The Awakened

Chapter 40: Warm your heart


The smile on Xie Wan'er's lips froze, and she looked at Lu Yunze in disbelief, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Lu Yunze fixedly glanced at her, retracted his icy gaze, and quickly walked to the side of the military vehicle waiting for him.

Seeing the car was driving, Xie Wan'er couldn't help catching up. After a few steps, the car had already turned a corner and disappeared.

"Lu Yunze, you don't want to retire." Xie Wan'er shouted, kicking to the ground with anger, and kicking her foot on the stone, causing her to shrink with pain, and jump on the ground with one leg.

Zhao Wei ran up and supported her, "Huh, my eldest lady, are you okay?"

"It's okay!" Xie Wan'er looked at Lu Yunze's departure direction with an enthusiasm, her determined eyes proved her determination.

Zhao Wei helped Xie Wan'er walk towards Xie's car. Yunzi Inoue stood not far away watching her leave, her eyes gradually becoming fierce.

As soon as Lu Yunze returned to Juntong, he was immediately called into Song Qingci's office.

When Song Qingci saw Lu Yunze coming, he quickly ordered Shen Qiu, "Hurry up and show Yunze a seat."

With a black face, Shen Qiu moved his chair so that Lu Yunze could sit down.

"Thank you, bureau seat." Lu Yunze said indifferently.

"I heard about you and Yali. I heard that Shen Qiu had already said it. I can't save Yali, and I'm very sad." Song Qingci sighed, looking sad.

"Thank you for your concern." On the surface, Lu Yunze was extremely calm, with no sense of sadness and joy.

"I have always been curious, since you came to Shanghai Station, you have been assassinated. Who on earth wants to kill you?" Song Qingci pretended to be puzzled.

"I want to know too." Lu Yunze looked at Shen Qiu, "Captain Shen suddenly appeared at the International Hotel today. Did you receive news that someone was going to assassinate me? Do you know who it is?"

Before Shen Qiu questioned Lu Yunze, he was commanded by an army. He couldn't help being angry, but he couldn't bear it.

At the hospital, he had already investigated. Lu Yunze had only one wound on his body. Although it was in the same position as his own, as long as Lu Yunze insisted that the gunshot wound was shot by the person who assassinated him, he couldn't help it.

"I sent Shen Qiu to perform the task, which happened to be in time." Song Qingci replied for Shen Qiu.

"Fortunately, Captain Shen came in time, otherwise I would die like Mai Yali." Lu Yunze said in a silent voice.

He knew that Mai Yali was killed by Shen Qiu, but he could not say. Because it's useless. The bullets at the scene are all the same. It can be said that Shen Qiu was shot by the assassin, and Shen Qiu's people would not testify at all. Even if he forced Shen Qiu to admit it, Shen Qiu would say it was an accidental injury.

Shen Qiu is Song Qingci's capable and beloved general, and Song Qingci will surely protect him to the end.

"Recover well." Song Qingci walked to Lu Yunze's side and patted him on the shoulder, "We at Shanghai Station need a talent like you very much."

"Thank you for your appreciation." Lu Yunze slowly raised his head and said: "I will not let the game seat down."

The sharpness in his eyes made Song Qingci subconsciously withdraw the hand that was pressing on his shoulder, and smiled to cover up his gaffe.

It was the evening, because the thunderstorm was coming, and the sky was already dark.

There was no light in Lu Yunze's room. He was sitting upright on a chair in the dark, motionless.

Sometimes in the room, his expression would be brightened by the lightning flashing from the sky. He is still accustomed to peace, like a statue of a god who knows no happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy, and the surrounding fireworks have nothing to do with him.

The door of the room was knocked, and Xie Wan'er's voice sounded from outside the door.

"Lu Yunze, I know you are at home, open the door."

Lu Yunze hesitated slightly, stood up, walked to the door, and opened the door.

Carrying a basket of vegetables, Xie Wan'er passed him over and walked into the room.

"Why don't you turn on the light?" Xie Wan'er wanted to find the light switch, but because she was not familiar with the environment in the house, she tripped on the chair and fell down.

Lu Yunze reacted quickly, grabbing Xie Wan'er's waist with one hand, and she did not fall.

A flash of lightning illuminates the room, and when she meets his eyes, he immediately releases her.

With an empty waist, an inexplicable loss flashed in Xie Wan'er's heart, and the light in the room was already on.

"Why are you here?" Lu Yunze walked to the table and sat down.

"I'll cook for you." Xie Waner obediently raised the basket in her hand, "I listened to Madam Chen, what to eat to make up for. I bought big bones and made bone soup for you to make sure you hurt quickly. Get better soon."

"No need." Lu Yunze said coldly.

"Oh. You don't have to be polite with me." Xie Wan'er looked around and locked the kitchen. "The kitchen is here. I'll do it."

Xie Wan'er walked into the kitchen, took out the soup stew method that Chen's mother had written for her, and followed the steps above.

Cut the green onion, ginger and garlic first, and Xie Wan'er is in a hurry. I don't know how big or small the block is, and I almost cut it a few times. However, this is still a complete project after all. However, she realized that she had forgotten to wash it after she had finished cutting it. Hurry up and wash it in water. The oil here was already hot, she quickly picked up the onion, ginger, and garlic in the water and threw it into the pot.

The hot oil suddenly encountered water, and the frying pan splashed and fell on Xie Wan'er's delicate skin, making her scream in fright, covering her face to avoid it.

Lu Yunze rushed in, handed over Xie Wan'er, who was still standing by the pot, and took the vegetable washing water into the pot with one hand. As a result, the oil collapse worsened. Lu Yunze took Xie Wan'er in his arms and resisted the four. Splashing hot oil.

When Xie Wan'er saw that the vegetable washing water was poured in, she asked emotionally, "What are you doing? I have cut it for a long time, why did you pour all the vegetable washing water in?"

"You go home first. I have no appetite." Lu Yunze said coldly, letting go of her arm.

"No, I won't go." Xie Wan'er walked back to the cutting board, holding back the grievance of wanting to cry, picked up a piece of ginger, cut it, "I'll do it again."

"Xie Wan'er, why do you always do untimely things?" Lu Yunze shouted angrily.

Xie Wan'er was yelled at and cut into her hands by accident with a sharp kitchen knife. She shrank her hand in pain, and looked at the blood flowing from her fingertips, but she slowly clenched her fist and hid the bleeding finger.

When she turned to look at him, she was already in tears.

"I know, Mai Yali died for you, and you are sad. But you are not allowed to vent yourself because you don't want others to see your sadness." Xie Wan'er moved her steps and stopped again," Dr. Shao said , People are too depressed and sad, no one cares, they will be sick like a girl. That’s why I’m here to add trouble to you. I’m sorry..."

Xie Wan'er wiped the tears from her face with her uninjured hand and walked to the kitchen door. When passing by with Lu Yunze, a drop of blood dripped between her fingers.

He was surprised and took her hand.

"What's wrong with your hand?" he asked in surprise.

"I'm fine." Xie Wan'er tried to shake off his hand vigorously, but failed.

He looked at her bloody fingers and coldly ordered: "Let go of your hand and let me see."

Tears rolled over Xie Wan'er's face, she slowly let go of her hand, the pain in her fingertips was far less than her heartache at this moment.

"I'll take you to the medicine." Lu Yunze took her hand to go out, but she did not move.

"Lu Yunze, I am really worried about you." Xie Wan'er choked.

"I'm fine." Lu Yunze looked away slightly, not looking directly at the concern and pain in her eyes.

Xie Wan'er raised her fist and hit him on the chest vigorously.

"What you said is okay, you have to do what you say, and nothing is allowed."

Lu Yunze's Adam's apple slid, and his lips moved a few times before making a sound.

"it is good."

Xie Wan'er laughed when she heard the words.

Seeing her crying and laughing, Lu Yunze couldn't help but raised his hand and rubbed her hair, embracing her.

On the streets at night, the dim lights radiated warmth.

Lu Yunze and Xie Wan'er descended from the small building, at the top of the stairs, Xie Wan'er stopped.

"I know Mai Yali is an orphan. I will accompany you to her house tomorrow to pack her relics." Xie Wan'er said sadly.

"Okay." Lu Yunze nodded.

"You have injuries on your body, so you don't need to send me off." Xie Wan'er pointed to the stopped car. "My driver came to pick me up."

"Yeah." Lu Yunze nodded, watching her walk towards the car.

Seeing Xie Wan'er approaching, the driver got off the car quickly and opened the door for Xie Wan'er.

Xie Wan'er turned to look at Lu Yunze, smiled at him, and got into the car.

Lu Yunze turned around and wanted to leave. He suddenly noticed something strange, turned his head and looked, there was a woman wearing a mask standing not far from the intersection. Judging from the figure, it was the woman who intercepted him and Mai Yali in the International Hotel that day.

Lu Yunze walked towards her slowly, touching the pistol handle on his waist with one hand.

At a distance of three meters from the masked woman, Lu Yunze stopped.

"Why?" Lu Yunze asked.

He always felt that things were not that simple. This woman saved him just when he was kidnapped and saved him from Song Qingci's suspicion.

When the waiter at the Jasmine Café was hijacked, guns were also shot in the dark. If it weren't for someone shooting a gun in the dark, it would be impossible for them to escape. Then, the masked woman in the hotel rescued him by accident. Is it just a coincidence

The woman's mask moved slightly, as if she was smiling, and then the mask woman turned and walked away quickly.

Lu Yunze squinted, staring at the back of the woman leaving. This way, looking at some familiar backs, always made him faintly uneasy.

The Xie’s mansion was brightly lit, and the clock was past eight.

"Why isn't Wan'er coming back so late?" Mother Xie could not help but muttered worriedly.

Xie Bainian turned a page of the newspaper in his hand, and said disapprovingly, "Didn't Chen Ma say that she went to cook soup for Yunze?"

"But what time is this?" Mother Xie was anxious. "How can a girl stay at her fiance's house so late? If you marry later, she will be looked down upon by her in-laws."

"What's wrong?" Xie Bainian put down the newspaper in his hand, "If she stayed overnight at Yunze tonight, she would be able to preside over the wedding immediately for them."

"Why do you keep thinking about their wedding? We Wan'er left Lu Yunze and can't get married yet?" Xie's mother retorted dissatisfiedly.

"I don't think about their wedding?" Xie Bainian continued unwillingly: "If I don't think about it, do you think you and your daughter will be able to live in fine clothes?"

Mother Xie's face was ugly, but she was powerless to refute.