The Azure Longsword

Chapter 1: Background of the journey and mission


Standing on the busy streets of Constantinople, he began to daydream.

Did I travel through time or was I trapped in the game and couldn't get out

"Solomon: A Song of Iron and Fire" is a fantasy RPG holographic online e-sports game that is popular all over the world. He is a professional e-sports player of this game and he appeared here inexplicably.

This world is almost exactly the same as the game world of "Iron and Fire".

The only difference is that this world has no players.

Without players, there will naturally be no player-related facilities, such as the online area, safe zone and resurrection area.

In other words, if you die in this world...

Maybe he's really dead.

His NPC body was named Asklepios Achilles, and he was an aristocratic NPC in the imperial capital of Constantinople, and his profession was a high school history teacher at the local aristocratic school.

Because the inheritance from his ancestors was very generous, his family was also very wealthy and he was a veritable second-generation rich.

Later, he was hypnotized by a female vampire and lost his normal reason. Within a few months, his parents were murdered, his property was taken away, and the housekeeper, maid, and butler in the house were all transformed into vampires.

He was the only one who was kept alive, and he was given blood to drink by the vampires in the room every day. If the original owner had not been strong, he would have died long ago.

One night, the vampire mistress decided to expand her hunting range, so she sent her maid to convert her next-door neighbor.

The neighbors were a family of three, a couple living alone with their daughter. The maid vampire had an accident while giving her daughter the first embrace, which woke up the owner of the house and made him scream. So she hurriedly killed the two, set fire to the scene, and fled in a hurry.

The fire was quickly put out by the Constantinople fire brigade. As the fire almost spread to her own mansion, the angry vampire mistress killed the maid.

What no one knew was that the neighbor's little daughter Peggy had been transformed into a vampire and was not completely burned to death.

She crawled out of the cemetery on the night of her burial, and after wandering the streets for a few days, she met the player and issued a revenge mission.

The person who received the task was a guild player, and he immediately reported it to his own guild.

The guild's top leaders analyzed that the matter should be reported to the church first. On the one hand, they could use the church's power to kill the vampires, and on the other hand, they could gain benefits and prestige from the church.

So the church immediately sent out a team of armored paladins, and joined forces with the guild players to wipe out this family of vampires.

Ask was the only ordinary human being who was bewitched and was not slaughtered by the church and the players in the process.

After the mission was completed, the church sold Ask's mansion to the player's guild as a reward for reporting the vampire incident. This guild thus became the first guild to have a base in Constantinople, attracting a large number of players to join.

After the entire quest was published on the forum, it caused a sensation and admiration among players across the server. For a time, countless guilds in Constantinople were searching for traces of vampires, werewolves, and witch NPCs.

As for the poor NPC Ask, he lost all his property and relatives, and could only live on the streets as a beggar. Every day, he was harassed by countless players, asking him:

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