The Awakened

Chapter 88: The Oyama Yuio incident


Lu Yunze picked it up and checked them one by one. The address of each letter was different. There were Beiping, Tianjin, Nanjing and other places. As expected, the addresses were different.

Xie Wan'er found that the content of each letter was a greeting, and she wrote every one to three months. She raised the letter in her hand and said, "Each letter is not signed."

Grandma Ma explained: “Xiaobai knew that I didn’t know the words, so I didn’t dare to save the money so that I could take it out for others to read. It was only by faith that I knew he was still in the world over the past three years. But in the past three years, he hasn’t Letters, only money orders sent every three months."

A bill of exchange is issued every three months, indicating that Sun Yibai is still safe, but he doesn't know where the person is!

Lu Yunze and others asked some more questions, and when they found that there was no more news, they left with a letter.

The neighbor Zhang Ge, who had helped Xie Wan'er talk before, saw off the guests for Grandma Ma.

When Lu Yunze walked out the door, he found that the door of Grandma Ma's house was very clean, and a bunch of withered calamus appeared on the door frame.

"Brother Zhang, does Grandma Ma live on Sun Yibai's money? Is there any difference between the past three years and the previous life?" Lu Yunze asked suddenly.

"It makes no difference!" Brother Zhang replied in confusion, not understanding why Lu Yunze asked.

"You helped Grandma Ma hang this calamus?" Lu Yunze asked again.

"No, we won't put calamus on it." Zhang Ge shook his head, putting it on it is not in line with their habit.

"Brother Zhang, we're leaving, and I'll see you again if I have something to do." Xie Wan'er greeted warmly, while Lu Yunze was cool and left without saying a word.

The two came to Shaoyang's office and put the letter on the table. The three studied each letter carefully, and they did not find the content of Sun Yibai's address. Moreover, these letters are irregular, and it is impossible to analyze where Sun Yibai will go.

Shao Yang threw the letter away and asked, "Did you find anything?"

Xie Wan'er said helplessly: "He runs around the country and doesn't know where he is going. I really don't understand how he lives. He can still have money to send money to Grandma Ma."

Lu Yunze spread the letter, "From the handwriting, all the handwriting is by one person. Ink and letter paper are different. The handwriting is sometimes messy and sometimes neat, indicating that the writing time and conditions are different, and it is not written all at once. It is confirmed that Sun Yibai was still alive three years ago."

Xie Wan'er said in a puzzled manner: "He hasn't written any more letters in the past three years, but the remittance is very stable. What is the reason? Is it because he has an accident and entrusts others to remit money, or asks the bank to remit money regularly!"

"I think he is still alive. Although the time is fixed, the amount of money transferred is different. He is likely to stay somewhere and never wander around. In order to avoid revealing his address, he gave up writing." Shao Yang proposed his own. analysis.

"I saw calamus on the door when I went out. Sun Yibai is still alive, and most likely he is in Shanghai." Lu Yunze's guess was bold, Shao Yang and Xie Wan'er couldn't believe it.

"Sun Yibai has deep feelings for Grandma Ma. If he stays in Shanghai, how could he not see Grandma Ma? The Japanese have long stopped tracking him, and he will not be in danger if he appears." Xie Wan'er said in a puzzled manner.

Shao Yang thought about it and shook his head: "You only rely on the calamus on the door frame, I think it is not enough. The calamus is not set by the neighbors, and it may not be set by Sun Yibai. I agree with Wan'er's point of view. The Japanese have long been there. Give up investigating him, there is no need for him to hide anymore."

"My opinion is exactly the opposite of yours. He not only needs to hide, but also must hide strictly, otherwise he is likely to be killed by the extra-high class." Lu Yunze affirmed.

Xie Wan'er asked: "What's the reason?"

"You have overlooked a little, the timing of these letters." Lu Yunze reminded.

"What's the problem with time?" Xie Wan'er picked up a few letters and looked at them over and over again, but found no problem.

"There is nothing wrong with the time of reading the letter, and it has no practical meaning. But with the information Shaoyang gave me, I will find important things." Lu Yunze said.

"Information, the information I give you are all suspected to be murdered by mysterious bases across the country." At this point, Shao Yang suddenly realized, "I understand, you are talking about murder?"

Xie Wan'er couldn't understand what was involved in the murder and Sun Yibai, and looked at the two eagerly.

"After Sun Yibai wrote to Grandma Ma, murders occurred wherever he went. The deceased were either rich or expensive. According to our investigation, many of the wealthy businessmen killed on the 6th in Shanghai were all because they had trouble with their children. You die after you doubt it. What associations do you have?" Lu Yunze said.

Xie Wan'er guessed: "Could it be that Sun Yibai told those people about the child change, and then they became suspicious and were silenced?"

"This possibility is very high. We only need to investigate whether the murdered wealthy businessmen stayed in Shanghai before and whether the children were born in Shanghai, and we know whether Sun Yibai told them the truth!" Lu Yunze said calmly again.

"But what does this have to do with Sun Yibai in Shanghai?" Xie Wan'er asked puzzledly.

"Sun Yibai is very affectionate. I haven't written letters for the past three years. It may be that I can see Grandma Ma up close and do things for her silently before giving up writing letters to avoid revealing his address. From the calamus on the door of the Dragon Boat Festival, The level of cleanliness shows that someone is helping. He did not appear because the extra-high school was chasing and killing him, an insider, so he did not dare to appear because he was worried that Grandma Ma would be hurt." Lu Yunze analyzed.

"These are all speculations, it is not certain that Sun Yibai is in Shanghai." Shaoyang said carefully.

"Grandma Ma can't check the draft, but I can confirm that Sun Yibai is in Shanghai as long as the place where the three-year draft is issued is Shanghai." Lu Yunze said.

"Since the extra-high class has investigated Sun Yibai before, and they are still frequenting their mouths everywhere, how can they not doubt him. Why hasn't Grandma Ma been harassed again?" Xie Wan'er asked strangely.

Lu Yunze shrugged and couldn't answer Xie Wan'er's question. Who knows whether it is because the people in the super high school are not smart enough, or Sun Yibai's cover-up work is good enough!

"I will first determine whether Sun Yibai is in Shanghai." Lu Yunze said.

The three agreed, split up, and started investigating.

The extra-high class sent people to secretly investigate the regular army pretending to be a security team and found nothing. Even if there was inside information revealed by Liang Zhenning, there was no actual evidence. Several protests against the Shanghai Navy’s political authorities did not get results. The fake security team remained in the original. There is no sign of leaving.

The Nanjing government totally denied the Japanese protests, and the Shanghai Navy administration ignored the Japanese consulate. The Japanese side is very worried. In Shanghai, Japan has only 2500 Special Marine Corps soldiers. Adding other soldiers, there are a total of 3,000. If the Nanjing government wants to start a war, the Chinese army has an absolute advantage. There are only 2 elites near Shanghai. Outside the division, there are also two heavy artillery regiments equipped with German artillery, which is likely to put Shanghai soldiers and foreigners in danger. The previous Shenjiang plan of the Nanjing government fully demonstrates that the Nanjing government has the possibility of taking the initiative to start a war.

Liang Zhenning left the hotel and continued to do the show. Yunzi Inoue had time to return to the special high school class to arrange an investigation of the security team. The time Nanzo Jiro gave her was running out. She gave up secretly investigating and decided to send someone to check it in person. As long as the Japanese saw it with their own eyes and had witnesses, what would the Shanghai Navy government have to say when she saw it. In order to avoid personnel accidents, Inoue Yunzi upholds the non-provocative approach, does not allow people to carry weapons, and directly breaks into the airport guarded by the security team.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the Japanese Special Marine Corps Lieutenant Takeo Oyama scrubbed his body with cold water in the bathroom, put on Japanese underwear and a loincloth. And wrote in the diary that after he died, he distributed a handful of hair to his mother and girlfriend. After getting ready for death, he and the first-class sailor Saito wanted to hide in military uniforms and drove a military car to Hongqiao Airport. According to Inoue Yunzi's order, they tried to break into the Hongqiao Military Airport without weapons.

The 3rd Regiment of the Shanghai Security General Regiment, disguised as the 659th Regiment of the Independent 20th Brigade, was responsible for defending the Hongqiao Military Airport. After Dashan Yongfu broke through the first line of defense and the second line, he was stopped by Chinese soldiers on the third line of defense to stop Dashan. Yongo's military car broke into the airport.

Oyama's attitude was very arrogant. He shouted at the guarding soldiers and told them to get out of the way and enter the airport by himself. Our soldiers did not understand his bird language, so they just told him to leave as soon as possible. This is a military airport and entry is forbidden. Under the push of Oyama, the guards fired shots in the sky, trying to scare off Oyama.

Yunzi Inoue's order was for Dashan to rush into the airport, but he was not a lunatic. The Chinese army stopped at the gate of the airport with guns aimed at his body. If he continued to rush in, he would be properly beaten into briquettes. Even if he was ready to serve the Emperor, he didn't want to be beaten to death just like that.

Oyama Yuo drove away. Angrily, he drove the car fast. When he turned to Beifang Road on the east side of the airport, he heard gunshots, which caused nervousness. The guard soldiers who did not know what happened saw the Japanese military vehicle and drove immediately. Gun shooting. The concealed machine gun firepower point in the airport did not know what was going on, and opened fire.

In an instant, countless bullets passed, the tires of the Japanese military vehicle were broken, and the car ran out of control into the vegetable field on the side of the road. Oyama and Saito wanted to hide the car and wanted to escape into the small wood next to them. As a result, they were knocked down by bullets as soon as they got out of the car.

The soldiers hated the Japanese invaders to death, but it was no small matter to kill the Japanese. The matter was quickly reported to the Songhu Garrison Command.

General Yang Hu, the commander of the Songhu Garrison Headquarters, heard that our army had killed the Japanese soldiers, and that the Japanese soldiers had no weapons, and he was a little confused. Not to mention that the Japanese soldiers did not carry weapons, even if they carried weapons into the military airfield, they could not be killed! Yang Hu ordered the Japanese military vehicle and the body of the Japanese soldier to be immediately pulled to the gate of the airport, and placed the body of the Japanese soldier next to the vehicle, creating the illusion that the Japanese soldier was killed by our army when he forcibly broke into the airport.

In order to avoid responsibility, General Yang Hu took the death row inmate Shi Jingzhe to the airport in prison, put him in a military police costume, shot him at the airport gate, and made out Japanese soldiers shot and killed the military police guarding the airport. Our army was forced to fight back. Fake scene.