The Azure Longsword

Chapter 103: mechanic


Ask opened his eyes and felt pain all over his body.

It's too miserable to encounter a Upper Sequence... He thought to himself with self-mockery.

The so-called upper sequence refers to enemies with similar sequence abilities but higher level than you.

In other words, he has all the extraordinary abilities that you have. You can't attack him in the back, and you can't defeat him head-on, so it's naturally very uncomfortable.

The Assassin Assassin is one of the few professions that can be considered close to the Weapon Master sequence. Although he can still fight with the help of the Nine Star Styles, the price he pays is not small.

Even the narrow victory in the end, in which the opponent was killed, was achieved by utilizing the environment, as well as the awareness and operation of professional players, and by fighting hard with the opponent.

"You're still very weak." The young man came in with a medical kit, "Don't move around, be careful of the wound getting infected."

"Is this your room?" Ask looked around.

There were all kinds of mechanical manuscripts on the wall, including three-view drawings of hydraulic components and circuit diagrams with various symbols. On the table was a computer, the most bulky box-type monitor, with a thick stack of manuscripts next to it.

"This is the subway maintenance room." The boy said, "But I'm the only maintenance worker right now, so it's okay to call it my bedroom."

"Where is the assassin in white?" Ask asked.

"He was dragged away by someone sent from above." The boy said, "A nuclear fusion battery exploded. This kind of accident can't be hidden from anyone. If you hadn't killed him quickly, we might have all been exposed."

"We weren't spotted?" Ask said.

"My power armor has been discovered!" the boy gritted his teeth.

"Why do you have a power armor in the warehouse?" Ask asked.

"Because my lifelong dream is to build the most powerful power armor in the world! However, power armor is a military material and can only be smuggled in." The boy screamed, "I waited for six years to secretly get one, and you ended up destroying it like this!"

"You can go to the Holy Solomon Empire to buy it." Ask suggested, "It's legal to buy and sell power armor there, and it only costs about 200 pounds."

"Where did I get 200 pounds!" the boy said with tears streaming down his face, "My current annual salary is only 10 pounds!"

"Well, I see you seem to be of the mechanic bloodline?" Ask asked, "Why don't you help people make extraordinary items to make money?"

"How do you know?" the boy asked curiously.

"You posted the recipe for Mecha I on the wall," Ask said.

"Ahem." The young man covered his face in embarrassment. "There is a craftsman's association in Olympia City, and big customers would rather choose regular craftsmen. For a rough craftsman like me, customers would worry about production failure or materials being embezzled."

"The entry requirements for the Craftsmen's Guild are very high?" Ask asked.

"No, the Craftsmen's Guild only recruits adults..." said the boy.

"Have you ever considered becoming a mercenary?" Ask asked casually, "Mercenaries make money faster."

"Am I crazy? I don't want to be a mechanic anymore, but to be a mercenary?" the young man said disdainfully, and then he seemed to realize something, "Wait, you mean, you are a mercenary?"