The Awakened

Chapter 48: disperse


The Japanese officer drew his katana, waved forward, and shouted, "Disperse the crowd."

The Japanese soldiers got the order, rushed to the demonstrators, raised their rifle butts and smashed them at the civilians in front of them.

"I'm fighting with you, little Japanese devil." A brawny man kicked a Japanese soldier who wanted to smash the young woman and rushed forward bravely. The man threw himself down on the Japanese soldier, but he didn't know much skill, and he squeezed the Japanese soldier by the neck, trying to choke him to death.

The Japanese Army is an elite division in the world. Although the Marine Corps in Shanghai is weaker than the Army, its individual combat capability is also very strong. The Japanese soldier placed a rifle across the strong man's neck and pushed him away forcefully. The brawny man exhausted his strength and pressed the Japanese soldiers, trying not to be pushed up. As soon as the Japanese soldier pushed the strong man up, he finally got rid of his control. He swung his bayonet across the neck of the strong man. The blood spurted out all at once, and the strong man fell to the ground immediately.

"Killed! Japanese soldiers killed!" the people nearby shouted. The parade suddenly became a mess. Some people moved forward bravely to fight the Japanese, and some hurried away to save their lives.

Lu Yunze watched the Japanese soldiers hurt the unarmed civilians, but his face was still cold, and he couldn't see what he was thinking.

The Japanese soldiers are in the flock among the marching masses, and the civilians are not the opponents of the Japanese soldiers at all. Regardless of whether the Japanese soldiers are old, weak or sick, women or children, as long as they rush over, they will be a gun butt, even if you were caught up by the Japanese soldier because of escape, or fell down with a gun butt.

Lu Yunze also wanted to help the Chinese, but what he was trained in the base was to miss a single shot and flee for thousands of miles. Only by ensuring his own safety can he kill people better. What's more, even if you save people regardless of your life, is that right? Is it really saving people? He participated in it, but it was just a person and a gun, but it would encourage the people to resist fiercely regardless of sacrifice, and fiercer resistance would only arouse the fierceness of the Japanese and let them kill people unscrupulously. Once hundreds of Japanese open fire, coupled with light and heavy machine guns, thousands of civilians will be killed or injured, and they will not be saved. The people will be dispersed by the Japanese, and the number of casualties will not be too many in the end.

To save is to kill. If you don't save, you can save.

With the entry of the Japanese soldiers, Xie Wan'er was even more chaotic. She was originally in the first row, but the people behind rushed up, but they had not yet come into contact with the Japanese soldiers.

Lu Yunze and Shen Qiu saw several special agents in suits walking out of the consulate, squeezing into the crowd, and heading in the direction of Xie Wan'er. The spies can't always chat at this time, they must do something, and it's not a good thing.

Shen Qiu looked at the chaos on Xie Wan'er, and still didn't know that the spy had already approached them, and asked: "Vice seat, do you care about Miss Xie Wan'er's safety? If the Japanese approach them, it will be difficult to save people!"

Lu Yunze pondered slightly, and said coldly, "Let people bring them out."

Shen Qiu signaled to the spies around him, several military command spies squeezed into the crowd and quickly approached Zhao Wei's side. After all, the spies were professionals, and they easily separated people from Zhao Wei without doing anything. People couldn't rush, and the two spies helped Zhao Wei and took Xie Wan'er to leave under the protection of the surrounding spies.

The people in the extra-high class struggling to move forward in the crowd, they have seen Xie Wan'er with guns in their hands, but they found that the army protection Xie Wan'er had left. Even if they fired, they could only hit the army army spies, and would not hurt Xie Wan'er. . After the gun was fired, people were in chaos, and it was even more unlikely to hurt Xie Wan'er. She could only make her vigilant, so he put the gun in his arms again and continued to follow her.

The military command agents brought Xie Wan'er to Lu Yunze's side, and the two met again. They did not expect it to be such a chaotic street.

"I'll take you to the hospital." Lu Yunze looked at Shen Qiu, "Captain Shen, I'll leave it to you here."

Xie Wan'er did not refuse, she was anxious to send Zhao Wei to the hospital. She can't do it at this time. Apart from Lu Yunze, there will be no second person to make her feel more at ease. That's right, even if she knew that he was number six and he was Japanese, she was still at ease.

"Let's go!" Lu Yunze left without Xie Wan'er replying.

The driver in charge of driving Lu Yunze helped Zhao Wei up and followed behind him. Xie Wan'er supported Zhao Wei on the other side, looked at Lu Yunze in front of him, and then asked Zhao Wei with concern, "Zhao Wei, where do you hurt?"

"I hurt everywhere, these grandsons are too cruel!" Zhao Wei couldn't wait to lie on the hospital bed immediately, feeling that his body was about to fall apart! He was wronged, if he was beaten by the Japanese, he would still be a hero, at least he would fight against Japan! The key is to be beaten by the Chinese, or misunderstood, so that he does not show his face at all.

"Wan'er, it's fortunate that you are here. I really hurt everywhere." Zhao Wei leaned against Xie Wan'er aggrievedly, before he could take advantage of it, as if the boneless body had been pulled up and affected. The wound on his body was so painful that he screamed.

"I'll help him." Lu Yunze drove Zhao Wei's original arm on Xie Wan'er to his shoulder.

Zhao Wei looked at Xie Wan'er with pitiful eyes, facing the powerful Lu Yunze, but dared not speak.

The parade crowd scattered, all the roads were full of people, the cars were moving slowly, and the drivers kept honking their horns, asking people to get out of the way quickly.

Xie Wan'er worried about Zhao Wei's injury and kept looking at the road ahead, hoping that the car could be faster.

Soon, the car drove off the congested road and drove normally. Xie Wan'er breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Zhao Wei for a while, and secretly observed Lu Yunze. Is he angry with her

Lu Yunze looked outside the car, not Xie Wan'er and Zhao Wei at all. According to Lu Yunze's observations, Zhao Wei's injuries were not serious and could not die. As for Xie Wan'er, he was really angry. How could she care about her own life and death every time

A Ford car chased up from behind. Lu Yunze noticed the other's car and found that the people inside were also paying attention to his car.

The situation is not right. If it is possible for people in a certain car to pay attention to the car and to pay attention to the people in the car, then there must be a problem. Lu Yunze's first thought was that someone wanted to assassinate himself, and immediately said to the human in the car: "The situation is not right, all bow their heads."

"Ah!" Xie Wan'er looked out.

"Quickly bow your head." Lu Yunze urged again, took out the gun, and loaded it.

The driver glanced at the car next to him, refueled and speeded up, trying to get rid of the opponent.

Xie Wan'er and Zhao Wei bowed their heads, Zhao Wei curled up, Xie Wan'er also tried to look up to see the situation outside.

The car next to him chased up, the window was lowered, and two flower machine guns were mounted, and it was a sudden surprise at Lu Yunze's car.

Lu Yunze fired a shot at the driver, and the bullet accurately penetrated the windshield and hit the driver's front door.

The driver died on the spot, the car lost control and hit the wall of a nearby shop.

Lu Yunze's car was riddled with holes, the tires were blown out, and the car went up and down.

"Second seat, the car is dead!"

"Stop in front." Lu Yunze ordered.

Suddenly a car appeared across the fork in the road ahead.

Lu Yunze didn't wait for the other party to fire, first fired at the enemy, and shouted at Xie Wan'er and the others: "Their target is me, go away."

Xie Wan'er glanced at Lu Yunze nervously, anxiously unwilling to leave.

"Go!" Lu Yunze said coldly.

"Go, you will hurt him if you don't go." Zhao Wei pulled Xie Wan'er, who was unwilling to leave, and ran towards the side path. The driver and Lu Yunze relied on the door and opened fire on the enemy.

Lu Yunze's marksmanship was accurate and he quickly killed two spies. The other two spies slid out of the car, leaning on the car and dared not fight back.

"You protect them from leaving." Lu Yunze ordered the driver beside him.

"Second seat, my responsibility is to protect you." The driver said.

"I let you go, don't talk nonsense, I don't need protection." Lu Yunze worried that the enemy would be divided into two groups, so for Xie Wan'er's safety, he asked the driver to protect him.

"Vice seat."

"Hurry up." Lu Yunze stared at the driver.

"Be careful in the passenger seat." The driver chased Xie Wan'er under the cover of Lu Yunze.

Lu Yunze changed his magazine and glanced behind him. The driver of that car was killed. I don't know what happened to the people in the car.

Cars in that era were not fast, and if you bump into it, you won’t die as long as it’s not too unlucky. If the secret agent behind catches up and flanks on both sides, I am afraid it will be difficult to get out, which is why he stayed. The driver can't handle it at all. He glanced at the direction Xie Wan'er had left, and was even a little grateful. Fortunately, he was the one they were going to kill. Xie Wan'er should be fine.

The secret agent in the car behind was dizzy and dazzled, came out of the car, carrying a machine gun and chasing it in front. They knew that someone was intercepting it in front.

At this time, Lu Yunze had already wiped out the spies in front of him so that only the last person was left. He would soon be able to kill the opponent, and then fully deal with the enemies behind. Who knew that at this time, the people behind chased him up. In order to avoid getting enemies on both sides, Lu Yunze shot a few shots behind him to make the other party notice him and retreated in the opposite direction from Xie Wan'er.

The secret agent behind used a machine gun, but he didn't even hit the root hair. He rushed out and chased in the direction where Lu Yunze escaped.

"Xie Wan'er is over there." The spy in front yelled in Japanese, telling his gang not to chase the wrong person.

Yunzi Inoue's order was to destroy Xie Wan'er. Their purpose was clear. They immediately gave up Lu Yunze and followed the people in front to pursue Xie Wan'er.

Lu Yunze ran a few steps, stopped, and prepared to give the chasing soldiers a small gift so that they could enjoy the taste of metal peanuts. But he didn't hear any footsteps, as if no one was chasing after him.

what's the situation? Is it that the Japanese are so smart that they know they will ambush them, so they approach it quietly? Lu Yunze waited for a few more seconds, touched a stick from the side, and threw it out.

The stick was thrown out, and there was no gunshot. Lu Yunze quickly poked his head out to see where the enemy was in ambush. Who knew there was no enemy outside.

People? Did it run away! Lu Yunze didn't believe that the Japanese soldiers and spies were influenced by Bushido and were not afraid of death at all. How could they give up chasing and killing themselves