The Azure Longsword

Chapter 11: Miss Succubus


Ask walked forward quickly with his sword in hand, and suddenly a pleasant female voice sounded in his ears:

"Heh, if it hadn't really happened, who would have thought that a level 2 could be killed by a level 0?"

“If you don’t become a demigod, you will end up being a mortal.” Ask replied in a deep voice.

"That's right." The female voice said approvingly, "Master Achilles, you are calm and fearless in times of danger, and brave and careful in battle. You are more suitable to cooperate with us than that bat."

"Cooperation? What a coincidence, I am also interested in this." Ask did not stop, "It's just that the object of cooperation is not you, but you."

"Oh?" The female voice had a certain sexy upward tone, "With me?"

"Medea Sultan, the youngest daughter of the Sultan of the Seljuk Empire and the Queen of Succubus." Ask walked to the door at the end, stopped and said, "When she was ten years old, she took her first potion, Flame I. Before she could fully digest it, she accidentally ran into your mother and three black slaves having sex in the palace."

"This shocking image directly caused your mental power to go out of control. Although it did not drive you half crazy, it caused you to suffer from male phobia. Although you used your mental abilities to suppress it, once you have direct physical contact with any man, the fear deep in your heart will still erupt, causing the fire characteristics in your body to go out of control and start indiscriminate attacks."

"You are not an ordinary noble!" After her identity was ruthlessly exposed, the female voice finally lost her composure and said with obvious fear, "Who are you? What does the organization behind you want to do?"

"To your mother, a succubus who fears men is nothing short of a racial disgrace. To your father, the loss of control over Flame I meant that he could not completely digest the potion, which also meant that you would never be able to take Flame II. What value does a daughter who can never reach level 10 have?" Ask ignored her question and continued, "Sending you to the enemy's capital as an intelligence chief was also done with the idea that you could be discarded at any time. So there is no future for you to continue staying in the Seljuk Empire. You might as well follow me."

There was no response from behind the door, and the female voice seemed to have left.

It seems that I still need to do it first. Ask thought so in his heart and kicked open the door.

The curtains in the room had already been removed, and Medea, who was sitting on the cushion, immediately looked over and activated her mind control ability.

Damn it! When she saw Ask rushing in, her face suddenly turned black.

This guy actually has his eyes closed!

Mind I, can penetrate obstacles to perceive the mind of nearby life, can communicate directly with the other party's mind with thoughts, and exert influence secretly. However, if it is a person with strong will, in order to directly control the other party's consciousness, eye contact is required.

If the other person closes his eyes, there is no way to exert control.

Since you don't want to be controlled, then go and die! Medea pulled a red fireball out of the air with one hand and threw it at Ask, who seemed unaware.

A cold light flashed, and Medea's eyes almost popped out. Ask drew his sword with his eyes closed and split the fireball. Not only that, he twisted his body and thrust his sword in the direction of the fireball, slashing towards this side!