The Azure Longsword

Chapter 13: Secret gathering of supernatural beings


"You are a military nun, and your main skills are mechanical repair and treatment." Ask said seriously, "I have two bloodlines: 'Singer of Living Things' and 'Construction Craftsman'."

"Puchi." Medea sneered. The two names were quite similar.

"Singer of the Living Beings, you can freely manipulate living beings and spirits, corresponding to your healing skills." Ask said quickly, "The potion sequence combination is Life I-Spirit I-Will I-Mind I-Life II-Spirit II-Life III-Spirit III-Life IV-Spirit IV."

Medea: ...

"Construction craftsmen are automatically proficient in the knowledge of material machinery, power energy and CNC, and are good at making and repairing firearms, ammunition and other mechanical vehicles and equipment. The potion sequence is Projection I-Mechanical I-Power I-CNC I-Mechanical II-Power II-CNC II-Mechanical III-Power III-CNC III." Ask concluded, "If you want to focus on healing, choose 'Singer of Life'; if you want to focus on machinery, choose 'Construction Craftsmen'."

I know a few of these potion sequences... No, how could he know them? He's obviously only level 0! Could it be that what he said about the bloodline is true? Medea was shocked. No way! ? If it's true, these secret knowledge are priceless! Even if you say a word outside, you will be arrested by the church immediately. According to the principle of killing the wrong person rather than letting him go, you will be locked up until you die! He just said it so simply in front of so many of us

"Um, Mr. Ask, could you please say it again?" Nora said embarrassedly, "You spoke too fast just now, and I didn't have time to write it down."

"No." Ask said with a smile. He threw out the above knowledge just to quickly defeat the other party's arrogance and build up enough team prestige. Seeing that Medea was completely distracted, he just kept it a secret, "These are all precious secret knowledge, and you can't tell them a second time."

Damn it! Medea was so angry that she almost flipped the table on the spot, and she could only hold her face steady. If you know you can't say it, why did you say it? Now that you've said it, why can't you say it again

"Then do you know the bloodline of the succubus?" She suppressed her dissatisfaction and interrupted anxiously.

"'Succubus' is an ancient name from the Third Age." Ask said leisurely, "Actually there are two routes. One is the Abyss Succubus route, and the main sequence is flame, desire, and chaos. The other is the Purgatory Succubus route, and the main sequence is flame, desire, mind, and conspiracy."

So Miss Medea is going the route of a purgatory succubus? The other three girls present immediately reacted and looked at Medea. The latter had already reversed her initial cold and contemptuous attitude, and her excitement was now evident.

He really knows! He really knows! Medea screamed in her heart with excitement, trying not to sound urgent or rude: "What is the specific order of the potions?"

"You have now taken Flame I and Mind I." Ask said, "The next step is Desire I and Conspiracy I."

"Yes, of course. The_Stable_Path, the stable path, collect all the Sequence I first." Medea nodded repeatedly, revealing an involuntary respectful look, and asked in a low voice, "My question is, what is the upper limit of the four sequences? I am willing to pay a certain price in exchange for the answer."