The Awakened

Chapter 90: Break into the fire


The easiest way is to make Grandma Ma pretend to be hospitalized. As long as Sun Yibai knows that Grandma Ma is dying and does not need to look for it, Sun Yibai will sneak in to the hospital to see her, and she can find someone as long as she waits. The second method is through his life habits, Yongchun old vinegar. There are not many merchants selling Yongchun old vinegar in Shanghai. Asking from house to house will surely find Sun Yibai with a broken arm and bruised face. His characteristics are too obvious.

Although the method to make Grandma Ma pretend to be ill is the simplest, the effective time is uncertain. In the past year, the time he has come to Grandma Ma’s side has decreased. I am afraid that he feels dangerous and is unwilling to involve Grandma Ma, so he tries to minimize it The number of times. Because of this, the fact that Grandma Ma's illness may not be able to reach his ears in the fastest time.

The three agreed that there was no time to delay, and they split up to find the merchant who sold Yongchun's old vinegar, and asked about Sun Yibai's whereabouts.

Yongchun old vinegar is a specialty of Fujian. Shaoyang happened to know the vice president of the Fujian Chamber of Commerce. From him, he learned that there are only four merchants selling Yongchun old vinegar in Shanghai, two in China, one in French concession, and one in public concession. .

Xie Waner is responsible for investigating the shops in the French Concession, Lu Yunze is in charge of two businesses in the Chinese Concession, and Shaoyang is in charge of the businesses in the Public Concession.

The three moved separately, and Xie Wan'er came to the Baishuiyang store. The owner here is a Fujianese. He sells his own century-old vinegar. The quality is good, but the price is high, and it is limited every day and never sells more.

Xie Wan'er walked into the store and said, "Boss, give me a pot of Yongchun old vinegar."

The boss said: "The girl is unhappy! She even knows the old vinegar of Yongchun."

"My friend gave me some Yongchun old vinegar. It tastes sour and sweet. I like it very much. I found out that you can buy it at your house in Shanghai.

"I can eat it." The boss gave a thumbs up and said: "Old vinegar not only tastes good, but also treats diseases. My hometown often uses old vinegar as medicine."

"Boss, because my friends always patronize you, you have to count me cheaper." Xie Waner smiled and said: "My friends always come to patronize, and said that they have seen you have a broken arm here, with scars on your face. Customers, always eat your old vinegar."

"You say Lao Bai!" When the boss heard that he was an acquaintance, he immediately warmed up, "He always buys from me. Not only can he eat, he is also good at medical skills, and he often sees a doctor nearby."

Xie Wan'er was overjoyed in her heart, pretending to be surprised and said: "That Doctor Bai doesn't use old vinegar as medicine?"

"This is not clear. Old Bai's person is very good, but he doesn't like to talk. He basically doesn't talk except to see a doctor."

"Do you know where he lives? I'm very curious about the effect of the old vinegar used as medicine, and I want to find him personally." Xie Wan'er asked pretendingly curiously.

"The place where he lives seems to be far away from here." The boss thought carefully, and said, "It seems that he lives in Zhabei. I don't know the specific address."

"thank you boss."

Xie Wan'er took the vinegar and left. As long as you have a general address, I believe you will not be far away if you find someone!

At Shaoyang's house, Lu Yunze and Shaoyang sat opposite each other. They got nothing. Sun Yibai didn't show up in these shops and could only wait for Xie Wan'er to return. If she didn't get anything, she could only make Grandma Ma pretend to be sick. I don't know if Grandma Ma will cooperate.

When Xie Wan'er came back, she walked briskly with a smile on her face. She saw something that she had gained. She threw her handbag on the sofa and said excitedly: "I know where Sun Yibai is!"

Shao Yang's eyes lit up and he asked excitedly, "Where?"

Lu Yunze was calm, waiting for Xie Wan'er to speak blankly.

Xie Wan'er pouted dissatisfiedly. She made it clear that she was asking for praise, but this person did not respond.

"Aren't you going to say it?" Lu Yunze asked puzzledly.

Xie Wan'er glared at him dissatisfiedly. He only felt innocent. What did he say wrong

Shao Yang looked at the interaction between the two and couldn't help laughing. It's really a lively and incomprehensible style.

Xie Wan'er knew that the matter was important, and didn't have a temper, and said: "In Zhabei, the exact location is not clear, but he is still a doctor and changed his surname to Bai, so he should be famous in the local area.

"It's not too late, we will find him immediately."

The three of them went to Zhabei under Lu Yunze's proposal. By the time they arrived in Zhabei, it was already night. I originally thought that Doctor Bai was not well-known and should not be easy to find. Who knew that just by asking someone at random, he would have heard of Doctor Bai's name.

Although Dr. Bai's appearance was ruined, he was a little ugly and scary, but he had a good heart and was very much loved by residents near Beixizang Road. Doctor Bai does not have his own pharmacy, so he treats people at home.

Lu Yunze rushed to North Tibet Road, and before looking for someone to continue to inquire where Dr. Bai’s house was, he saw a blazing fire not far away, illuminating the night brightly.

The three of them had a bad feeling and ran towards the fire.

Nearby residents were carrying buckets and basins, running to the fire in disorderly clothes to help put out the fire. Everyone worked together to fight the fire. The pots of water splashed down, but the fire was not extinguished, but burned on the water and spread to the surroundings along the water flow.

"Don't use water to fight the fire, stop." Shao Yang stopped loudly. The fire here obviously used gasoline, and water not only could not be extinguished, it also caused the fire to spread and burn to other people's homes.

Shaoyang saw that people were still fighting the fire with water and knocked down a man's water basin.

The man said angrily; "What are you doing? Why don't you let the fire fight?"

"Everyone listens to me that gasoline can burn on water. Not only will it not be able to put out the fire with water, but it will also spread the fire. You must use soil to put out the fire." Shao Yang shouted.

Lu Yunze pulled a person involved in the fire fighting and asked eagerly, "Is this Doctor Bai's house?"

The person who was caught didn't understand what was going on, but he nodded his head anyway.

Lu Yunze borrowed a quilt from a nearby house, picked up a bucket on the ground, wetted himself with the quilt, covered himself with the quilt, and rushed towards the burning house.

"Who is this? I dared to rush in. The house is burnt like this, and it will collapse at any time."

Shao Yang and Xie Wan'er saw someone rushing in, looking like Lu Yunze, Xie Wan'er shouted: "Yunze, don't go in, the inside is about to collapse!"

Lu Yunze disregarded Xie Wan'er's prevention and rushed into the burning house.

"Crazy! He is crazy!" Shao Yang grabbed the bucket next to him and wetted himself.

"Don't go, it's too dangerous inside!" Xie Wan'er didn't want Shao Yang to be in danger too.

"The bastard went in, can I watch him die by himself! No matter what, he must be brought out." Shao Yang also asked someone to bring the quilt and ordered: "Water, hurry."

Xie Wan'er's tears flowed out all at once, "Be careful."

"Watering." Shao Yang was very anxious, and the house might collapse at any time.

Lu Yunze rushed into the house. There were flames and dense smoke everywhere. The burning flame blocked his vision, and he couldn't see it a little further away.

There is no whereabouts of Sun Yibai in the hall. There are scattered medicinal materials and sundries on the ground. It is obvious that someone is rummaging here, making the hall very messy. The medicine cabinet standing by the wall was burning with a pungent smell of Chinese medicine. Lu Yunze hoped not to put too much arsenic and other poisonous Chinese medicines in the cabinet, otherwise people would not be burned to death, and then be poisoned to death, that would be wronged!

Lu Yunze walked around the burning table and kicked open the bedroom door.


The burning door frame fell and almost hit Lu Yunze.

The thick smoke made Lu Yunze cry continuously, his eyes burning with fire, and his vision blurry than before. There was a corpse lying on the floor in the bedroom. His body was full of flames. He couldn't see his face at all. The corpse had a broken arm. It should be Dr. Bai who is suspected of being Sun Yibai.

The pungent smell of burning human meat almost made Lu Yunze spit it out. He glanced around the room, and it was also messy inside, and it was obviously turned over. At this time, the Buddha statue on the Buddhist niche attracted Lu Yunze's attention. This Buddha statue was exactly the same as that of Grandma Ma's house. Lu Yunze immediately picked up the Buddha statue, and just about to leave, he suddenly found that there was a notebook under the Buddha statue.

Burning pieces were constantly falling from the roof, and the house might collapse at any time. Lu Yunze checked the Buddha's niche again, and there was nothing suspicious. He took the book and the Buddha image into his arms and ran out of the bedroom.


The wood on the roof was so burned that it couldn't support the tiles, and a large piece of tiles fell down, just hitting Lu Yunze's body, knocking him to the ground. Because the quilt was in the flame for a long time, all the water was burned and it started to burn.

Xie Wan'er saw the house collapsed in half, and subconsciously rushed towards the sea of flames.

"Girl, you can't go." The fire-fighting neighbor grabbed the emotional Xie Wan'er. "Girl, you can only add chaos to them."

Xie Wan'er forcibly suppressed her excitement and covered her mouth, but could not hide her choking.

"Lu Yunze, don't have anything to do, you must come out safely." Xie Wan'er prayed in her heart, expecting him to hear her call like the last time and walk out of the fire safely. Tears rolled across her fingers, and when facing someone she loves, it is never despair, but hope.

Shao Yang rushed into the house and waved his hand to disperse the dense smoke in front of him. Seeing that Lu Yunze was struggling to get up, he ran over quickly, lifted the quilt on his body and threw it aside, knelt beside Lu Yunze, and wrapped the two with his quilt.

Lu Yunze found that the Buddha statue was broken, and a piece of paper fell out of the Buddha statue. Lu Yunze quickly picked it up. When he wanted to pick up the book that had flown out, he found that the book fell into the fire, burning blazingly, and he obviously couldn't read it!

Shao Yang saw that Lu Yunze was still paying attention to the book that had been burned for more than half of his time. He supported him and shouted, "Get out, it's too late!"

Lu Yunze helped the broken Buddha statue to get up and ran out with Shao Yang. The two had just walked out of the gate, and the house collapsed.

When people saw the two come out, they quickly stepped forward, cooled them with water, and extinguished the flames on Lu Yunze's pants.

Xie Wan'er stood not far away, looking at Lu Yunze who was embarrassed, tears raging again. She looked from a distance, she didn't dare to step forward, as if she was afraid that this moment was just her own illusion.

Lu Yunze took a few strides, came to Xie Wan'er, and hugged her into his arms.

Xie Wan'er cried loudly in his arms, like a frightened child.

"I promise you, no matter when and where, I won't let myself be troubled." Lu Yunze put a kiss on her cheek and solemnly promised.