The Awakened

Chapter 59: New clues


When Lu Yunze went downstairs, Xie Wan'er was still sitting on the street with balloons. The cozy appearance, as if sitting on the grass and flying a kite to bask in the sun.

Seeing him appear, Xie Wan'er pointed to the big-character poster above, and asked: "Is my writing okay?"

"Gather things away." Lu Yunze said with a cold face.

Xie Wan'er didn't lose her temper, and put away the posters obediently. With a loose hand, a handful of multicolored balloons flew into the sky.

"You go back." Lu Yunze still said with a cold face, "I have something to do today."

Xie Wan'er was not discouraged and hugged his arm directly.

It's hard to get people off, how can she let him go easily? Besides, this is a revolutionary task, and she must not give up easily in order to join the party.

Look, once you have a reason for being tall, you feel more confident in doing things.

Close enough to Lu Yunze, she whispered: "Shao Yang wants to see you."

"Why did he let you come?" Lu Yunze was unhappy.

"Are you worried about me?" Xie Wan'er looked at him happily and asked.

Lu Yunze was a little embarrassed when he was asked, cleared his throat, and asked in a low voice, "Where can I see you?"

"Daguangming Cinema?"

"What time is the movie?"

"Five o'clock."

"Does anyone know you are coming to see me for a movie?"

"I didn't tell anyone."

"Think clearly before answering. Whether it's telling directly or indirectly, it may make people doubt or guess."

"No, I came directly from him, and didn't even buy movie tickets."

"That's good. Let's go!"

Xie Wan'er said in surprise: "It's only two o'clock, and there are still three hours!"

"Let's go." Lu Yunze didn't tell her more, grabbed her waist and walked to the rickshaw.

The two got on a rickshaw and headed to the four-line warehouse.

"What are we going to do in Sixing Warehouse?" Xie Wan'er didn't understand, is there something to pick up? Who else do you see

"From now on, don't talk, do whatever I ask you to do?"

One is that it is not convenient to explain to her, and the other is that he doesn't want her to know too much. He didn't want her to join the underground party. That is a job that requires life and death. He even hoped that she could live well.

He wouldn't ask, and she didn't want to ask more, it would be nice to be able to sit with him.

He hasn't talked much, and there is a car here now, and it is really inconvenient to talk more. Bored so bored, she pulled out a small bottle from her bag and opened it herself. After blowing a sigh at the small circle on the thin rod of the bottle cap, a few bubbles flew out. Facing the sun, the transparent bubbles became colorful, like dreams and illusions.

Xie Wan'er looked at the colorful bubbles and smiled happily.

Lu Yunze looked at her sweet and innocent smile and became more determined, not wanting her to participate in everything. At this moment, he made a decision to join them in Shaoyang. As she said, he must do so in order for his family and future generations to no longer be bullied by the Japanese and to live with dignity.

When the rickshaw was approaching the warehouse of Sixing, Lu Yunze asked the driver to go to the Daguangming Cinema on Nanjing West Road.

"Boss, here it is!" The rickshaw driver parked the car at the gate of Da Guangming Cinema.

"Thank you." Lu Yunze got off the car.

Xie Wan'er got out of the car and just wanted to walk to the ticket office. Lu Yunze took her arm and got on another rickshaw again, saying: "Go to Maoming South Road, in a hurry, take the nearest road."

"Good!" the coachman responded passionately.

The coachman took the two of them through the streets and lanes, specializing in short cuts.

Xie Wan'er grew up in Shanghai, but she has rarely seen scenery like this. I don't know why, she thinks the scenery at this moment is really beautiful.

Lu Yunze asked, "Is there a mirror?"

"Here you are." Xie Wan'er took out the mirror from her handbag and placed it in Lu Yunze's hand in a puzzled manner.

Lu Yunze used the mirror to adjust his hair to check the situation behind the car. When the car was pulled to a sugar seller’s stall, Lu Yunze shouted: "Stop."

The coachman stopped swiftly, and Lu Yunze came to the sugar man stall, "Give me a pig."

A car drove by Lu Yunze's side, and the people in it stared at Lu Yunze's hand with money. The car stopped not far ahead, waiting for the landing Yunze.

"This is for you." Lu Yunze said.

"Why is Zhu Bajie?" Xie Wan'er narrowed her mouth, "I don't want it!"

Lu Yunze still held her mirror in his hand and opened it to face her.

"Like the way you are pouting now."

"You tease me!" Xie Wan'er beat his chest with anger, "You are Zhu Bajie."

Lu Yunze grabbed her small fist, she grinned and stared at him dissatisfied.

"Angry and laughing."

"Let's go and see the face man." Lu Yunze said to the coachman: "Wait for me here and come back soon."

The coachman nodded and agreed, it would be nice to be able to rest for a while.

Lu Yunze feels close to Xie Wan'er, and looks like a young couple is dating.

The people in the car continued to monitor, paying attention to Lu Yunze's every move.

Before reaching the noodle stall, Lu Yunze pulled Xie Wan'er into the side path and ran away.

"Hey! You didn't pay for your car!" The driver wanted to catch up, but he was worried about his rickshaw. He jumped and yelled anxiously, but when he turned around, he saw that the car had put a piece of ocean on it.

The man in the car pushed the door and rushed down and ran after him. They are responsible for monitoring, and if they are ashamed, it would be too shameful!

Xie Wan'er saw the person chasing, but Lu Yunze took him, and turned them away. She ran panting, patted her chest and asked, "Who are they?"

"I don't know." Lu Yunze didn't want to tell Xie Wan'er his situation in the army, and didn't want her to follow along with anxiety.

"If we don't know, let's run?" Xie Wan'er asked puzzledly.

"Just know that they are following us. As for who they are, does it matter?"

"Should we go to the theater now?"

"Not yet." Lu Yunze looked at an unremarkable man and asked, "Aren't you tired after you have been with you for so long?"

The man ignored Lu Yunze and continued to move forward.

"Say hello to your master for me. I don't care why he asked you to follow me. If I see you again, don't blame me for being rude to him."

The man stopped and shot Lu Yunze with sharp eyes. He could see that he was not an ordinary person, he was just a disguise.

Lu Yunze stared at him without backing down.

The man finally lowered his head and returned to the appearance of an ordinary person, and continued to walk forward until he disappeared before Lu Yunze's eyes.

"Let's go." Lu Yunze took Xie Wan'er to leave, this time Xie Wan'er didn't say anything, didn't ask anything! She found that she didn't know whether she was being followed, or two groups of people.

The two changed cars several times again, and then changed routes on foot. After making sure that there was no tail tracking, they returned to the Daguangming Cinema.

Xie Wan'er asked curiously: "You brought them here before, aren't you afraid they will come again?"

"They followed us for so long, they must think we are going to a place we haven't been before, and they would never expect us to come back again."

Xie Wan'er secretly admired Lu Yunze and figured out the human psychology so clearly. The two bought tickets and waited for Shaoyang's arrival.

Lu Yunze and Xie Wan'er sat in the last row, Xie Wan'er stared at the entrance, looking for Shaoyang, time passed, and the movie started right away. Shaoyang hadn't arrived yet, Xie Wan'er said worriedly: "Why hasn't he come yet? What's the matter?"

"Don't worry." Lu Yunze is not worried about Shaoyang, this guy is shrewd! Although it's not like a fox with a tail in it, it's pretty much the same.

The movie was halfway through, and Shaoyang hadn't arrived yet. Xie Wan'er could no longer sit still, as if sitting on a nail, constantly moving, looking for Shaoyang's traces by the light of the screen.

"Will he not find our place?"

"will not."

"Then something must have happened to him, let's go find him."

"Are you worried about him?" Lu Yunze asked unwillingly.

"Don't be jealous at this time." Xie Wan'er seemed to take an oath: "He is my comrade, my partner."

Lu Yunze's expression tightened and asked, "He agreed with you to join?"

"That's not true." Xie Wan'er narrowed her mouth, "but I will work hard."

Concerns flashed in Lu Yunze's eyes, but it was obviously not the time to discuss this matter.

"Let's go find him. I'm afraid that something will happen to him." Xie Wan'er was so anxious that she couldn't go out immediately, but she didn't know where to find someone, even if something happened, she couldn't save it, so she wanted to pull Lu Yunze.

"You come to the cinema to watch a movie. Sit down and watch the movie. If someone pays attention to us, even if you look like a fool, you know that there is a problem." Lu Yunze reminded her deliberately.

Xie Wan'er suppressed the worry about Shaoyang, her concentration was not as good as Lu Yunze's, her eyes were staring at the screen, but her heart was disturbed and she didn't know where she flew.

A pair of warm big pairs suddenly covered her cold hands, and she turned to look at him. He is watching the movie seriously.

Her uneasy heart suddenly settled down. Because he told her with action, in any case, there is him!

She finally settled down and watched a movie with him. The moment the movie ended, he also let go of her hand.

The lights in the cinema were bright, and the people who watched the movie went out one by one, until the last one left, they still didn't see Shao Yang.

"Let's go." Lu Yunze stepped ahead of her and walked outside the cinema.

Xie Wan'er looked down at the hand that still had his remaining warmth, and slowly clenched her hand, as if trying to retain the remaining warmth of his palm.

The two walked out of the cinema, and a rickshaw came in front of them. Lu Yunze glanced at the driver and pulled Xie Wan'er into the car.

The coachman took the two of them and left without asking Lu Yunze where he was going.

Xie Wan'er was surprised that Lu Yunze didn't even say where to go, and the coachman didn't ask, as if there was some tacit understanding between the two.

The roads chosen by the coachman are all roads with few people, and there are not many people in sight.

"Are you tired of pulling a cart?" Lu Yunze asked suddenly.

"You might think about losing weight!" the coachman replied.

Xie Wan'er heard the voice of the coachman, her eyes lit up! Shaoyang, the driver of the cart turned out to be Shaoyang.

"He Fei has an accident. Your people are staring at me too tightly!" Shao Yang said.

"Do you want me to save him?" Lu Yunze asked.

"I know this is difficult. Song Qingci will definitely not let you approach He Fei easily." Shao Yang continued to pull the car, "I am looking for you this time, there are other things."

"What's the matter?" Lu Yunze asked.

"Have you heard of Dou Xinping?"

"Is that the big grain merchant who was pissed off?" Xie Wan'er was very familiar with the news.


"His son is really a prodigal, he even angered Laozi. But what does this matter have to do with us?" Xie Wan'er counted herself in.