The Awakened

Chapter 81: The impact of the Dragon Slaying Plan


****** At this time, it has not been confirmed whether it was a man-made leak or the Japanese happened to have this plan, and no one was sent to investigate. But the sensitive Dai Li thinks this matter is tricky, there are so many coincidences in the world, let his subordinates investigate, and want to show it in front of the chairman. Of course Song Qingci also wants to perform well. If this case is solved, it is estimated that the promotion from the head of the station to the head of the district will be just around the corner. However, he did not expect that the underground party would also intervene in this matter. He thought that the underground party would read their jokes, and didn't want to be in the heart of the underground party that there was no party in the anti-Japanese war. Even if the National Army suppresses and arrests the underground party in every possible way, everyone in the underground party is a compatriot.

"We only need to find out the suspects, and the collection of evidence can be done by comrades in Nanjing." Boss Cheng said: "These are the list of participants. It will be more effective for you to investigate against the list of people above. "

Boss Cheng pushed the list of participants to Lu Yunze and Shaoyang. Lu Yunze and Shaoyang took a look at each other and then opened them. The two thought of the Japanese plan to kill dragons together. Has any of these children's children been replaced

They looked through the list of participants and checked everyone carefully.

Wang Jingwei went to Japan to study in 1903 at official expense and spent many years in Japan. The eldest son was born in the second year of the Republic of China, and the eldest daughter was born in the third year of the Republic of China. Both were not born in Shanghai. In theory, he may be a traitor, but it is unlikely that the child will be a member of the Dragon Slaying Project.

Bai Chongxi was married in 1925 and the child was born this year. There is no record of staying in Japan. His character has always been very good, and the possibility of betraying his country is very low.

He Yingqin, who studied in Japan in his early years, studied at the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer School, and later went to Japan to study at the Army Non-commissioned Officer School. He has no children.

Huang Jun studied at Waseda University in Japan in the early years of the Republic of China. The eldest son Huang Sheng was born in Shanghai St. Mary's Hospital in the sixth year of the Republic of China.

"From the analysis of the Dragon Slaying Plan, Huang Jun among them is very likely." Lu Yunze pointed to Huang Jun's profile, "You see his child is fully within the scope of our current lock."

"That's right." Shao Yang nodded, "If the Japanese plan to kill dragons penetrates so deeply, our country is really in jeopardy."

In terms of status, the participants are all high-ranking people, and it is not appropriate to seek refuge in Japan. Japan has only occupied much of China at this time, and no matter how high-ranking officials and generous pay, they will not be higher than their current position. There are only two people with low status, Huang Jun and Chen Bui. But Chen Bui gave a generous statement at the talks held in ****** in July this year. One of the passages was "If the end of the war begins, there will be no distinction between the north and the south, no one can distinguish between the old and the young. The "responsibility of the War of Resistance" was widely praised by 40,000 compatriots, inspiring the military and civilians of the whole country to fight against the enemy and unite in the war. Chen Bui was a staunch anti-Japanese element and did not have the motives and thoughts to seek refuge in the Japanese. Therefore, judging from the status and the information they are currently investigating, the biggest suspect is still Huang Jun.

"I will ask the people in the organization to keep an eye on Huang Jun to determine his true identity. You also have to hurry, and smoothly dissolve this plan before the Japanese implement this plan." Cheng Boss worriedly said.

"Reassure the organization, we will definitely live up to expectations." Shao Yang assured, looking at Lu Yunze, the two nodded, their eyes fixed.

On Pushi Road, the door of the white building opened, and a person came out and whispered to the left: "My mother and eldest brother are not at home, come in."

Xie Wan'er came out of the concealed place and ran into the house quickly, surreptitiously afraid that others would see it.

"What are you looking for this time?" Dou Yuanfa wondered what Xie Wan'er was coming to do at home.

"I want to go to Dou Yuanhua's study to see if there is any poison, maybe we can find evidence that he poisoned your father." Xie Wan'er wanted to share the burden for Lu Yunze and Shao Yang, but the two were always reluctant to let her participate in dangerous investigations. go with.

"Second mother is dead. The poison was found in her room. It is impossible for my brother to leave poison again." Dou Yuan said.

"Your brother was in the patrol room that day, and someone else killed him. How do you know where your brother's poison is stored? If your brother's poison is left, maybe you haven't thrown it away! Anyway, let's look for it."

Xie Wan'er and Dou Yuanfa talked and walked quickly to Dou Yuanhua's study.

Dou Yuanhua's study room is very large, with two rows of bookshelves full of books, not only Chinese books, but also many English and Japanese books.

"Let's look for it soon." Xie Wan'er said, and began to look around the desk.

Dou Yuanfa raised the lamp, there was no under the lamp holder, and checked the lampshade again, there was no.

The desk was searched all over, and there was no trace of suspicious objects. Xie Wan'er looked at the big bookshelf, picked up a Japanese book, and said, "Doo Yuanhua can still understand Japanese?"

"Yeah. When I was a teenager, my brother suddenly said that he wanted to learn Japanese so that he could do better in his career. My dad asked a Japanese teacher to teach him." Dou Yuanfa rummaged and said: "Speaking of this, my brother and the Japanese teacher have a very good relationship. They often go in and out together."

Xie Wan'er's eyes sank, and she said in her heart: The biggest problem probably lies with this Japanese teacher. But these unfounded words are not suitable for her to tell Dou Yuanfa now.

Xie Wan'er put down the Japanese book in her hand and picked up another one, dumbfounded, "I found it!"

She moved all the books beside her excitedly and put them on the ground.

Dou Yuanfa also went to help, and found that there was a samurai sword and a pistol at the back of the book, but there was still no suspicious poison.

"Gun?" Dou Yuanfa picked up the gun in surprise. He had never played this before.

Xie Wan'er took out the samurai sword curiously and drew it out. The body of the katana is sharp and icy, and a few Japanese characters are written on the body of the sword.

"Do you know these words?"

Dou Yuanfa was still playing with a gun, glanced at the words on the knife, and shook his head helplessly.

Xie Wan'er wrote down the words on the knife and planned to return to Lu Yunze and Shaoyang.

The sound of opening the door came from downstairs. Dou Yuan took a look and found that Dou Yuanhua was back. He closed the door quickly and whispered: "Sister Wan'er, my brother is back! Go away."

"I haven't finished writing yet!" Xie Wan'er hadn't copied the words on the knife yet.

"It's too late!" Dou Yuanfa grabbed the knife and put it back on the shelf with the gun, putting the book back in a mess. Xie Wan'er picked up the note and helped tidy it up.

As soon as the two of them walked out of the study, they saw Dou Yuanhua walking upstairs, being blocked. Dou Yuanhua's face suddenly sank when he saw them, and asked, "What are you doing upstairs?"

"I'll take her to visit my bedroom." Dou Yuanfa was afraid when he saw Dou Yuanhua's cold face, for fear that he would be killed if he accidentally provokes his brother!

"She is not welcome here. Don't bring her to the house in the future. Do you know?" Dou Yuanhua looked at Xie Wan'er suspiciously, wondering what she was doing in the house.

"I see, I'll take her away now." Dou Yuanfa carefully brushed past Dou Yuanhua, his heart bursting out of nervousness.

Dad may have been killed by his brother, and second mother may have been killed by him. There are still guns and samurai swords in the study. If my brother finds out, he will be the one to die.

"What the hell are you doing at home?" Dou Yuanhua felt that his younger brother's expression was too flustered, and his body exuded a fierce breath.

"Nothing, just take Sister Wan'er to take a look." Dou Yuan's voice trembled a little.

Xie Wan'er replied with dissatisfaction: "This is not just your home, but Yuanfa's home. Why should I ask you to approve when I come here? What bad things have you done, afraid that others will know?" She experienced the confrontation with Song Qingci, and she was more courageous than before. Most of them, besides, Dou Yuanhua's aura is much worse than Song Qingci!

Dou Yuanhua stared at Xie Wan'er fiercely, and there was a voice in his heart telling him to kill her, kill her.

Xie Wan'er stared at Dou Yuanhua without flinching, trying to convince him that she did nothing with her aura.

"Sister Wan'er, I'll take you away." Dou Yuanfa didn't want Xie Wan'er to have a conflict with his brother, especially the eyes of his brother wanting to kill, which was even more frightening.

Xie Wan'er left under Dou Yuanfa's pull. Dou Yuanhua stared at Xie Wan'er and didn't stop it again. He still didn't know what Xie Wan'er was doing here, and he didn't know who knew Xie Wan'er was here. If she and Dou Yuanfa were killed, he might be exposed.

Dou Yuanfa pulled Xie Wan'er out of the door, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he closed the door, and said, "Sister Wan'er, go quickly, if my brother finds out that we have entered his study, it won't be good!"

"Don't go back!" Xie Wan'er worried that Dou Yuanfa would be hurt by Dou Yuanhua.

"I won't go back when I killed him, his eyes were terrible!" Dou Yuanfa felt fear when he remembered the look in Dou Yuanhua's eyes just now.

Dou Yuanhua walked into the study and frowned when he saw the desk lamp passing by. He usually puts the lamp five centimeters away from the edge of the table, but now it is ten centimeters away from the edge of the table! Obviously someone has moved. Dou Yuanhua came to the bookshelf and found that his books had been touched by others, and some books were still placed backwards. Dou Yuanhua pulled the scoop to the ground, took out the pistol inside, and quickly went downstairs.

There was no Xie Wan'er figure downstairs, and even her younger brother Dou Yuanfa was missing.

Dou Yuanhua's eyes were cold, he packed up his things and went straight to the International Hotel.

In Room 709 of the International Hotel, Yunzi Inoue, with a frosty face, pours wine to the man in pajamas sitting on the bed. The man shook the wine glass and looked at Yunzi Inoue through the glass, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Lu Yunze's fate is so great, Song Qingci actually let him go, and even killed Guo Hexiang, so that people can't prove him. Yes, such an opponent is interesting."

Yunzi Inoue not only had a cold face, but also had a cold breath on her body.

"Why? Stop speaking for your ex-love man?"

Yunzi Inoue stood beside him like a cold maid, without saying a word. As long as she speaks for Lu Yunze, the man will be furious and go crazy. Had it not been for the task of the empire, Yunzi Inoue would have broken this guy's neck long ago.

"Come here." The man asked Yunzi Inoue to sit next to him, and put his arms around her slender waist.

There was a knock on the door, and the man frowned and said, "Look who it is."