The Azure Longsword

Chapter 100: Go into the city


All three battles were lost.

The Spartans were silent.

If they had only lost once, the Spartans might have been angry and regarded the mistake of losing to a woman as a great shame.

However, three consecutive defeats can no longer be explained by mistakes. It can only be said that there is a huge gap in strength between the two sides.

The Spartans respected the strong, and they looked at Ask in awe.

What kind of monsters are in your mercenary group (gender doesn't matter)!

To be able to lead these monsters, how terrifying is this leader's skills? !

"Is that enough?" Ask asked with a smile, "If we want to try again, we only have non-melee professions such as mages, gunners, thieves and doctors left."

Spartans: …

They actually wanted to test the strength of others again, but it didn't seem to be for consideration or to save face, but they wanted to see how powerful the other monsters were.

But since Ask said so, it would be embarrassing for the Spartan warriors to point at a doctor and say "I want to fight you one-on-one".

So Cang Qing Zhi Jian and his group successfully joined the Spartan Mercenaries and boarded the bus to the city of Olympia as foreign aid.

"Actually, we are here to help Olympia." Rudasius, Ask and others explained in the car, "Constantinople has fallen, and the Franks have established the Latin Empire there, and have crowned Count Baldwin of Flanders as the emperor of the empire."

"But after the siege, the industry in the Golden Horn had been destroyed, and the Seljuks were wreaking havoc in Asia Minor, leaving the Latin empire with no financial support at all."

"So they have already occupied Thrace, and next is Macedonia, and the ultimate goal must be to plunder the rich Cyrus."

"In the foreseeable future, Thessalonica will not be able to be defended. But we can help defend Olympia, like a nail in the Latins' marching route."

"If they want to march south to conquer Sirius, we will attack their army from behind and cut off their logistics and supplies. If they want to attack by force, we will repel them on Mount Olympus."

"Just like our ancestors led 300 warriors to repel the Iranian army at Thermopylae!"

"Roar!" The Spartans in the car roared in unison.

Ask paused.

This plot did not exist in the previous life. It seems that because there are no players in this world, the hurricane caused by the butterfly's wings has changed a lot of the plot.

In the previous game, after the players repelled the Franks, the Seljuks occupied Constantinople.

Then in the first version, the attack on Sirius began.

The first was to attack Crete, which originally belonged to the Eastern Solomonic Empire and was sold to Venus after the fall of the imperial capital. This is the so-called "Crete Naval Battle" copy.

In the end, the Seljuks won and captured the island from the Venetians. They then used it as a springboard to attack Cyresia from the northeast and southeast.

The Spartans defended the Peloponnese, that is, the Seljuk landing force in the southeast, while Olympia defended the Seljuk army in the northeast.