The Awakened

Chapter 46: Lu Yunze is Japanese


"You won't doubt me for no reason. It's because Lu Yunze is an underground party. It's the first time you came to Tongbao Foreign Company to find me. I didn't match the code with you, right?" Lu Yunze asked.

"How do you know?" Shao Yang said with surprise.

He Fei's expression became tense. If the people in front of him didn't kill Lu Yunze and asked about such things, how could he know that Lu Yunze was an underground party? After all, not many people knew this identity.

"I didn't want to have any contact with your underground party. Now that I have been forced to become a battle line, I happen to have some questions to know. What is Lu Yunze's true identity?"

"I believe it was not he who killed Lu Yunze." Shao Yang said to He Fei affirmatively.

Obviously, He Fei cannot be convinced directly of Shaoyang's trust.

Lu Yunze's trust in Shaoyang is not surprising, and he doesn't know when he and Shaoyang began to have such a trust.

"You haven't answered my previous question." Shao Yang asked Lu Yunze.

Even if they trust each other in the face of life and death, they must be cautious at this time. After all, some things are not related to their personal life and death, but to the rise and fall of the entire nation.

Lu Yunze suggested: "When I ask a question alone with you, everyone must answer it truthfully, how about it?"

Shao Yang smiled and nodded, "Okay, but you have to answer my previous question first."

"I guessed that he belonged to the underground party through a message hidden in Lu Yunze's pen."

Shao Yang asked, "What information?"

"This is the second question. You should give me the answer first."

"Don't you know the identity of Lu Yunze? He is an underground party." Shao Yang asked puzzledly.

"What I want is his true identity, from which country?" Lu Yunze reminded.

Shaoyang is even more puzzled, which country is Lu Yunze from? Of course it is Chinese! Do you need to say more about this

He Fei's expression changed drastically, and he asked in surprise, "Why are you asking that?"

Shao Yang's reaction was quick. He Fei's performance has proved that Lu Yunze's true identity is not that simple. He looked at He Fei suspiciously.

"Don't break the rules." On the 6th, he reminded He Fei that he should answer first.

He Fei hesitated. Only he knew this question, not even Lu Yunze's father. At that time, he discovered this incident by accident and promised to keep it secret for Lu Yunze.

"Everyone is dead, even if it is a secret, it doesn't make any sense." The words on the 6th broke He Fei's desire to keep a secret.

"Lu Yunze is Japanese."

He Fei's words were shocked, and Shao Yang was shocked as if he had misheard.

"He Fei, did you make a mistake?"

"Lu Yunze is indeed Japanese. When we were in the military academy, I accidentally read a secret letter from him. I didn't understand it at the time, but jokingly said that I understood it. So Lu Yunze told me the secret. Please keep it secret. There is no doubt that Lu Yunze is Japanese. He was replaced when he was just born." He Fei affirmed.

"Why didn't you report before?" Shao Yang was shocked and angry, "You know the purpose of my stay at St. Mary's Hospital."

"I'm sorry, Dr. Shao." He Fei was embarrassed, "Before, it was because of brothers' loyalty and promises. Second, he promised me that he would tell the truth when he came to Shanghai to meet you. I didn't expect that you haven't met yet. Others sacrificed."

"Naughty!" Shao Yang was so angry that his chest rose and fell. "Now that people are dead, I can't even know the details."

On the 6th, he got another piece of information. Lu Yunze was the kid who was replaced. His real identity was Japanese, and he knew it in the extra-high school. As for why Lu Yunze joined the underground party and was assassinated by the special high school, it seems that Lu Yunze has been in Lu's family and accepted the education of China, so he is anti-Japanese. He suddenly thought of Zhou Youquan. When he died, he also said that he was Japanese.

After being shocked, Shao Yang looked at Lu Yunze and asked, "How do you know that Lu Yunze is not Chinese?"

"I took Fujiwara Naoki that day. He said that I was a traitor and betrayed Japan. He didn't know my true identity and always thought I was the real Lu Yunze."

Shao Yang nodded, and murmured, "So that's it."

"I don't have the answer I want to know. This is the end of this question and answer."

Lu Yunze stood up and wanted to leave.

He Fei didn't understand Lu Yunze's personality, and was very dissatisfied with his arrogant attitude.

"Lu Yunze, don't think you can do whatever you want after you saved Dr. Shao. Do you think we are playing a game with you?" He Fei yelled angrily.

He Fei still has a problem, can you do it without any problems! He is the imposter Lu Yunze, why is he so arrogant

The underground party guarding the door thought that something had happened in the house, so they all rushed in, pointing their gun at number six.

"So you are trying to kill me?" No.6's mouth smiled, not caring about their decision.

"How about extinguishing the mouth?" He Fei suddenly drew out his pistol, intending to let No.6 know who is in charge.

Before He Fei's pistol was pulled out, the No. 6 pistol was already on He Fei's head, with an ironic smile on his face.

"Shoot. At most we will die together." He Fei yelled.

The atmosphere in the house was once again tense. The underground party all aimed their guns at No. 6, but did not dare to shoot first.

Shao Yang roared: "Don't move anyone! Put away all the guns."

On the 6th, the gun was taken away first, and the fearless response caused He Fei and others to take off the gun in embarrassment.

"No matter who you are, join us." Shao Yang sincerely invited: "Revolutionary, regardless of origin, as long as he truly serves the people. It is his responsibility to defeat the aggressors."

"I have to think about it." Lu Yunze replied.

"Wait, I have a question, if I can't solve the puzzle, I don't agree with this cooperation." He Fei stood up.

Shao Yang knew He Fei's thoughts. He Fei and Lu Yunze were classmates of the military academy. They were friends of life and death, and it was necessary to investigate the cause of Lu Yunze's death.

"How did Brother Lu die?"

"He was chased and killed by someone from a super high school, and he broke into my house with serious injuries... and finally died of his injuries."

"The Japanese refused to let him go." He Fei couldn't help being sad, "Where is his body?"

"He was buried in the suburbs by me."

Shao Yang looked at He Fei and asked, "Do you have any questions?"

He Fei shook his head and looked at Shaoyang and said, "Comrade Shaoyang, I want to lift Lu Yunze's body first to protect it from rats and ants. In the end, he sacrificed for our revolutionary cause."

"Yeah." Shao Yang nodded, "Don't be too sad. Anyone who is bloody and human will resist the Japanese violence. I believe that Comrade Lu Yunze has sacrificed. But he will not. I will regret it."

Shao Yang looked at Lu Yunze again and said seriously: "I am waiting for your reply. No matter what your decision is. We will always treat you as a comrade-in-arms and will not betray you."

Lu Yunze nodded, and the eyes that met him were extremely serious.

On July 8th in the 25th year of the Republic of China, the news in Shanghai broke out shocking news that the Japanese army attacked Lugou Bridge and provoked war again.

On the afternoon of July 7, the 8th Squadron of the 3rd Battalion of the 1st Wing of the North China Garrison of the North China Garrison was led by Captain Kiyomizu Jielang, and drove live ammunition to the area between Huilongmiao and Dawayao, which is close to the Chinese garrison at Lugou Bridge. . At 7:30 p.m., the Japanese troops began their exercises.

At 22:40, the Japanese army claimed that gunshots came from the exercise area and that a soldier Kikujiro Shimura was missing. He immediately forcibly asked to enter the Chinese garrison station in Wanping City for search. The Chinese 29th Army, 37th Division, 110th Brigade, 219th Regiment, sternly refused.

While deploying for battle, Japanese troops pretended to negotiate with China on the excuse of gunshots and missing soldiers.

At around 24:00, the Jicha authorities received a call from Matsui Takuro, the head of the Japanese secret service in Beiping. Matsui said: The Japanese army was conducting an exercise on the outskirts of Lugou Bridge yesterday. He suddenly heard the sound of gunfire. He immediately called the team and found that a soldier was missing. The suspect was the Chinese army stationed in Lugouqiao. He believed that the soldier who had fired the gun had already entered the city and asked to search the city immediately. . The Chinese troops entered the city late at night for fear of causing local uneasiness, and the Chinese officers and soldiers were sleeping soundly, and the gunshots were not made by the Chinese, so they refused.

Soon, Matsui called the Jicha authorities again and said that if China does not allow it, the Japanese will forcefully search the city by force. At the same time, the Jicha authorities received a report from the Chinese garrison at Lugouqiao that the Japanese army had formed a siege and offensive posture against Wanping City. In order to prevent the situation from spreading, the Jicha authorities negotiated with the Japanese side and agreed to send personnel to Lugouqiao to investigate.

At this time, the Japanese claimed that the missing Shimura Kiujiro had returned to the team, but did not report it.

At 5 o'clock in the morning on July 8, the Japanese army suddenly launched a shelling. The Chinese 29th Army Command immediately ordered the frontline officers and soldiers: "Ensure Lugou Bridge and Wanping City", "Lugou Bridge is the tomb of Er and others. It should coexist and die with the bridge and cannot retreat." The 3rd Battalion of the 219th Regiment, guarding Lugou Bridge and Wanping City, fought against the Japanese under the command of regimental commander Ji Xingwen and battalion commander Jin Zhenzhong.

Subsequently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China energized the whole country, calling: "All Chinese compatriots, Pingjin is in danger! North China is in danger! The Chinese nation is in danger! Only when the whole nation carries out the war of resistance is our way out!" Occupy an inch of China!" "Last drop of blood to defend the country!" The resounding slogan.

Chairman Chiang of the Nanjing government put forward the policy of "no submission, no expansion" and "no war, but resistance." He also called Song Zheyuan, Qin Dechun and others "; Wanping City should stand firm and never retreat", "Lugou Bridge and Changxindian must not be lost."

For a time, all walks of life in Shanghai were shaken, and patriots took to the streets one after another, asking the Nationalist government to immediately fight the war and drive the Japanese out of China.

The outbreak of the July 7 Incident shocked Lu Yunze, Xie Wan'er and others. Lu Yunze did not expect the Japanese attack. Xie Wan'er was more angry. When Shao Yang heard about this, he was surprised that the information had been passed on, and the national army was caught off guard, as if he was still unprepared.

The people in the extra-high class are very excited, thinking that Japan will soon occupy all of China, and the Chinese army will be vulnerable.