The Azure Longsword

Chapter 120: Lemon essence


The Blue Sword finally joined the battle.

Of course, this is when the situation on the battlefield has been determined.

Soon, this obviously disadvantaged Latin Crusaders' vanguard could only desperately try to rescue the two commanders Alfred and Joel, and retreated in a panic to the northeast.

The Spartans fought bloody battles and chased them for two hours before they slowly returned with all kinds of trophies and reunited with the people of the Blue Sword.

Although Ask is totally disdainful of bragging about his own achievements.

However, this did not prevent the Spartans from coming over and praising the members of the Blue Sword Mercenary Group.

After all, an isolated army penetrated deep into an enemy-occupied town, caused a huge explosion, and finally killed the enemy commander, forcing him to flee in a panic. Although everyone only saw the result of this kind of thing, the process can still be imagined.

Captain Ask, you and the girls under your command are invincible!

It’s a pity that the Spartans’ words were too poor. No matter how much they praised, they could only say unremarkable words like "well fought", "beautiful", "wonderful battle", which made the girls drowsy.

The mercenaries under their command had already become impatient with these polite occasions.

"The Blue Sword? What kind of mercenary group is that? I've never heard of it."

"See? They're all women."

"Why are they all women? Am I seeing things?"

"You're right, look at that red-haired girl, her figure, wow."

The mercenaries were whispering to each other, and their voices gradually became louder and louder.

Rudasius coughed unhappily and his face darkened.

The mercenaries, who had been severely trained by the Spartans, immediately shut up in embarrassment.

However, after a few minutes, their discussion gradually became louder.

These guys were not beaten enough!

Rudasius was greatly embarrassed and quickly looked at Ask and the others.

Ask turned around and asked Medea: "Did you do it?"


"I don't know." Medea said confusedly.

"You did it, didn't you?" Ask said doubtfully, "It must be you."

"It really wasn't me!" Medea pulled her hair frantically, "Why should I let them provoke you? What's the point!"

"After all, you have a criminal record, and you have a bad taste..." Ask sighed, "Forget it."

Medea burst into tears.

"Ask, these people..." Rudasius was about to say "I will definitely give you an explanation", but Ask smiled and said:

"It's okay. It doesn't matter."

His open-minded statement made some mercenaries feel ashamed, while other mercenaries took it as a sign of guilty conscience and became even more arrogant.

A mercenary who looked like a troublemaker walked up to Ask and raised his chin arrogantly:

"You said your men defeated the Power Armor Knight in the center of town?"

"The fight is over, should we go back?" Ask asked Rudasius.

"Of course," Ludasius replied, "We will return after we collect the remains of the fallen warriors."

"Hey, don't ignore me!" The mercenary was suddenly furious.