The Azure Longsword

Chapter 2: Even if it means spending all your money to buy equipment (1)


At this point in time, the bodies of the neighbor's family of three should have been taken to a nearby cemetery and prepared for burial at dusk.

According to the original plot of the game, Peggy crawled out late at night, so Ask was not in a hurry. Since his soul had been transported to the body of this confused NPC (which happened to interrupt the vampire's mental hypnosis of the original owner), he had to cut off all his original social relationships before the vampires noticed something was wrong and came looking for him.

The technology tree in this world is quite chaotic and unbalanced. Big cities already have satellites, mobile phones, cars and subways, but remote rural areas still have to fetch water from wells. Developed regions already have electronic currencies and stock exchanges, but backward regions are still using gold, silver and copper coins and bartering.

Cold weapons and hot weapons coexist, technology and supernatural powers compete with each other, this is such a strange and opposing world.

Constantinople, where Ask is located, is one of the most developed cities in the world, so it has complete public facilities in all aspects.

He took the subway to the neighborhood high school and slowly walked into the classroom where he would teach that day.

The tuition fee of this high school is not cheap, and most of the students are children of middle-class citizens, so the classroom order is relatively good. When the teacher came in, everyone fell silent at the same time.

As Ask walked up to the podium, everyone opened their textbooks and prepared to take notes.

"Everyone, close your textbooks. You don't need to take notes today," Ask said. "Today's homework is to write a paper on a topic of your choice based on everything you've learned this semester."

He glanced at the whole class and said loudly:

"After you've chosen your topic, go to the library to collect materials, write a history paper, and turn it in as this week's homework. For the next few days, everyone will study on their own."

The students cheered immediately. Although they didn't know how to write a paper, it was fun to study on their own! So, with his classmates bidding him farewell, Ask walked out of the classroom leisurely and headed towards the principal's office.

The door of the office was open, and the principal could be seen sitting in a reclining chair reading a newspaper. Ask pushed the door open and said bluntly, "Principal, I want to resign."

The principal looked up and saw that the teacher who offered to resign was the young master of the Achilles family. Everyone knew that this history teacher was actually a noble and his family was very rich. He had no intention of being a teacher. Therefore, the principal just nodded and did not try to retain him. He just said:

"Okay, but Mr. Ask, can you please stay for another week until the school hires a new history teacher?"

“No need,” Ask said. “I have already assigned homework to the students for the week. The history class for the next week will be changed to self-study. They will go to the library to prepare their papers.”

The principal smiled bitterly: "It seems that you are determined to leave. Well, are you planning to go back to run the family business?"

Ask shook his head and smiled, "No. I plan to sell the shop I have and then form an expedition team to go exploring."

"Sell it?" The principal was shocked.

He knew that the Achilles family had two shops in Constantinople, which were worth hundreds of pounds alone.

The pound here refers to the Solomon pound, which was originally a unit of weight and later evolved into the largest currency unit of the Eastern Solomon Empire. One pound of banknote is equivalent to one ancient Soledes gold coin. According to the purchase exchange rate in the previous life game, the price of a gold coin is about RMB 10,000.