The Awakened

Chapter 69: The betrayal of the Nine


"Will Shen Qiu be against you?" Xie Wan'er asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'm safe for the time being."

"Are you still looking for Lu Yunze? It is possible that Shen Qiu said that on purpose because he suspected Wen Xiaoyu." Xie Wan'er reminded.

"I thought you knew where Lu Yunze was hiding. Since you don't know, we have nowhere to find it. It seems we can only resign. Besides, although Shen Qiu is no longer following, he may send someone to ambush at the door of our two houses. , It depends on when we go back. If we don’t go back for a long time, it may cause suspicion.” Shao Yang analyzed.

"He's really too much. Something happened and he wouldn't contact us." Xie Wan'er stomped anxiously. "Does he not know that we are worried about him?"

"Don't blame him, he must be afraid of influencing us." Shao Yang surely said: "Since Shenqiu and they haven't caught anyone, I believe he must be safe."

"Yeah." Xie Wan'er nodded in response, still faintly uneasy.

Shanghai is a big city. It's idiotic to find someone to hide in the middle of the night. I can only think of a solution tomorrow. Even if I worry about it, it's useless. Besides, Shen Qiu probably said this deliberately to bring Lu Yunze out.

After Xie Wan'er got home, she tossed and turned on the bed, sleepless all night.

At the entrance of Tongbao Foreign Company, the girl and the stone hid in the alley next to them, drawing and playing on the ground. During the period, the girl kept looking up at the door.

After Shaoyang's treatment and conditioning, the girl's illness has been cured, and she has become the clever girl again.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Shen Qiu took more than a dozen people and left. Stone followed. The girl turned and ran back to find Shao Yang and Xie Wan'er who were hiding in another corner.

"Sister, Dr. Shao, more than a dozen people came out, I let the stone follow!"

"You go to meet the stone, be careful." Shao Yang asked the girl to find the stone, and they followed the girl.

Shen Qiu and the others quickly assemble the security team that is ready to go. This time they will take a company to perform the task, which shows the importance of the task. This makes Shao Yang and Xie Wan'er more worried about Lu Yunze's safety, and they believe that what Shen Qiu said to Wen Xiaoyu yesterday may be true.

Shishi is a child, no one pays attention to him, but he can't keep up because of his too small pace. After the girl caught up with him, she asked him to stay behind and wait for Sister Xie and Doctor Shao, and followed up first.

Fortunately, there were a lot of people dispatched this time. There were no cars or bicycles. They all depended on walking, otherwise the girl would not be able to keep up.

The security group hid in batches under Shen Qiu's order, and Shen Qiu also hid with his men. There was nothing unusual in the ambush.

Shaoyang, Xie Wan'er and others stopped at a distance of 300 meters. They didn't see Lu Yunze's trail, nor did they find anything wrong with them.

"They ambush so many people. If Lu Yunze comes, there is no way to escape, we have to notify him in advance." Xie Wan'er was shaking with anxiety, worried that Lu Yunze would rush in.

"Shen Qiu may not have caught Lu Yunze. Don't worry too much. I walked around and looked for him on the other side of the street. If I see him, I will stop him."

Shaoyang went to the other side, and it was useless for everyone to gather together.

"Sister, I'll look for Big Brother Lu nearby." The girl said.

"Be careful, don't run around." Xie Wan'er told the girl, lest the girl didn't find Lu Yunze and lost herself again!

Shitou wanted to help, too, but he was too young. Before, he was forced to follow him, and they were still following, but now he can't.

"Stone, you are here with your sister. There are too many people passing by. Sister is afraid of missing it. Please help sister to watch." Xie Wan'er said to Shitou.

Shishi was assigned the task, and immediately nodded happily, confidently saying: "Sister, I will definitely see Big Brother."

Xie Wan'er looked at the girl and nodded. The girl turned and left, leaving Xie Wan'er and Shitou to wait.

The gate of Du Yuesheng’s mansion at No.218 Huagejian Road was opened, and two black cars drove out and headed for the Anti-Enemy Support Association of all walks of life in Shanghai.

Lu Yunze was lying in ambush on the only way, Yunzi Inoue was on the other side of the road, and several people from the special high school were scattered around.

This place is next to the factory, there are not many people nearby, and there are no houses, so it is easy to move around. Once the attack begins, there is nowhere to escape except for the front and rear exits. It is a perfect ambush location.

Lu Yunze received the signal that Du Yuesheng's car was coming over soon. He checked his weapon and watched quietly at the end of the road.

The car appeared in Lu Yunze's line of sight and slowly drove to the scheduled ambush location. The person in the back seat of the first car was wearing a white suit and looked very much like Liang Zhenning. The second car hasn't arrived yet, and it is not clear if the person in the back seat is Du Yuesheng.

According to the information obtained by Yunzi Inoue, Liang Zhenning accompanied Du Yuesheng to the Anti-Enemy Support Association of all walks of life in Shanghai. The people in the front car were correct, and the people in the back car should be fine.

In the middle of the road, a big tree lay across the ground, blocking the car from moving forward. The car stopped in front of the big tree, and the driver walked down and shouted: "Which bitch has put the tree in the middle of the road, hurry up and move away."

There were no personal photos nearby, of course no one answered.

"Let me know which grandson did it, he must be skinned." The driver angrily kicked the tree and shouted: "Come down and move the tree away."


There was a gunshot, and the driver's body shook and fell directly.

The sound of the gun is the signal. According to the previous plan, everyone should rush out, shoot at the car indiscriminately, and kill Du Yuesheng in the car.

However, Lu Yunze found that the people in the car did not come out. The man in the white suit was lying on the back seat. The people in the car did not counterattack or flee at all, as if he just had to be an ostrich. Lu Yunze felt wrong, hid in the ditch on the side of the road, did not move, neither shot nor rushed out.

The scene quieted strangely. The members of the extra-high class who should have rushed out did not come out, and even Yunzi Inoue did not show up. Let alone people at the scene, there was no gunshots, as if the people in the car were dead.

Lu Yunze frowned, Yunzi Inoue wouldn't have deliberately failed to come out, something must have happened!

This time the plan is foolproof, all the details are set perfectly, if there are shortcomings, it is to use a few members of the special high class. Lu Yunze's idea was that there were no other people, two people were enough, but Yunzi Inoue was afraid that Du Yuesheng would be accompanied by too many disciples, and two people could not complete the task, so Du Yuesheng could escape. With the help of members of the special high school, you can flick back and forth, leaving Du Yuesheng nowhere to escape.

It now appears that it must have been a problem with the people in the extra-high class that caused Yunzi Inoue to not appear.

Not far behind Du Yuesheng's car, Yunzi Inoue stood in the dark, holding the gun tightly. Nanzo Jiro stood in front of her, blocking her from going out.

"Chancellor, why don't you let me go out?" Inoue Yunzi gritted his teeth every word.

"There is no Du Yuesheng in the car. You can't complete the task even if you go out." Nanzo Jiro said indifferently.

"You count us?" Yunzi Inoue asked in surprise, planning to rush out.

"He was in the ambush of the army. It is useless for you in the past. You can't save him. You can only accompany him and sacrifice meaninglessly." Nanzo Jiro naturally said.

"Ambush? This is really a trap you arranged. You have bought all my people?" Yunzi Inoue was so angry that he could not shoot Nanzo Jiro.

"Yes, this is my arrangement. You are the head of the special class, but I am the head of the department. Everyone must listen to me. You should know what that person thinks. He holds important information. It is Tu An important part of the dragon plan, the empire will never allow the dragon slaying plan to fail, so his conditions must be agreed." Nanzo Jiro said unquestionably.

"I won't agree, I'm going to save people." Yunzi Inoue pushed Nanzo Jiro away and was about to rush out.

"If you go out, you will destroy the empire's dragon slaying plan. Did you know that the dragon slaying plan has been activated? If you destroy it because of your impulse, our plan to destroy China in three months will fail. If you want to conquer China, not only will the time be delayed, but you will also not know how many warriors of the Japanese empire will be sacrificed. Do you hope that the empire will bear such a high price because of your impulse?"

Yunzi Inoue stopped, his body swayed slightly, and his heart was full of struggle. He moved forward, obviously still trying to save Lu Yunze.

"After tonight, you will be Nanzo Yunzi tomorrow." Nanzo Jiro's eyes were full of imperative confidence.

Yunko Inoue looked at Nanzo Jiro in surprise, tears rolled out of her eyes, and smiled mockingly.

"In order to satisfy that person's wish, the chief of the bureau can even return to Nanzao's home with the pawn that I made deliberately? I thought that the chief of the bureau would deny me this shame for the rest of his life." Yunko Inoue said excitedly .

Nanzo Jiro turned around, patted Inoue Yunko's shoulder, and said, "No, you are never a shame. You are the sharpest weapon made by my Empire of Japan. Nanzo family is proud of you."

"Like No. 6, a weapon that is discarded when it is useless?" Yunzi Inoue asked ironically.

"It was the sixth who betrayed the Great Japanese Empire. The Chinese wolf is destined to be unfamiliar." Nanzo Jiro gritted his teeth with hatred and looked at Yunko Inoue. "But you are different. You have a noble Japanese descent. You are mine. Zuojiro's daughter."

Yunzi Inoue clenched his fists tightly, his eyes struggling.

"I know that I have wronged you, but your sacrifice will protect the lives of more warriors and build a greater East Asian co-prosperity circle faster. This is what we should do when we make a home. On the contrary, we can never tolerate betrayal of Japan. A traitor to the empire." Nanzo Jiro put his hand on Inoue Yunzi's shoulder, "My daughter, do you want to become Nanzo Yunzi tomorrow? It’s in your own hands."

The tears in Yunzi Inoue's eyes congealed, and his heart wanted to run to Lu Yunze desperately, as if he had nailed a nail under his feet, unable to move. Returning to Nanzhuangjia is her sole purpose of struggling to survive in the base. She has been waiting for this day, and she regards it as the highest honor. However, now, she has to give up her beloved man for this opportunity...

A large number of security regiment soldiers rushed out from their hiding place. The roads were completely sealed off on both sides. Numerous soldiers with guns appeared on the high walls of the factory, and their guns were aimed at the direction of the car.

"Let's go! Come back to Nanzou's house with me." Nanzou Jiro turned and left, got into the car, the door was not closed, and waited for Yunzi Inoue to get in the car.

"Lu Yunze, surrender! You can't run away!" Shen Qiu loudly persuaded him to surrender.

Yunzi Inoue wiped the tears from her face, gritted her teeth, and walked quickly into the car. She is afraid that if she takes a step slower, she will hesitate and regret it.

Nanzo Jiro smiled satisfied and ordered the driver: "Drive."

Nanzo Jiro left with Inoue Yunzi, most of the members of the special high school retreated, leaving only a small number of people waiting for the final result.