The Azure Longsword

Chapter 106: Great chaos


Olin City, the top floor arena.

The military tournament held by the Spartans here attracted a large number of mercenaries to participate.

After all, the bounty for first place is as high as 1,000 pounds.

In addition, mercenaries who perform well in the tournament will be exceptionally recruited into the Spartan mercenary team and participate in the defense of the city of Olin.

For mercenaries who are wary of their own business and are easily cheated by their employers when doing a mission, a career like that of a city defense unit, which requires a nine-to-five job and a fixed salary, is simply their dream job.

As a result, the number of people who registered for the first time exceeded 20,000.

As the saying goes, a thousand people would be limitless, and the arena certainly cannot accommodate so many people.

The Olin City Mage Association solved this problem: they found a demigod leader from the dream school and set up a large-scale dream that could accommodate tens of thousands of people fighting together.

In dreams, anyone can kill freely without causing any actual harm to others. The consciousness of the person being killed will only be expelled from the dream and return to the original body safely.

"What an amazing miracle." Standing on the top of the mountain in the dream, the city lord Apirius exclaimed.

In his vision, the land below had rivers and forests, fields and wilderness, swamps and hills, which could be said to cover most of the terrain of the Balkan Peninsula.

A perfect virtual venue for combat competitions.

"This is built in imitation of the legendary Heaven Mountain." The demigod of the Dream School said, "Heaven Mountain is the eternal paradise for all creatures in this world. Any species of creature can find an environment suitable for their own living in Heaven Mountain."

"It's a pity that most of the 25 ancient books that sealed the fragments of Mount Paradise have been lost." He sighed regretfully and said.

"Your missing East Asian branch personnel should have been found, right?" asked Apirius.

"Found it." The demigod said, "By searching the subconscious ocean, we can roughly locate them at the bottom of the Black Sea."

"After we salvaged the body, we could roughly tell that the wounds were caused by a sword and a bullet, but it had been in the sea for too long, so we couldn't tell any more information."

"Based on the only fragments of consciousness, these people should have discovered the fragments of Mount Heaven, but did not report it to the headquarters immediately."

"Their selfishness got them killed. By the time headquarters discovered something was wrong, these people had already been dead for a long time, and it was almost impossible to extract any clues about the murderer from their consciousness."

Apirius nodded solemnly but said nothing.

When a person dies, the superego sinks into the ocean of collective subconsciousness and is assimilated in a short period of time, leaving only the deepest memory with obsession.

If he is a spiritual being of a high level, then perhaps he can still move around in this memory and pretend that he is still alive.

According to the demigod's account, the most profound memory of those dead Eastern Branch personnel was apparently not "being killed" but "getting the fragments of Mount Paradise".

Therefore, the Dream Paradise Headquarters only knew that they were killed because of the fragments of Paradise Mountain, but they were completely unable to find out who the murderer was.