The Awakened

Chapter 64: The regular army entered Shanghai


"Ms. Cheng Lin, I'm safe, you can go back!" Xie Wan'er directly issued the eviction order.

"Lu Yunze asked me to protect you. I can only listen to him." Yunzi Inoue said.

"I feel even more insecure when you are here." Xie Wan'er hasn't forgotten how Inoue Yunzi treated her the last time Yunzi Inoue kidnapped her. Who knows when she will shoot her.

"Does Miss Xie think I will kill you?" Inoue Yunzi's eyes flashed with danger.

"Do you dare? Don't you still have to pretend to be someone in front of Lu Yunze?" Xie Wan'er retorted without yielding.

When the two sides were at war, Lu Yunze walked in and saw that Xie Wan'er was still safe. He was relieved and found that the atmosphere in the room was a bit weird.

"You weren't hurt!" Yunzi Inoue came to Lu Yunze, looked carefully, and nervously touched his chest with his hand.

Xie Wan'er stared at Lu Yunze with anger, and Lu Yunze pulled down Yunzi Inoue's hand in embarrassment.

"No. The killer was injured by me and ran away. Shen Qiu took someone to chase him."

Yunzi Inoue's eyes flickered visibly, as if she didn't believe the result.

"Doctor Shao, I'm leaving first." Xie Wan'er greeted Shao Yang and walked to the door, but did not open the door and leave directly. Instead, she suddenly stopped and looked at Lu Yunze unwillingly, "Are you not leaving?"

Lu Yunze was stunned, but Yunzi Inoue reacted first, tidying up his neckline, and said, "Be careful, and send Miss Xie home safely before leaving."

"I'm leaving now." Yunzi Inoue stood on tiptoe, trying to place a kiss on Lu Yunze's cheek. When Xie Wan'er saw this, she was anxious and blocked her by reaching out. The speed of the action seems to be a practice.

Yunzi Inoue's kiss fell impartially on the back of Xie Wan'er's hand. Xie Wan'er successfully separated Inoue Yunzi's assault on Lu Yunze, but she collapsed unsteadily. Fortunately, Lu Yunze hugged her neatly.

Yunzi Inoue was knocked back two steps by her fallen body, her face turned blue with anger.

Shao Yang didn't hold it back, and laughed directly. This little girl is really interesting.

Yunzi Inoue forced a smile and said to Lu Yunze, "I'm leaving now."

When the words fell, she rushed to the door.

Lu Yunze helped Xie Wan'er and looked at the door worriedly.

"I can't bear to go with her." Xie Wan'er said domineeringly: "Lu Yunze, I tell you, you are still Lu Yunze now, and acting must be professional."

Lu Yunze sighed, looked at Shao Yang, who was watching the jokes, and gave him a blank look.

He wasn't worried that Yunzi Inoue, a master like her, would not be in danger if he went out. He just remembered what No. 5 said, afraid that Xie Wan'er would irritate her, and she would deal with Xie Wan'er even more.

Shao Yang stopped laughing, and asked solemnly: "Who is going to assassinate Wan'er? Or someone from a super high class?"

"The fat man who shot was No. 5, the killer of the base. The base will not send out killers for no reason. It must be an order from the Japanese." Lu Yunze said affirmatively.

"If the Japanese keep sending killers, it may be difficult for Miss Xie to escape." Shao Yang expressed concern about Xie Wan'er's safety.

Lu Yunze couldn't protect Xie Wan'er all the time, and turned to persuade: "You shouldn't write anti-Japanese articles recently, keep a low profile for the time being, and just avoid the gust of limelight!"

"I know you are worried about me, but I will not back down because of death. China has reached the most dangerous juncture. Backing down because of fear of death will never be able to repel the aggressor." Xie Wan'er said seriously.

Lu Yunze admired Xie Wan'er's courage, this girl who was far inferior to them physically and physically, and her mental perseverance always surprised him.

"By the way, Dou Yuan asked me to give this to you." Xie Wan'er saw that there were no outsiders, so she took out a diary.

Lu Yunze took it and asked, "Have you seen it?"

"I read some. It is Dou Xinping's diary. Dou Yuanfa gave it to him before his wife died. He wanted to give it to you, but he didn't know where to find you, so he passed it on to me."

Lu Yunze opened the diary. This diary was recent. At first, it was all things in the mall. On the last day, it was recorded that he chatted with a doctor friend and talked about the inheritance of blood types. He learned that two blood type A blood would never be born. A child with type B blood came out. He and his eldest wife have blood type A, while Dou Yuanhua has blood type B. He only knew that after he had a blood transfusion when he fell off the wall when he was a child. Dou Xinping has always kept it in his heart, so as not to have the wrong blood transfusion, which would endanger the life of the child. Dou Xinping therefore suspected that Dou Yuanhua was not his own. On the one hand, he secretly tested his blood type, and on the other hand, he went to the doctor who delivered the baby to know if the child was holding the wrong baby! After all, this matter was of great importance, and he kept hiding it for fear of causing family discord.

Dou Xinping's record ended here. As for the results of blood type tests, he did not write down the matter of finding a midwife.

It seems that Dou Xinping's death may be related to this matter. I don't know if it was because Dou Yuanhua worried that he was not his own and could not get the family property, or for another reason.

Xie Wan'er looked at the diary and asked, "If, according to the diary, Dou Yuanhua was not Dou Xinping's biological person, would he kill his second mother for this diary?"

"It does not seem to be a coincidence." Shao Yang murmured.

Lu Yunze handed the diary to Shao Yang and said, "There is such a possibility. Has the autopsy result of the second wife Dou Xinping come out?"

"The cause of death was suffocation. It can be determined that the hanging was an illusion. After death, the death was caused by horizontal strangulation and the throat bone was strangled." Shao Yang concluded.

"Could it be that Dou Xinping's eldest wife killed the second concubine?" Xie Wan'er asked.

"Impossible, a woman is not that strong." Lu Yunze said affirmatively.

"Could it be the hands of the people at the base? For example, the fat man just now." Shao Yang said with great interest.

After listening to Shao Yang and Xie Wan'er's analysis, Lu Yunze had long believed that he was the No. 5 player. He felt the oppressive feeling of wind and rain. The Dragon Slaying Project is always the sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of the Chinese. Maybe it will be launched in the next moment. He will conduct a solitary investigation. He does not know the year of the monkey to find out. It is necessary to speed up the progress and find a helper.

"I was planning to investigate some things myself, but now I don't have enough time. I need your help."

"What to investigate?" Xie Wan'er asked a little excitedly.

"I got a message from Naoki Fujiwara that Japan has a three-month plan to destroy China and Lu Yunze is an obstacle."

"It was the wishful thinking of the Japanese to destroy China in three months. No plan can be done." Xie Wan'er didn't believe it at all.

"Since the Japanese chanted this slogan, no matter whether they can do it or not, they must have a careful plan." Shao Yang did not have Xie Wan'er's optimism, cautiously and honestly.

"Lu Yunze was an obstacle to the Dragon Slaying Plan, so he was killed by the special high school! He Fei said he was a Japanese. Zhou Youquan cooperated with the army and was killed by me. When he died, he said he was a Japanese, called Yamaguchi Daoyi. Dou Yuanhua has a connection with the base, and it is not the Dou family. This is a coincidence." Lu Yunze analyzed.

Although Shaoyang did not believe in the destruction of China in three months, he did not dare to easily deny the plan to kill the dragon. Even if the plan was a one-in-a-millionth chance to succeed, China could not afford to lose, so it must be destroyed.

"It seems that we have to investigate the life experiences of Zhou Youquan, Lu Yunze, and Dou Yuanhua to see if they have any secret connections." Shao Yang sighed and said, "What I am most worried about is that there is a fourth and fifth person like this. exist."

Lu Yunze nodded, they thought of going together.

"Japan blatantly clamored for the destruction of China in three months, indicating that their plan is likely to have been launched, and we have no time! Shaoyang, you are responsible for checking the contacts between the three and determining the identity of Dou Yuanhua. I want to know why Zhou Youquan and Lu Yunze are Japanese and whether It was replaced as soon as it was born, and the focus is on whether this exchange is deliberate or unintentional."

"Don't worry, I must check it out." Shao Yang has classmates and friends in many hospitals. I believe it is not difficult to check some information.

Xie Wan'er saw that they all have jobs, and quickly asked: "What about me? What am I doing?"

"Your task is very heavy. You must hide it these days to avoid being found by the base's killers." Lu Yunze said seriously.

"I will protect myself." Xie Wan'er replied solemnly, "I won't let anyone use me to contain you."

"Okay." Lu Yunze curled the corners of his lips, but he was worried that he couldn't get rid of it.

"I will investigate your matter." Shao Yang said.

"Thank you." Lu Yunze said gratefully.

Even with many things, he has figured out that no matter which country he is from, he only wants to prevent the aggression of extinction. This is the awakening of human nature, regardless of race. Furthermore, he believed that Yunzi Inoue said that he was a Japanese, because he was afraid that he would deliberately deceive him if he didn't go to the special high school. Every time she deceives people, she makes small moves. But all this is not empirical. He doesn't care about his own life experience, but he cares about what this life experience will bring to Xie Wan'er.

Lu Yunze is not in Tongbao Foreign Trade, but the army is running nervously. Song Qingci just received a telegram from Boss Dai Li, ordering Juntong to assist the Independent 20th Brigade to enter Shanghai secretly.

Since our country and the Japanese fought a war of resistance against Shanghai in Shanghai, our country’s garrison has been limited by the "Songhu Armistice Agreement". There is no regular army in and around Shanghai, and only Shanghai is under the jurisdiction of Songhu Garrison Commander Yang Hu. Two regiments of the Municipal Police Corps and Jiangsu Security Forces.

After Japan provoked the Lugou Bridge Incident in North China, General Zhang Zhizhong, the Beijing-Shanghai Security Commander, ordered the Zhongsong Brigade to be urgently transferred to Shanghai. Because of the Japanese naval police intelligence investigation, the Zhongsong Brigade was on standby in Suzhou to prepare for a possible war in the Shanghai area. Soon afterwards, Zhongsong Brigade was renamed the 20th Independent Brigade. General Zhang Zhizhong prepared to disguise the 658th regiment of the independent 20th brigade as the 13th regiment of the gendarmerie and stationed in Songjiang, and the 659th regiment disguised as the 3rd regiment of the Shanghai Security General Corps to station at Wuxian, Songhu Garrison Command and Hongqiao Military Airport.

Song Qingci must cooperate with the secret operation to prevent the Japanese from discovering that the regular army had secretly advanced into Shanghai.