The Azure Longsword

Chapter 111: Ilanya Flash Step


"How is it?" Ask, who returned to the training site again, stared at Mia who was still running at the bottom of the hill and asked.

"Not bad," Rasul replied, "Although he doesn't seem very smart and doesn't understand the details of the movements very quickly, overall he is still above the normal level."

"What surprised me was her perseverance. Running for six hours in a specific posture, even in a dream, the mental fatigue is very great. For a little girl to be able to persist to this extent is quite rare."

"She used to be a thief, and patience is a basic quality of a thief." Ask recalled, "I remember she mentioned before that in order to steal something, she once followed the target for three days and three nights."

"Patience and perseverance are not the same thing." Rasul said, "Many of my new recruits have the patience to listen to my training plan, but less than one tenth of them have the perseverance to train according to the plan. The rest can only be forced by whips and long knives."

"My original plan was just to give her a head start. But judging by the current progress, it doesn't seem impossible to teach her the basics of instant movement in this dream."

"Just let her body remember this way of exerting force, and correct the subsequent movement details. Ask will handle it on your own."

"Of course." Ask paused. "Thanks, Rasul."

"You're welcome." Rasul laughed, "There aren't many people who know my identity and are not afraid of me. You're the first one who dares to ask me for something."

Ask smiled but said nothing. He couldn't say that he knew me in his previous life and we were very familiar with each other.

Rasul stared at his expression, feeling a little puzzled.

This guy... When I get along with him, he always gives me a strange feeling of being an "old acquaintance".

But Rasul was sure that he really didn't know him before.

He looked at Mia who was still running in a weird posture below, and suddenly jumped off the hill, drew his sword in the air and roared:

"You're running too slowly! Die!"

The sword blade hit the ground heavily, and Mia suddenly flew out more than ten meters away like a frightened rabbit.

"You have learned the flash step." Rasul sheathed his sword with a satisfied look on his face. "Remember the feeling of exerting force just now. Don't forget it."

Mia was stunned for a moment before she realized that she was now nearly twenty meters away from where she was just standing.

"Let's go. I've had enough of staying here." Rasul said lightly, turned around and walked away.

"Don't forget to give me the contact information of your men!" Ask reminded him.

With a contact in the assassin organization, it will be much easier to find sources of intelligence in the future. The infiltration capabilities of these assassins are simply pervasive.

Rasul didn't look back, but just waved his hand.

"How do you feel?" Ask walked down the hill and saw Mia lying on the ground in a spread-eagle position.

"Tired." Mia said weakly.

"That feeling... is very strange." She stared blankly at the sky in her dream, thought for a moment and then said, "It was as if all the muscles in my lower body were compressed, and then suddenly exploded, first the knees, then the thighs, and finally the calves."