The Awakened

Chapter 89: Wrangling


When the Japanese received the news, Nanzo Jiro was angry at the time, raised his hand and slapped Inoue Yunko, and shouted, "Paga, you stupid, let Dashan take a gun to the airport. You are not investigating, are you Provocation. Base camp is not ready to fight in Shanghai. If your provocation leads to a war, cut your belly!"

Yunzi Inoue looked at Nanzo Jiro stubbornly, and said, "Chairman, I didn't let Oyama and Saito hide and carry weapons, let alone attack the soldiers of the security regiment."

"I don't care whether you are stupid or they are stupid. If this causes a war, you are ready to apologize." Minazou Jiro was not in the mood to reason.

The Japanese consulate was informed that it had already scolded Nanzo Jiro. The empire had too few troops in Shanghai to fight, and the empire did not want to start a war in Shanghai.

"Director, I will investigate this matter clearly." Inoue Yunzi assured.

"You take someone to see the scene, I want to know the truth." Nanzo Jiro ordered angrily.

Yunzi Inoue took a military doctor and a team of soldiers, drove to the airport, and conducted a preliminary inspection of the scene.

The Chinese soldiers stood at the gate of the airport, and when they saw the Japanese soldiers coming, they all glared. They did not act rashly under the suppression of the officers.

Yunzi Inoue was wearing a military uniform and high-waisted military boots stepped on the ground, making a dull voice. Yunzi Inoue glanced at the scene, and the car that had been battered was parked at the gate of the airport. On the left of the car was the corpse of Takeo Oyama, and on the right was the corpse that Saito was about to hide. On the left front of the car is the corpse of a Chinese military policeman who was killed. On the surface, there is nothing unusual.

"Photograph." Yunzi Inoue ordered.

The Japanese army took the camera to save the situation at the scene to ensure future investigations.

Yunzi Inoue came to the body of the military policeman and found that the body's hair was messy, and there was even black mud on the back of the neck, her nails were very long, and her leggings were loose. Yunzi Inoue ordered the corpse to be turned over, put on gloves, and lifted off the coat of the military police with an expression of disgust. Then she rolled up the military police's sleeves, took a look, took off the gloves, and threw them on the ground angrily.

Even though the Chinese army killed the Japanese soldiers who forcibly broke into the airport, it is not just the two countries' affairs that are involved. There is a concession in Shanghai, which involves the interests of all countries. Investigating this incident will be investigated by personnel from China and Japan and other countries to ensure the truthfulness and fairness of the matter.

Although Yunzi Inoue said nothing, she found many doubts. The death gendarme had too long hair and nails, loose leggings, and dirty body. It was not the military look of a qualified soldier at all. Even if the soldier is too dirty, it’s a personal reason, which can barely explain it. The bullet hole of the gendarmerie’s chest was shot to the right. According to the scene, the gendarmerie stood in front of the car on the left. According to the normal exchange of fire, the bullet should be The shot from the left was obviously wrong, not to mention that there were traces of rope tied on the arms of the military police.

The dead gendarmerie was obviously not killed by Oyama. The scene was faked.

Tongbao Foreign Company, Song Qingci received a request for assistance from Songhu Garrison Command. Their investigators discovered that there were many loopholes in the forged site. If they can't be solved, the trouble will be great. The person sent by the Japanese side is Yunzi Inoue, and the Songhu Garrison Command hopes that the military will have a way to shut up Yunzi Inoue and not raise any doubts. As long as she doesn't say much, and Japan does not continue to investigate, she can fool the matter.

Song Qing's charity contacted Liang Zhenning and asked him to shut Inoue Yunzi. Yunzi Inoue said that he had joined the army, but Yunzi Inoue had never met Song Qingci. In this test, we can know whether Inoue Yunzi really took refuge in the military system or pretended to take refuge.

Liang Zhenning was very easy to find. At this time, he was still involved in the complicated work in the Anti-Enemy Support Association of all walks of life in Shanghai. He heard that Yunzi Inoue was going to shut up, so he almost slapped his chest to make sure! It seemed that it was easy to shut Inoue Yunzi.

The army leader got a satisfactory answer and immediately went back to report. Song Qingci informed General Yang Hu again to let him not be nervous. Everything is currently under control. As long as Liang Zhenning can stop Yunzi Inoue before reporting, there will be no problem with this matter.

Liang Zhenning was indeed positive. After leaving the Shanghai Anti-Enemy Support Association from all walks of life, he went to Inoue Yunzi.

The Japanese convoy was stopped when it was about to reach the consulate. The Japanese soldiers were also very nervous. Two of them had just died. Who knows what the car blocking in front is going to do, maybe it's a trap!

Yunzi Inoue recognized that it was Liang Zhenning's car and ordered the soldiers to put down their guns and walk over by themselves.

"What are you doing? Aren't you afraid of being killed by mistake?" Yunzi Inoue blamed him, thinking that he shouldn't take risks. If he died, who would provide the information.

"Isn't there you! If you don't let them open fire, who dares to kill me." Liang Zhenning understood the discipline of Japanese soldiers.

Yunzi Inoue asked impatiently, "What's the matter with you? I'm going to see the consul and the chief of the bureau soon."

"Song Qingci asked me to tell you that there is nothing suspicious at the airport gate. Let you pretend you can't see it."

"This is not in the interests of the empire." Yunzi Inoue believes that the imperial warriors were killed innocently by Chinese soldiers. We must let the Nanjing government know that the Japanese are not fools. We have seen through your deliberate provocations, and the Shanghai Navy government must pay the price.

"You can tell the chief of the agency everything you know, but you tell him not to speak out today, and wait until tomorrow for others to raise objections, conduct a careful inspection, and take you and me out. I still need to conceal my identity." Liang Zhenning's tone It's not like discussing, it's more like an order.

"Do you have anything else?" Yunzi Inoue asked coldly.

"Come back early in the evening." Liang Zhenning showed a wretched smile.

After Yunzi Inoue turned around with a cold face, disgust flashed in his eyes.

On the morning of August 10, the Japanese consul general rushed to the Shanghai government and personally apologized, acknowledging that their soldiers broke into the military airport and killed the Chinese military police first.

Yu Hongjun, the mayor of Shanghai, chuckled secretly, believing that Juntong did a good job and successfully eliminated the Japanese's suspicions. He generously expressed his forgiveness and no longer held accountable.

However, a consul requested an investigation, believing that a complete report should be sent to the base camp. The consul general nodded and agreed, and asked the Shanghai government to cooperate in handing over the body of the gendarme who was killed, and let the forensic examiner together with other countries make a report.

Yu Hongjun faced the reasonable request made by the Japanese side and had no reason to oppose it, so he could only agree to it.

The body of the military police was examined by a forensic doctor, and the body that Oyama and Saito wanted to hide was also sent over. The forensic doctor is very professional, and the suspicious points discovered by Yunzi Inoue were also discovered by others, and even the shell gun bullet was taken out of the body of the Chinese military police.

Now things have become troublesome! The Japanese soldiers routinely use Browning pistols, and the Chinese military police use the shell guns. Oyama was shot in more than 30 rounds, and his head and abdomen were slashed with a knife, obviously venting his anger.

The Japanese questioned that the Chinese army deliberately shot and killed Oyama and Saito to hide, and forged their bodies, and denied that the two Japanese forcibly broke into the military airport and instead visited, that is, inspected the airport.

When things have progressed to this point, neither party has the right to continue negotiations. The Shanghai government should ask Nanjing, and the Japanese consul should ask the base camp. Whether it is war or peace, or what conditions are put forward, it is up to the upper level to decide.

The Japanese Navy has long been prepared to expand the war. However, some people in the Japanese military advocate not expanding the war. Whether or not the war is going to be a peace in Shanghai is unknown. However, the Japanese Navy is continuing to develop combat plans and is ready to expand the war at any time.

On the Chinese side, General Zhang Zhizhong also ordered an investigation into the incident of Japanese soldiers breaking into the airport, wanting to know if this was an excuse deliberately made by the Japanese.

The Japanese consulate, the Marine Corps, and the Shanghai Navy administration did not affect Lu Yunze's investigation of Sun Yibai in the slightest.

The Songhu Garrison Command’s approach was self-defeating, but on the contrary, it caused strong dissatisfaction among the Japanese. Otherwise, relying on the Japanese to break into the military airport, there is nothing to say about killing.

Lu Yunze went to the bank to investigate the remittance records. After showing his identity, the bank gave an accurate message that the sender was in Shanghai. Lu Yunze was very happy, as long as he is in Shanghai, he can be found.

Shaoyang also found out. After asking old doctors and nurses, he learned about Sun Yibai's unique hobby, like eating Yongchun old vinegar. Because most of Yongchun old vinegar is brewed by wealthy folks, in addition to eating, it is used as a precious gift to friends and relatives. Often, aged vinegar is constantly added to the old vinegar at home, even for more than a hundred years.

Not many people sell this kind of vinegar. Before leaving the hospital, Sun Yibai had been buying it in a small store run by a Fujianese in China.

Xie Wan'er went to Grandma Ma's house again, communicated with the neighbors in the alley, and asked everyone to try their best to think about the difference between Granny Ma's house and the previous three years.

After Lu Yunze and others left, the people in the alley talked about Sun Yibai and talked about the difference between Grandma Ma's house. There is a lot of people and strength. Everyone didn't communicate before. Even if Grandma Ma had some changes, she thought it was helped by other neighborhoods. Now we talked about it together, only to realize that many things in Grandma Ma's house were not done by neighbors in the past three years.

Xie Wan'er got a lot of evidence, which can prove that in the past three years, someone actually helped Grandma Ma and her neighbors secretly.

The neighbors are not stupid, guessing that Sun Yibai did it. But they had never seen Sun Yibai, or even a suspicious stranger.

Xie Wan'er does not believe that a big living person will not be able to see it. Even if Sun Yibai hides from the neighbors, it is impossible for everyone to fail to notice. She interviews nearby people in the name of being news, especially when she wakes up early or sleeps in a special way. Late man.

After questioning, someone nearby actually noticed the stranger, but it was not Sun Yibai who was a scholar, but a strong man with a broken arm and scars on his face. This brawny man always appeared nearby two years ago, but this year he appeared less!

Lu Yunze gathered together and studied the information collected. Both Lu Yunze and Shao Yang suspected that the brawny man with a broken arm and scars on his face was Sun Yibai. The key is where Sun Yibai lives and how can he find someone.