu Yunze replied sternly. If Xie Wan'er knew about this matter, I'm afraid it would be even worse.

"What can't you tell me?" Xie Wan'er's voice suddenly sounded from behind the two.

Lu Yunze stood up and looked at her who was standing at the door smiling.

Shishi quickly shook his head and said with a grin, "No no."

Lu Yunze gave Shishi an admiring look, rubbed his head, and said, "Big Brother, go first."

With that, Lu Yunze passed by Xie Wan'er and walked outside the door.

"Why do I leave as soon as I come. What do you mean!" Xie Wan'er narrowed her mouth in dissatisfaction.

"Sister Wan'er come and play with me." Stone took Wan'er to play with the toys in the activity room.

Xie Wan'er, who has always been heartless, immediately put the unhappiness behind and played happily with the stone.

Lu Yunze stopped at the event gate and turned to look at Xie Wan'er and Shishi who were smiling brightly. This is a life he has never experienced before. Many years of hell-like training career, he thought he had annihilated his desire to seek another life. At this moment, he actually gave birth to a yearning he had never had before...

When Lu Yunze left the orphanage, he noticed the abnormality. He looked through the glass of the car and found someone following him behind him. Both of these were members of the military command team, and Lu Yunze guessed that they were probably from Shenqiu. Before, he wanted to send someone to protect him, obviously with the intention of monitoring. He didn't agree, so he came to watch it secretly.

When he passed the fork in the road, he quickly turned in, and with his keen posture, he quickly threw off a few people who were following him, and then got on the rickshaw.

When Lu Yunze walked out of a hotel again, his clothes had been changed, and his weapon had been replaced with a No. 6 pistol instead of a military-standard pistol. In the Three Caves of Guitu, Lu Yunze's things are kept in this hotel, not in his residence, to prevent anyone from discovering his weapons.

Lu Yunze had been ambushing at the door of the secret stronghold of the special high school early. Fujiwara Naoki had observed Lu Yunze, and Lu Yunze had also remembered their appearance and analyzed that Fujiwara Naoki was the head. Although Lu Yunze didn't know the name of Fujiwara Naoki, he could recognize it and use the dumbest way to wait for the rabbits and catch Fujiwara Naoki alive. Only then can he understand Gu Xun's true identity and explain the fake base more clearly.

In the extra-high class, Rena Sasaki, the confidential secretary, delivered a telegram to Minazou Jiro.

Nanzo Jiro didn't answer, and said directly: "Read."

"North China has increased troops, and the recent offensive has ordered the special high school to distract the attention of the Nanjing government to avoid the discovery of combat intentions." Sasaki Rena finished reading the telegram and gently placed it on the table.

"We must attract the attention of the Nanjing government in Shanghai to facilitate the Kwantung Army's operations." Nanzo Jiro immediately ordered Fujiwara Naoki on the side.

"Hi!" Naoki Fujiwara took the lead, and Rena Sasaki walked out of Minamizo Jiro's office and walked to both ends of the corridor.

Naoki Fujiwara turned his head to look at Sasaki Rena's hurried back, his eyes filled with calculating gloom.

Sasaki Rena hurriedly came to the Chunhui medicine shop, and did not notice that Fujiwara Naoki had followed her with a dozen Japanese agents, and the medicine shop was completely enclosed.

Sasaki Rena sat down in front of Song Guishan and said, "Doctor, my stomach still hurts and I need to prescribe medicine."

Song Guishan took the pulse for her and said, "Miss, your illness is a bit serious, why don't we go in the house and take a look?"

"Okay, doctor trouble!"

Sasaki Rena and Song Guishan walked into the inner hall, and the two apprentices in the front room looked at each other.

At this time, Shao Yang walked into the drug store and the apprentice greeted politely: "Doctor Shao, you are here!"

"Well, I'm looking for Doctor Song."

"Master is inside, please come in." The apprentice invited Shao Yang into the back room.

Rena Sasaki and the doctor heard the footsteps of someone coming in, and looked at the door with vigilant eyes. Rena Sasaki put one hand under the table, holding a gun in his hand.

The curtain opened, and the two of them were relieved when they saw that the person was Shao Yang.

"Comrade Shaoyang, you came just right." Song Guishan got up, "Comrade Kong Yan brought us new information."

Shao Yang nodded and sat down at the table.

Sasaki Rena told the story in detail, and saw that Shao Yang's expression became heavier.

"Comrade Shaoyang, do you think something is wrong?" Song Guishan asked.

"We all know that Minamizo Jiro has always been suspicious. No one trusts anyone except Fujiwara Naoki. Why did he suddenly allow Comrade Kong Yan to access confidential documents? What's more, the case of Chengji grain shop clearly proves that there is someone in the special high school Leaking secrets." Shao Yang said the doubts in his heart.

Rena Sasaki's expression was heavy and said, "I have had doubts, but I can't miss any information that needs to be brought to the organization because of my doubts."

"Comrade Kong Yan, I think you should transfer immediately." Shao Yang suggested.

"No! It is not easy for me to be a secretary. If I leave now, no one can take over, the organization will lose a lot of beneficial information. I will observe the situation, and if it is not good, I will immediately withdraw." Sasaki Rena resolutely said. She knows that she is very useful, and if she leaves easily, she is likely to miss important news, such as today's news.

"Comrade Kong Yan, Comrade Shaoyang asked you to leave for your own safety." Song Guishan persuaded.

"Needless to say, I insist on staying." Rena Sasaki knew that she might sacrifice, and she still stood firmly on the side of the Communist Party. "For our children and grandchildren not to be bullied, even if it is sacrifice, I am not afraid."

Shao Yang nodded, with worry and affirmation in his eyes. This is the way they are going, even at the expense of their own lives.

The Japanese spies looked around and saw that there was no suspicious person in the street before they came to the car parked on the side of the road.

Seeing that it was his own, Naoki Fujiwara lowered the car window.

"Chairman, Rena Sasaki and Shao Yang entered the room, we can't follow them."

"This shows that they have a problem even more." Naoki Fujiwara said affirmatively: "Is the person who left the kid come back?"

"not yet."

Fujiwara Naoki commanded: "Keep waiting, from now on, Chunhui medicine store is not allowed to enter."

"Hi!" The Japanese spy led away.

Fujiwara Naoki's car window slowly raised, blocking his gloomy and determined face. He had the posture of a praying mantis to catch a cicada, but he didn't know that Lu Yunze was behind the oriole.

Lu Yunze was hiding in the dark at this time, waiting for Naoki Fujiwara to get out of the car to facilitate the assassination.

The apprentice at the drugstore came to the last place, pretended to bend over to tidy up the shoes, looked around, and found that there was no one around, then took out the note under the stone.

The four special agents from the special high school have been waiting for a long time, and they rushed forward quickly. The apprentice at the drugstore found himself in a state of fall, and quickly swallowed the note into his mouth. He drew his pistol and fired at the Japanese spy.

The sound of a bang caused the Japanese spies to disperse. The four immediately drew out their guns, and after a fierce exchange of fire, the apprentice at the drugstore fell into a pool of blood.

The Japanese spy raised his gun forward, kicked the body of the apprentice in the drugstore, and then buckled his mouth after making sure that he was not moving.

"Already swallowed."

Seeing that the four Japanese spies were hopeless when they got the note, the leader instructed, "Bring his corpse back", and quickly evacuated.