The Azure Longsword

Chapter 105: Make your own opinion


"Sheila, the arcane mage." Ask introduced them to Hood one by one.

"Hello," Hood said.

The masked girl sounded young, probably an electric wave type... The boy secretly labeled her.

"Eleanor is the team's main combat output and is responsible for attracting enemy firepower." Ask continued to introduce.

She looked very imposing and rigid, a Justice Knight Sister? Hood thought.

"Nora, you've met the team healer."

"Hello." Nora smiled and winked at him.

Angel sister! Everything beautiful in the world exists!

Hood immediately responded with a smile, but he was filled with grief and anger in his heart.

The good cabbages are eaten by pigs!

"Mi'er, team sniper, long-range fire suppression."

"Hmm." Mier nodded lightly.

Three-no Lolita? This character setting is no longer popular nowadays, okay

Hood complained madly in his heart, but on the surface he nodded and responded: "Hello."

"Mia, team scout, rogue."

"You don't look that old." Mia put her hands on her hips and stared at him menacingly, "Call me Big Sister from now on, okay? I can protect you."

How do you protect that pair of A? Hood thought speechlessly, I'm not interested in loli, okay

"Peggy, team damage output, agile fighter."

Peggy looked at him coldly, which made Hood feel a little uneasy.

This person... looks like a yandere, as if he will draw his sword and stab someone at any time.

"Sidrifa, team armor-piercing output, strength-type warrior."

"Well, do a good job." Sidlifa patted his head.

Hood shrank his neck like a small animal, wondering if this person was a man or a woman.

"And finally, Medea, the Psion."

A psychic? A dark and powerful lady? Oh, wait a minute...

Hood shuddered suddenly, and then he heard Medea say with a smile:

"It's not polite to label someone when you first meet them, little brother."

She! Can! Read! My! Thoughts!

Hood's mind went completely blank.

He didn't envy Ask at all now. Being with a woman who could read minds like this was simply torture, right? How had he managed to survive until now

"Because she is upright and honest, she wouldn't have such messy and dirty thoughts like you." Medea's voice sounded in his heart.

"Get out of my mind!" Hood roared in his heart, and then added one more sentence.


"Haha." Medea laughed.

"This is Hood." Ask introduced the girls, "He's a Level 2 mechanic who has mastered the 'mechanical' and 'energy' sequences. He'll be working here temporarily, responsible for manufacturing and repairing everyone's equipment."

The girls clapped their hands.

"There's something wrong with my gun, you could help me take a look." Mi'er said, "Recently when I was loading the gun, I always felt it was a little stuck."

"Maybe the shell fragments blocked the locking mechanism." Hood took the "Killer III" rifle from her and disassembled it skillfully.

"Amazing design." He pointed at the revolver barrel and said, "In order to combine a sniper rifle and an assault rifle, the designer adopted a revolver pin structure. However, when the bullet explodes in the barrel, it always produces tiny metal fragments, which fall into the revolver structure during the rotation process, making it impossible for the revolver to return to its original position perfectly. That's why there is a jamming feeling when loading the bullet."