The Azure Longsword

Chapter 22: The Blue Sword


"It arrived so quickly?" Nora was surprised.

I submitted my application at noon, but in the afternoon I was notified that I had successfully joined the Life Sect and was added to the internal group. Along with the notification, there was also a package from the Gardening Association in the same city, which contained a special brandy made from 10 kinds of fruits, three flowers of the Tree of Eden, and a topaz ring that symbolized my membership certificate.

So what are you waiting for? Let's start brewing the potion.

Taking out the newly bought crucible, Ask poured brandy into it, and immediately the rich aroma filled the entire study.

Ask scooped out the Corfu olive oil and poured a spoonful into the brandy. The liquid in the crucible immediately showed obvious stratification. He took out another Eden fruit, skillfully cut it in half with a plastic fruit knife, split out two seeds, crushed them, and threw them into the crucible.

The fragments of the Eden Fruit seed passed through the oil and fell into the wine, where they quickly dissolved. At the same time, the oil layer was changing. Its height was constantly decreasing, while the height of the wine was constantly rising, as if a mysterious force was constantly transforming the oil into wine.

"Who among you wants to eat the remaining Eden pulp?" Ask asked the people who were watching, holding the Eden fruit that was cut in half and the seeds removed.

"Can't we save it for next time?" Nora asked, raising her hand.

"It's already been cut, and the spirit will dissipate before tonight." Ask said, "It's better to eat it."

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment. Eden Fruit is a spiritual material! Can it be eaten? Wouldn't it cause any abnormalities or something if eaten

Seeing that no one dared to eat it, Ask picked it up and took a bite. The flesh was not sweet, but surprisingly sweet, juicy, and had a small amount of supernatural power. He ate the entire Eden Fruit in just two or three bites.

There is nothing wrong with eating Eden Fruit alone. In addition to satisfying your craving, it can also replenish your extraordinary strength. But you cannot eat other spiritual materials before digestion, otherwise the two will mix in the stomach and become a flesh crucible for refining magic potions, which is doomed to fail and the end is not good.

Finally, Ask carefully took out the flower of the Tree of Eden and gently placed it on the surface of the liquid. The flower gradually sank to the bottom of the liquid like a boat with a hole in it, and the petals gradually changed from their original pink to a brilliant light gold.

Finally, the flower sank into the liquid, and the entire pot of liquid also turned light golden. Ask poured the potion into the bottle and handed it to Nora: "Are you excited?"

"Excited!" Nora said excitedly. She was finally going to become the extraordinary person she had always dreamed of, how could she not be excited

"Then calm down first." Ask took the potion back. "Being too excited will increase the risk of losing control."

"What should we do then?" Nora asked with a sad face.

"Just sit down and meditate for a while."

So Nora sat on the ground and meditated for about five or six minutes before she opened her eyes and said calmly, "I'm fine."

She took the potion from Ask and drank it all, chewing the flower inside and swallowing it. Suddenly, pale golden lines appeared on her face and neck, with a mysterious and strange temperament. Her hair suddenly grew longer at a speed visible to the naked eye, so long that it almost dragged on the ground and coiled several times. The heartbeat in her chest began to increase to a clear and audible level, as if a heavy drum was being beaten rhythmically, making Eleanor beside her nervous, fearing that she would lose control and die in the next second.