The Awakened

Chapter 52: Paramount Ball


In the garden on the roof of the International Hotel, Lu Yunze and Inoue Yunzi sat together, watching the scenery outside.

"Thank you for helping me." Lu Yunze thanked him silently.

"Why are you so polite between you and me?" Yunzi Inoue asked rhetorically.

"Actually, you don't have to do this." Lu Yunze looked at Yunzi Inoue, "I entered the military system to find you. Since you are fine, I can get rid of this false identity."

"Since you entered the military system for me, can't you stay for me now?" Yunzi Inoue leaned on Lu Yunze's shoulders, "The empire will soon succeed in establishing the Great East Asia Co-Prosperity Circle, for our future happiness, please!"

Lu Yunze sat straight and didn't move, and asked, "Has everyone in the base enter the super high school? How about the number one, number two and others?"

"Most of the people on the base have joined the extra-high class, and some people stay at the base and continue to train newcomers."

"I don't understand. Since the base was established by the Chinese to serve Japan, why not let us join the special high school early?"

"I don't know anything about the base." Yunzi Inoue didn't say a word in her heart. China has never lacked traitors. Money can make ghosts punish, let alone build a killer base! As for not joining the extra-high class early, if you join the extra-high class, so many assassination cases will not be able to confuse the public, and will expose the ambitions of the Great Japanese Empire in advance.

Lu Yunze found that Yunzi Inoue's eyes blinked quickly, indicating that she had cheated on herself. This was her habit of lying every time. She must know about the base. Lu Yunze has no affection for the base, although the base has raised them. But the base did not treat these orphans as human beings, letting them fight against each other like wild animals, weed out the weak and stay strong, but used them as tools for killing.

The Dragon Slaying Plan was always circling in Lu Yunze's mind. He wanted to understand what the Dragon Slaying Plan was, so as to avoid too much harm to the country and the people. The real Lu Yunze was a Japanese, understood the situation of the base, joined the underground party, and was killed! Zhou Youquan was also Japanese, and he knew the situation of the base. He cooperated with the military unification and was killed by himself! It seems that the Dragon Slaying Plan is inextricably linked to the base, but what is the relationship? He couldn't think of it for a while. After all, the base was only training killers, so you couldn't let people go to assassinate high-ranking officials of the Nanjing government. Not to mention whether it could be successful, such a simple and crude method could not even talk about the Dragon Slaying Plan.

Lu Yunze wanted to ask Yunzi Inoue about the plan to kill the dragon, but he knew that whether Yunzi Inoue was clear or not, he would not tell himself. Asking can only deepen the gap between the two and be more alert to each other. Yunzi Inoue is a Japanese and definitely wants to complete the Dragon Slaying Plan, while Lu Yunze wants to destroy the Dragon Slaying Plan. This is an irreconcilable contradiction unless one party gives up his persistence.

Yunzi Inoue believes that Lu Yunze has been in the killer base for so many years, even if he cannot accept the super high class as his opponent for a while, but the longer time, he will fall into the arms of the super high class because of himself. But she didn't know that during the period when Lu Yunze did not return to the base, he saw the evil things the Japanese had committed in China. Under the inspiration of patriots such as Xie Wan'er and Shao Yang, he established a correct concept of good and evil and a sense of responsibility in his heart. , Will not live as muddled as before.

There is a radio in the garden on the roof for everyone to keep up with the latest news. It's just that the sound is not loud. People who want to listen to the news can stay closer, and those who want quiet will be farther away.

Customers at a table not far from the radio were drinking tea. When a piece of news was broadcast, everyone who heard it put down their tea cups and listened carefully, for fear of missing a word.

"Waiter, turn on the radio." Someone could not hear clearly, and hurriedly greeted the waiter.

The volume of the radio was turned up, and Lu Yunze and Inoue Yunzi also heard the news broadcast for the second time. The North China Garrison in Japan tore up the second agreement reached with the Jicha authorities and fired again.

After the July 7th Incident, the Japanese army encountered stubborn resistance from the Chinese army. All walks of life across the country supported the 29th Army that fought bravely in the Lugou Bridge battle. People from all over the country organized groups to send letters of condolences and consolation goods. Pingjin students organized a field service group to rescue the wounded and transport ammunition at the front line. Residents in the Lugouqiao area delivered water, food, and military supplies to the troops. The Changxindian railway workers quickly built air-raid shelters and dug gun holes on the city wall to help the army hold onto Wanping City. Seeing that the attempt to occupy Lugou Bridge could not be realized, the Japanese began "on-the-spot negotiations", under the guise of negotiations, to deploy troops and prepare to capture Wanping City in one fell swoop.

The news criticized the actions of the Japanese army, suggested that the people of the whole country should donate to the 29th Army, support the 29th Army’s resistance to Japanese aggression, and called on the Nanjing National Government to agree to the Communist Party’s proposal to cooperate with the Kuomintang and the Communist Party to fight against Japan. At the same time, they satirized the Japanese army's slogan of destroying China for three months, thinking that they could not occupy China for more than three months and would never have this day. The Chinese people will not stop resisting the aggressors.

An angry wealthy businessman cursed: "Damn little Japan, there is no mess of faith, the 29th Army should kill them all."

The companion dragged him, looked left and right, and whispered: "Be quiet, there may be Japanese spies here."

"I want to donate money to the 29th Army so that they can beat the Japanese devils severely."

"I also donate, but be careful. If the Japanese find out, not only will we be in danger, but we won't be able to donate!" The companion is still very cautious.

"Let me see how the rampant Japanese perished China in three months. Let's dream about it!"

Lu Yunze looked at Yunzi Inoue and found that her expression hadn't changed at all, as if she was not Japanese, and it had nothing to do with her being scolded by the wealthy businessman. It's just that her gaze staring at the wealthy businessman revealed that her heart is definitely not as calm as the surface.

Yunzi Inoue did not come here alone, but also brought a few secret agents. Shanghai is surging, and you must be careful when entering and exiting, so as not to be assassinated by crazy anti-Japanese elements! Yunzi Inoue did not let the spies appear on the roof so as not to disturb her and Lu Yunze.

At this time, Yunzi Inoue was no longer in the mood to drink tea, and stood up and said, "The wind is strong, let's go!"

Lu Yunze got up, came to the side of the wealthy businessman, grabbed his teacup, splashed his face, and cursed: "Dare to scold the emperor, don't you want to live? Get out of here."

The wealthy businessman stood up angrily. Just as he was about to yell, he saw Lu Yunze unzipping his clothes, revealing his pistol under his arm.

The wealthy businessman was dragged away by his comrades to avoid conflict with Lu Yunze. Those who have a gun are the masters these days. If Lu Yunze kills them, even if they are caught, they will not receive much severe punishment in the end.

Lu Yunze seems to be Chinese, and his voice is not as weird as Japanese speaking Chinese. Many guests on the roof secretly called Lu Yunze a traitor, a damn dog traitor. When the wealthy businessman and his companions left, they stared at Lu Yunze, as if to remember his appearance and have a chance to retaliate again.

Those people's disdainful and contemptuous gaze shot past like a knife, Yunzi Inoue said: "Look, the Chinese are very stupid. You helped them, but they didn't know how to thank you, and only scolded you in their hearts."

Yunzi Inoue wanted to destroy Lu Yunze's kindness to the Chinese people and let Lu Yunze disappoint the Chinese people. She has been in the killer base for so many years. Don't look like she looked like a cat when she was with Lu Yun. Apart from keeping some things secret, she listened to Lu Yunze. But she can kill her companions without blinking her eyes in the base. In order for Lu Yunze to kill the people of the special high school, might it really make people abuse Japan at will without being angry? She just didn't want to do anything in Lu Yunze. When she proposed to leave, she planned to notify the secret agents under her to get rid of the wealthy businessman and his comrades, so as not to donate money to the 29th Army and go against the Empire of Japan.

Lu Yunze poured tea over the wealthy businessman and scared them away with a gun. That was to save them. If they want to leave after Inoue Yunzi leaves, I am afraid they can only go to the underworld.

The battle in Wancheng continued, the Japanese did not attack on a large scale, and the artillery bombardment did not stop.

These days, Lu Yunze seems to be a transparent person in the army, Song Qingci does not look for him for anything. Shen Qiu also ignored him, only Guo Hexiang would secretly show respect to Lu Yunze, and he didn't dare to talk to him.

Song Qingci didn't want to reject Lu Yunze so obviously. The key issue was that the few special agents who had been caught were poisoned before they opened their mouths! As long as they speak, who will be unlucky? Obviously it is Lu Yunze. Since he is a vested interest, of course Song Qingci and Shen Qiu will doubt him. It is natural to exclude him. They don’t want to have any confidential information that has not been executed. The Japanese learned.

Shen Qiu sent someone to monitor Lu Yunze, even if he was not afraid of being exposed, he would be thrown away every time. He also sent someone to investigate Yunzi Inoue, and wanted to take a photo to confirm evidence that Lu Yunze had cooperated with the enemy and treason. As a result, the person sent was either missing or missing.

In order to find a righteous opportunity to contact Xie Wan'er, Song Qingci, who had rarely participated in public activities, participated in a ball for the first time. This time, many wealthy businessmen and officials from Shanghai were gathered together.

At the gate of Paramount, several waiters respectfully invited in a distinguished guest. On the stage, Zhou Xuan was singing He Rijun's return, and several dancers danced to the music.

Song Qingci took Shen Qiu and other secret agents into Paramount, and saw one of the organizers, his good friend Gao Quan, a rich businessman, talking with people at the door.

Song Qingci walked over and boasted: "Wen Sheng, it's a good job! Even the big star Zhou Xuan has been invited."

Gao Quan, Zi Wensheng, runs a large textile factory and is the vice chairman of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce. He has a very close relationship with Song Qingci. He saw Song Qingci and hurriedly greeted him, and smiled: "What is a big star? Boss Song can come, and Peng Xun will be brilliant." He and the others accompany Song Qingci into the Paramount.

The two walked side by side, and Shen Qiu and others followed behind.

"Has Xie Bai come here?"

"It's been here long ago, and his wife and daughter are here too! But the son-in-law of his family hasn't arrived yet." Gao Quan paused and asked suspiciously: "Why did Boss Song suddenly complain to the Xie family? Are people interested? Could it be that they have any suspicion of conquering the enemy?"

"Vin Sheng thinks too much. I just heard that the girl from Xie's family writes like a knife, often neglecting the atrocities of the Japanese, and want to attract more such promising young people." Song Qingci explained.

"You are really an upright gentleman for ten years." Gao Quan praised.