The Awakened

Chapter 43: Recognize each other


The door was pushed open a small slit, and the male waiter slammed the wire sleeve towards Lu Yunze's neck. Lu Yunze opened the door with one hand, and held the pistol with the other hand in his arms, and pulled the trigger to the side and back.

With two gunshots, the bullet hit the male waiter, the wire was not wrapped around Lu Yunze's neck, and he fell first.

Lu Yunze jumped into the box and killed the spy on the left with a shot. When he turned his gun to kill the man on the right, he suddenly saw a woman sitting on the right, the muzzle in his hand moving with his body. .

In addition to the women in the box, there were three live members of the special high school. They were a little slow in taking out their guns. At this time, they had just pulled out their guns and were about to aim at Lu Yunze.

Lu Yunze had only the woman in his eyes, not Xie Wan'er, and no other three members of the special high school who took out their guns.

Yunzi Inoue waved his hand, and the three members of the special high school who aimed their guns at Lu Yunze did not pull the trigger.

The two looked at each other, as if there was only one another in time and space, and no one else existed anymore.

Yunzi Inoue's muzzle was originally drooping, but suddenly raised the gun and pulled the trigger at Lu Yunze.

Two shots were fired, and the bullet rubbed Lu Yunze's cheek. Lu Yunze didn't move, he didn't blink his eyelids, and he didn't raise his gun and fired at Yunzi Inoue.

Two people fell at the door of the private room. They were members of the extra-high school class following Lu Yunze.

Yunzi Inoue slowly got up and put the gun on Lu Yunze's chest.

"No. 6, if it were not for my mercy, you would be dead now." Yunzi Inoue smiled.

Lu Yunze's lips moved twice, but he couldn't say a word. The number nine he had been searching for, just appeared.

"I can finally see you again." Yunzi Inoue rushed into Lu Yunze's arms and said excitedly: "Let's never stay apart again!"

Lu Yunze recovered from the shock, pushed Inoue Yunzi away, and asked, "Where is Xie Wan'er?"

Yunzi Inoue was taken aback, a trace of disappointment flashed through her eyes, but she still smiled and said, "She is not in the hotel."

Suddenly, there was a violent gunfire outside the door, disturbing the two of them. Lu Yunze suddenly woke up, now is not the time to chat. The gunfight must be due to the exchange of fire between the military commanders and the super-high school personnel.

The gunshots outside were very intensive. Whether it was Lu Yunze or Inoue Yunzi, they could hear the unique gunfire of the pistols used by members of the Juntong and Special High School. Only two pistols were fired in the Special High School. A dozen people fired at the same time. This is not necessarily all manpower. Shen Qiu brought more than 30 military commanders over. Even if there were 10 people outside the hotel, there would have to be more than 20 people in the corridor.

The extra-high class members in the room came to the window and looked out. There were some of them outside, who knew they saw a few corpses lying on the ground.

The members of the military system had no intention of calculating. After hearing the gunfire, they pointed their guns at the members of the special high school as soon as possible. Those who tried to resist were killed, and those who did not resist were arrested and pressed to the ground.

A member of the special high school by the window said: "The people downstairs are all military commanders."

The third floor is not high, and you can't die if you jump down, but if you jump down and fight against the military union members, there is little hope of surviving.

Yunzi Inoue glanced at Lu Yunze, and said, "Will you kill with me?"

She clearly knew that No. 6 was now the deputy station master of the military command, and she told him that, indicating that she fully believed that No. 6 dashed out a way for her to kill members of the military command.

Lu Yunze can kill people for the 9th, but even if it is two people and three members of the special high class, they may not be able to rush out. At this time, only the last member of the special high-level course was left outside, and his gunshot seemed solitary among the gunshots of the army, and he might never make a sound anymore.

The corridor is very narrow, more than 20 people can block the private room, so that no one can get out. Even if Lu Yunze and Inoue Yunzi joined forces, they couldn't go out unscathed, because they couldn't kill more than 20 people instantly without letting the other party shoot a bullet.

"No." Lu Yunze grabbed Yunzi Inoue's gun, and fired both guns at the same time, killing the other three members of the special high school.

The three people thought that Lu Yunze and Inoue Yunzi had a very good relationship. Standing on the side of the extra-high school, who knew they would be shot by a black gun, they had no room to fight back without any precaution.

"Remember, you were kidnapped by the extra-high school." Lu Yunze stuck Inoue Yunzi's pistol around his waist and urged her quickly.

Yunzi Inoue glanced at the direction of the closet secretly, and a trace of unnoticeable brutality flashed in his eyes.

In the closet, Xie Wan'er was tied up and her lips were gagged. She was given a narcotic and couldn't move her body even if she wanted to, she could only see everything outside.

Her fiance is actually number 6. Isn't he Lu Yunze? Is it just a lie to her

Tears rolled down her cheeks, and everything in the past turned into pain.

The gunfire in the corridor stopped, and Shen Qiu led people into the private room, looking at the four corpses in the room, and was even more jealous of Lu Yunze. There were three corpses at the door of the private room, and four in the room. Lu Yunze was still unscathed, and his fighting power was too strong!

"Vice seat." Shen Qiu glanced at the room and asked: "Where is Miss Xie?"

"I haven't found it yet." Lu Yunze put the gun away, "You take people to search nearby. Since the people from the special high school are operating in this hotel, maybe Miss Xie is in the hotel."

Xie Wan'er heard the words in the cabinet and asked in pain: "Lu Yunze, am I just Miss Xie to you?"

Yao Jin struck, she slowly closed her eyes, hot tears slid down her cheeks.

"Vice seat, who is she?" Shen Qiu looked at Yunzi Inoue with some confusion.

"She is a hotel guest who was caught in the action of the super high school."

Shen Qiu nodded and led people out to continue searching Xie Wan'er.

Yunzi Inoue and Lu Yunze left without nervousness. She was never afraid of having this man by her side.

When the two of them walked out of the hotel, Yunzi Inoue saw two members of the super high school being arrested outside, and nodded at them, beckoning them to hold on, not to confess, so he retracted his gaze and left with Lu Yunze.

"Vice seat."

The military commanders at the door greeted Lu Yunze one after another, excitedly believing that the deputy stationmaster took them to successfully eliminate so many people in special high-level courses and made great contributions. It was impossible for Lu Yunze to think that there was a special-high-level class leader beside Lu Yunze.

Shen Qiu ran out of the Chinachem Hotel, caught up with Lu Yunze who had not left, and shouted, "Vice seat."

Lu Yunze stopped and looked at Shen Qiu, thinking in his heart why he chased him out. Did he find anything

Yunzi Inoue's heart was tense, and her face was still innocent.

"Second seat, your driver, Xiao Liu, takes the injured comrade to the hospital, I will drive you!" Shen Qiu smiled, like a flatterer.

"Don't bother Captain Shen!" Lu Yunze refused without hesitation. He didn't want Yunzi Inoue to have contact with the people of the army, who knows what moths will come out.

"Vice seat, I asked a few waiters just now. They said that there was a woman in the extra-high class, who seemed to be the leader, and we didn't catch it." Shen Qiu looked at Yunzi Inoue as he spoke. He had some doubts that Yunzi Inoue was the leader of the extra-high class, but the extra-high class wanted to kill Lu Yunze and Xie Wan'er. If this woman were from the extra-high class, how could Lu Yunze help her? This made him wonder.

"Are you sure? Did someone see the woman? You go and ask more carefully." Lu Yunze said calmly.

Shen Qiu looked at Yunzi Inoue and asked, "This young lady, where were you caught? Have you seen anything?"

Lu Yunze's face sank, "Captain Shen, she was frightened and needs to be calm, I will ask her, and you don't have to worry about it!"

"Vice seat, she lives in a hotel, where is this going?"

"I took her to the hospital, is there a problem?"

Shen Qiu stared at Yunzi Inoue and said, "What's your name? I'll let the hotel reserve your room."

Lu Yunze shouted: "Shen Qiu, are you worried about her? Or are you questioning me?"

Seeing Lu Yunze's anger, Shen Qiu crushed people to death at the senior level, he could only leave, but the doubts in his heart were even greater. Shen Qiu returned to the hotel, beckoned for two henchmen, and said, "Follow the vice seat and see where the woman next to him is going and who it is."

"Captain, what if the stalking vice seat is found?"

"Protection, you are protecting secretly, so as not to assassinate the extra-high class people again, understand?"

"Captain, high!" The two confidants gave thumbs up and quickly followed.

Lu Yunze did not go anywhere else, but actually sent Inoue Yunzi to the hospital.

Seeing that they had nothing to follow, the two military commanders left.

When the two left, Lu Yunze immediately took Yunzi Inoue and walked towards the hospital garden. When there was no one and no one could be overheard, Lu Yunze immediately asked eagerly: "Where's Xie Wan'er? Why do you want to catch her? "

"If I said, to see you, would you believe it?" Inoue Yunzi asked with a smile.

"On the 9th, you want to see me, as long as there is a secret signal, I will go through fire and water, and I will go to you. You don't need to kidnap Xie Wan'er at all." Lu Yunze couldn't help being excited.

"On the sixth, why did you march into the Tong? Why did you pretend to be Lu Yunze?" Yunzi Inoue did not answer the question.

"My connector was killed and I can't go back to the base. In order to find you, I can only get into the military command, hoping to find the base with the help of the military command intelligence system..." Lu Yunze's voice stopped, and at this moment he suddenly realized that his original intention was unknown. When did it change.

"Since it's for me, now you have seen me, why bother with Xie Wan'er's life and death?" Yunzi Inoue looked at Lu Yunze with affectionate eyes. She knew how bored he was at the base, and mingled with the army regardless of life and death. The base is for oneself, how can such feelings not move people

"We can't kill innocent people indiscriminately." Lu Yunze found an excuse, yes, he knew it, it was just an excuse.

"Killing innocent people indiscriminately?" Yunzi Inoue sneered, with a bitter smile on her face, "We are the killers trained on the base. When do we need a reason to kill? Or do you really think you are Lu Yunze?"

When Lu Yunze was questioned, he turned his face away, but still insisted: "Let Xie Wan'er go, I will leave with you. From now on it is no longer Lu Yunze."

"I can't leave the super high class." Yunzi Inoue replied subconsciously.

"Why? What did they use to threaten you?" Lu Yunze didn't understand. On the 9th, he should be an orphan like himself, there is nothing to threaten and nostalgia for.

"They didn't threaten me. I voluntarily stayed in the super high school."

Lu Yunze looked at her with puzzled eyes.