The Awakened

Chapter 65: He Fei confessed


Shen Qiu arrested No. 5 but did not return, and Lu Yunze was suspected, not the best. Song Qingci took Guo Hexiang to go there in person, secretly responded, and at the same time ruled out any suspicious elements, so that the Independent 20th Brigade would not be discovered by any spies.

On the 28th, when Lu Yunze arrived at Tongbao International, he found that the atmosphere inside was very tense, and everyone looked at him with dissatisfaction.

When Shen Qiu saw Lu Yunze, he immediately stepped forward and said, "Vice seat, the bureau seat is looking for you."

Lu Yunze followed Shen Qiu into Song Qingci's office, and found that Song Qingci's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and his eyes were breathing fire.

"Seat, you are looking for me."

"Lu Yunze, you came back last night?"

"Yes, bureau seat." Lu Yunze came back yesterday to check the files of Zhou Youquan, and it turned out that there were no other files except Zhou Youquan's.

Many spies went on duty last night, and not many people were left on duty. Although Lu Yunze had some doubts, he didn't ask much. Now that Song Qingci looks like it is obviously messed up with what he did last night! Be prepared to hold accountable persons.

"Did you doubt why there were few people on duty last night?"

"Seat, I haven't had a job recently. Although I see that there are few people, I am not interested in knowing. It's better to tell me directly what happened."

"Early this morning, the Japanese sent a few waves to the mayor, Songhu Garrison Command and other departments to express their doubts about the actions of our security team, and also asked about the increase in the number of the security team, construction, defense, etc.," Song Qingci said. Keep it confidential. When taking people out for missions, they didn't tell anyone that the members of the security team were regular soldiers, even Guo Hexiang didn't know.

"I don't understand. This is a military matter. What does it have to do with us?"

From Song Qingci’s point of view, Lu Yunze’s words were just pretending to be stupid. If you hadn’t come back last night and found that something was wrong here, you found the news and passed it on to Yunzi Inoue, how could the Japanese know about our increase in troops.

"Lu Yunze, if you are willing to cooperate, I will not be blamed for what I have done before. But my patience is limited. If you don't cooperate, don't blame me for being merciless." Song Qingci does not intend to circle with Lu Yunze, his patience has already Almost reaching the limit.

"Seat, I don't know what happened last night, and I don't know what your words mean." Lu Yunze knew that something big had happened, but what was it

Song Qingci stared at Lu Yunze and saw him staring at him without flinching. He was so angry that he took out his pistol, pointed at Lu Yunze, and shouted, "Don't you think I dare to kill you?"

Lu Yunze didn't blink his eyelids and asked, "Guo Zuo, I asked myself I didn't do anything sorry for the organization. I don't know why you killed me?"

"Don't you deserve to die if you sell your intelligence to the Japanese?"

"I didn't sell any information to the Japanese. I am a Chinese, and I don't do traitors." When Lu Yunze said this, his waist was very straight, and he had never done it before.

There was a knock on the door.

Shen Qiu went to open the door, but the man didn't enter the door, but murmured a few words in Shen Qiu's ear. Shen Qiu's face changed drastically, and he walked quickly to Song Qingci's side, whispered a few words in his ear, and Song Qingci's eyes clearly flashed a touch of surprise.

"You go down first." Song Qingci ordered Lu Yunze.

"Yes, bureau seat." Lu Yunze turned and left Song Qingci's office.

Song Qingci and Shen Qiu also left the office and went to the prison where the underground party was held.

Lu Yunze monitored the actions of the two, instinctively that something was going to happen. It just so happened that the person who had just reported the letter walked out of the prison. When Lu Yunze walked to a no-man place, he put the gun on his head.

"Did something happen in the prison?" Lu Yunze asked.

"Vice seat, what are you talking about? It's okay in the prison!" The military command agent tried not to say.

"Say it! Or I will kill you!" Lu Yunze tightened the trigger, planning to shoot in the next instant.

"Vice seat, don't shoot. It is the underground party that Captain Shen caught in the hospital a few days ago. He decided to confess, saying that there is something to say about the vice seat. Specifically, I don't know. This is not just going in. , The bureau seat asked me to come out to do something.” The military unified agent explained quickly in order to save his life.

Lu Yunze didn't look like he was lying, so he raised his hand and hit him on the back of the neck. He knocked people stunned to the ground and left quickly.

Song Qingci walked out of the prison quickly, his face was gloomy, and his eyes were full of anger.

"Shen Qiu, you immediately arrest Lu Yunze."

According to Song Qingci's previous instructions, He Fei was spiritually attacked.

He Fei waited for a few days, but couldn't wait for someone to rescue him, even Lu Yunze didn't even look at him. In the gradual despair, he happened to hear the conversation between Shen Qiu and the military unification spy. It seems that Lu Yunze is not suspicious of communism, because he doesn't care about He Fei's life or death.

In the growing despair of being tortured physically and mentally, He Fei chose to confess, and as a revenge, he first shaken out Lu Yunze's false identity.

"Yes, bureau seat." Shen Qiu pulled out a gun and was about to arrest people.

"Wait. Grab Guo Hexiang too."

Song Qingci had originally suspected that Lu Yunze was a fake, but if it weren't for Guo Hexiang, he would not have let Lu Yunze have been in the army for so long. Obviously, Guo Hexiang and Lu Yunze are in the same group, and these people are all traitors.

Shen Qiu knew that the matter was of great importance, so he didn't dare to delay, and immediately led someone to arrest him.

However, in the end he only took Guo Hexiang into Song Qingci's office.

Song Qingci didn't see Lu Yunze's figure, and suddenly had a bad feeling, and asked, "Where is Lu Yunze?"

"I didn't find someone in Tongbao Foreign Company, I have sent someone to chase after him." Shen Qiu replied.

Song Qing gritted his teeth with bitter resentment, did he let people run away

He got up angrily, walked in front of Guo Hexiang, and asked, "Where will Lu Yunze go?"

"Seat, I am not familiar with Lu Yunze." Guo Hexiang explained aggrievedly: "You asked the wrong person. You also caught the wrong person."

"Lu Yunze is a fake! Why is the file you got back a photo of a fake person?"

"Guo Zuo, I was wronged. I didn't look at the file. How do I know whose picture is inside." Guo Hexiang cried out aggrieved.

"No one can replace the original archives in Nanjing. Only you know about the access to the archives. You do it yourself, not who did you replace it?" Song Qingci is already crazy, so how can he easily listen to Guo Hexiang's excuse.

"The lacquer of the file hasn't moved, it's not me." Guo Hexiang's lacquer was prepared for today, to abandon his own responsibility.

Song Qingci's eyes were fierce, and he had a way to make Guo Hexiang open his mouth.

At this moment, the office door was knocked.

Song Qingci's secretary walked in and said, "In the office, there is a child outside the door who wants to give this note to Captain Guo." She handed the note to Song Qingci.

Song Qingci opened the note, and there were two words on it: escape.

Song Qingci smiled coldly, showed the note to Guo Hexiang, and asked, "What else do you have to say?"

"Guo Zuo, this is a plan that someone deliberately wronged me and split us!" Guo Hexiang was struggling to death. He knew very well that if something happened to him, no one would save him.

Moreover, the timing of this note was so coincidental that he couldn't help but doubt it. In fact, his suspicion was right. Someone actually cheated him, and that person was Lu Yunze.

Lu Yunze knew that he had gone, I am afraid it would be difficult to come back. But he can't leave the curse of Guo Hexiang. The military has too many state secrets. When he is here, he can still suppress Guo Hexiang a little bit. If he leaves, if Guo Hexiang is not eliminated, he will have to report all state secrets to the special high school, and the country will surely suffer heavy losses by then.

"Shen Qiu, take him down, no matter what method you use, I will pry his mouth open for me."

"Seat, I will let him tell everything he knows."

Shen Qiu pressed Guo Hexiang to leave, Guo Hexiang kept yelling: "Juza, I was wronged! Juza..."

Song Qingci remembered the assassination of Lu Yunze by the extra-high class, and knew in his heart that the real Lu Yunze might be too bad.

Yunzi Inoue learned that Juntong was searching for Lu Yunze everywhere, and immediately came to Nanzo Jiro, and wanted Lu Yunze to officially return to the special high school.

Facing Inoue Yunzi’s proposal, Minamizojiro pondered for a moment, and said: "It is a good thing that he is willing to come back, but he did not provide any beneficial information to the empire during the military reunification. I am very worried that he has rebelled. At present, it is the most important thing for the empire At the moment, let him come back. If he doesn’t have an inch, I’m afraid it will arouse criticism."

"Organization chief, No. 6 is the most outstanding talent. He is wanted by the military commander and is in danger at all times. It is better to let him come back, observe and observe, and then perform the task."

"Since he is an elite, he should take on heavy responsibilities. For the great cause of the empire, everyone must not be afraid of danger and show complete dedication. Aren't we in danger?" Nanzo Jiro's expression is fanatical, ready to do so. Dedicated to the empire.

"We are ready to dedicate ourselves to the empire at any time, but easy sacrifice is the loss of the empire." Yunzi Inoue fought hard.

"No. 6 is wanted by the military commander and cannot get information. He can kill Xie Wan'er and make up for it!" Nanzo Jiro knew about the relationship between Xie Wan'er and Lu Yunze, and he knew that Xie Wan'er was a fierce anti-Japanese activist. The killer should be unfeeling. If he can kill Xie Wan'er, it means that No. 6 is still a killer and can continue to serve the empire. Once the number six refused, it means that his heart is not on the side of the empire.

"I still recommend returning to the extra-high class before performing the task. If the extra-high class is worried about his loyalty, he can be sent back to the base." Yunzi Inoue knew that it would be impossible for Lu Yunze to kill Xie Wan'er. If Nanzo Jiro confirmed that Lu Yunze would not be on the side of the extra-high class, not only would he not be accepted, but he would be eliminated.

"There was a strict order above. The base does not allow any suspicious people to go back. Now there are only two ways to go on the 6th. The first one is to kill Xie Wan'er and return to the super high class to fight for the glory of the Great Japanese Empire. Another one. Lu, refused to kill Xie Wan'er, became a traitor to the Japanese Empire and was hunted down forever."

"This will chill the loyal soldiers of the Empire."

"No. 6 has never been loyal. How many of us did he kill? If it weren't for my help, he would have been arrested by the army, but he didn't provide any information. Instead, he wounded No. 5 in order to save Xie Wan'er. Could this be him? His loyalty? If he can’t prove himself, I won’t allow him to stay in the world.” Nanzo Jiro didn’t know that Guo Hexiang had been arrested. If he knew that this was Lu Yunze’s plan, he would perfect Guo Hexiang’s conspiracy in the pit. The meeting broke out long ago!

Yunzi Inoue also knew that what No. 6 had done made Minazou Jiro angry. Seeing that No. 6 could not return to the special high school directly, he could only agree to Minazou Jiro's terms.

Nanzo Jiro finally reminded Yunzi Inoue to let Lu Yunze kill Xie Wan'er, cut off her head, and take it as a proof. Lest he play any tricks.