The Awakened

Chapter 31: Lu Yunze saves people


In the back hall of Chunhui Pharmacy, everyone heard gunfire faintly.

Song Guishan stood up in shock and said, "Not good!"

"The place to listen to the gunshots should be our trust point." Rena Sasaki looked at Shaoyang in shock, "Comrade Shaoyang, you leave immediately."

"No! I can't leave behind the comrades who fought with me." Shao Yang resolutely said.

"Comrade Shaoyang, you have to leave. You are the main figure in the investigation of the Japanese Dragon Slaying Plan. You can't have an accident." Song Guishan also hurriedly said.

With the effort of several people talking, the Japanese spies rushed into the drugstore under the order of Fujiwara Naoki.

The remaining apprentice in the drugstore saw the Japanese agent enter with a gun, and immediately drew the gun from the medicine cabinet and opened fire on the agent.

The bullet hit the door frame, and the Japanese spies could only hide outside the door.

At this time, Song Guishan opened the curtain and fired at the spies, suppressing the spies' attack, and shouted: "Xiao Zou, get out quickly."

The apprentice Xiao Zou shouted: "I stop them, you go quickly, leave me alone, and protect comrades in important positions."

Song Guishan looked at Xiao Zou distressedly, put down the curtain, and left quickly.

Shaoyang, Rena Sasaki, and Song Guishan withdrew all the way to the back door. They didn't want the medicine shop to be surrounded by layers, and the back door was also guarded. The secret agents found them and opened fire immediately.

Rena Sasaki saw a spy aimed at Shaoyang and responsively blocked Shaoyang in order to block a shot.

Song Guishan rushed over and closed the open back door with fierce gunfire, and dragged Sasaki Rena back to the room with Shao Yang.

Only then did Shaoyang discover that Song Guishan had also been shot.

Sasaki Rena sat down against the wall, his body was so weak that he would immediately fall without a fulcrum.

She was shot in the right chest and seriously injured. Song Guishan was shot in the abdomen, sweating on his head, and also very weak.

The gunshots in the shop have stopped, and it is estimated that the apprentice Xiao Zou is already ill-advised, and the spies blocked them in the room and couldn't run away.

Shaoyang didn't have time to help them deal with their injuries, watching the secret agents outside nervously.

Sasaki Rena clutched her chest, "Comrade Shaoyang, leave us alone, you rush out."

"No! I must take you away." Shaoyang insisted on being authentic, but had no confidence at all. The spies stopped attacking, obviously waiting for someone. There are more than a dozen secret agents outside, not to mention the two seriously wounded, but they can't rush out by themselves.

"I can't do it anymore. The Japanese have increased their troops in North China. They will launch an offensive this month..." Rena Sasaki's voice became lower and lower, "You must take this news out..."

Shao Yang touched Rena Sasaki's carotid artery, and there was no pulsation, indicating that Rena Sasaki's heart had stopped beating.

"Comrade Kong Yan!" Shao Yang closed his eyes in pain.

"I'll cover you, you rush out." Song Guishan leaned on the wall, trying hard to struggle.

"Old Song." Shao Yang wanted to stop him.

"This stronghold has been exposed. I am so seriously injured now that there is no way to leave here. I can only do my best at the end, I hope you can pass on the information, and don't let Comrade Kong Yan and I die in vain." Lao Song stood up. Breathe hard, accumulate energy, "As long as you are not caught on the spot, you are a celebrity in Shanghai, and the Japanese dare not move you easily."

The secret agents surrounded the room, and Fujiwara Naoki walked into the courtyard and said loudly, "Rena Sasaki, Shaoyang, and Doctor Song, surrender!"

Shao Yang glanced outside, the secret agents were very vigilant and had no chance to rush out.

"I'm coming." Lao Song planned to go out first to block the bullet for Shaoyang and create an opportunity for him to leave.

"Wait! Wait a second!" Shao Yang didn't want him to sacrifice in vain, waiting for the opportunity.

"My patience is limited. If you don't come out within a minute, I will let someone rush in and beat you into a hornet's nest. As long as you surrender, I guarantee that you will not be harmed at all and you will become part of the Great Japanese Empire. VIPs, work together to create a greater East Asian co-prosperity circle." Naoki Fujiwara threatened and lured.

Shao Yang remained silent, waiting for the moment when the Japanese spies slack off.

Naoki Fujiwara glanced at his watch and silently counted down. Had it not been for the purpose of catching alive and finding more underground parties, he would have rushed in!

Lu Yunze didn't do anything when he got off the car at Fujiwara Naoki, because there were a lot of people in front of him and behind him. If he couldn't be killed by a single blow, he might have run away! Moreover, Lu Yunze had plans to capture him alive, so it was best to ask why he didn't pursue him relentlessly. Lu Yunze waited for Naoki Fujiwara to walk into the medicine shop before walking out of the dark.

A famous spy was standing guard next to Naoki Fujiwara's car. On the one hand, he was watching the car, and on the other hand, he was preparing to prevent possible patrols. I believe that as long as the identity of the Japanese is revealed, no one dares to care about them.

Lu Yunze walked around behind the car, approached behind him, and stretched out his hand to twist his neck.

The spy didn't even make a sound and lost his life. Lu Yunze opened the car, put the dead spy into the driving position, put the felt hat on his face, and made the illusion of sleeping.

Lu Yunze looked at the inside of the drugstore. There were no secret agents in the outer hall. Lu Yunze thought for a while, instead of going inside, he walked towards the back door. He didn't want any spy to live, so that no one would know the truth of his actions.

There were two secret agents guarding the back door of the drugstore, with their hands deep into the suit, clenching the handle of the gun, and watching the surroundings vigilantly. It is not difficult to kill the two, the main reason is not to disturb Naoki Fujiwara in the yard. Lu Yunze leaned against the wall and threw a stone to the opposite side.


The agent looked at the sound and saw the rocks rolling on the ground. Lu Yunze quickly rushed out, flew the knife out with his left hand, plunged into the temple of the agent far away from him, and the agent fell down. The other spy saw a dagger stuck in his accomplice's head and was taken aback for a moment, and immediately looked in Lu Yunze's direction. At this time, Lu Yunze had already ran close, jumped into the air, stepped on the wall with his left foot, and kicked the spy's head with his right foot by the reaction force. The spy felt that he was hit by a big hammer, the cervical spine was kicked and dislocated, and he passed out directly.

Lu Yunze pulled out his dagger, wiped the neck of the spy who passed out to death, and looked into the courtyard through the crack of the door.

Fujiwara Naoki was standing at the back, with a dozen spies pointing guns at the room in front. Lu Yunze didn't know who was in the room or how many people there were. He only knew that the people inside must be enemies with the extra-high class.

"You have the last ten seconds." Naoki Fujiwara continued to apply pressure.

Lu Yunze took two steps, climbed up the wall, aimed his gun at Naoki Fujiwara's head, then slowly moved down, and fired at his thigh.

boom! boom! boom!

Not waiting for the people in the yard to react more, Fujiwara Naoki had been shot in the leg and almost fell to the ground, but fortunately, he was supported by the Japanese spy next to him.

Lu Yunze fired two more shots with lightning speed, killing two Japanese spies, then quickly jumped off the wall, grabbed a spy's body, smashed it toward the courtyard gate, and climbed the other side of the wall.

The body smashed through the door of the backyard and flew into the yard. The secret agents thought that the enemy had come in, and hit the body with bullets desperately.

Shaoyang and Lao Songben are ready to sacrifice, and they don't want a sudden change outside the house. Perhaps this is their chance of life.

Shao Yang saw that the spies were focused on the back door and seized the opportunity to open fire on the Japanese spies outside the house. Lao Song kept pulling the trigger to kill the Japanese spies.

As soon as the two opened fire, they instantly knocked down the three spies, drawing most of the spies' attention back. Lu Yunze took the opportunity to fire again on the fence, and knocked down three other secret agents.

Standing in the small courtyard, Naoki Fujiwara and others were attacked on both sides. Their legs were injured. They didn't even have a chance to escape, and a huge panic occurred in their hearts. More than a dozen spies were killed in a short period of time, seven people were killed, only eight people were left! Fujiwara Naoki took the lead and fired at the wall, but Lu Yunze disappeared from the wall again.

"Come out, if it's a warrior, come out." Naoki Fujiwara roared.

Lu Yunze grabbed the body of another Japanese agent and threw it in again. Naoki Fujiwara thought that his aggressive tactics worked, and kept pulling the trigger at the incoming corpse. Lu Yunze knelt down at the back door and fired at the spies again. There were three more gunshots, and the spies fell down again. Fujiwara Naoki has only five subordinates left, and they have to exchange fire with Shaoyang and Doctor Song in the room. Naoki Fujiwara was afraid of the ghostly man at the back door and shouted: "Retreat, retreat."

A special agent supported Naoki Fujiwara, and the other four pointed their guns at the back door and the room, and quickly evacuated towards the front hall.

If Fujiwara Naoki escapes, even if Shaoyang is immortal, he will not be able to continue lurking in St. Mary’s Hospital.

Lao Song took a deep breath, rushed out of the room abruptly, and fired at the Japanese spies who were about to evacuate.

The secret agents had been on guard for a long time, and immediately fought back, immediately hitting Song Guishan with the bullet.

"Old Song!" Shao Yang stepped out of the room and fired at the spies, pulling Old Song back into the room. Old Song was shot several times in his body, and when he died he was still pulling the trigger, killing a spy and letting him bury him.

The angry bullet from Shaoyang's gun escaped and penetrated into the heart of the agent.

Lu Yunze also took the opportunity to fire, and every bullet penetrated the spy's head, easily killing all of Fujiwara's men. The dead agent supported Naoki Fujiwara and pulled him down when he fell. Fearful, Naoki Fujiwara opened fire at the back door, but Lu Yunze had already disappeared again.

The furious Fujiwara Naoki pointed his gun at the room again, and Shao Yang returned to the room with Song's body.

Fujiwara Naoki's muzzle was aimed at the room for a while, and then at the back door. Seeing no one came out, he slowly got up and kept backing away.

Old Song's body was full of bullets. Shao Yang gently covered his deadly eyes and said, "Lao Song, you can go with ease. I will definitely pass on the information."

Shao Yang got up, replaced the pistol with a magazine, and planned to go out and kill Naoki Fujiwara to avenge Lao Song and Comrade Kong Yan.

When Naoki Fujiwara retreated to the front hall and was about to walk out of the door, Lu Yunze, who had already circled in front, walked out from the side, cut his neck with a palm, knocking Naoki Fujiwara to the ground.