The Awakened

Chapter 71: Cases of missing persons


"Kunzi Inoue got false information from me. When she was about to step into the encirclement, she saw someone from the security team. She could have saved you, but she chose to leave you and escape. Do you think how important you are? I see you Thinking too much, you are not a fart to her. When the security team was not encircled, she ran away without even notifying you. She was also shot and used you to attract the security team. attention."

Lu Yunze didn't believe Liang Zhenning's words, this was not true, and No. 9 would not deliberately leave himself.

"If you don't believe me, then continue to fantasize!"

Liang Zhenning hoped that Lu Yunze would be disappointed with Yunzi Inoue, even if Lu Yunze could not live long, he would let him taste the taste of being betrayed by someone who cares.

The door of the interrogation room was opened. Song Qingci led Shen Qiu in. Seeing that Lu Yunze was beaten to blood, Song Qingci slumped and asked, "Mr Liang, are you finished?"

Although Song Qingci didn't feel sorry for Lu Yunze, Liang Zhenning's interrogation of his prisoner beyond his authority made him very upset.

Liang Zhenning saw Song Qingci's displeasure and didn't care, so he threw the whip aside.

"It's over for the time being. I'll talk to him again after two days. Don't kill him too quickly."

Song Qingci asked Shen Qiu to send Liang Zhenning away. Song Qingci looked at Lu Yunze for a while, and said, "I really didn't expect that the deputy station commander of the military reunification would be replaced by the famous killer No.6."

Lu Yunze glanced at Song Qingci and asked, "It's very happy to catch me?"

"You are simply a shame after I took over the Shanghai station. You have been hiding under my eyelids for so long." Song Qing gritted his teeth with bitterness.

Lu Yunze smiled indifferently, and said, "It's an honor to send so many people out to arrest me."

"The name of No. 6 makes me have to be cautious. I don't want to torture you. If you don't want to suffer, why don't we talk frankly and openly?"

"What do you want to know?"

"Presumably, you already know that the base I originally destroyed was a fake." Song Qingci stared at Lu Yunze sharply, "Where is the real base?"

"I do not know."

"If you don't cooperate with the first question, how can our conversation proceed in a friendly manner? I hope you think about it when you answer it."

"Every time we go in and out of the base, we will be brought in by someone wearing a headgear. No assassin knows the location of the base. Only the people in the extra-high class know that, why don't you ask them."

"I want to make sure whether you agree with their answers." Song Qingci didn't catch anyone else, and it didn't affect him to cheat Lu Yunze.

The extra-high class gave up Lu Yunze because Lu Yunze didn't know anything, neither did he know the address of the base, nor did he know much about the extra-high class. He only knew that Yunzi Inoue was the killer number nine. But this is useless at all. Yunzi Inoue himself is the head of the special high-level course, and it doesn't matter whether he is a multiple killer or not.

Lu Yunze couldn't tell from Song Qingci's expression whether Inoue Yunzi was arrested. He wanted to know whether Inoue Yunzi was safe, so he talked to Song Qingci. But now, there is a question that cannot be answered, "How do you know that I am number six?"

Song Qingci said unhurriedly: "Young Master Liang still has a hand in pursuing women. Yunzi Inoue has decided to serve the military system and turn to the dark, and your identity is what she said."

Lu Yunze's face changed drastically, not because I believed Yunzi Inoue betrayed him, but because Song Qingci and Liang Zhenning had different words. Liang Zhenning meant that he deceived Yunzi Inoue and let himself into the trap. Song Qingci meant that Liang Zhenning let Inoue Yunzi join the army. These two statements are clearly at odds. Moreover, Yunzi Inoue is loyal to the special high school and is unwilling to leave with herself. How could she betray

"I do not believe."

"The truth is so cruel. It's useless if you don't want to admit it anymore. You saved the underground party at Chunhui Drugstore and killed Fujiwara Naoki, right? Let's talk about who the underground party you saved is now." Song Qingci obviously knew a lot of things, and Yunzi Inoue knew these things.

Lu Yunze closed his mouth and stopped talking.

"Who are you keeping secret for? Nine? Inoue Yunzi said everything, what's the use of keeping it secret? And Guo Hexiang, he also said everything. I know he does many things and has nothing to do with you. . You didn’t hurt the army, and I didn’t have to kill you. Cooperate with me and tell everything I know, I can let you go, how about it?" Song Qingci tried to attack Lu Yunze mentally and kill his will to resist. Lu Yunze refused to speak at all.

Seeing that Lu Yunze was silent, Song Qingci picked up the whip and played with it in his hands, "It hasn’t been long since you came out of the base, so you know only a few things. Why don’t you talk about your experience during this period? Those people are just people you just met and have no feelings. People, what can't you say?"

Not only did Lu Yunze shut up this time, he also closed his eyes, and stopped paying attention to Song Qingci. He has undergone rigorous training and has a firm will. Song Qingci was right. Xie Wan'er and Shao Yang were just people he knew not long ago. However, they completely changed the trajectory of his life. He does not regret it, nor does he hope that his appearance will change Xie Wan'er's life trajectory. He hopes she can live in the sun forever...

"It seems that you are not going to cooperate. Then I will see how long you can last." Song Qingci handed the whip to Shen Qiu and walked out of the interrogation room.

Shen Qiu held the whip and walked towards Lu Yunze with a grinning grin.

The girl and Shitou were sent back to the orphanage, and Shao Yang and Xie Wan'er were anxiously trying to find a way. Lu Yunze was sent to the army and had to rescue people quickly. The longer the delay, the more the matter spreads, and the harder it is to resolve it.

Xie Wan'er turned around in Shaoyang's office, like an ant on a hot pot. She stopped abruptly and said to Shaoyang, "You must think of a way to save Lu Yunze."

"I'm asking someone to inquire about the intelligence. First determine his safety before preparing a rescue plan." Shao Yang can't think of a good way for the time being, so he can only do it step by step.

"I went to visit in the name of my fiancée, it should be no problem." Xie Wan'er wanted to see it in person.

Shao Yang immediately stopped and said: "No! We were acting in front of Shenqiu not long ago. If you go in the name of your fiancée, they will doubt it. Don't worry, I can find out."

"I'm going to beg my father, she knows a lot of people in politics, maybe he can save Lu Yunze." Xie Wan'er said and went out.

Shao Yang immediately grabbed Xie Wan'er, shook her head, and persuaded: "You should be very clear that your father will not save Lu Yunze. Moreover, no one will dare to deal with the charges against him."

"That's not okay, that's not okay, so what should I do?" Xie Wan'er shouted excitedly, tears rolling out of her eyes, "I have watched him get caught. I can't watch him be executed anymore."

"I will find a way." Shao Yang took the excited Xie Wan'er into his arms and gently stroked her trembling back.

"Brother Shao, I'm really scared, so worried. I didn't even dare to sleep at night. As soon as I closed my eyes, I saw him being tortured to confess his body covered in blood. I wish I could go to jail and stay with him. "Xie Wan'er cried in choking.

"Don't be afraid, No. 6 is never a weak person, he won't let himself be in trouble." Shao Yang's eyes flashed distressed, softly soothed.

At the door of the office, Wen Xiaoyu was holding a lunch box in his hand, looking at the scene in the office, smiled sourly, turned and walked hard to leave.

Shao Yang had already gone to investigate, but Xie Wan'er was still too anxious to know what to do, and couldn't rest assured.

Can anyone help? Xie Wan'er kept excluding people she knew one by one. She usually knows a lot of people, but what happened to Lu Yunze this time is not trivial, I am afraid that no one will come forward. As the inspector, Ouyang Qian might be able to inquire about some news. Xie Wan'er went to the doctor in a hurry and went immediately.

In the general patrol house in the concession, several old ladies and their grandsons cried and did not leave. Please the patrol house to rescue their son.

The patrol and the old ladies explained that your son was hired, not kidnapped, and there is no need to save him. When you go back, your son will be home after two years! The old people didn't believe it at all. They said with tears that the young men and women in the village were taken away, and even many old men were taken away. If they go out to work, how come there is no news now

When the children saw their grandma crying, the patrolmen were not all good-tempered. There were a lot of intimidation and intimidation. The children were so scared that they cried and everyone was very anxious. If it weren't for the elderly and children in front of them, the patrols really planned to put everyone in jail to calm down and avoid making trouble.

When Xie Wan'er came to the patrol room, she thought she had entered the wrong place! This mess is like a patrol house in a concession. People believe that it is a vegetable market.

Ouyang Gan hid in the room, sat on a chair, with his feet on the table, not seeing and worrying, and never talked to a group of unsophisticated people. Their family members are gone, so it's not a concession to take care of them. The place where their village is located is not under the control of the concession at all. Even if you want to make trouble, you should go to the Shanghai government to make trouble.

The office door was pushed open, crying and crying came in instantly, Ouyang Gan looked over unhappily, it was one of his patrolmen.

"Quickly close the door, listen to the trouble, let them go quickly, what's the trouble!" Ouyang Qian's tone was full of impatience.

"Inspector, Miss Xie is looking for you!"

Ouyang Qiang asked excitedly: "Xie Wan'er?"

"It's reporter Xie Wan'er."

Ouyang Qian immediately took his feet off the table, because he was too anxious and almost fell.

"Don't hurry up and invite Miss Xie in." Ouyang Qian sorted his clothes, not wanting Xie Wan'er to see her messy side.

After the patrol went out for a minute, he came back again and said, "Miss Xie is coaxing the children, so she won't come in."

"Useless things." Ouyang Qian pushed aside the patrol and walked out quickly.

"Wan'er, why are you here?" Ouyang Gan walked with a smile on his face.

"Inspector Ouyang, I came to you because I want to know something." Xie Wan'er hugged the kid she just coaxed.

"What's the matter? As long as I can do it, it won't be a problem." Ouyang Qian almost beat his chest!