The Azure Longsword

Chapter 18: Perfect Physique X


"Kill him!" The gunmen howled furiously and fired their guns at the attacker.

Ask rolled over and hid behind a nearby house. Countless bullets were fired like a torrential rain, making the ground full of dust. Looking at the scene of random shots firing in vain, Ask sighed.

The most important thing for a gunner is to choose a position and move around, followed by tactical awareness, and finally control and reaction speed. These gunners actually chose to charge from the front, with almost zero knowledge of position and movement; they were still shooting at the empty space even when the person had disappeared, with no tactical awareness at all. Dealing with these rubbish NPCs by myself really felt like a strong man beating up a child.

The opponent is too weak, I can’t muster any energy!

The gunmen were still firing at the open space, while another group of gunmen had quietly separated, and while their companions were using gunfire to attract the other party's attention, they went around from behind to launch a surprise attack and stab. But when they got behind the house, they saw that the people were gone.

Just when everyone was stunned, a burst of intensive gunfire rang out, and several gunmen who had circled behind fell down immediately.

"Overhead! He's on the roof!" The gunmen reacted one after another. As soon as they raised their guns, they saw a figure flash across the roof and disappear behind the eaves.

"Take your men to intercept! Petrik, what are you doing over there!" The gunner leader roared angrily. When they were outflanking just now, he asked his trusted Petrik to take three or four men to stay on the other side of the house, fearing that the enemy would notice and run away. As a result, the enemy jumped off the roof and ran in that direction, but no gunshots were heard from Petrik's side.

"All of Petrik's men were killed!" The gunman who rushed over there turned around and shouted, "Just now, when he was on the roof!"

Before he could finish his words, another gunshot rang out, and the leader of the gunmen fell down. The bullet pierced his skull, leaving a black hole in his forehead.

"The boss is dead too!" The gunmen shouted in panic, and continued to rush in the direction of the gunshots. Although their ferocity and bloodiness still supported them to continue fighting, they had lost their commander after all, and the formation originally used for encirclement immediately fell into disarray.

"Left! The brother on the left has fallen, he is on the left!"

"No! The bullet came from the right!"

"Up there! He's on the roof again!"

"Suppressive fire! What are you doing? Can't you even lock up a person?"

As the gunmen continued to howl and were shot dead, the remaining people finally began to waver. Since the start of the battle, more than 20 people on their side have been shot dead, and the other side has not lost a single hair. In fact, many times, everyone only caught a glimpse of a back figure, and then they couldn't find the target. Five or six seconds later, the gunshots rang out again, and as their companions fell one after another, everyone realized that the man had already moved to another direction.

This war cannot continue! It is just like a mouse chasing a cat, it is a road to self-destruction! Soon the remaining people reached a consensus in fear, scattered and fled for their lives.

Ask hid in the shadows of the corner, quietly watching the gunmen flee without chasing them. These rubbish NPCs didn't even have extraordinary characteristics, killing them was a complete waste of bullets. Don't bullets cost money