The Awakened

Chapter 80: The Nanjing government leak case


Lu Yunze was even more worried about the Japanese plan to kill the dragon, and analyzed: "It is impossible to change a child by a doctor. It needs the help of a nurse. The nurse in the delivery room may know the truth. Have you checked it?"

"In the eighth year of the Republic of China, all the nurses in the delivery room encountered bandits in one activity, and all of them were killed by the bandits." Shao Yang also thought about this aspect. Upon investigation, not half of the people in the delivery room survived. The Japanese intelligence agency’s anti-mouth activities have been very slippery to ensure that no slurs will be leaked.

“I don’t believe that everything can be done seamlessly. The nurses in the delivery room are not always tight-lipped. Maybe someone told family members or friends about this. Shaoyang, you are responsible for finding out the nurse’s relatives and friends and conducting secret investigations. You would rather slow down. Don't be stunned, especially if you are not sure if it is a nurse's relatives or friends, remember not to disclose it." Lu Yunze said calmly.

"Okay, I will collect information and investigate." Shao Yang responded.

The most feared thing about this kind of thing is that you don't have a clue. If you have a goal, you can act.

"What am I going to do?" Xie Wan'er always actively wanted to get involved.

"You have to continue to understand who gave birth to children in this hospital in the second year of the Republic of China to the seventh year of the Republic of China."

"I will do my best to investigate. I have to ask my father where I was born." Xie Wan'er's expression changed. If she was also born in St. Mary's Hospital, she would not accept that she was a Japanese.

"Don't think about it. Didn't you find out? All Japanese children know who they are. The poison used by Dou Yuanhua to kill is provided by the base. Zhou Youquan clearly knows who you are. You don't know who you are, what do you suspect ?" Lu Yunze said helplessly.

"Yes." Lu Yunze's words made Xie Wan'er relieved.

"The people at the base killed many patriots, wealthy businessmen and some officials. Can you find out where the deceased's sons were born?" Lu Yunze asked.

Shao Yang immediately understood what Lu Yunze meant, and asked, "Do you suspect that the Japanese have been assassinating for this plan?"

"Dou Xinping doubted the identity of Dou Yuanhua, he died. The Japanese are likely to be worried about their chess pieces being discovered and kill them." Lu Yunze said.

"Leave this to me. Many of the murdered wealthy businessmen, my father knows, I will investigate the victims in Shanghai." Xie Wan'er assumed this responsibility.

"Leave it to me from other places." Shaoyang is organized and can use many people.

"The failure of the plan to enter the special high school class this time has also caused you to be exposed. It is very difficult to get from the special high school investigation base and the dragon slaying plan. I hope that there will be good news from the base." Lu Yunze apologized.

"You are not to blame for the failure of the plan. Yunzi Inoue betrayed you." Xie Wan'er gritted her teeth with hatred for Yunzi Inoue. If it hadn't been for her betrayal of Lu Yunze, which led to Lu Yunze's arrest, Wen Xiaoyu would not be killed.

"I believe she will not betray me. This time, there must be something else inside." Lu Yunze said affirmatively.

"Do you still believe her? She almost killed you. If she hadn't betrayed you, how would your No. 6 identity be exposed? If she really wanted to help you, why didn't she save you or come to see you?" Xie Wan'er was unhappy Retort.

"Maybe she has difficulties." Lu Yunze believed in the feelings of many years, and Yunzi Inoue would not betray him by saying that he betrayed him.

"Believe if you want, but don't hurt us. We don't want to be killed by Yunzi Inoue." Xie Wan'er was very angry at Lu Yunze's attitude.

Shao Yang said, "Whether this is because of Yunzi Inoue, you have to be more careful. If the Dragon Slaying Plan is fully implemented, the damage to our country will be too great, and we can't afford to lose it."

"I know what to do." Lu Yunze nodded. He believes that Yunzi Inoue will not betray him, but it doesn't mean that they are still partners in the past.

"Since your relationship is so good, why should I go so far as to promise Song Qingci to be engaged to you." Xie Wan'er's words were full of jealousy, and she stamped her foot and said dissatisfiedly: "I'm home."

When the words fell, Xie Wan'er turned and rushed to the outside of the ward. Out of the ward, her anger still remained. She is jealous, but the main reason that makes her angry is because she is worried about Lu Yunze. She was afraid that he would be sold by Yunzi Inoue again because of her trust and carelessness.

In the ward, Lu Yunze sighed helplessly as he looked at the door being slammed by Xie Wan'er.

"She was just worried about you." Shao Yang said.

"I know." How could Lu Yunze not understand Xie Wan'er. Speaking of Yunzi Inoue, he remembered one more thing, "We grew up on the base, but Nine and some people are in different age groups. Entering the base. When they come, they are like ordinary Chinese children. Chinese is very good, and there is no sign of Japanese in their living habits. So, I doubt..."

Shao Yang immediately understood what he meant, and asked, "Do you suspect that they are also the replaced children on the 9th?"

"Yes. They were transferred to Chinese families at birth. Although the families that can go to St. Mary's Hospital to have children are either rich or expensive, these families may be developed or ruined after many years. These are not necessarily things. "Lu Yunze calmly analyzed.

Shao Yang understood, took the words, and continued: "If children from wealthy families like Lu Yunze, Zhou Youquan, and Dou Yuanhua continue to stay in the Chinese family, then the family they were replaced on on the 9th may be ruined. So, They were taken back to the base and continued to serve Japan."

"We thought of going together." Lu Yunze pondered slightly, and suddenly said, "Perhaps the life experience of No. 9 is also a very useful clue."

"So you plan to continue to see her?" Shao Yang smirked with arms folded, meaning to watch a good show, "Wan'er, how do you plan to report?"

Lu Yunze held his forehead, only feeling that his head was big. The thought of Xie Wan'er's angry look made him shiver, rarely afraid of someone. It does have the good qualities of a "wife slave".

On the night of August 5th, at the Supreme National Defense Conference held by the Nanjing Military Commission, the ****** ordered the blockade of the throat of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the Jiang YIN Fortress. The Chinese army along the Yangtze River was secretly ordered to destroy the navigation mark on the Yangtze River in the Yangtze River YIN area, sunk the ship in the Yangtze River channel, and planted mines. Participants included Executive Yuan Wang Jingwei, Military and Political Minister He Yingqin, Military Commission Deputy Chief of General Staff Bai Chongxi, and heads of major military regions. The meeting is a high-level secret, and it is recorded by Chen Bui, secretary of the attendant's office, and Huang Jun, secretary of the Executive Yuan.

A few hours after the secret order was issued, the Chinese army had not had time to act in the future, but the Japanese received the news first. The Japanese base camp ordered that all warships and merchant ships must not be wiped out by the Chinese army and the Chinese citizens should be evacuated at the same time.

Minazzojiro also received the order, all spies to detect signs of the Chinese army, to ensure that the warships and merchant ships retreat before the Chinese army executes the order.

The Japanese nationals in the port city were notified by the army, secret agents and other Japanese troops, and immediately retreated with the ship. When the diaspora retreated, they didn't even have time to bring anything, so they hurried aboard the boat without even closing the door. Some families do not turn off the electric fans, and some people can't even take a bite of the freshly prepared meal.

A secret order was issued on the night of the 5th, and a few hours later was the early morning of the 6th. If the Chinese army moved quickly, it could already start operations.

The Japanese are anxious! This is the first time that the Nanjing government has taken the initiative to clean up them. They are afraid that maritime forces will be eliminated by the National Government. If the navy is abolished, Japan will lose too much!

After experiencing a huge inner struggle, Yunzi Inoue was still that shrewd female agent, working hard for the fellows of the Yamato nation, and making a home for the South. This is her lifelong mission. Yunzi Inoue deployed manpower to monitor the Chinese navy and coastal defense forces along the coast to prevent any intelligence personnel from approaching the port.

The two military commanders tried to find out what happened in the port, but Yunzi Inoue found out that they were shot dead without even being interrogated.

From August 6 to August 7, all ports in the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River, including Nanjing, Wuhan, Yichang, and Chongqing, which are moving or anchoring Japanese warships and merchant ships, seem to have received the secret order of *** at the same time. Fire, drove at full power to the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. All Japanese nationals also evacuated with the ship.

On August 8th, ****** received a battle report from Jiang Yin Fortress. The Navy only detained two Japanese small merchant ships, the Changyang and Osada. The air force failed to pursue and bomb the Japanese warships, and the military plan to block Jiang Yin Fortress was completely bankrupt. . ****** At that time, I was so angry that I threw my beloved Jingdezhen porcelain out of the window and scolded Niang Xipi.

In the secret base of the underground party, Lu Yunze's injuries have almost recovered, and he is officially engaged in work.

"Comrade No. 6, you are officially welcome." Boss Cheng stretched out his hand and solemnly said.

Lu Yunze held Cheng's boss's hand, he felt the solemn trust from his comrades for the first time.

Lu Yunze, Shao Yang, and Boss Cheng took their seats.

Boss Cheng talked about the leak of the Nanjing government and sighed: "The Japanese warship ran away for two days and also took the foreigners. The military commander did not notice such a big movement. Dai Li was reprimanded by the chairman, and Song Qing was kind to him. As the head of the Shanghai station, Dai Li was also given a severe warning. If there is such a big error, the Shanghai station will be replaced."

Song Qingci's defeat did not make Shaoyang and Lu Yunze happy. Because they are all Chinese. They should stand on the united front regarding the anti-Japanese war.

****** Decided to adopt the countermeasures of "quickly control fast" and "winning opportunities first", and take advantage of the time when the actions of the Japanese Kwantung Army and other Japanese troops have not yet been unified, to seize the enemy’s force to launch a large-scale attack in the Yangtze River Basin. Prior to the large-scale offensive, the Yangtze River was selected as the narrowest water area on the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and the ship sank in the river, blocking the channel, and then using naval ships and artillery fire on both sides of the strait to intercept the Yangtze River channel. In this way, on the one hand, it can prevent Japanese ships from advancing westward along the Yangtze River, and on the other hand, 70 Japanese ships and more than 6,000 Japanese Marines in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River in Jiujiang, Wuhan, Yichang, and Chongqing can be surrounded and wiped out.

The first active offensive of the Chinese army was over before it even started.

"Our first task now is to find out who is the spy and leak the information to the Japanese." Lu Yunze said.

Shao Yang was annoyed and said, "If the spies are not eliminated, there will be a greater crisis next."

Lu Yunze thought for a while, and said, "It's just that the participants are all big shots and they are all in Nanjing. How do we investigate?"

"Information is passed from Nanjing to the Japanese Consulate in Shanghai, the Marine Corps, the Special High School and other departments. We must start with these departments to find out who betrayed the information." Cheng Boss simply said.