The Azure Longsword

Chapter 101: Grandfather


"It's not a question of being weak." Quintus said with a wry smile, "Give them the right venue, and a mage can be as good as a heavy weapons company."

"The problem is that there is no way to prepare for assassinations in advance, and in an emergency, mages cannot be a match for assassins."

"The Spartans can provide assistance," said Rudasius.

"With the help of the weapon master, I think these mages should be able to calm down a bit." Quintus sighed, "Currently, more than 30 mage towers have been announced to be closed, and the Mage Union has put a lot of political pressure on my father."

"We Spartans alone are not enough," said Rudasius, "We must recruit more mercenaries."

"Mercenaries are destabilizing factors." Quintus showed an embarrassment, "Not all mercenaries value honor and discipline like the Spartans."

"The Spartans are not purists either. The era of the closed city-state is over." Rudasius replied, "I used to be a Cypriot mercenary until I came to the Spartan city-state."

"We hope to hold a martial arts competition to select the most powerful warriors among the mercenaries and have them join the troops defending the city."

"We will use the Spartan's iron discipline to restrain them and make them into Spartan warriors who can rival the Latins."

"But this is to defend Olympia after all."

"Understood. Regarding the funding issue, I need to discuss this matter with my father." Quintus nodded and said, "Please rest in the military camp in the city first."

Rudasius nodded coldly and took everyone on the subway.

Quintus watched the Spartans go away, and his eyes suddenly stopped on a petite figure.

Hey, this guy... His heart was slightly touched, and the subway started moving, carrying everyone and disappearing from his sight.

Maybe it's an illusion.

Because it is built inside trees, the subway in Olin City is vertical.

Perhaps it would be more appropriate to call it a high-speed elevator.

The entire Olin City is divided into 106 floors, connected by more than 30 elevators. Some elevators only stop at odd-numbered floors, some only stop at the bottom 10 floors, and so on. It is as complicated as a network.

Rudasius and others took a military-only elevator that went directly to the 80th floor.

Although the city of Orin was very prosperous due to its lucrative trade in supernatural materials, the living conditions in the military camps still maintained the simple and rustic style of the Siris people.

The Spartans were assigned a large bunk bed room, sleeping together with the Olympian guards.

The members of the Blue Sword Mercenary Group were fortunate enough to get an extra single room, which was originally the officers' bedroom.

Due to the frequent assassinations in the city, the Olin City military camp was also attacked several times, so that the noble officers all hid back in their homes to sleep.

The bedroom is small and can only accommodate four beds, but this is no problem for everyone with the fireplace island.

Mia placed her hands on the French window, looking at the sea of clouds and the land below, and exclaimed:

"Asker, come and see how high we are here!"

"Be careful, the window is not strong and you might fall down." Ask said jokingly.