The Azure Longsword

Chapter 118: Chain Count


The two power-armored knights stumbled back, their damaged vision filled with cracks.

Eleanor took advantage of the situation and rushed forward, and the second team of knights behind her rushed forward to cover the retreat of the two knights whose helmets were damaged.

The two knights on the left who were originally attacking but were blocked also moved at the same time to complete the encirclement.

"I'm coming too!" A roar came from behind Eleanor, and Sidlifa rushed out with two battle axes in both hands, and slashed at the knights in front with a whirlwind.

Whirlwind, a powerful move nicknamed the battlefield meat grinder. The knights were naturally not stupid enough to take it head-on, so they immediately retreated.

Suddenly a gunshot rang out.

A sniper bullet shot from a distance hit a knight whose helmet was injured. The bullet penetrated from the center of the broken military glass and was blocked by the exoskeleton lining inside. The shock wave caused by the force almost knocked the knight unconscious.

The next second, Sidlifa stopped her whirlwind and jumped forward to attack him.

Her forward jump was very short, her feet only slightly off the ground, and the axe smashed into the opponent's head, directly splitting the power armor helmet and almost breaking the head inside into two pieces.

After reviewing the battle between Ask and the Black Knight last time, and realizing that the Power Armor Knight is not invincible, the girls have made it clear that "the most effective way to deal with Power Armor is to repeatedly focus fire on the same part."

And this power armored knight who was unfortunately closest to the target became the first victim of the new tactic.

After killing the knight, the two girls did not take advantage of the situation to chase him, but turned around and ran away.

The knights were also prepared to counterattack and encircle and kill, but when they saw that the enemy did not charge but fled, they were suddenly surprised and puzzled.

"Don't rush in, be careful of traps!" Alfred gnashed his teeth in anger, but he did not lose his judgment. He waved his hand and said, "Team one will advance tentatively, team two will provide cover, team three will stay behind and pay attention to the surroundings to prevent being outflanked! All the followers will spread out to scout, and give the alarm immediately if there is any situation!"

So the knights moved forward slowly and cautiously, while the followers dispersed, staying in a circle of more than 20 meters away from the team, vigilantly searching the surrounding piles of debris, blind spots in the walls, and bunkers.

Suddenly, a scream from the attendant came from the right. The nearest knight rushed over and saw that in the dark alley, his attendant had fallen in a pool of blood with his throat cut by a sharp blade.

"It was a cut throat." Joel walked to the body and checked the cause of death. "And it was cut from behind. The murderer's technique was quick. The wound was smooth without any flesh rolling up, and the depth was just right."

"So?" Alfred asked, "What's the point of the depth of the wound? I can just chop off the head with my sword."

"It's different." Joel said, "People with greater strength often choose to behead cleanly, but this can easily cause the blade of the weapon to curl."

"If you don't behead someone, but only cut their throat, then the force is too light to kill them, and too much force will cause the weapon to get stuck in their neck bones. This murderer's method is the most economical way."

"So he's a real assassin, huh?" Alfred sneered and rearranged the tactics. "All followers, move in groups of two and keep watch on each other to prevent sneak attacks!"