The Azure Longsword

Chapter 119: Gravity trap


"This stairwell is too narrow." The leading knight led his companions and charged up the stairs. Due to the huge size of the power armor, the knights could only pass one by one.

"I have a bad feeling."

"We can't take the elevator," said his companion behind him.

Not to mention whether there is electricity, the load limit of the elevator itself is not enough to bear the weight of multiple power armors, and the knights cannot let the elevator slowly carry people up one by one.

Rushing to the corner of the fifth floor, the knights saw a masked girl sitting on the handrail of the stairs above.

She was not big and looked underage, with straight black hair falling below her shoulders. She was wearing an ordinary wizard robe, with her left leg bent and placed on the armrest, and her right leg hanging down in boredom.

"Hmm?" She looked over with her masked face.

"Get out of here!" The leading knight drew his broadsword.

"There are no pagans up there." The girl's voice was clear and pleasant, but her tone sounded like a sneer.

The knights were stunned for a moment, and the solemn oath to defend their faith that they had made when they first joined the Crusade seemed to flash through their minds.

However, the remaining passion and sense of justice were soon swallowed up by the cold reality and hidden guilt.

"We are only loyal to our monarch." The leading knight pointed his broadsword at the girl. "God is above, may he witness our loyalty and honor."

"Then if God sends your king to hell, will you go with him?" the girl said coldly.

Inside the power helmet, the knight's expression changed for a moment, and then he immediately thrust his sword forward.

Even if I really have to go to hell one day in the future, at least I will take this woman with me to be buried with me!

Before the sword reached her, Sheila sat still, and a low sneer came from under the mask.


She quickly turned her hands over on her knees.

Gravity Amplification.

The knight's sword continued to move forward, but his body sank strangely.

No! The ground is sinking!

The stairs under my feet are collapsing!

The staircase, which was already under the weight of several knights in power armor, could not support the suddenly doubled weight and collapsed into pieces in an instant.

The bodies of the knights, wrapped in steel skeletons, smashed through the stairs on the fifth, fourth, third, second and first floors and fell heavily to the ground.

The violent shock wave that came along the armor made the knights spit out blood.

Sheila waved her hand, and a pile of prepared stones floated up from the corner of the stairs next to her.

These stones were suspended in the air and gathered into a pile. The air pressure nearby began to drop rapidly, so that the air from outside rushed in frantically, pressing each stone tightly.

Then she suddenly eliminated the air pressure beneath the pile of stones and doubled their gravity.

Under the influence of the atmospheric pressure and amplified gravity above, this "cannonball" made up of many stones almost instantly passed through the holes in the stairs and hit the knights' power armor.

The violent physical collision shattered the air pressure technique. The next second, the tightly compressed air between the stones suddenly expanded, pushing all the stones violently in all directions.