The Azure Longsword

Chapter 122: Return to the city


The blue sword

All the mercenaries were speechless.

This terrible crater on the ground that looks like it was blown up by a bomb was made by the people of the Cangqing Sword

"I'm not sure about that." Ask replied in response to the gazes of the arcane mages.

"Haha." Orlin smiled slightly and didn't ask any further questions.

Regardless of whether it was your people who did it, I will definitely write about you in my report.

The group stayed at the edge of the pit for a while and then planned to move on. A passing mercenary curiously touched the remains of the power armor and tried to open it from the outside.

Of course it can’t be opened, the frame is twisted and deformed.

"Oh my god." The mercenary smacked his lips. Such a hard power armor could actually be melted by the so-called high temperature. How terrifying must the fire power that the arcane mages talked about be!

And such a terrifying ability came from someone in the Blue Sword Mercenary Group? !

Most of the remaining mercenaries were able to think of this as well, and they immediately changed their camp in their minds, completely discarding their previous hostility towards the Cangqing Sword.

Jealous? Curse? How is that possible? They are really great, okay? We can't wait to admire them.

Many fence-sitters even looked at Hogg with sympathy, who had previously ridiculed them.

That look clearly said: You're finished.

Having offended such a powerful mercenary group, you can start preparing for your funeral and find a priest to arrange your final confession!

Hogg's face was also pale.

If he had seen this "power armor graveyard" earlier, he would never have dared to jump out and provoke the other party!

He had already hidden in the crowd with his tail between his legs, keeping silent.

He even put himself in Ask's position and thought with horror that Ask did not take action against him perhaps just because he was concerned about the presence of Spartans like Rudasius.

When they return to the city and everyone is free to move around, the people from the Blue Sword might block him in an alley and use flames to grill, fry or fry him to destroy all traces.

A kind of fear crept up from the bottom of my heart like a vine.

No! I have to run away quickly and can't just sit there and wait for death!

He carefully slowed down his pace and gradually fell behind the team.

When he passed by the people from Cangqing Sword, his heartbeat suddenly quickened, as if it was about to jump out of his chest.

"Are you okay?" Nora happened to pass by him and saw that his face was very pale, so she asked with concern.

"I'm fine, don't burn me!" Hogg was so frightened that his soul flew away, and he ran away without thinking.

"Come back! Stop!" Rudasius, who noticed that someone in the team was running away, immediately shouted at his back.

Hogg didn't even turn his head back, but ran even faster after hearing that. Until Rudasius took the spear from his companion and threw the spear with a standard one-handed throw, stabbing the unfortunate mercenary to the ground from behind.

"Anyone who escapes without military permission will be punished by military law on the spot!" He turned his stern eyes to the mercenaries and said in a cold voice.

The mercenaries stopped talking, lowered their heads and continued on their way.

Ask seemed to be thinking about something and looked at Medea again.

"I just wanted to teach him a lesson." Medea shrugged. "Who told him to make you suspect me... But I was also shocked by the Spartans' decisive and cruel methods."