The Awakened

Chapter 96: Adventure to rescue the 67 army


At 3 o'clock in the afternoon on August 13, the first battalion of the 523 regiment of our army encountered the Japanese army at the Baziqiao. The two developments fought fiercely and the Battle of Songhu officially began.

On August 14, the Japanese army began a general offensive, and the air force also went to Shanghai for coordinated operations.

The Democratic Party government issued the "Declaration of Self-Defense and Resistance", declaring that China will never give up any part of its territory. In the event of aggression, it can only exercise its natural right of self-defense to respond.

Chairman Chiang issued a general offensive order, announcing the blockade of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. In order to seize the initiative in the war and rush to destroy the Japanese troops stationed in Shanghai before the arrival of Japanese reinforcements, and achieve the purpose of driving the enemy into the sea, the Chinese army began a full-scale offensive, and at the same time dispatched the air force to bomb the headquarters of the Japanese Marine Corps, Huishan Wharf and surface ships. The enemy's flagship "Izumo" was traumatized, and the two sides suffered air battles, causing mutual damage.

The 88th Division of the Chinese Army entered and occupied the key points of Chizhi University, Wuzhou Cemetery, Bazi Bridge, and Baoshan Bridge. The 264th brigade commander Huang Meixing led his troops to fight and died heroically. The 87th Division entered and occupied Hujiang University and the Huangpu River to the north.

The Japanese naval artillery fired and the shell exploded on the Bund of Nanjing Road, killing 1,694 people, including 15 foreigners.

The two divisions 88 and 87 and local troops fought for stronghold after stronghold on the front line from Hongkou to Yangshupu.

Lu Yunze and Xie Wan'er were waiting at the small road junction. They had already heard the news that Shanghai was caught in the flames of war. They did not return to Shanghai, and continued to firmly wait for the car to return to the base to appear.

At this time, even if the two people returned to Shanghai to play against each other, it was of no use. Instead, they continued to find out the true location of the base, and sabotaging the Japanese plan was the most important thing.

On the 15th, Japan formally announced the formation of the Shanghai Dispatch Army, with Matsui Ishine as the commander, leading two divisions and regiments to Shanghai for reinforcements, further expanding the war of aggression against China.

At the same time, Japanese warplanes began to bomb Nanjing. 20 Kisarazu Naval Air Force Type 96 land attack aircraft, commanded by Lin Tian Shaozu, took off from the Omura Air Force Base in mainland Japan and crossed the East China Sea. They bombed the Nanjing University Field Airport and the Ming Palace Airport successively, resulting in two aircraft. There was a raging fire in the library and barracks. The Chinese army shot down only 4 Japanese planes.

China has tanks, aircraft, and heavy artillery. However, thousands of Japanese soldiers could not be wiped out at all. They hid in solid houses, used the houses as bunkers, resisted stubbornly, and caused the Chinese army to pay a heavy price and could not achieve the set goals.

The Japanese army relied on its air superiority to carry out violent bombings on downtown Shanghai, regardless of whether it was a civilian area or a garrison area. A large number of innocent people were killed under Japanese bombing and artillery shells.

On the 16th, the Japanese army fixed the headquarters of the Japanese Marine Corps as the center, and China and Japan continued to invest in their troops in Shanghai.

On the 18th, the Japanese fleet gathered more than 50 ships, including 25 destroyers, 5 large cruisers, 2 aircraft carriers, and large and small gunboats. After an artillery battle with the Chinese army, the Japanese fleet shamelessly moved to the vicinity of the American flagship and fired at the Chinese position in Pudong.

On the 19th, Song Xilian's 36th Division and Xia Chuzhong's 98th Division 294 Regiment rushed to Shanghai, and the Japanese army also transferred Fujita Jin's Third Division.

On the 20th, the 88th Division, the 87th Division, and the 36th Division attacked the Huishan Wharf under the cover of chariots. Due to the bombardment of Japanese naval ships, they retreated to the north side of Broadway Road after dawn. The first and second companies of the tank were all destroyed. Brigade commander Chen Ruihe of the 36th Division was seriously injured. Battalion Commander Li Zeng led a heroic assault with 300 soldiers of the battalion. However, due to tactics and other reasons, they were all wiped out by the Japanese in one street.

In the days of war in Shanghai, Shili Yangchang was completely destroyed. Lu Yunze and Xie Wan'er still did not see the car that sent the killer back to the base, and finally gave up. Tomorrow is the day when the two get married. There is a war, and the marriage will definitely be impossible, but Xie Wan'er has to go home too! At this time, the people of Xie's family are probably mad!

The two returned to Shanghai. Along the way, they saw countless people fleeing. The troops sent from Nanjing are also constantly moving in. Because the country lacks means of transportation, some of the troops use trains, some use cars, and most of them rush to Shanghai on foot.

Xie Wan'er saw that many houses were razed to the ground by bombs, and the people suffered heavy casualties. She was very worried about the safety of her family.

"Yunze, will something happen to my parents?"

"Don't worry, your family lives in a concession. No matter how bold the Japanese are, they dare not shoot at the concession." Lu Yunze comforted.

The Japanese are not really crazy yet. At this time, there are sane people who dare not go to war with the United States, the United Kingdom and other countries, and will not lead the war to the concessions, so that the powers of all countries have an excuse to participate.

Shanghai Huajie is in turmoil, but the concession is singing and dancing, as if it were two worlds.

The Japanese did not dare to fire at the concession, and a large number of people rushed into the concession to find a place to stay.

When Xie Wan'er returned home, the maid who opened the door saw Xie Wan'er and exclaimed excitedly: "Master, Madam, Miss is back!"

Xie's father and Xie's mother rushed down from upstairs and saw that Lu Yunze was also there. Xie's father recovered calmly and went downstairs step by step. Xie's mother ran down without any scruples, regardless of her dignified manners, holding on to Xie Wan'er's shoulders. , Anxiously see if there is any weight loss, if there is any injury.

"Dad and Mom, how is the situation now?" Xie Wan'er was very concerned about the situation.

"Hey! The situation is not good. On the surface, the national army still has the upper hand, but in the first two days, with 100,000 people, two heavy artillery regiments, tanks and planes, they failed to wipe out thousands of Japanese soldiers. Now Japan has reinforcements. It's already against us!" Xie's father was very disappointed with the combat effectiveness of the national army.

"We must be able to defeat Japan." Xie Wan'er rallied and couldn't wait to be on the battlefield at any time.

Lu Yunze was silent. What he cared about was not the victory or defeat of this war, but to crack the Japanese plan to kill the dragon and prevent the Japanese from destroying China in three months.

Seeing that the atmosphere was dull, Xie’s mother said: “We wanted to study with you to see what to do on the wedding day. We haven’t waited for you, so we directly discussed with your Uncle Lu. Nanjing was also attacked by Japanese air, so it’s not suitable for marriage at the moment. Wait two months, and the war will stabilize before we get married."

Xie Wan'er and Lu Yunze breathed a sigh of relief. At the very least, Lu Yunze's identity will not be revealed for the time being. This is also a bit of luck in the unfortunate situation that cannot be changed.

The hospital is one of the busiest places at this time. A large number of wounded are coming in. No hundreds of people have been injured. The corridors are full of wailing wounded. There are countless people with broken hands and feet. Every medical staff is busy. Non-stop. Many people who are not hospitals are also helping, but in just a few days, the hospital's medical supplies are not enough, and they are all delivered from various places.

Shaoyang was busy, when he saw Lu Yunze and Xie Wan'er coming and signaled them to wait. There were two seriously injured people in need of first aid.

Looking at this tragic situation, Xie Wan'er and Lu Yunze became more determined to undermine the Japanese plan.

"Doctor, doctor, save him." Two men carried an injured woman and rushed in. There was a shrapnel on the woman's abdomen, and a lot of blood flowed out.

Shaoyang hadn't dealt with the other two seriously wounded people, but stopped their blood, and had not stitched them up, and said to the nurse: "You come to stitch up, I'll save people." He rushed to the injured woman.

The nurses are stupid! She can't sew it! The hands holding the needle are shaking. But Shao Yang has already gone to work. All the doctors are participating in the rescue of the seriously wounded. Only sutures are left for the two of them. If she doesn't do it, the people may be saved for nothing!

"Nurse, hurry up!" The family of the injured urged, wishing to be injured instead of their relatives.

The nurse is scared, she has never learned this. Worrying about bad handling will make the wounded's situation worse.

Lu Yunze walked over quickly and said coldly: "Medical gloves."

The nurse quickly took out a pair of new medical gloves and put them on Lu Yunze. Lu Yunze took the needle in the nurse's hand and began to suture the seriously wounded. Seeing Lu Yunze suture expertly, the nurse immediately began to cooperate with him.

Xie Wan'er was surprised to see Lu Yunze's neat movements from the side. The man's skills were so many that she was amazed.

Lu Yunze has learned first aid at the base, and he has not only practiced stitching on animals, but also stitched himself up.

The wounded kept coming, and the hospital could not even accommodate them. After a simple treatment, the slightly injured were asked to leave the hospital to make room for the severely injured.

Xie Wan'er helped the wounded and delivered medical supplies. She was so busy that she was covered with blood from the wounded.

The three of them were busy until midnight before they had time to take a breath, and sat slumped on the place, drinking water to satisfy their hunger. It is precisely because they are desperately trying to save people without interruption that they can save a few more lives.

Shao Yang glanced at Lu Yunze and asked, "Have you found the exact address of the base?"

Lu Yunze shook his head and said, "I don't know if it's because of the war. I haven't seen any cars these days."

"What are you going to do? Keep staring?" Shao Yang asked.

"I hope it wasn't because they found out that they were being followed, and changed the road. The way to continue to stare is too stupid. I plan to catch Liang Zhenning. His identity is very important to the Japanese, and he probably knows the location of the base.

"Liang Zhenning has left Shanghai."

"Leave!" Lu Yunze was surprised.

"Liang Zhenning returned to the 67th Army. After the 67th Army took over from the 29th Army, they played vigorously with the Japanese. They are currently attacking the Japanese Nakajima Division that is heading south from Ziya Henan." Shao Yang looked sad and worried.

"He returned to the 67th Army at this time, I am afraid it will be detrimental to the 67th Army." Lu Yunze knew that Liang Zhenning was a Japanese, but suffered from the lack of evidence and could not directly prove it.

"Are we going to watch the 67th Army in danger?" Xie Wan'er knew that the Japanese should not be stunned and alert the Japanese, but she didn't want to watch an army be sent into the tiger's mouth by Liang Zhenning and be indifferent.

"Or, let's catch Yunzi Inoue! She must know the location of the base." Xie Wan'er tentatively suggested that as long as there is evidence, the 67th Army can be prevented from being betrayed and causing heavy losses.

Lu Yunze was silent for a while, except for whether he wanted to move the Nine or not, it was not that easy for them to move the Nine. Even if someone is caught, she will not necessarily betray her country.

Xie Wan'er saw Lu Yunze's refusal to express his stance, and said angrily: "She has betrayed you, is such a woman even more important than the country and the nation?"

Lu Yunze sighed, and before he could speak, he listened to Shao Yang's words: "Inoue Yunzi and Liang Zhenning went to the 67th Army together."

"Liang Hu is a hero. He should understand the truth. If we tell him this secretly, will he believe it?" Xie Wan'er said.

Shao Yang smiled bitterly, and said, "Do you believe in a son who has raised him for 20 years, or in a person you met for the first time?"

Lu Yunze made up his mind and raised his head and said: "We can find him, even if we can't convince him of Liang Zhenning's identity, we can make him be more careful."

"I can only try it." Shao Yang nodded, imminent, maybe this is the way out of nowhere.